Zone1 "God is a sadist," some poster here said, but it looks like... Maybe he's actually a "masochist"?


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I don't remember who said God is a sadist, but I couldn't entirely disagree because it seems He allows people to suffer an awful lot before relieving them of it, which seems to always happen at death, when the person either goes to Purgatory or Heaven. Of course if you go to Purgatory, which is a painful place, you WILL go to Heaven (where all suffering ceases) once your sinful condition is rectified... We sinners have to go through changes before we are fit for such a holy Place.

But anyhow, it looks like God is something of a masochist, actually. He suffers when we suffer. So to allow us to suffer means inflicting suffering on Himself. And I have NO idea why he does that. If I were God, I'd abolish all suffering. I guess He does, but again, He waits until we get into Heaven, apparently.

Jesus said "Whatever you do to the least of My people, you do to Me." (Mt 25:31-46)

So, yeh, Jesus is still on the Cross suffering, and does so in the lives of millions of people. I mean, it sounds very strange but show me where I'm wrong...
I don't remember who said God is a sadist, but I couldn't entirely disagree because it seems He allows people to suffer an awful lot before relieving them of it, which seems to always happen at death, when the person either goes to Purgatory or Heaven. Of course if you go to Purgatory, which is a painful place, you WILL go to Heaven (where all suffering ceases) once your sinful condition is rectified... We sinners have to go through changes before we are fit for such a holy Place.

But anyhow, it looks like God is something of a masochist, actually. He suffers when we suffer. So to allow us to suffer means inflicting suffering on Himself. And I have NO idea why he does that. If I were God, I'd abolish all suffering. I guess He does, but again, He waits until we get into Heaven, apparently.

Jesus said "Whatever you do to the least of My people, you do to Me." (Mt 25:31-46)

So, yeh, Jesus is still on the Cross suffering, and does so in the lives of millions of people. I mean, it sounds very strange but show me where I'm wrong...
If i had his magical powers, I would just remove suffering from the universe. What kind of god would allow people to needlessly suffer? Not a good one, thats for sure. :dunno:
If i had his magical powers, I would just remove suffering from the universe. What kind of god would allow people to needlessly suffer? Not a good one, thats for sure. :dunno:
I've had the same thought. But I guess it can be possible that a good God would allow evil in order to accomplish a greater good.

It's just that we humans don't SEE that greater good much of the time... or maybe we never do until... again, we die and end up in Heaven
goD is neither a sadist nor a masochist. He/she is a figment of your imagination.
More like imprinted belief or conditioning .

If you also study Deep State, it has been a prime way of exerting control of the people , both Normies and Sheeple --- for thousands of years and millenia before the Jesus Fairy Story .
I've had the same thought. But I guess it can be possible that a good God would allow evil in order to accomplish a greater good.

It's just that we humans don't SEE that greater good much of the time... or maybe we never do until... again, we die and end up in Heaven
I suspect that if there is a God, it doesnt work the way that you guys think it does. Its entirely possible that every word in the Bible is wrong. In fact, its the most likely scenario. I mean, more people on Earth believe in Islam, so if i was a betting man, I would have to say that they were right, but muslims fucking suck, so of course they are wrong, which means ALL of you are wrong. Thats my thinking anyway.
If i had his magical powers, I would just remove suffering from the universe. What kind of god would allow people to needlessly suffer? Not a good one, thats for sure.
Consider God living in reality. Not only that, He comes into our reality, meeting us where we are--and where we are is not a magical land.
I suspect that if there is a God, it doesnt work the way that you guys think it does.
First, I would need clarification on what you think "we guys" think.

What I run across too often are atheists who think all people of faith take the Bible literally. Having little or no understanding of the Bible, they also seem to think the Old Testament portrays God as a cruel villain.

Many of us (about seventy percent) do not take much in the Bible literally. We are studying the lessons that are presented, learning about humanity and therefore ourselves.
I don't remember who said God is a sadist, but I couldn't entirely disagree because it seems He allows people to suffer an awful lot before relieving them of it, which seems to always happen at death, when the person either goes to Purgatory or Heaven. Of course if you go to Purgatory, which is a painful place, you WILL go to Heaven (where all suffering ceases) once your sinful condition is rectified... We sinners have to go through changes before we are fit for such a holy Place.

But anyhow, it looks like God is something of a masochist, actually. He suffers when we suffer. So to allow us to suffer means inflicting suffering on Himself. And I have NO idea why he does that. If I were God, I'd abolish all suffering. I guess He does, but again, He waits until we get into Heaven, apparently.

Jesus said "Whatever you do to the least of My people, you do to Me." (Mt 25:31-46)

So, yeh, Jesus is still on the Cross suffering, and does so in the lives of millions of people. I mean, it sounds very strange but show me where I'm wrong...
Sounds Catholic to me. No, Jesus took on the sins of the world and suffered once. He doesn't suffer over and over no matter how many times Catholic priests think they can pull him off the cross. It's why I didn't join the Catholic Church when I was searching as a Jew.
Sounds Catholic to me. No, Jesus took on the sins of the world and suffered once. He doesn't suffer over and over no matter how many times Catholic priests think they can pull him off the cross. It's why I didn't join the Catholic Church when I was searching as a Jew.
It may be time to stop posting the ridiculous and claiming it as "Catholic." No Catholic priest thinks he is "pulling Jesus off the cross." No Catholic believes this is what happens during Mass. Jesus Christ is not there on the cross to pull off. He is the resurrection and the life, and ascended into heaven. That happened over two thousand years ago and is as true to day as it was then. So, what say you--time to stop the idiocy of making such claims?
It may be time to stop posting the ridiculous and claiming it as "Catholic." No Catholic priest thinks he is "pulling Jesus off the cross." No Catholic believes this is what happens during Mass. Jesus Christ is not there on the cross to pull off. He is the resurrection and the life, and ascended into heaven. That happened over two thousand years ago and is as true to day as it was then. So, what say you--time to stop the idiocy of making such claims?
Wait a minute. He said that the suffering of Jesus never ends. Thus, every day, thousands of times a day, the suffering never ends as he feels more sin and more suffering. The only way that can happen is if the priest does pull Jesus down from his throne in heaven and make him suffer for more sins. So, I'm saying what he's saying and he is Catholic.
Wait a minute. He said that the suffering of Jesus never ends. Thus, every day, thousands of times a day, the suffering never ends as he feels more sin and more suffering. The only way that can happen is if the priest does pull Jesus down from his throne in heaven and make him suffer for more sins. So, I'm saying what he's saying and he is Catholic.
Give it up. No such thing.
I suspect that if there is a God, it doesnt work the way that you guys think it does. Its entirely possible that every word in the Bible is wrong. In fact, its the most likely scenario. I mean, more people on Earth believe in Islam, so if i was a betting man, I would have to say that they were right, but muslims fucking suck, so of course they are wrong, which means ALL of you are wrong. Thats my thinking anyway.

You are abysmally ignorant.

You are certainly ignorant of what we true Catholics (do not merely believe but ) KNOW


very sad
Consider God living in reality. Not only that, He comes into our reality, meeting us where we are--and where we are is not a magical land.
It's a good point.

Which is why most posters here will scroll past it rapidly

Sounds Catholic to me. No, Jesus took on the sins of the world and suffered once. He doesn't suffer over and over no matter how many times Catholic priests think they can pull him off the cross. It's why I didn't join the Catholic Church when I was searching as a Jew.


I guess you don't believe in all the Scriptures... Oh, that's right.. you're LDS. Of course you don't. You hv your own little "bible" called the book of mormon. Did you know, btw that Mormonism is not allowed in China (last time I heard) because the word Mormon in Chinese means gates of hell or something akin to that? Kind of interesting....

Anyway, you don't believe Scripture but there is Mt 25:31

where Jesus says that whatever one does to the least of His people, that person does to HIM.

Why would that be a problem unless there was SUFFERING involved?

If you hurt a Christian, you hurt Christ who is GOD. Causing suffering to a Christian = causing suffering to Christ himself.

But I guess you don't accept Scripture
It may be time to stop posting the ridiculous and claiming it as "Catholic." No Catholic priest thinks he is "pulling Jesus off the cross." No Catholic believes this is what happens during Mass. Jesus Christ is not there on the cross to pull off. He is the resurrection and the life, and ascended into heaven. That happened over two thousand years ago and is as true to day as it was then. So, what say you--time to stop the idiocy of making such claims?

That is not true according to my information. See OP

Jesus DOES continue to suffer. He suffers when His people suffer. Why He would do that is... mind boggling, but it just happens to be the truth. He does that for one reason, actually... so it is not really mind-boggling, when you think a bout it

He does it for the sake of LOVE.

Yes, it would seem more loving if he just removed all suffering. But that is not the Father's will, and we don't know why that is and itdrives us nuts sometimes just thinking about it. But He came to Earth to help us in our sufferings and

well, think of the human realm. Doesn't a good mother get down on the level of her child and EMPATHIZE with the child who is crying and wants/needs something? A good mother doesn't just coldly tell the child to shut the hell up... No, she speak to the child, asks how he or she is feeling... etc... etc... and good mothers suffer WITH their children. When the child hurts, the mother does also. Fathers do this also.. good ones anyhow
Give it up. No such thing.
It makes sense if God is suffering because of our sins every day for every suffering person. Your priests pull him off his thrown and make him die and suffer for each Mass because your bread and wine change into his flesh. As you can see, other Catholics agree. Maybe you should give up.
It makes sense if God is suffering because of our sins every day for every suffering person. Your priests pull him off his thrown and make him die and suffer for each Mass because your bread and wine change into his flesh. As you can see, other Catholics agree. Maybe you should give up.
No other Catholics agree with your imbecilic ideations re Catholicism. I haven't seen ONE on this forum. You don't have the first clue.

People who study and begin to understand Catholicism (Scott Hahn comes to mind) embrace it enthusiastically. No one on the planet, I am sure, has read more books trying to debunk Catholicism than Hahn, but what happened is that he saw... what devout Catholics see & experience, along with all that erudition, and converted

I guess you don't believe in all the Scriptures... Oh, that's right.. you're LDS. Of course you don't. You hv your own little "bible" called the book of mormon. Did you know, btw that Mormonism is not allowed in China (last time I heard) because the word Mormon in Chinese means gates of hell or something akin to that? Kind of interesting....

Anyway, you don't believe Scripture but there is Mt 25:31

where Jesus says that whatever one does to the least of His people, that person does to HIM.

Why would that be a problem unless there was SUFFERING involved?

If you hurt a Christian, you hurt Christ who is GOD. Causing suffering to a Christian = causing suffering to Christ himself.

But I guess you don't accept Scripture
Our sins did cause Christ to suffer. Even those in his future like your sins. But, he took care of that on Mt. Gathsemane, the crucifixion and then the resurrection. So, we do agree with Matt 25:31. Our interpretation makes more sense that Christ doesn't have to suffer anymore after His atonement. People like some of the hateful atheists in this forum would relish in the opportunity to sin and suffer as much as they could if it meant to torture the Christ. Like Muslims have hourly prayer call, Atheists would have hourly sin call. Your Catholic interpretation is sinful and to attempt to torture the Lord over and over. Sick.

In The Book of Mormon, the first mention of "Mormon" is at the "Waters of Mormon" or "Baptism." So, the word Mormon refers to water baptism to cleans the soul of their sins. As far as a world "Mormon" in Chinese, there is no word "Mormon" in Chinese. It's the Communist China tyrants trashing any church and religion that teaches Christ. In this case, the word in China is a "Contronym." A word that has two meanings that are opposite. So, in the Church, we define Mormon as being baptized by full emersion in water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. So, it's not interesting. It's stupid by a stupid hateful person. Someone who is unhappy and loves to try and make others feel as miserable as he is.
Our sins did cause Christ to suffer. Even those in his future like your sins. But, he took care of that on Mt. Gathsemane, the crucifixion and then the resurrection. So, we do agree with Matt 25:31. Our interpretation makes more sense that Christ doesn't have to suffer anymore after His atonement. People like some of the hateful atheists in this forum would relish in the opportunity to sin and suffer as much as they could if it meant to torture the Christ. Like

That is one of the craziest things I've ever read on this forum

You don't apparently know human nature? Human nature avoids ANY and ALL suffering if possible.

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