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Zone1 God Explained

Moses gave the law only to Biblical Israel........not their fathers (ancestors such as Adam, Noah, Abraham etc.) No gentile is bound by the Laws of Moses.....nor have they ever been bound by such (Deut. 5:1-3). Further more the prophet Jeremiah declared the day was approaching where there would be a NEW COVENANT.......unlike the law of Moses. (Jer. 31:31-34).

In the "Patriarchal" ages such as during the time of Moses and preceding the New Testament........it was the fathers who made sacrifices to God, women were restricted. Thus the term patriarchal. Under the Law (of Moses) the priesthood was restricted to the men from the tribe of Levi. This is not to declare that God was bigoted toward women, as the women where allowed to sing alone with the men in worship and praise to God. (Ezra. 2:65)

Both men and women are made in the image of God (in spirit, which comes directly from God, as God is a Spirit -- John 4:24) -- Genesis 1:26, which agrees with the New Testament teaching, men and women are equal in the eyes of God (Gal. 3:27-29) women are just as much heirs to the promise made to Abraham as are the men.

God has always made a distinction between male and female. Example: Women's clothing must be distinct from men (Duet. 22:5). Men and women are to have distinctive air styles as declared by Paul in the New Testament (1 Cor.11:14-15). The way a female and male child were purified after birth is distinct. (Lev.12:2-8).

Why the distinction by the Lord God? Man was first created (Gen. 2:18). The woman was created "from" the man.....meaning God used the DNA from ADAM to create EVE (Gen. 2:21-23). Literally the term Wo........man, means FROM MAN. It is for this reason that the original Hebrew term for Adam not only refers to the first man, but it is the same term used to denote all of humanity.

The woman (Eve) was created as a helper for the first man (Adam) -- 1 Cor. 11:8-9. Even before the fall of man........aka, when sin entered the world through the sin of Adam, Adam was the worker and provider, Eve was the child bearer. (Gen. 2:15) Even before sin entered the world.......the man was placed in authority as head of the family unit (1 Tim. 2:12-14)

This is the reason Adam is charged by the Lord as the one who introduced sin into the world...........as head of the family, it was Adam's responsibility to correct his spouse (Eve), he failed to do as much even though he understood his responsibility.........he even attempted to lie to God about the sin and blamed the sin on Eve. Thus God charged Adam, not with 1 sin but 2 (Genesis 3:17)

This order of authority still remains......without restriction to any N.T. commandment of Jesus. As declared by the Apostle of Christ (1 Cor. 11:2-3,10)

Its a simple un-baised commandment of God. The head of Jesus is God, the head of man is Jesus, the head of the family is man......the man and woman share in equal duties as far as the family goes.......but in a formal service, just as with the tribe of Levi.......its the man who teaches the gathered congregation the law of God. Why? God made it clear, it is the duty and responsibility of man to do as much.
Don’t feed the trolls.

That guy is on drugs or something.
Never said god doesn't exist. I just don't have any reason to believe he does, or if he does exist, whether he is worthy of being called a compassionant, loving god.
For you to reach that conclusion your view of existence must be diametrically opposite my view of existence.
There is no where in the holy scriptures that suggests that God despises women or is prejudiced against any woman. In fact the scriptures clearly state that males and female are equal in the eyes of God (Gal. 3:27-29)..........as far as humanity is concerned. As presented by book, chapter and verse previously.

The only limitation placed upon the women who have been baptized into the kingdom of God...i.e, the church.....is the command that women may not hold authority over the man within the church body........because God created man first. This does not equate to hate or disrespect for the women in the church. Its simply the hierarchy (order) or structure of the body............of Christ, i.e., the church. Women cannot openly teach men in a formal manner during services (1 Tim. 2:11-12)..........but in life, the woman is just as important to the church as is the man. (Acts 18:26) Example: Women can teach other women or children in the ways of God (Titus 2:3-4)

Women played very important rolls in the structure of the kingdom/church during its infant stage of the 1st century. Having prophecies to establish the kingdom/church's doctrine is mot limited to men only. (Acts 2:17) Philips' daughters prophesied the "word of God" (Acts 21:9) Those who are attempting to deny the word of God and make preachers of women today simply can't find the authorization in the word of God.......so they declare that God's words contradict themselves........but, the scriptures do not declare that these women prophets taught men during formal services..........women are authorized to teach other women, thus there is no contradiction.

Women are just as important as men in offering service to God's peoples. Dorcas/Tabitah helped the poor and was full of good works and charity (Acts 9:36-39). Women helped Jesus prepare (Matt. 26:7-13). Phoebe was a servant to the church/kingdom ......Paul instructed others to give her the respect they would a saint (Roman 6:1-2). Paul further stated that they should help these women (Euodia and Syntyeche) who have labored side by side with him in the name of the Lord, their names would be recorded in the book of life (Phil. 4:2-3)
Why do think that women are to respect the authority of men?
you haven't heard the lies by moses claiming eve listened to a serpent and betrayed the heavens - claimed by {sic} moses.
The enchanter got into Eve's head, just as it gets into our heads today. There was no 'snake'.
So men do not become weak and passive as Adam did when the serpent was tempting Eve.
Adam ate the fruit out of frustration, not weakness.
Adam: "Alright, alright, I'll eat the fruit. Shut up already!"

Women can't be forced to accept men's authority, they must assent to it.
What did you see when you fled Egypt with Moses?

the murderer fled egypt ... where are the heavenly stone tablets etched w/ 10 commandments claimed by the liar moses - they never existed nor the demonic story of a&e made up by the same criminal.

jesus is a repudiation of judaism and their liberation theology, self determination is no where found in the christian bible, nor the true story of a&e as taught by jesus.
The enchanter got into Eve's head, just as it gets into our heads today. There was no 'snake'.

there's was a decision to become responsible for their own lives and were sent on their mission by the heavens ... for remission were they to accomplish their goal to be equal w/ those already there.

to: find their own way in life, and for remission as prescribed by the heavens - to triumph good vs evil - or accept whatever other fate that may lay before them.

as taught by jesus.
the murderer fled egypt ... where are the heavenly stone tablets etched w/ 10 commandments claimed by the liar moses - they never existed nor the demonic story of a&e made up by the same criminal.

jesus is a repudiation of judaism and their liberation theology, self determination is no where found in the christian bible, nor the true story of a&e as taught by jesus.
Jesus validates Moses throughout the gospel books.
hereditary idolatry - apartheid heaven - paterfamilias ... what more evil could there be save also the 4th century christian bible.

whether bound by moses or not is no different than tolerating the criminals and their crimes than to cleans society of their evil.
Clearly you have not read might less attempted to comprehend the Holy Scriptures. You simply enjoy TROLLING. :abgg2q.jpg:

You are singing to the Choir in relation to the Bible being corrupted by the supposed "universal" church....i.e, the Roman Catholic Church.....who formatted the church to be more like a tool of military conquest than a religion based upon grace and forgiveness. Rome could not defeat the spread of Christianity so the Empire decided to weaponize the doctrine and declare that the man made traditions are superior to the actual content of the Holy Scriptures........thus Rome attempted to use the church to accomplish what its military was failing to accomplish, conquer the known world and dictate politics from Vatican City, the heart of the Roman Empire.

As far as punishing evil..............it was God who instituted Capital Punishment as a deterrent against evil....i.e, the spilling of innocent blood (Genesis 9:6). There is a list of things that God simply hates.........among those things is the spilling of innocent blood (Prov. 6:16-19).......another, a lying tongue (bearing false witness) Thus..........the 10 commandments. Thou shalt not Murder...........there shalt not bear false witness.

As far as capital punishment used to punish evil? God's doctrine of capital punishment for crimes against humanity still apply to the Christian in the New Testament. (Roman 13:1-4).....God's appointed governments ........"do not bear the sword in vain". The Christian is more than allowed to protect his life and property via the use of weapons and force when required.

The scriptures teach there is a time/season for all things..........A season to kill (Eccl. 3:3)..........which is carried over into the New Testament of Jesus Christ and His teachings There is no greater love than to lay down your life for friends (John 15:13)

Example: A strong man when fully armed can protect His home and property (Luke 11:21) The use of weapons were authorized by the teachings of Jesus (in fact Peter clearly carried a weapon and did not fear to use it........he attempted to protect the Lord from being arrested when he stuck and cut off the ear of "Malchus" -- Matt. 26:51, Luke 22:49-50, John 18:10). Jesus instructed His disciples to sell their garments if required in order to purchase a weapon when He sent them out to evangelize strange lands (Luke 22:35-36)
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the murderer fled egypt ... where are the heavenly stone tablets etched w/ 10 commandments claimed by the liar moses - they never existed nor the demonic story of a&e made up by the same criminal.

jesus is a repudiation of judaism and their liberation theology, self determination is no where found in the christian bible, nor the true story of a&e as taught by jesus.
How do you know Moses murdered someone?
Moses told you.
So he lied!
Major proficy that didn't happen.
So the end of the world hasn’t happened yet, that means it’s not true? :laughing0301:

The end times won’t happen until the End of this Age. But when the time of tribulation comes, it will happen quickly, within one generation, not many. This generation that it happens to will see it all happen.

Jesus a few verses later says that even the Son does not know the time this will happen, only the Father does.
So the end of the world hasn’t happened yet, that means it’s not true? :laughing0301:

The end times won’t happen until the End of this Age. But when the time of tribulation comes, it will happen quickly, within one generation, not many. This generation that it happens to will see it all happen.

Jesus a few verses later says that even the Son does not know the time this will happen, only the Father does.
That is exactly right. That generation has long since passed away, and no end of the world. I'm not sure how an unknown day or hour could preclude the generational claim.

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