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Zone1 God Explained


- to do so requires for you to provide the etched tablets claimed by moses from the heavens w/ 10 commandments - or remove the false commandments from all 3 desert religion documents and all references to them ...

and repent for the centuries those religions used the false heavenly personifications to persecute and victimize the innocent ... by the crucifiers.
I am not a descendant of Levi.....nor are YOU. Its up to you to prove your negative. Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence. :link:

I deal in TRUTH that can document My faith........not BS. :deal:

Who made you the JUDGE of truth with the authority to command others to prove your negative fallacy? :popcorn:

Show me the book, chapter and verse that declares that ("I") or anyone other than the tribe of Levi is responsible to protect the tablets of stone contained in the ark of the covenant. Again........you present no cognition to logic, reason........or the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. As I stated........you go through life attempting to BS your path in the hope that you find the one gullible enough to accept your BS. The answers you seek can't be found by parroting misinformation from the WWW.

"At the time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD; to stand before the LORD to minister to Him and to bless His name, to this day. THEREFORE LEVI HAS NO PORTION OR INHERITANCE WITH THE BRETHREN; THE LORD IS HIS INHERITANCE; JUST AS THE LORD YOUR GOD PROMISED HIM." -- Deut. 10:8-9

What was inside the ark protected by the tribe of Levi? Among the golden urn holding the mana, the staff of Arron that bubbled......THE TABLETS OF THE COVENANT." -- Hebrews 9:4

Which were to become lost to antiquity when the Israelites failed to remember the LORD's commandments. "And when you have been multiplied and fruitful in the land; in those days, declares the LORD, they shall no more say, "The Ark of the covenant of the Lord. "It (the ark) shall not come to mind or be remembered or missed; IT SHALL NOT BE MADE AGAIN." -- Jer. 3:16 Jeremiah (thousands' of years before you were a twinkle in your fathers eyes) declared the stone tablets would be remembered (lost) no more.

What did the Christ declare about the 10 commandments, when He was asked to summarize the LAW? He did not turn to address the 10 commandments.......instead He directed the question and quoted from (Deut. 6:5, and Lev. 19:18) Neither of these passages is part of the 10 commandments and tablets of stone. Jesus summarized the LAW as being constructed upon one simple concept, "You shall love YOUR GOD with all your heart and with all your soul and with your mind." -- Matthew 22:37-38. "This the GREAT and FIRST COMMANDMENT."
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So you learned a couple of new words. Big deal. The god you describe would certainly be transcendent, or beyond ordinary experience. As far as being every extant (existing) attribute of reality, you've got a problem. Reality is provable. Your can't prove your god even exists.
The universe popping into existence being improbably hard wired to produce intelligence says otherwise.
Direct experience of something is certainty. Hearing or reading about it is, essentially, hearsay.
The universe popping into existence being improbably hard wired to produce intelligence says otherwise.
We don't know for sure how that happened, but here are our best theories is not the same as must have been God.
Direct experience of something is certainty. Hearing or reading about it is, essentially, hearsay.
Agreed. The Big Bang theory is based upon "hearsay"........so is the The Theory of Evolution. Neither can be proven as a fact according to the Laws of Physics. Thus......the pseudo science called theoretical science...... The 1st rule of real science is "observation", the next rule of science, facts are "reproducible" via application of consistent experimentation. A Theory is simply "philosophy" dressed up like science. Just as Carl Sagan quoted, "theoretical science" is a WAY OF THINKING.

Who directly experienced the BIG BANG.........the FIRST EXAMPLE of life evolving from dead matter, Who experienced the creation of the earth, the moon or the stars?

Theoretical Science at best........is based upon nothing but Prima Facie evidence, but somehow forbids those who believe in creation from basing their faith upon Prima Facie evidence. Strange indeed. :popcorn:
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Agreed. The Big Bang theory is based upon "hearsay"........so is the The Theory of Evolution. Neither can be proven as a fact according to the Laws of Physics. Thus......the pseudo science called theoretical science...... The 1st rule of real science is "observation", the next rule of science, facts are "reproducible" via application of consistent experimentation. A Theory is simply "philosophy" dressed up like science. Just as Carl Sagan quoted, "theoretical science" is a WAY OF THINKING.

Who directly experienced the BIG BANG.........the FIRST EXAMPLE of life evolving from dead matter, Who experienced the creation of the earth, the moon or the stars?

Theoretical Science at best........is based upon nothing but Prima Facie evidence, but somehow forbids those who believe in creation from basing their faith upon Prima Facie evidence. Strange indeed. :popcorn:

Who claimed the big bang was more than the best theory we have? I'm pretty sure you didn't watch god create everything.
We don't know for sure how that happened, but here are our best theories is not the same as must have been God.
We absolutely do know the universe popped into existence and we absolutely do know it is hardwired to produce intelligence. You keep crying for evidence of God, well here it is.
We absolutely do know the universe popped into existence and we absolutely do know it is hardwired to produce intelligence. You keep crying for evidence of God, well here it is.

bb is a metaphysical, motional - cyclical event from energy to matter - matter to energy w/ a singularity equilibrium between the two phases.

The Big Bang theory is based upon "hearsay"........so is the The Theory of Evolution. Neither can be proven as a fact according to the Laws of Physics.

false statement.
We absolutely do know the universe popped into existence and we absolutely do know it is hardwired to produce intelligence. You keep crying for evidence of God, well here it is.
The universe exists, so therefore god. You know that's really dumb don't you? It's possible that a god that created everything does exist, but the fact of everything existing doesn't prove a god caused it.
Who claimed the big bang was more than the best theory we have? I'm pretty sure you didn't watch god create everything.
Regardless of using "circular logic".......you can theorize thousands of creation narratives......but at some point there had to be a beginning to anything that is physical......just as there will be an ending to such when all its energy has been exhausted. How many multi-universes do you wish to speculate upon? According to the Laws that govern this physical reality there must have been a beginning point. Unless you are agreeing to the only other alternative.......the existence of a Supernatural Realm, a realm that caused the physical to come into existence. Which is exactly what the idea about multi-verses preach. Strange bed fellows no? As these universe MUST be eternal to validate such a theory/idea.....but science proves that anything that exists in a physical state can't be eternal when it existence depends upon the consumption and expenditure of energy.

What is this law? Energy cannot be created or destroyed? The Law of Conservation. Which directly falsifies creation by some magic cosmic egg (of pure energy) that created itself from nothing then exploded. Then we have the 1st law of thermodynamics.......which must end with the Universe being a closed system.....which contradicts energy creating itself from another "closed system"........i.e, multiverse? When you chase such ideas......its called circular logic, that always ends back at the starting point......like a dog chasing its tail and never catching it. By Logical Thought...........in order for the Universe to exist as it does today, there must have been a superior (super) creating force to nature (natural).....a Supernatural Cause to the effect known as the Universe. It simply means our universe came into existence via unseen/unknown sources. Thus.......this creating force is SuperNatural.....superior to nature. Just as your other theories must be superior to our natural universe. Again...strange bed fellows no?

Your point? The key word is theory............."any" theory is nothing but human ideas based upon assumptions, conjectures and speculations based upon what is observable today.....i.e, "A WAY OF THINKING", No theory can be proven to be truth void of using the basic laws of physics via applying those ideas to the scientific method. Again......to prove that a theory is a fact of science, the idea must be proven through experimentation to be 1. Observable 2. Reproducible 3. With "Consistency" upon each application, if one of these essential laws of physics can't be proven via experiment.......then said theory is considered to be "falsified" by the scientific method.

Example: Pasteur falsified the idea/theory that life can be generated from non-living matter in the 19th century and his experiments have never been falsified. His scientific conclusions as expressed by the scientific method of Observable, Reproducible Constant results in experimentation proving that Life can only be produced from "pre-existing" life of the same species. Which agrees entirely with the Creation narrative in Genesis. All life is created/procreated........."each" after its "own kind". -- Genesis 1:24-26

But still.......even through Pasteur falsified the theory that life can be generated from dead matter..........this falsified theory is still taught as a fact of science to our children in all government funded institutes of learning.

Challenge: Anyone: present the scientific experiment that has ever falsified CREATION. Just one experiment that proves that life was never created.......... Unlike the theory that life evolved from dead matter...which has been falsified by a thousand or tens of thousands of experiments attempting to create life.......void of using pre-existing life of the same nature. ANYONE? There has not been "1" experiment that has reproduced life from non living tissue.

Who observed creation regardless of what theory/idea is applied as a POSSIBLE explanation? Who has ever observed and reproduced Life being reproduced from dead matter? Who has observed star dust.........created from Hydrogen and Helium via the explosion of a Super Nova evolve into biological life, which is the only possibility for LIFE to have evolved from 2 basic elements (Hydrogen and Helium)......the supposed byproduct of the Big Bang......which generated its own mass/matter from "NOTHING" according to Stephen Hawking.

Who are the one's who believe in FABLES and FAIRY TALES? 1. The Universe (which is proven to be in a state of decay.....non-eternal, via the laws of physics...i.e, the laws of thermodynamics) created itself from nothing. 2. The result of this explosion created 2 elements projected in all directions by the explosion.......eventually these 2 elements formed stars......that in turn created all the elements common to this universe......3. The elements existed in the form of a star until the first star exploded with the resulting STAR DUST eventually cooling off to make solid matter (non living matter) 4. This matter somehow evolved into biological life..........that some how can't be reproduced because of.........? Then, the speculations, conjectures and assumption fill in the blanks void of any type of scientific evidence that life has ever evolved from dead matter. Now......if you believe this narrative, then you must have FAITH because you don't have the science to back up your claims.
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Your point? The key word is theory............."any" theory is nothing but human ideas based upon assumptions, conjectures and speculations based upon what is observable today.....i.e, "A WAY OF THINKING", No theory can be proven to be truth void of using the basic laws of physics via applying those ideas to the scientific method. Again......to prove that a theory is a fact of science, the idea must be proven through experimentation to be 1. Observable 2. Reproducible 3. With "Consistency" upon each application, if one of these essential laws of physics can't be proven via experiment.......then said theory is considered to be "falsified" by the scientific method.

Example: Pasteur falsified the idea/theory that life can be generated from non-living matter in the 19th century and his experiments have never been falsified. His scientific conclusions as expressed by the scientific method of Observable, Reproducible Constant results in experimentation proved that Life can only be produced from "pre-existing" life of the same species. Which agrees entirely with the Creation narrative in Genesis. All life is created/procreated........."each" after its "own kind". -- Genesis 1:24-26

But still.......even through Pasteur falsified the theory that life can be generated from dead matter..........this falsified theory is still taught as a fact of science to our children in all government funded institutes of learning.

Challenge: Anyone: present the scientific experiment that has ever falsified CREATION. Just one experiment that proves that life was never created.......... Unlike the theory that life evolved from dead matter...which has been falsified thousand or tens of thousands of experiments attempting to create life.......void of using pre-existing life of the same nature. ANYONE?

Who observed creation regardless of what theory/idea is applied as a POSSIBLE explanation? Who has ever observed and reproduced Life being reproduced from dead matter? Who has observed star dust.........created from Hydrogen and Helium via the explosion of a Super Nova evolve into biological life, which is the only possibility for LIFE to have evolved from 2 basic elements (Hydrogen and Helium)......the supposed byproduct of the Big Bang......which generated its own mass/matter from "NOTHING" according to Stephen Hawking.

Who are the one's who believe in FABLES and FAIRY TALES? 1. The Universe (which is proven to be in a state of decay.....non-eternal, via the laws of physics...i.e, the laws of thermodynamics) created itself from nothing. 2. The result of this explosion created 2 elements projected in all directions by the explosion.......eventually these 2 elements formed stars......that in turn created all the elements common to this universe......3. The elements existed in the form of a star until the first star exploded with the resulting STAR DUST eventually cooling off to make solid matter (non living matter) 4. This matter somehow evolved into biological life..........that some how can't be reproduced because of.........? Then, the speculations, conjectures and assumption fill in the blanks void of any type of scientific evidence that life has ever evolved from dead matter. Now......if you believe this narrative, then you must have FAITH because you don't have the science to back up your claims.
So much writing. So little understanding of the subjects you mention. I'll leave it to a 6th grade science teacher to explain all the misunderstandings you have, but I will remind you that gravity is still just a theory. What experiments have falsified the big bang theory? What reproducable procedure proves the universe didn't come into existance that way?
So much writing. So little understanding of the subjects you mention. I'll leave it to a 6th grade science teacher to explain all the misunderstandings you have, but I will remind you that gravity is still just a theory. What experiments have falsified the big bang theory? What reproducable procedure proves the universe didn't come into existance that way?
Yeah.....those pesky little things called facts of science always seem to end the discussion. You can't answer, but its "I" that can't comprehend. LMAO Its called "APPLIED SCIENCE".

What experiments? The point exactly. According to Hawking, the energy that produced the big bang.........CREATED ITSELF FROM NOTHING. This alone falsifies the entire IDEA. If this is not true.......explain where this energy came from based upon the LAWS OF PHYSICS. Or not.........just present the experiment that proves the Big Bang to be a fact of science via application of the scientific method.
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Yeah.....those pesky little things called facts of science always seem to end the discussion. You can't answer, but its "I" that can't comprehend. LMAO:abgg2q.jpg:
That is interesting and all, but you didn't point out the experiment that disproved the big bang.
That is interesting and all, but you didn't point out the experiment that disproved the big bang.
That's because..........the Big Bang is dismissed by the laws of physics. Energy cannot be created or destroyed...........from NOTHING. If nothing is what you have........nothing is all that you will ever have. -0- x-0- = What? Your big bang? Can't stand to have your ass handed to you by the Laws of Physics? :deal:
That's because..........the Big Bang is dismissed by the laws of physics. Energy cannot be created or destroyed...........from NOTHING. If nothing is what you have........nothing is all that you will ever have. -0- x-0- = What? Your big bang? Can't stand to have your ass handed to you by the Laws of Physics? :deal:
You've just falsified the big bang theory. I'm sure dozens of people around the world agree with you.
The universe exists, so therefore god. You know that's really dumb don't you? It's possible that a god that created everything does exist, but the fact of everything existing doesn't prove a god caused it.
No. You skipped a couple of points. Which effectively means you think those points support my assertion.

The universe popping into existence hardwired to produce intelligence is so improbable that it could have only been intentional.
Who claimed the big bang was more than the best theory we have? I'm pretty sure you didn't watch god create everything.
The cosmic background radiation which are the remnants of massive amounts of mutually annihilated paired particles is the best evidence of the universe popping into existence.
You've just falsified the big bang theory. I'm sure dozens of people around the world agree with you.

That's because..........the Big Bang is dismissed by the laws of physics.
Except it is possible for matter to have a beginning.

In a closed universe the gravitational energy which is always negative exactly compensates the positive energy of matter. So the energy of a closed universe is always zero. So nothing prevents this universe from being spontaneously created. Because the net energy is always zero. The positive energy of matter is balanced by the negative energy of the gravity of that matter which is the space time curvature of that matter. There is no conservation law that prevents the formation of such a universe. In quantum mechanics if something is not forbidden by conservation laws, then it necessarily happens with some non-zero probability. So a closed universe can spontaneously appear - through the laws of quantum mechanics - out of nothing. And in fact there is an elegant mathematical description which describes this process and shows that a tiny closed universe having very high energy can spontaneously pop into existence and immediately start to expand and cool. In this description, the same laws that describe the evolution of the universe also describe the appearance of the universe which means that the laws were in place before the universe itself.

That's because..........the Big Bang is dismissed by the laws of physics. Energy cannot be created or destroyed...........from NOTHING. If nothing is what you have........nothing is all that you will ever have. -0- x-0- = What? Your big bang? Can't stand to have your ass handed to you by the Laws of Physics? :deal:
Rather than arguing against the universe being created from nothing, you should be arguing for it. As it perfectly matches the account in Genesis.

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