God Has Blessed Us! Trump Has Already Made America $4 Trillion Richer (With Just 6 Months In Office)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
That's right, God has blessed America with Donald Trump as president. We are reaping the benefits of electing a Nationalist businessman in order to make the specific people the founders created this country for, prosper. What he's done to bring prosperity to this soon to be fully nationalistic nation is truly remarkable. The future looks bright. Could Hillary have done this feat? No! Would she have wanted to? No!

Stuart Varney: Trump has already made America $4 trillion richer (with just six months in office)
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Really? A blog? And the way he breaks that wealth down is kinda fishy. By the way, how much of that money has gone towards the national debt? How much has the debt gone up since Trump took over? Inquiring minds want to know.
If they are getting an increase in revenue, why are they broke and raising the debt ceiling?
That is $12,500 for every man, woman, child and illegal. The economy was sort of pulling out of its slump before, probably because they knew Obama wasn't much longer for the White House, but it really JUMPED the day Trump got in!

NOW, the President does not really control the economy. But what he does do is lead, like a head coach. Inspire confidence, hope. All the things that Barrack said he would do but never did. Obama was like a rectal exam without the lubricant.
That is $12,500 for every man, woman, child and illegal. The economy was sort of pulling out of its slump before, probably because they knew Obama wasn't much longer for the White House, but it really JUMPED the day Trump got in!

NOW, the President does not really control the economy. But what he does do is lead, like a head coach. Inspire confidence, hope. All the things that Barrack said he would do but never did. Obama was like a rectal exam without the lubricant.
Surely you are just covfefeing me..
That's right, God has blessed America with Donald Trump as president. We are reaping the benefits of electing a Nationalist businessman in order to make the specific people the founders created this country for, prosper. What he's done to bring prosperity to this soon to be fully nationalistic nation is truly remarkable. The future looks bright. Could Hillary have done this feat? No! Would she have wanted to? No!

Stuart Varney: Trump has already made America $4 trillion richer (with just six months in office)
Careful. Your satire is getting pretty thin these days what with all the God Blessed Us With Trump.
That's right, God has blessed America with Donald Trump as president. We are reaping the benefits of electing a Nationalist businessman in order to make the specific people the founders created this country for, prosper. What he's done to bring prosperity to this soon to be fully nationalistic nation is truly remarkable. The future looks bright. Could Hillary have done this feat? No! Would she have wanted to? No!

Stuart Varney: Trump has already made America $4 trillion richer (with just six months in office)


Its not true.

You know that.


It wouldn't be any different under Hillary. I don't give presidents as much credit for the economy as some other do others.

In Trump's first 6 month's the S&P 500 has risen 9.3%, after Obama's first 6 months it was up 10.6%. I don't believe that's a reflection on either.
It wouldn't be any different under Hillary. I don't give presidents as much credit for the economy as some other do others.

In Trump's first 6 month's the S&P 500 has risen 9.3%, after Obama's first 6 months it was up 10.6%. I don't believe that's a reflection on either.

A lot easier to bring it up 10.6% when it is starting out suffering from the worst recession since the Great Depression, than to bring it up another 9.3% just like that when it was supposed to have already had 8 years of an Obama "recovery." Maybe Obama's "recovery" wasn't so good.
You mean thank President Obama. Trump hasn't been president long enough to do more than f*ck stuff up.
It wouldn't be any different under Hillary. I don't give presidents as much credit for the economy as some other do others.

In Trump's first 6 month's the S&P 500 has risen 9.3%, after Obama's first 6 months it was up 10.6%. I don't believe that's a reflection on either.

A lot easier to bring it up 10.6% when it is starting out suffering from the worst recession since the Great Depression, than to bring it up another 9.3% just like that when it was supposed to have already had 8 years of an Obama "recovery." Maybe Obama's "recovery" wasn't so good.

Fair enough.

So let's compare 2016 and 2017 over the same time. For those 6 months in 2016 the S&P 500 was up 15.0% as compared to 9.3% this year.

(note: I'm calculating using the historical daily closing prices downloaded from Yahoo Finance).
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poor Steve McRussian, too bad god didnt bless idiots and replace shit for brains with an IQ.

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they almost spelled Iraq right ... Egypt is close for RW idiots.

Trump hasn't done anything.

That's sort of my point but going back to my original post I'll add the caveat that if there is a 10% market correction tomorrow that's not Trump's doing either.

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