God of the Gaps (well then, how did...")

So you have NO answer to my Porking your Fallacious God of the Gaps premise/rationale.
Never tried to answer it, how dim it was, but if I did, you have no ears to hear it anyway.
Nor your idiotic claim that I must be in a Brahaminic state.
Likewise, I made no such claim.
You Lost.
It was never a "contest." You're only competing against yourself, a battle you can never win, a battle you can never lose, that's why you do it.
There is no bar higher in this world than personal experience.
What a joke. That is the worst kind of evidence which exists.

If I shock you with a 600V cattle prod leaving no mark, and all the evidence you have is your direct, personal experience, then I can tell you it never happened?! :auiqs.jpg:
Apparently you wouldn't even believe yourself.
Perhaps you're not even reading this sentence right now.
Hoo Boy.
If I shock you with a 600V cattle prod leaving no mark, and all the evidence you have is your direct, personal experience, then I can tell you it never happened?! :auiqs.jpg:
What a stupid goddamn question. In order to get others to believe it, i would have to show evidence. How does someone with your scientific experience and expertise fall down such a stupid rabbit hole in such a simple discussion?

Wasy answer: religion. This is what it does to the brains of otherwise rational, smart people.
God of the Gaps was originally a warning to creation scientists from people like Francis Bacon not to use God as a source for validating the scientific method. People like Isaac Newton was guilty of using it. The atheists usurped it for their own use during the Big Bang theory debates.

It is an argument from ignorance type fallacy. Just because today's science systematically eliminates God, the supernatural (Genesis) and the Bible from secular science does not mean that God theory or Bible theory is invalid. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. One cannot make the assumption of a conclusion or fact based primarily on lack of evidence to the contrary as the OP does. His thinking is a dumb fallacy.
Just because today's science systematically eliminates God
No it doesn't, what an embarrassingly stupid thing to say. And fool can still point at anything we know about the universe and say, "God did that!:, and it will affect nothing.

your problem is that science has eliminated , bit by bit, your specific little brand of magical dogma. But, knowing how useless and stupid it would be to sate this honestly and plainly, you undertake your charlatan's parlor tricks and instead insert "God" in place of your embarrassingly dumb dogma.

You aren't really fooling anyone. Not that you care... you are mostly just trying to fool yourself.
If I shock you with a 600V cattle prod leaving no mark, and all the evidence you have is your direct, personal experience, then I can tell you it never happened?! :auiqs.jpg:
What a stupid goddamn question. In order to get others to believe it, i would have to show evidence.

I never said anything about getting others to believe anything. That is all you. I was talking about raising the bar of personal evidence. Nothing is more sure than personal experience and ultimately that is what counts most in religion and frankly, even with an employer. One year of actually DOING is worth ten years of paper and book knowledge. Like a witness, nothing counts more than a person who has had direct experience. I can't SHOW you personal evidence of how to find or believe in God but I can help you find the path to see it for yourself.

But like all atheists, you don't even want to take one step down the path, you want it all handed to you while standing on one leg then say it cannot exist because you haven't seen it. Your kind are getting very tiresome.
Just because today's science systematically eliminates God
No it doesn't, what an embarrassingly stupid thing to say. And fool can still point at anything we know about the universe and say, "God did that!:, and it will affect nothing.

your problem is that science has eliminated , bit by bit, your specific little brand of magical dogma. But, knowing how useless and stupid it would be to sate this honestly and plainly, you undertake your charlatan's parlor tricks and instead insert "God" in place of your embarrassingly dumb dogma.

You aren't really fooling anyone. Not that you care... you are mostly just trying to fool yourself.

How can it be embarrassingly stupid when that is what secular scientists believed before 1850? It's a valid theory, but has been systematically eliminated by today's science.

Any stupid ignoramus "fool can still point at anything we know about the universe and say," the big bang did that. The people who believe this shat are mind numbing stupid because no one can reproduce or repeat or find singularity of infinite temperature and infinite density. No one can reproduce or repeat cosmic inflation. What kind of stupid farks are these people???!!!???!!! They think it can happen at LHC, but it hasn't and won't. STUPID. STUPID. STUPID. LMAO :abgg2q.jpg:.
Remember what Arthur C. Clarke said.................

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Maybe the Big Guy Upstairs is someone with some really cool tech?
According to Revelations Jesus alits using a Mustang but not a Ford Mustang..
How can it be embarrassingly stupid when that is what secular scientists believed before 1850?
Who gives a shit what they thought? Is that the best you can do? It may eliminate the need for god to explain something, but nothing can"eliminate god". You can't rule out magical hooha.
How can it be embarrassingly stupid when that is what secular scientists believed before 1850?
Who gives a shit what they thought? Is that the best you can do? It may eliminate the need for god to explain something, but nothing can"eliminate god". You can't rule out magical hooha.

Righteous people, i.e. people who want to be right (know the truth) haha, give a sh*t. It means that God, the supernatural (Genesis) and the Bible were the standard before the lies took over at the Tower of Babel. As I said, "God of the Gaps" was a warning originally for Christian scientists to not use God when they are stuck for answers. God can fill-in-the-blank for a lot of answers which isn't science nor the scientific method.

Today's secular science has been replaced by the big bang, abiogenesis and multiverses of the gaps. The only thing that has any evidence for it is dark matter and dark energy of the gaps, but it's scant. Otherwise, your scientists would be able to produce another universe, life from non-life which we can use to populate other planets and choose which universe to live in. Maybe some people can't stand each other so much they have to be in another universe ;).
Righteous people, i.e. people who want to be right (know the truth) haha, give a sh*t. It means that God, the supernatural (Genesis) and the Bible were the standard before the lies took over at the Tower of Babel. ....
There is NO God/s in evidence in this thread.
Please refrain from putting that goofy fantasy in your posts until you can justify it/them with anything but your faith/delusions.
'God/s' is/are OFF Topic in Sci section unless you can Rev.
'God/s' is/are TROLLING here.

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Today's secular science has been replaced by the big bang, abiogenesis and multiverses of the gaps
No it hasn't . You have no idea what you are talking about and should probably shut up. We aren't a bunch of willing, ignorant little children that people like you and Ken Ham like to brainwash.
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Righteous people, i.e. people who want to be right (know the truth) haha, give a sh*t. It means that God, the supernatural (Genesis) and the Bible were the standard before the lies took over at the Tower of Babel. ....
There is NO God/s in evidence in this thread.
Please refrain from putting that goofy fantasy in your posts until you can justify it/them with anything but your faith/delusions.
'God/s' is/are OFF Topic in Sci section unless you can Rev.
'God/s' is/are TROLLING here.


It just goes to show you're not RIGHTEOUS. As I said, plain as day, "God, the supernatural (Genesis) and the Bible were the standard" before the 1850s. That is part of creation science and not religion. I will take back the "lies.. at Tower of Babel." That belongs in religion.

The rest of your post is silly. It goes to show that you do not understand science at all. Your OP shows that. Your post shows that. Your attitude and aptitude shows that.
This is probably THEE #1 rationale for those arguing for a god on msg boards.
"Well then, did all this stuff just appear?".. "how did ___ if not god?"
And we can see several Fallacious OPs currently employing this boner.

If we can't explain it/explain it Yet, it must be 'god.'
The same Bogus/Failed 'logic' used for creating Fire, Lightning, Sun, Fertility, and Ten thousand other 'gods.'

1. God of the gaps - RationalWiki

God of the gaps

(or a divine fallacy) is logical fallacy that occurs when Goddidit (or a variant) is invoked to explain some natural phenomena that science cannot (at the time of the argument). This concept is similar to what systems theorists refer to as an "explanatory principle." "God of the gaps" is a bad argument not only on logical grounds, but on empirical grounds: there is a long history of "gaps" being filled and the gap for God thus getting smaller and smaller, suggesting "we don't know Yet" as an alternative that works Better in practice; naturalistic explanations for still-mysterious phenomena are always possible, especially in the future where more information may be uncovered.[1]

The God of the Gaps is a didit Fallacy and an ad hoc Fallacy, as well as an Argument from Incredulity or an Argument from Ignorance, and is thus an informal fallacy...​

2. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_of...pe_of_argument

The term God-of-the-gaps fallacy can refer to a position that assumes an act of God as the explanation for an unknown phenomenon, which is a variant of an argument from ignorance fallacy.[13][14] Such an argument is sometimes reduced to the following form:

*There is a gap in understanding of some aspect of the natural world.
*Therefore the cause must be supernatural.

One example of such an argument, which uses God as an explanation of one of the current gaps in biological science, is as follows: "Because current science can't figure out exactly how life started, it must be God who caused life to start." Critics of intelligent design creationism, for example, have accused proponents of using this basic type of argument.[15]

God-of-the-gaps arguments have been Discouraged by some theologians who assert that such arguments tend to relegate God to the Leftovers of science: as scientific knowledge Increases, the dominion of God Decreases...[4][5][16][17]​

There is NO proof, or even evidence for god/s, just fallacious god-of-the-gaps inferences.
Thats what you freaks do with AGW
Today's secular science has been replaced by the big bang, abiogenesis and multiverses of the gaps
No it hasn't . You have no idea what you are talking about and should probably shut up. We aren't a bunch of willing, ignorant little children that people like you and Ken Ham like to brainwash.

You're quote mining by taking my post out of context. I provided the singularity with "infinite" temperature and density. That is impossible in the physical world. We can only get close to infinity like all the grains of sand in the universe. This is because we cannot divide by zero. (Only God can divide by zero because he's a creator.) Furthermore, I mentioned cosmic inflation. That is impossible, too, in the physical world. It doesn't happen in nature. Moreover, there are no multiverses as we can't have a universe from quantum particles or "nothing." If we can have quantum particles, then we can have Schrodinger's cat. As for abiogenesis, the evidence is all circumstantial. To be accepted using the scientific method, you have to have direct evidence, too. It's a colossal fail in the scientific method, but people are brainwashed into believing it so it's atheist science of the gaps.

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