God is Always Far Ahead of Us

He does when they become believers. :thup:

So firstly, you have to be conned, after that you lose all your sense of logic and then he saves me. From what?

What did you get saved from?
Hell? I can't imagine a celestial north Korea type of survellience 24/7. Watching every move of every person on earth. Minding everyone's business, even when your sleeping etc.

How do you know you have been saved?
Does he send an email? Text? Maybe as a believer you get unique knowledge that atheists don't get.

You lot of morons are So easy to make fun of.
Does he send an email? Text? Maybe as a believer you get unique knowledge that atheists don't get.
The spirit of God is within everyone. Even atheists.

You cannot discern it because you have a hard heart.
The spirit of God is within everyone. Even atheists.
Hm... the Spirit is within everyone, but it's difficult to explain how atheists and their scientists deny him via faith in no God/gods. It wasn't like that earlier. Things have changed.

It's like they believe in Satan's words, but he's hiding like he did with Adam and Eve. I mean who would believe in a talking snake, but yet here it is and we are here.
No. It is said clearly in the Bible.

Those people who died ftom the virus, did he save them?
How did he know they were Christians when approximately half would be atheists? What happened to them?

In fact, you know nothing. You're quoting the good book because your intelligence
is serious lacking common sense. You have been conned by an old trick.

You keep the faith and the church will keep the money.
Those people who died ftom the virus, did he save them?
How did he know they were Christians when approximately half would be atheists? What happened to them?

In fact, you know nothing. You're quoting the good book because your intelligence
is serious lacking common sense. You have been conned by an old trick.

You keep the faith and the church will keep the money.
Your post clearly shows you don't understand original sin which brought death into this world for everyone and every living creature.

Anyway, you can believe your hateful diatribe towards God when it is Satan who is "god of the world." Your argument isn't logical.

Finally, I'm smarter than you because you ask me questions and I answer them while you cannot answer mine or ignore them. Besides, I have the common sense to have found the good book since 2012 (baptized) and figure things out. For example, I recognize creation science vs atheist science and that creation has had the most well known scientists since the beginning of the world and the more accepted theories. It's your atheist scientists who end up believing in lies. They've had plenty of time to write one paper after another supporting false science. Only new papers get published such as dark matter and dark energy. Atheist scientists become well known when they get published. It's BS piled upon prior BS. It's just BS to explain why the universe keeps expanding and how the universe was formed.

How does the Bible lie when it was written long ago? It cannot change. What has turned you to be atheist?

Finally, I support organizations that I participate in with my money. Do you do the same? Why don't you contribute to usmessageboard so we can continue to have these conversations?

Again, it's you who do not answer my questions, so that makes you not credible (?)? Your atheism should have developed further by now if you have the answers.
Your post clearly shows you don't understand original sin which brought death into this world for everyone and every living creature.

Absolute rubbish again. There is no recorded evidence of any sin causing death to anything in histiry. That is a blatant ignorant lie.

Anyway, you can believe your hateful diatribe towards God when it is Satan who is "god of the world." Your argument isn't logical.

I don't hate your God. I hate all religions for all the same reason. It is totally unsupported type of totalitarianism diety for gullible fool s like you.

Finally, I'm smarter than you because you ask me questions and I answer them while you cannot answer mine or ignore them.

Anyone who believes immaculate conceptions and virgin births, is not smart. What you mean is you think you are smart like you think there is a god.
You put any one of your religious phenomenon to me and I'll answer and refute it.

Besides, I have the common sense to have found the good book since 2012 (baptized) and figure things out.

Common sense is not that common among people who believe in ghosts.
Baptism is nothing more than religion marking you for life and confirming how gullible you are. Its no different to ear marking a sheep which too will be led to the slaughter.

For example, I recognize creation science vs atheist science and that creation has had the most well known scientists since the beginning of the world and the more accepted theories.

There is no atheism science nor religion.
Any scientist who choses to believe there's God, is a fool. Science has never found one iota of evidence of a God and neither have you. Its a myth.

It's your atheist scientists who end up believing in lies. They've had plenty of time to write one paper after another supporting false science.

You don't understand the basic concept of atheism. Religion has never proven a belief in no god is false. When did religion research atheism?
I have never seen one atheist writing to support science. Name one.

Only new papers get published such as dark matter and dark energy. Atheist scientists become well known when they get published. It's BS piled upon prior BS. It's just BS to explain why the universe keeps expanding and how the universe was formed.

You getting a little frustrated. Why is it a lie to explain anything? That statement makes no sense. It's BS to believe some ghost built the universe ftom nothing at all and it's not expanding because the evidence of it is proven beyond doubt where does it say in the bible it isn't expanding? How many God botherers then had access to modern technology and science research? None. Its rubbish. You know nothing.

How does the Bible lie when it was written long ago? It cannot change. What has turned you to be atheist?

The bible was a lie from the beginning so the only change could be to be factual. It hasn't ch a need. Immaculate conception and virgin births etc, don't make me laugh.

I was never converted to atheism. I, like you and every person on earth, was born an atheist. Sadly, feeble minded parents infected you to be just as stupid as them.
I never moved from my original position.

Finally, I support organizations that I participate in with my money. Do you do the same? Why don't you contribute to usmessageboard so we can continue to have these conversations?

There is no obligation to contribute to this. It is a wealthy organisation already.
This conversation is my democratic right like yours. Like religion, you keep the faith, we'll keep your money. You've been conned.

Again, it's you who do not answer my questions, so that makes you not credible (?)? Your atheism should have developed further by now if you have the answers.

Atheism never develop. Once an atheist questions are no longer required to justify the position to a deluded Jesus junkie. My credibility is that I am not fooled by religion and the fraudulent charlatans who control your mind and wallet.

Why are godbotherers obsessed almost paranoid about atheism? Why do you feel threatened that we have views that conflict with yours? Are you guilty about it or do you think we shouldn't be allowed to expose the hideous beliefs of grown human beings? Because that's what it is.

Religion doesn't have a right to ridicule any person when you consider the paedophilia and homosexuality you all support by attending church.
You don't think and never will whIle some supernatural diety supposedly watches you 24/7 and demands you follow him.

Reply again. See how good you are now.
How many has he saved? Does he save atheists?
How many people on earth believe in God? 93% of the world's population believes in a creator.......How many people accept Christianity as the one true faith? Over 1/3 the worlds population have been conveyed into the Kingdom of God, aka, Christianity. As far as salvation goes.......only Man knows his own thoughts and deeds...with the exception of God. Salvation is personal, each is to work out his/her own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), as the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7) Refute those numbers.

The funny thing? The atheist, i.e., the human secular will be the first to attempt to argue that a "Consensus Majority" establishes truth. No? What's the first thing out of the mouth of someone promoting the politics of man made Global Warming........the consensus position is.......yada, yada, yada.......

Does He save atheists? Allow the scriptures to address such a question? "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, That it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, That it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated you from God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear. FOR YOU HANDS ARE DEFILED WITH BLOOD; AND YOUR FINGERS WITH INIQUITIY; YOUR LIPS HAVE SPOKEN LIES, YOUR TONGUE HAS MUTTERED PERERVISTY..............." -- Isa. 59:1-9.

Kind'a of an oxyMORONIC question no? How can anyone be saved if at first they don't believe in God?

Atheist: Anti-Aginst, Theism; belief in God.

A more amusing position held by the human secular? Atheists are very strict in claiming that their position is based upon logic and reason (common sense) while religion is based upon some fairy tale. Yet they attempt to argue that EVERYTHING evolved from nothing (just ask S. Hawking). They make the claim that a violent explosion created everything in exquisite order, that random chance creates universal order, that life popped into existence from nothing but gases from the explosion, that frogs and fish are the ancestors of man (cold blooded biological life), that man is on the same moral plane as an animal, and morality evolved naturally from animals such a mice.......

I read somewhere on the web the following, "While trying to convince others that the atheist is galloping along firmly seated on a magnificent stallion representing COMMON SENSE..............the Atheist actually stumbles around on an ass called foolishness."
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How many people on earth believe in God? 93% of the world's population believes in a creator.......How many people accept Christianity as the one true faith? Over 1/3 the worlds population have been conveyed into the Kingdom of God, aka, Christianity. As far as salvation goes.......only Man knows his own thoughts and deeds...with the exception of God. Salvation is personal, each is to work out his/her own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), as the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7) Refute those numbers.

Does He save atheists? Allow the scriptures to address such a question? "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, That it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, That it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated you from God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear. FOR YOU HANDS ARE DEFILED WITH BLOOD; AND YOUR FINGERS WITH INIQUITIY; YOUR LIPS HAVE SPOKEN LIES, YOUR TONGUE HAS MUTTERED PERERVISTY..............." -- Isa. 59:1-9.

So you're threatening me with eternal fire because I ridicule your silly beliefs.
All the faith in the world won't make any religious belief fact.

I don't believe anything you write is fact. The same for your hideous religious beliefs.
YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING YOU SAY. Its religious propaganda, swallowed by gullible people like you, thinking you have unique access to heaven as a reward. Your arrogance is breathtaking, vain and presumptuous and most if all ignorant.

There is no evidence of God saving anyone for any reason and then sending them anywhere.

Atheism doesn't feel threatened by not getting saved. I have been saved already from the restrictions your silly God places on you. Threats of sin, hell , purgatory, being turned to salt. What a load of crap.

Religion continues to drag itself into the ridiculous depths equivalent to that of unicorns and angels. Atheism doesn't need to do anything. Religion is on a self sentenced suicide mission. The soon er the better.
So you're threatening me with eternal fire because I ridicule your silly beliefs.
All the faith in the world won't make any religious belief fact.

I don't believe anything you write is fact. The same for your hideous religious beliefs.
YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING YOU SAY. Its religious propaganda, swallowed by gullible people like you, thinking you have unique access to heaven as a reward. Your arrogance is breathtaking, vain and presumptuous and most if all ignorant.

There is no evidence of God saving anyone for any reason and then sending them anywhere.

Atheism doesn't feel threatened by not getting saved. I have been saved already from the restrictions your silly God places on you. Threats of sin, hell , purgatory, being turned to salt. What a load of crap.

Religion continues to drag itself into the ridiculous depths equivalent to that of unicorns and angels. Atheism doesn't need to do anything. Religion is on a self sentenced suicide mission. The soon er the better.

As is written, "Its the fool who attempts to convince himself THERE IS NO GOD........" Ps. 14:1 You look good atop that ass you are riding.
I am threatening you? :abgg2q.jpg: Sounds personal to me........I have never claimed to have written one word of the Holy Scriptures, I make no judgments.........you are no different than the Billions of other people on earth, "For as many that have sinned without the law will also perish without the law......." -- Romans 2:12

Your judge? The same as every other person on earth, ".......for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." -- Romans 3:23

But still, just as every other person on earth......you will be judged by what is written (Revelation 20:12)...in the Books.

What is within those books? "He who rejects Me (Jesus), and does not receive My Words, has that which judges him.....the Word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day." -- John 12:48.

Your problem, that is obvious........you simply do not know when the LAST DAY will be, control is an illusion. Eat, Drink, be Merry..........this vapor called life is all there is for those who exist WITHOUT HOPE.

Even if you could prove beyond doubt.......there was no God in that day, a life filled with hope and lived in hope is better than being without hope, not knowing when you will breathe your last. ;) The world is filled with the phony tuff. After 22 years in the military.......I know there are no atheists when the time comes.
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As is written, "Its the fool who attempts to convince himself THERE IS NO GOD........" Ps. 14:1 You look good atop that ass you are riding.
I am threatening you? :abgg2q.jpg: Sounds personal to me........I have never claimed to have written one word of the Holy Scriptures, I make no judgments.........you are no different than the Billions of other people on earth, "For as many that have sinned without the law will also perish without the law......." -- Romans 2:12

Your judge? The same as every other person on earth, ".......for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." -- Romans 3:23

But still, just as every other person on earth......you will be judged by what is written (Revelation 20:12)...in the Books.

What is within those books? "He who rejects Me (Jesus), and does not receive My Words, has that which judges him.....the Word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day." -- John 12:48.

Your problem, that is obvious........you simply do not know when the LAST DAY will be, control is an illusion. Eat, Drink, be Merry..........this vapor called life is all there is for those who exist WITHOUT HOPE.

Even if you could prove beyond doubt.......there was no God in that day, a life filled with hope and lived in hope is better than being without hope, not knowing when you will breathe your last. ;) The world is filled with the phony tuff. After 22 years in the military.......I know there are no atheists when the time comes.
After 22 years in the military.......I know there are no atheists when the time comes.

- is that to imply they become sinners, christians and that is special for you.

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