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Zone1 God Explained

That is exactly right. That generation has long since passed away, and no end of the world. I'm not sure how an unknown day or hour could preclude the generational claim.
The end of the world could not happen until the gospel had reached the ends of the Earth. Which is only recently. “This generation” refers to the one that will see the end times start.
The end of the world could not happen until the gospel had reached the ends of the Earth. Which is only recently. “This generation” refers to the one that will see the end times start.
No. That is not what "this generation" means in the context of the prophesy. Just because you made up an excuse to get past the obviously false prophesy doesn't mean your claim is true. There are many more false prophesys in the bible. That one was just one of the more blatent ones.
No. That is not what "this generation" means in the context of the prophesy. Just because you made up an excuse to get past the obviously false prophesy doesn't mean your claim is true. There are many more false prophesys in the bible. That one was just one of the more blatent ones.

I do not make things up, I read what the Bible says. You are the one injecting your made up beliefs.

At the beginning of chapter 24 of Matthew, the disciples approached him and pointed to the temple buildings.

1 As Jesus left the temple and was walking away, his disciples came up to him to call his attention to the buildings of the temple.2 He thereupon said to them, “Do you see all these? Amen, I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another; every one will be thrown down.”

This is the prophecy of the destruction of the (second) Temple in Jerusalem.

Now, pay attention BULLDOG :

3 As he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached and spoke to him when they were alone. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

The disciples ask him “when will this happen”, pertaining to the destruction of the Temple.

AND what will be the sign of your coming”

AND of the end of the age”.

These are at least three separate future events being asked of.

3a) When will this [destruction of the temple] happen?
3b) What is the sign of your coming?
Also may infer the question 3bb) When is your coming?
3c) What is the sign of the End of the Age?
Also may be asking When the End of Age will come (3cc)

24:4 - 8
Jesus goes on to list some signs(false prophets, wars, famines, earthquake), but says they are not signs of the end of the age or his coming, but that they are the beginning of “labor pains” and you should not worry. So he is warning us these are NOT signs.

24:9 - 14
Jesus then lists more things, listing persecution, and that the gospel must be spread to the ends of the Earth. These things must happen before the end will come, but are not necessarily “signs” the end will be imminent.

24:15 - 27
Jesus lists more signs, but says these are signs of the tribulation (3c), but they are NOT the sign of the coming of the Son of Man itself, for that will be unmistakable when it does happen.

24:29 -31
After the tribulation the Son of Man will come. (3b) (3bb) Then the elect will be gathered by his angels.

24:32 - 35.
Jesus stops and now gives a parable about a fig tree. That when it sprouts you know summer is near. This is same for when the signs come. One generation will witness these things. So the end times will not happen over many generations. “This generation” that witnesses the signs will also see the end and the coming of the Son.

24:36 - 44
Jesus goes on to explain that no one, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself know when this will happen. Only the Father. (3cc)


So this completely destroys your argument that Jesus was telling the disciples that they would see all these things happening, as he himself did not know at that time when it would happen.

YOU are the one conflating all these different events into one, as opposed to treating them as separate events.

Jesus also did not address the destruction of the Temple itself. You’ll notice back in 24:1 they were leaving the temple. They asked him these questions later on when he was on the Mount of Olives. (Mark 13 confirms this).

The destruction of the temple is addressed in John 2:19, when Jesus said he would “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.”
This refers to the fact that the temple is the consecrated dwelling of God (although the Ark and flaming presence of God wasn’t there), which is in the tabernacle of the stone temple. Once Jesus died on the cross, this temple was deconsecrated and no longer a real temple. When he rose on the third day, his resurrected body was now the new tabernacle and new temple made of flesh.
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Jesus validates Moses throughout the gospel books.

the 1st century was a repudiation of judaism, not only jesus those others that gave their lives did so for liberation theology, self determination. the path set forth by the heavenly a&e.

those books, the 4th century christian bible are written by the crucifiers after the passing of those that followed the true path were sufficiently put to death to write their own version the opposite of the historical events and used jesus to enshrine their nefarious deception.
...another, a lying tongue (bearing false witness) Thus..........the 10 commandments. Thou shalt not Murder...........there shalt not bear false witness.

- provide the heavenly tablets claimed by the liar moses that never existed or yourself be known for their heavenly pretension as well as your own ...
Jesus a few verses later says that even the Son does not know the time this will happen, only the Father does.

you are wrong - the prescribed religion of antiquity provides the answer - final judgement will occur with the passing of the last person of evil or good that all remaining will be the same ...

the conclusion of the heavenly parable set forth by a&e and punctuated at the cataclysmic event during the time of noah.
the 1st century was a repudiation of judaism, not only jesus those others that gave their lives did so for liberation theology, self determination. the path set forth by the heavenly a&e.

those books, the 4th century christian bible are written by the crucifiers after the passing of those that followed the true path were sufficiently put to death to write their own version the opposite of the historical events and used jesus to enshrine their nefarious deception.
Interesting theory.
- provide the heavenly tablets claimed by the liar moses that never existed or yourself be known for their heavenly pretension as well as your own ...
"You" provide the evidence the stone tablets never existed. Just like all "trolls" you have the mule attempting to push the plow. Lack of evidence is not evidence of absence. Just like all Darwinian Cultists.......you present no cognitive connection to reason and logic......its just opinion based upon assumption, conjecture, and speculation. Example: There is not, in existence.......or it has not been found as of yet, an original copy of "Homers' Odyssey"........but this does not stop, our supposed institute of (wink, wink) higher learning from using the transcripts that came from an oral history in order to teach future generations of the ODYSSEY. FACT: there are greater records of error of manuscript transfers than exists in the Holy Scriptures.........but this little inconsistency does not stop any University from teaching the history of Homer's writings. But you require the original stone tablets? LMAO.

There exists mountains of "prima facie" evidences that prove the existence of such a moral code as recorded on your (wink, wink) non existent stones. 1. All modern nations draft law based upon the concepts introduced in the Holy Bible. 2. The 3500 year existence of the Holy Scriptures that have been printed more than any other piece of literature in world history. 3. The existence of the US Constitution, the source that calibrates the entire US judicial system is based primarily on Blackstone's Commentaries on the laws of England.....which in turn referenced the Holy Scriptures.

You are quick to use a "logical fallacy"...........i.e, a negative argument by which you can't provide the evidence to support your claim in any objective, testable, repeatable method.

Apparently you believe in "Lawlessness" instead of following the commonly accepted laws of all civilized society that create the minimal standard of acceptable behavior. Laws such as. Thous shalt not steal, thou shalt not murder, thou shalt no bear false witness......etc. Because you don't believe the laws exist to you? :abgg2q.jpg:

Just how do you assume these standards that calibrate law in a global fashion evolved? There are no laws of morality provided by nature.........there is no moral compass that exists in nature to guide natural based upon empathy/understanding for other creatures. Nature works by instinct.......the instinct to survive and continue the bloodline. It kills when its hungry..........it fights to mate and reproduce. Thus.........civilized law could not have evolved "naturally" from a non-existent moral compass. Yet another hole in Darwin's theory based upon might makes right, survival of the fittest....etc. Even Darwin admitted to the flaws of his theory when it comes to morality. Darwin knew and comprehended that morality did not evolve from "pond scum".

He was compelled to draft another account of Morality in nature......filled with ASSUMPTIONS ( by his own admission) and more SPECULATIONS in order to attempt to explain away morality based upon transcendence (superior to man and nature) to nature. Descent of Man. More than laughable......all the hoops Darwin attempted to jump through. Its a good laughable read, if you want to waste a couple of hours on nonsense. According to Darwin "HUG" hit "CLUG" over the head while they were cavemen........and HUG thought to tell the others within his little society that killing CLUG was not right......what He really feared what CLUGS spouse would do the same to him.:deal:
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There are no laws of morality provided by nature.........there is no moral compass that exists in nature to guide nature

you are in error

the true heavenly laws that guide all beings for their quest if so desired for admission to the everlasting are their own reward when accomplished ... the religion of antiquity.

least we remind the heavenly pretentious, moses as well a liar was a murderer - the false 10 commandments are used to persecute and victimize the innocent as recorded throughout history from their beginning to the present day.
you are in error

the true heavenly laws that guide all beings for their quest if so desired for admission to the everlasting are their own reward when accomplished ... the religion of antiquity.

least we remind the heavenly pretentious, moses as well a liar was a murderer - the false 10 commandments are used to persecute and victimize the innocent as recorded throughout history from their beginning to the present day.
Again......ad hominem BS void of any type of record to calibrate your personal opinion as truth. FYI: Its "You" that appears to have the problem with accepting the "facts in evidence".....I have no problem with dealing with the reality that surrounds me. I am commanded to "test all things......hold on to the good/truth" -- 1 Thess. 5:21 As stated previously............you claim that the Judeo/Christian philosophy is based upon lies........and the righteous laws of God found in the 10 commandments punish the innocent. Such as punishing murders, thieves, false witnesses.....those who practice paganism and sacrifice human life at the alter of humanism....etc.? Again, it must be pointed out that Moses introduced law only to the nation of Biblical Israel.........not to any other peoples on earth to include the ancestors of Biblical Israel, such as Adam, Noah, or Abraham (Deut. 5:1-4)

No gentile has ever been bound by the Law and the Prophets introduced by Moses. The reason that God introduced the New Testament based upon grace and forgiveness....instead of the written law, God's laws are now written on the heart of the believers (Jer. 31:31-34, Luke 17:21)........just like the 10 commandments have now become invisible.....the kingdom of God is invisible to all those who do not hear the Truth as presented by Christ Jesus (John 18:37). Clearly you hear no voice of truth, thus you can't comprehend the Spiritual Kingdom of God.

Truth: Without the Holy Scriptures having existed over a 3500 span...........there could be no Christian Religion.

Right now you are grossly lacking in providing any type of evidence.......Prima Facie or Conclusive based upon observable, reproducible objectivity that even hints that you can prove morality is based upon an evolved source that is not transcendent to nature. You can't even provide the evidence based upon the laws of physics to demonstrate the origins of life on earth as being a product of Accidental Chaos........like the big bang theory, the theory of evolution....etc., Theories are nothing but human ideas (philosophy) pretending to be science......its called Theoretical Science for a reason. Even its greatest proponents admit that such is based upon "......a way of THINKING" -- Carl Sagan What is a way of thinking? Its a philosophy. Sagan also declared the theories of cosmology.......is based upon an "error correcting processes by which we attempt to figure out what is truth.......and these errors stand as truth until someone can correct the error based upon facts. There are no facts that prove the BIG BANG was a product of nothing........that life evolved from star dust....that morality came from nothing more than pond scum.

I'd declare that it takes more faith to believe in the "fairy tale" that everything that has ever existed in the Universe is a product/cause of NOTHING. -- Stephen Hawking FYI: Stephen.........gravity is something, it can't exist without mass/matter.

Christian Faith comes only from one source. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God........" -- Romans 10:17. No one is born with an innate link to any type of religion (they are born with the knowledge that all things exist because of a higher power.....as demonstrated by the things in existence).......all religions are based upon an original source.

The reality is the Holy Scriptures of the Judeo/Christian faith is the only faith that cannot be objectively proven to be false based upon Applied Science or History Actual. No one has proven to me beyond doubt that one single passage in the scriptures have been proven false or contradictory.....when the scriptures are simply read and comprehended as you would read and comprehend any other work of literature.........the content is either false or true based upon the first rule of logic, the law of the excluded middle. There is no compromise with the Word of God..........you either accept it all or you reject it, its a faith that involves free will decision making.

I document my sources by book, chapter and verse........you attempt to BS your way through life......personal philosophy.
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Again......ad hominem BS void of any type of record to calibrate your personal opinion as truth. FYI: Its "You" that appears to have the problem with accepting the "facts in evidence".....I have no problem with dealing with the reality that surrounds me. I am commanded to "test all things......hold on to the good/truth" -- 1 Thess. 5:21 As stated previously............you claim that the Judeo/Christian philosophy is based upon lies........and the righteous laws of God found in the 10 commandments punish the innocent. Such as punishing murders, thieves, false witnesses.....those who practice paganism and sacrifice human life at the alter of humanism....etc.? Again, it must be pointed out that Moses introduced law only to the nation of Biblical Israel.........not to any other peoples on earth to include the ancestors of Biblical Israel, such as Adam, Noah, or Abraham (Deut. 5:1-4)

No gentile has ever been bound by the Law and the Prophets introduced by Moses. The reason that God introduced the New Testament based upon grace and forgiveness....instead of the written law, God's laws are now written on the heart of the believers (Jer. 31:31-34, Luke 17:21)........just like the 10 commandments have now become invisible.....the kingdom of God is invisible to all those who do not hear the Truth as presented by Christ Jesus (John 18:37). Clearly you hear no voice of truth, thus you can't comprehend the Spiritual Kingdom of God.

Truth: Without the Holy Scriptures having existed over a 3500 span...........there could be no Christian Religion.

Right now you are grossly lacking in providing any type of evidence.......Prima Facie or Conclusive based upon observable, reproducible objectivity that even hints that you can prove morality is based upon an evolved source that is not transcendent to nature. You can't even provide the evidence based upon the laws of physics to demonstrate the origins of life on earth as being a product of Accidental Chaos........like the big bang theory, the theory of evolution....etc., Theories are nothing but human ideas (philosophy) pretending to be science......its called Theoretical Science for a reason. Even its greatest proponents admit that such is based upon "......a way of THINKING" -- Carl Sagan What is a way of thinking? Its a philosophy. Sagan also declared the theories of cosmology.......is based upon an "error correcting processes by which we attempt to figure out what is truth.......and these errors stand as truth until someone can correct the error based upon facts. There are no facts that prove the BIG BANG was a product of nothing........that life evolved from star dust....that morality came from nothing more than pond scum.

I'd declare that it takes more faith to believe in the "fairy tale" that everything that has ever existed in the Universe is a product/cause of NOTHING. -- Stephen Hawking FYI: Stephen.........gravity is something, it can't exist without mass/matter.

Christian Faith comes only from one source. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God........" -- Romans 10:17. No one is born with an innate link to any type of religion (they are born with the knowledge that all things exist because of a higher power.....as demonstrated by the things in existence).......all religions are based upon an original source.

The reality is the Holy Scriptures of the Judeo/Christian faith is the only faith that cannot be objectively proven to be false based upon Applied Science or History Actual. No one has proven to me beyond doubt that one single passage in the scriptures have been proven false or contradictory.....when the scriptures are simply read and comprehended as you would read and comprehend any other work of literature.........the content is either false or true based upon the first rule of logic, the law of the excluded middle. There is no compromise with the Word of God..........you either accept it all or you reject it, its a faith that involves free will decision making.

I document my sources by book, chapter and verse........you attempt to BS your way through life......personal philosophy.

tldnr -

woodnuts - is a provocateur ... their answer was crucifixion in the 1st century and took clyde 4 centuries latter to demonize the teachings of who they crucified.

the 1st century events were foremost above all the repudiation of judaism by rthose that gave their lives for their beliefs and the teaching of liberation theology, self determination the true story of the beginning than those who chose to follow the lies of moses.
tldnr -

woodnuts - is a provocateur ... their answer was crucifixion in the 1st century and took clyde 4 centuries latter to demonize the teachings of who they crucified.

the 1st century events were foremost above all the repudiation of judaism by rthose that gave their lives for their beliefs and the teaching of liberation theology, self determination the true story of the beginning than those who chose to follow the lies of moses.
Give it a rest. No one knows what you are talking about.
Give it a rest. No one knows what you are talking about.

liar ...

do you ascribe similarly the lies of moses both against a&e they claim debased the heaves in association with humanity as well their false, madeup 10 commandments they claim having been etched in the heavens ... as a 4th century self proclaimed - christian.

good luck.
tldnr -

woodnuts - is a provocateur ... their answer was crucifixion in the 1st century and took clyde 4 centuries latter to demonize the teachings of who they crucified.

the 1st century events were foremost above all the repudiation of judaism by rthose that gave their lives for their beliefs and the teaching of liberation theology, self determination the true story of the beginning than those who chose to follow the lies of moses.
I simply "defend" my faith as based upon content found in the Word of God......which is the source of all Christian faith. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; THAT THE MAN OF GOD MAY BE PERFECT, THOROUGHLY FURNISHED UNTO ALL GOOD WORKS." -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17 This passage does not suggest that any man is perfect without sin.........the claim is the word of God will furnish the believer with every thing required to defeat the gates of Hades for the spirit of man. The perfect used in English translation comes from the Greek Word.......TELEIOS, which means......complete or made whole. The same Greek word is used to describe the "Perfect Law of Liberty".......i.e, the content of the New Testament -- James 1:25

The same word is used once again in 1 Cor. 13..........when Paul declares that the supernatural gifts of the Holy Scriptures were but temporary to help establish doctrine for the infant New Testament Church......when would these supernatural gifts fail? When that which is PERFECT comes. (made whole or complete)..........Paul describes the time period in the first century as the church/kingdom being in its infant stage and it required supernatural evidence to provide Doctrine for the church, as the Christ nailed the old law to His cross.

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child (meaning the need to learn by parroting talk from a mature source......such as the Spirit of God, until one gained the knowledge to speak on his/her own), I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now (in the 1st century) we see in a mirror (in this time period the majority of mirrors where not constructed from glass but polished metal......that sightly distorted the image), for now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face, then I shall know, as I am known (one will see the entire picture clearly reflected back at himself........when the PERFECT COMES. What is the perfect that allows those who would but look? The completed Holy Bible. 1 Cor. 13:13 What remains of these gifts of the spirit? Truth as revealed from Heaven through inspiration found in the Word of God which is the foundation of Faith, Hope, and Charity/love............love being the greatest of these gifts.

Again....why the hang up on Moses when the Law and the Prophets applied only to one nation on earth......Biblical Israel? The New Testament content declares that Jewish eyes are blinded when they refuse to accept the actual content of the Holy Bible..........both Old and New Testaments remain applicable. The Old Testament is the guide that brought the world salvation through Jesus Christ, we should study this history and learn from it and how it predicted the Messiah who in turn made salvation available to the entire world. Your logic is like suggesting that we are all bound to the Laws of England because of our common history and heritage..........which suggests that the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution that formed our system of jurisprudence does not exist.

The Holy Scriptures contain a TRUE HISTORY of the Judeo/Christian faith.....not just the good, but the bad, and the ugly as well. The Bible provides a detailed history of how man in both the Old and New Testament time periods dealt with the Human Condition........how even the heroes failed and sinned from time to time, as well as the good that eventually came from the faith that remained even when they failed to live up to God's covenants. God still loved the world (His creation) so much that He sent His only begotten Son (John 3:16) to take upon Himself the sins of the world (2 Cor. 5:21)

The Christian today is no different from anyone else in this reality called life. We have no special supernatural powers, no promises of personal miracles (when its your free will decision making that dictates and guides your path along this road called lfie. We all, saint and sinner deal with daily tribulations of life......and death, both are natural to this reality. Sometimes its difficult to deal with these realities.

I just recently lost my eldest son at a very young age. I refuse to blame God......its called LIFE, and DEATH and the tribulations thereof. My faith helped me in accepting that which I had no power to control. Control is an illusion.......we live by the grace allowed to us in this reality......call it what you will, God or nature, we are but mist floating through the passage of time, with a limited and finite allotment thereof. All men have an appointment to keep. You live and die but once.

"And it is appointed unto man, once to die; bit after this.....the JUDGMENT." -- Hebrews 9:27

We can't blame God for our failures to make the proper decisions and our chosen lifestyles of freewill. If you spend your live doing things that are harmful to your spirit and your body and then expect God to save you once you have given up the hope that remains in life. You have directed your own life by the daily judgments you make. You can't move to an area that has a history of wicked weather such as on the coast and then blame God because you chose by free will to move to the coast. God has no respect of person (Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11-16), He loves all His creations and would have all men saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4-6)

And to suggest that Christianity is not based upon free will decision making on the part of those who freely choose to enter the kingdom/church is more than nonsense. If not...........how do you rail/complain against the content of the Holy Bible? Again, I must point out, you have no cognition toward logic and reason. No one is forcing any Mosaic Law upon you, no one is forcing you declare your faith, when clearly you lack the faith the Holy Scriptures can build upon. "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling..." -- Phil. 2:12. As for me and my house........we shall serve the Lord. -- Joshua 24:15
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I simply "defend" my faith as based upon content found in the Word of God.....


- to do so requires for you to provide the etched tablets claimed by moses from the heavens w/ 10 commandments - or remove the false commandments from all 3 desert religion documents and all references to them ...

and repent for the centuries those religions used the false heavenly personifications to persecute and victimize the innocent ... by the crucifiers.
God is transcendent. God is every extant attribute of reality. Wrap your mind around that.
So you learned a couple of new words. Big deal. The god you describe would certainly be transcendent, or beyond ordinary experience. As far as being every extant (existing) attribute of reality, you've got a problem. Reality is provable. Your can't prove your god even exists.

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