God’s law supersedes man’s law.

there is no god

I believe this is the first time I have ever thanked a post of yours. Having said that it is their right to believe whatever they choose.

I believe that God exists, in some form, that there is a higher power and that there is something beyond our own physical deaths. That being said, I find the authoritarian God to be a complete contradiction to the loving Father willing to forgive all sin. Somewhere along the way we messed it all up by misinterpreting many of the things written. Just my opinion, and God knows, there are billions of those on this rock.
Sooo, Christians are using "new ideas to interpret the Bible" in new ways. Damn, that makes my head spin.

There's hasn't been anything really revolutionary since the Reformation.

Except, of course, the Restoration and countless other revivals that have happened.

I don't count revivals as something new, because they don't offer anything that is that new, as compared to the Reformation, which was a big break with how the bible was seen and the world went from Orthodox and Catholic to Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican, Presbertyrian, Lutherian, and a whole bunch of others.

You mean the Restoration, as in Charles II and Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland?
I've just been watching Rick Steves' program on Iran. It's illustrative of what religion can do when it rules government.
The people of Iran are very fond of Americans, but Rick couldn't shake hands with the women, only the men. Of course the women cover their hair and bodies, but are free to dress any way they want in their homes.

The Placebo of Prayer « Godless Bastard
There's hasn't been anything really revolutionary since the Reformation.

Except, of course, the Restoration and countless other revivals that have happened.

I don't count revivals as something new, because they don't offer anything that is that new, as compared to the Reformation, which was a big break with how the bible was seen and the world went from Orthodox and Catholic to Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican, Presbertyrian, Lutherian, and a whole bunch of others.

You mean the Restoration, as in Charles II and Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland?

No I mean the Restoration as Angelic restoration of Priesthood, keys, and Church along with more scriptures.
Except, of course, the Restoration and countless other revivals that have happened.

I don't count revivals as something new, because they don't offer anything that is that new, as compared to the Reformation, which was a big break with how the bible was seen and the world went from Orthodox and Catholic to Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican, Presbertyrian, Lutherian, and a whole bunch of others.

You mean the Restoration, as in Charles II and Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland?

No I mean the Restoration as Angelic restoration of Priesthood, keys, and Church along with more scriptures.

Are you referring to being Mormon, or carpet cleaners?
I believe in the power of positive thinking - but not in the power of prayer to a supernatural Sky Daddy.
If your interpretation of God's law is that you should not have an abortion, then you can obey it by not having an abortion.

:dunno: Whose God? Your God?

I'll bet you're not interested in living under the rules of MY God :eusa_eh:

If one of the many Earth Deities ever proves Himself/Herself as The God, I'll take a look, until then, how about you keep the laws of your God, I'll keep the laws of my God and we'll hold public punishment for the idiots who violate Civil Law?

That's why Civil Law that respects freedom for ALL religions is so fucking important. Unless you're interested in living under Sharia Law or worse some day, please, I beg of you, don't open that door.
Man may change man's laws but cannot change God's laws. The bible does not have a law against illegal immigration but immigration laws made my man should be inforced until government changes those laws. But God's law on abortion and gay marriage is defined by God and cannot be change by man.

Or what? Fire? Brimstone? Bolt of Lightning?

Bring it. Unless of course your God remains impotent, and the answers to your prayers against fairness and change continue to result in a deafening silence.
Man may change man's laws but cannot change God's laws. The bible does not have a law against illegal immigration but immigration laws made my man should be inforced until government changes those laws. But God's law on abortion and gay marriage is defined by God and cannot be change by man.

Or what? Fire? Brimstone? Bolt of Lightning?

Bring it. Unless of course your God remains impotent, and the answers to your prayers against fairness and change continue to result in a deafening silence.

Bolt of lightning sounds like the coolest.
Actually I'm going to point out a fallacy about believing that God is returning soon, and please, for those of you who are still faithful, point out to me if I'm wrong:

If I'm not mistaken, the Bible says that the return of Christ and thus, the events of Revelation, will occur when they're least expected; "Like a thief in the night" is the phrase, I believe.

So, going by that, wouldn't the best way to bring about the return of Christ be to stop expecting his return any time soon? If you stop saying or expecting him to return shortly, you're actually accelerating the moment of his return? And the inverse of that, by constantly talking about the return of Christ, you're actually delaying it?

I'm not trying to be rude. I really want to know what you think. I haven't had a Christian give me a straight answer on this yet.
When did God become bound by acts of sophistry?

Non religious people seem to think that they have all the answers about God based off of 'their own reading' of the Bible. I'm not a religious or spiritual person, but it gets aggravating when people ignore two thousand years of scholarship on the subject of God and what he means, and act like they have new ideas.

If you are not religious or spiritual, what motivates you to speak of "god" as though "he" exists at all?

Scholarship on the subject is valuable only in the sense that belief in this fairy tale has led people to do some pretty fucked up things.....and some pretty great things. Human things. The belief exists.

Those of us who deny the existence of a supreme being also do fucked up things and great things. We are just more willing to accept responsibility for doing them.
When did God become bound by acts of sophistry?

Non religious people seem to think that they have all the answers about God based off of 'their own reading' of the Bible. I'm not a religious or spiritual person, but it gets aggravating when people ignore two thousand years of scholarship on the subject of God and what he means, and act like they have new ideas.

If you are not religious or spiritual, what motivates you to speak of "god" as though "he" exists at all?

Scholarship on the subject is valuable only in the sense that belief in this fairy tale has led people to do some pretty fucked up things.....and some pretty great things. Human things. The belief exists.

Those of us who deny the existence of a supreme being also do fucked up things and great things. We are just more willing to accept responsibility for doing them.

I have good empathy, love playing the devils advocate, the ignorant, and the asshole.
That is my belief.
Not enough responsibility is taken by the religious or spiritual, which is my problem with them.
Non religious people seem to think that they have all the answers about God based off of 'their own reading' of the Bible. I'm not a religious or spiritual person, but it gets aggravating when people ignore two thousand years of scholarship on the subject of God and what he means, and act like they have new ideas.

If you are not religious or spiritual, what motivates you to speak of "god" as though "he" exists at all?

Scholarship on the subject is valuable only in the sense that belief in this fairy tale has led people to do some pretty fucked up things.....and some pretty great things. Human things. The belief exists.

Those of us who deny the existence of a supreme being also do fucked up things and great things. We are just more willing to accept responsibility for doing them.

I have good empathy, love playing the devils advocate, the ignorant, and the asshole.
That is my belief.
Not enough responsibility is taken by the religious or spiritual, which is my problem with them.

the scholarship I was referring to was the what the bible means, and why. As I said earlier, I grew up catholic, and I still have the mentality of 'you're stupid, let the smart people do it'
jtpr312 describes himself well: The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”

He would not believe as he does if he believed in God.

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