God's first commandment in Genesis: be heterosexual, get married, and have kids


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Homosexuals have it all wrong. They demand where it is in the Bible that condemns homosexuality. What I'm saying is, even if all those passages weren't there (they are), homosexuality would be a sin because it goes against God's very first commandment to Adam and Eve: "be fruitful and multiply."

"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh." Gen. 2:24.

Not everyone gets married and has children, of course. But if the human race is to survive, most people must get married and have children.

The homosexual lifestyle, and all other immoral lifestyles, interfere with God's plan that men and women join in marriage and procreate a new generation.

Now comes the shit storm from angry homosexuals who will call me a "hater" for believing in God's word, and telling the truth about homosexuality.
There isn't any 'god' as perceived by theists, and the bible was written by men – consequently you're worshiping the words of fallible, unworthy men, not a 'deity.'
And if we don't have a God, then we're all free to have abortions and sodomize each other, and generally do whatever we please. Because really, that's the Democrat platform in a nutshell: abortion and sodomy. All other issues have been sidelined.
And if we don't have a God, then we're all free to have abortions and sodomize each other, and generally do whatever we please. Because really, that's the Democrat platform in a nutshell: abortion and sodomy. All other issues have been sidelined.
No, this post fails as both a post hoc and straw man fallacy.

And theists have no monopoly on morality – far from it, in fact.
And if we don't have a God, then we're all free to have abortions and sodomize each other, and generally do whatever we please. Because really, that's the Democrat platform in a nutshell: abortion and sodomy. All other issues have been sidelined.
No, this post fails as both a post hoc and straw man fallacy.

And theists have no monopoly on morality – far from it, in fact.
Name one sexual act that Democrats think is immoral. Barney Frank's gay lover ran a gay brothel from his basement and Democrats had no problem with that. Bill Clinton raped a woman and Democrats had no problem with that. Ted Kennedy killed a woman and left her to die, and Democrats re-elected him.
I'm no big fan of homosexuals, however, I do want to address your statement: "God said to be fruitful and multiply."
No matter what text you can pick out, common sense has to also play a factor when interpreting it. For instance: Continuing to "be fruitful and multiplying" to the point where our forests are vastly disappearing, our numbers and actions are causing various animal/bird extinctions, our resources being stretched, immigration continuing unabated, rivers are being sucked dry by cities and farmers, to the point where the rivers don't even reach the ocean anymore, and our planet continues being negatively affected in other ways, blindly saying, "be fruitful and multiply" without common sense is idiotic in itself. If anything destroys man, it'll be our refusal to recognize the negative affect that we are having on our planet.
Also, your comment that, if people are to survive, people must get married and have children. Believe me, we are definitely not running short of humans. At last count, the human population was about 7 billion and growing.
As for the homosexuals, they aren't made, but rather born the way they are and account for only an extremely small portion of any given population (they are very vocal because they have a lot of family and friends supporters). They will never be able to affect the survival of mankind. While I find their lifestyle a bit repulsive, it's their lifestyle and they aren't affecting my being able to date, marry a woman and have kids, if I chose to do so.
Homosexuals have it all wrong. They demand where it is in the Bible that condemns homosexuality. What I'm saying is, even if all those passages weren't there (they are), homosexuality would be a sin because it goes against God's very first commandment to Adam and Eve: "be fruitful and multiply."

"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh." Gen. 2:24.

Not everyone gets married and has children, of course. But if the human race is to survive, most people must get married and have children.

The homosexual lifestyle, and all other immoral lifestyles, interfere with God's plan that men and women join in marriage and procreate a new generation.

Now comes the shit storm from angry homosexuals who will call me a "hater" for believing in God's word, and telling the truth about homosexuality.

The Bible says a lot of things that do not apply to life today.
And if we don't have a God, then we're all free to have abortions and sodomize each other, and generally do whatever we please. Because really, that's the Democrat platform in a nutshell: abortion and sodomy. All other issues have been sidelined.

Are you against sodomy in a heterosexual relationship?

I was told that since Jesus came, the OT doesn't count anymore...
Homosexuals have it all wrong. They demand where it is in the Bible that condemns homosexuality. What I'm saying is, even if all those passages weren't there (they are), homosexuality would be a sin because it goes against God's very first commandment to Adam and Eve: "be fruitful and multiply."

"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh." Gen. 2:24.

Not everyone gets married and has children, of course. But if the human race is to survive, most people must get married and have children.

The homosexual lifestyle, and all other immoral lifestyles, interfere with God's plan that men and women join in marriage and procreate a new generation.

Now comes the shit storm from angry homosexuals who will call me a "hater" for believing in God's word, and telling the truth about homosexuality.

I completely agree.

Wonder though where you'll be in a few decades when gay couples and lesbian ones are making babies without more assistance than traditional IVF? :)

When gay men are 'being fruitful and multiplying' what will you do then? :)

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