God Will Not Be Mocked: How John Lennon killed the Beatles

Doesn't matter. What happened, happened. He destroyed the Beatles and he destroyed his own life. He believed in communism. He is gone, and Jesus lives
John left the Beatles because their contract allowed for John to collect 45% of whatever albums by any of them made money.
He knew Paul would keep pumping out records and he had no problem collecting royalties.
You really ought to learn more about how their first contract with Brian Epstein and EMI screwed them royally.
Interesting fact...Paul advised John to use his lawyer and John said no.
Paul had a better contract with EMI than John did.
Any eyewitnesses to John Lennon's Resurrection?

Did thousands hear God say of John Lennon, "THIS is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased"????
Haha, nobody I’ve ever spoken to has seen anybody resurrected. But what does that have to do with the state that Jesus and Lennon are in now? Or do you think Jesus is hiding out in a cave somewhere?
"Please send prayers"
-- nearly every antivaxxer shortly before dying of COVID

Nothing fails as consistently as prayer.
Haha, nobody I’ve ever spoken to has seen anybody resurrected. But what does that have to do with the state that Jesus and Lennon are in now? Or do you think Jesus is hiding out in a cave somewhere?
Jesus sits at the right hand of God.

John Lennon sleeps in the grave until the Resurrection of the dead where he will be judged by the One he mocked
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Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. ... Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed."
He struck down Paul with blindness and revealed Himself. Paul COMPLETELY CHANGED that day.

There were MANY eyewitness accounts. They all CHANGED and eventually died horrible deaths preaching the message YOU HATE
Haha, you have no clue what I love or hate. You also didn’t answer my question of how you know that Jesus is sitting by god while Lennon is waiting in a grave. I’m not suppress that you dodged the answer to rant about some other biblical antidote. Par for the course
Dying painful and agonizing deaths to defend a leader is a phenomenon far from being unique to Christianity. Also before, during, and after biblical times people have gone to the time and trouble of recording all kinds of things in painstaking detail.

Before Biblical times people went to the trouble of recording things in "painstaking detail"?

Oh do elaborate
Haha, you have no clue what I love or hate. You also didn’t answer my question of how you know that Jesus is sitting by god while Lennon is waiting in a grave. I’m not suppress that you dodged the answer to rant about some other biblical antidote. Par for the course

The Spirit of God allows me to see your motive.

But this is not another of the atheists, "prove God exists" threads.

I listed 5 people who mocked God and payed the ultimate price.

That is the purpose of this thread WHICH BELONGS IN RELIGION AND ETHICS
He was a dickwad too. And a hypocrit.
I remember him. He aspired to be a cult figure. He DID represent himself as a Christ-like figure even though he was a comnunist/atheist.

People started burning their music and radio stations did a Dixie Chick's on them.

His arrogance was the cause of their downfall
Haha, nobody I’ve ever spoken to has seen anybody resurrected. But what does that have to do with the state that Jesus and Lennon are in now? Or do you think Jesus is hiding out in a cave somewhere?
seems to me (having read the book) that the majority of people ---
even living in Jerusalem, did not see Jesus resurrected

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