God is the Gardner

Its gardener. My mistake. This reminds me of when I was in college and took a psychology class. They did an experiment on the class and flashed a paragraph on the screen for 1 minute and asked the class to count all the 'f's in the paragraph. Most of the class failed to get the right count. It had something to do with the sound of the word. There were quite a few 'of's in the paragraph and because they had a 'v' sound and not an 'f' sound, most of the class failed to count them. I was astonished at the experiment. I guess we take note not of just what we see but also what sound it makes. Has anyone participated in such an experiment?
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if as you say gd is a gardener then all true "Vines" and weeds need to be pulled out and removed to keep the garden healthy and clean otherwise the vine( as per John 15) will choke all and kill and make unhealthy all the viable plants from becoming what they should have instead of stunting and interfering with their growth and development.....wink....

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