Gods Punishment On A Godless Man

More people voted for trumps opponent so the next time you talk about the number of people who voted for trump remember that because that is what you meant when you said 63 million people voted for trump. 63 million people did not make up the electoral vote.

65 million voted against trump, more than the portion of the country that voted for trump. Not just 1 or 2 people. We are here because of the choices of people like you and your consistent defense and excuse making for trumps lawlessness.

We have a choice in 7 months. We can get rid this problem or we can choose to continue allowing pure godlessness to rule this nation. If we choose option B, America as we know it will die. If you cannot see this is the message god is sending us, that's on you. I will be choosing trumps opponent.


Let's start with the minor things. There were roughly 136mn votes in 2016, 63mn for Trump. That makes 73mn for someone other than Trump.

Now, to me someone saying he knows someone is godless - asserting whatever ill befalls this someone, or the wider community, means they are suffering god's punishment - has all the markings of a bigot, who would imply he is in the know on god's plans. Seriously, IM2, I am asking: Are you turning into a religionist bigot?
What keep noticing is that Trump alone has caused the godless left to start talking about God -- and in POLITICS! Only TRUMP has brought the left to God! And they refuse to acknowledge that.
donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

The whining black man is Gods curse on any nation they inhabit

Canaan was not black - their is no curse on any 'race' of mankind. But the Canaanite religion was even more evil than Christendom and, thankfully, that religion not longer exists.
donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

The whining black man is Gods curse on any nation they inhabit

Canaan was not black - their is no curse on any 'race' of mankind. But the Canaanite religion was even more evil than Christendom and, thankfully, that religion not longer exists.
I didnt bring that up. I'm going by their behaviour and lack of contribution AS A RACE. They provide ENTERTAINMENT. That seems to be the extent of their contribution to Mankind
No specific religion or government caused Covid-19/Corona virus. CNN (which is not pro-Trump) has noted that this plague/pestilence came from bats, but ultimately that mankind is to blame since the destruction of the environment is likely why this virus went from bats to humans.

God will soon destroy those ruining the earth - Revelation 11:18. Meanwhile, Corona virus is simply one of many examples of man reaping what they have sown (Galatians 6:7)

I might add that religions that defy government direction to shelter in place will have innocent blood on their hands - this pandemic is made worse by public gatherings. Science (and scientists) have proven this.

Those of my religion no longer have public meetings here - nor do we go door to door during this epidemic. We meet together by computer download (Zoom) and by phone conference calls. This is because of our respect for authorities (Romans 13:1-5) and our love for our neighbors (Matthew 22:37-40).
donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

The whining black man is Gods curse on any nation they inhabit

Canaan was not black - their is no curse on any 'race' of mankind. But the Canaanite religion was even more evil than Christendom and, thankfully, that religion not longer exists.
I didnt bring that up. I'm going by their behaviour and lack of contribution AS A RACE. They provide ENTERTAINMENT. That seems to be the extent of their contribution to Mankind
Jehovah's Witnesses are of all races/nations/peoples (Matthew 24:14). We have no racial prejudice - we all love one another (John 13:34).

On the other hand, we belong to no political party nor do we give allegiance to any human government - we are all united under one government - the Kingdom of God.

Corona virus does not distinguish by race, religion or nation. No humans have antibodies for this virus when first exposed to it - it is dangerous for all humans on this planet.
More people voted for trumps opponent so the next time you talk about the number of people who voted for trump remember that because that is what you meant when you said 63 million people voted for trump. 63 million people did not make up the electoral vote.

65 million voted against trump, more than the portion of the country that voted for trump. Not just 1 or 2 people. We are here because of the choices of people like you and your consistent defense and excuse making for trumps lawlessness.

We have a choice in 7 months. We can get rid this problem or we can choose to continue allowing pure godlessness to rule this nation. If we choose option B, America as we know it will die. If you cannot see this is the message god is sending us, that's on you. I will be choosing trumps opponent.


Let's start with the minor things. There were roughly 136mn votes in 2016, 63mn for Trump. That makes 73mn for someone other than Trump.

Now, to me someone saying he knows someone is godless - asserting whatever ill befalls this someone, or the wider community, means they are suffering god's punishment - has all the markings of a bigot, who would imply he is in the know on god's plans. Seriously, IM2, I am asking: Are you turning into a religionist bigot?

No. Jesus has told us to seek the kingdom. To ask always, to watch the works of leaders and all humanity, to pray and seek his knowledge and he will give you knowledge. We all are capable of looking at things and seeing whether or not they meet the lords specifications. God has informed us of the penalties for our disobedience. I can tell you that there are some things I have endured where God has punished me for godlessness.

So let me start first with this country. America was started by people who decided to covet a land that was not theirs. From that point on, this nation has broken every single one of the ten commandments. The bible makes it very plain what the punishment is for that.

The bible says Satan is the author of lies. trump has lied over 16,000 recorded times. So then a lie here and there is a sin that we are all guilty of, but most of us try our level best to repent from doing so. Not trump. He will lie, then when confronted with that lie, lie again. Now that's not what godly people do, or people attempting to be godly. I could go on, but I think the OP speaks to how I came to my conclusion.

The bible has said that we can tell from a persons works if they are godly. trumps works as president are anything but.

trump came to power and he has controlled the masses by his claim of his record unemployment, his record economy, his record stock market. He bragged about how he was the best of all time in job creation, all of these things were lies, but he was able to continually fool people to the extent that we have people seriously considering giving him a second term. But suddenly that was taken from him by an act of nature. This was no coincidence.

God has put his plan out there for all of us to see. It is called the bible. God has told us himself how we can reach him in the most effective way and if we strive to use that method, we can be given knowledge and insight from God. This is how I can say that what we are seeing is gods punishment upon an ungodly man.

I have had things taken from me by strange circumstances as punishment for my ungodly actions as a younger man. I know what it is like to be punished by God. Bigotry has nothing to do with this.
More people voted for trumps opponent so the next time you talk about the number of people who voted for trump remember that because that is what you meant when you said 63 million people voted for trump. 63 million people did not make up the electoral vote.

65 million voted against trump, more than the portion of the country that voted for trump. Not just 1 or 2 people. We are here because of the choices of people like you and your consistent defense and excuse making for trumps lawlessness.

We have a choice in 7 months. We can get rid this problem or we can choose to continue allowing pure godlessness to rule this nation. If we choose option B, America as we know it will die. If you cannot see this is the message god is sending us, that's on you. I will be choosing trumps opponent.


Let's start with the minor things. There were roughly 136mn votes in 2016, 63mn for Trump. That makes 73mn for someone other than Trump.

Now, to me someone saying he knows someone is godless - asserting whatever ill befalls this someone, or the wider community, means they are suffering god's punishment - has all the markings of a bigot, who would imply he is in the know on god's plans. Seriously, IM2, I am asking: Are you turning into a religionist bigot?
What keep noticing is that Trump alone has caused the godless left to start talking about God -- and in POLITICS! Only TRUMP has brought the left to God! And they refuse to acknowledge that.
Hmmm - you have sparked my sense of humor (we need that now more than ever):

Is it right that left is right? After all, if left is not right, then right is the only way left to go! We are left with left being right - right? Right on!

When someone asks me if I am allright I answer that I am only half right - the other half is left!
Jehovah's Witnesses are of all races/nations/peoples (Matthew 24:14). We have no racial prejudice - we all love one another (John 13:34).
I mention what I observe in the REAL WORLD and you respond with JW doctrine which carries ZERO authority with 99% of us.

Africans, with rare exception, are a plague on this planet.
donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

Careful what you wish
I am not wishing anything. This is what we see happening right now.

You think the modern Stalinist democrats spend a lot of time praying for guidance?
More people voted for trumps opponent so the next time you talk about the number of people who voted for trump remember that because that is what you meant when you said 63 million people voted for trump. 63 million people did not make up the electoral vote.

65 million voted against trump, more than the portion of the country that voted for trump. Not just 1 or 2 people. We are here because of the choices of people like you and your consistent defense and excuse making for trumps lawlessness.

We have a choice in 7 months. We can get rid this problem or we can choose to continue allowing pure godlessness to rule this nation. If we choose option B, America as we know it will die. If you cannot see this is the message god is sending us, that's on you. I will be choosing trumps opponent.


Let's start with the minor things. There were roughly 136mn votes in 2016, 63mn for Trump. That makes 73mn for someone other than Trump.

Now, to me someone saying he knows someone is godless - asserting whatever ill befalls this someone, or the wider community, means they are suffering god's punishment - has all the markings of a bigot, who would imply he is in the know on god's plans. Seriously, IM2, I am asking: Are you turning into a religionist bigot?

No. Jesus has told us to seek the kingdom. To ask always, to watch the works of leaders and all humanity, to pray and seek his knowledge and he will give you knowledge. We all are capable of looking at things and seeing whether or not they meet the lords specifications. God has informed us of the penalties for our disobedience. I can tell you that there are some things I have endured where God has punished me for godlessness.

So let me start first with this country. America was started by people who decided to covet a land that was not theirs. From that point on, this nation has broken every single one of the ten commandments. The bible makes it very plain what the punishment is for that.

The bible says Satan is the author of lies. trump has lied over 16,000 recorded times. So then a lie here and there is a sin that we are all guilty of, but most of us try our level best to repent from doing so. Not trump. He will lie, then when confronted with that lie, lie again. Now that's not what godly people do, or people attempting to be godly. I could go on, but I think the OP speaks to how I came to my conclusion.

The bible has said that we can tell from a persons works if they are godly. trumps works as president are anything but.

trump came to power and he has controlled the masses by his claim of his record unemployment, his record economy, his record stock market. He bragged about how he was the best of all time in job creation, all of these things were lies, but he was able to continually fool people to the extent that we have people seriously considering giving him a second term. But suddenly that was taken from him by an act of nature. This was no coincidence.

God has put his plan out there for all of us to see. It is called the bible. God has told us himself how we can reach him in the most effective way and if we strive to use that method, we can be given knowledge and insight from God. This is how I can say that what we are seeing is gods punishment upon an ungodly man.

I have had things taken from me by strange circumstances as punishment for my ungodly actions as a younger man. I know what it is like to be punished by God. Bigotry has nothing to do with this.

Certainly Trump is reaping what he has/is sowing (Galatians 6:7) - but this is true of all humans. And virtually all politicians lie and/or deceive (as do most religions). Republicans have no monopoly on lies, deceptions and half truths. Nor does the media.

Corona virus is NOT from God. It is probably from bats.

We need to listen to scientists who accurately report on scientific observations - this virus is extremely contagious and virulent/deadly.

Bottom line: shelter in place. Or you not only may contract this virus but also spread it to others - this is part of our loving our neighbor as ourselves. (Matthew 22:37-40)

[You are correct that the United States was guilty of horrible history (most nations are (e.g. WWII)) the conquistadors and so-called Christian missionaries are examples. {Note the result of the success of 'Christian missionaries in Rwanda: genocide} Ironically, many who lived in the Americas died because of plague because they had no immunity to the microbes Europeans brought. Modern transportation is doing the same thing now.]
donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

So punishing the world with a pandemic is God punishing Trump:dunno:
I have had things taken from me by strange circumstances as punishment for my ungodly actions as a younger man. I know what it is like to be punished by God. Bigotry has nothing to do with this.

Here is what we know:

We need an all-hands-on-deck approach to contain, as much as humanly possible, the spread of that virus. We need to protect the healthcare system from being overwhelmed and collapsing. We need an all-hands-on-deck approach to contain, as much as humanly possible, the economic damage inflicted upon the population, and the most vulnerable of them in particular.

If the calumny is "god's plan", opposing and counter-acting it is blasphemy, thwarting god's will. The conclusion inexorably to be drawn from your stance is to sit back and let it happen, at best, or even to attack those trying to limit the dying and the damage. I, for one, don't have any time whatsoever for such medieval, bigoted bullshit - to put it mildly - which is but a distraction from the task at hand.

Whoever purports to "know" god's plan is a bigot, and she is likely laughing at him.

Do please try to get your senses back, will you?
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Jehovah's Witnesses are of all races/nations/peoples (Matthew 24:14). We have no racial prejudice - we all love one another (John 13:34).
I mention what I observe in the REAL WORLD and you respond with JW doctrine which carries ZERO authority with 99% of us.

Africans, with rare exception, are a plague on this planet.
I think your math is off. The ratio of Jehovah's Witnesses to the population is approximately 1 per 1,000 - 99.9 % are not of my religion.

And Africa was not the epicenter of the Corona Virus, nor were Africans the first to spread this virus. China is part of the real world btw.

Oops - did you mean black bats?
The malignancy in the White House can't be gone too soon.
Snowflake hang on you have 5 more years to go

Did God tell you that?
IM2 seems to think God talks to him. So why don't you ask him
I am not the spokesperson for God. I am posting what god revealed to me. We all have that capability if we seek ye first the kingdom.

Because it was your statement, dumb ass.
No dumbass I quoted IM2 post take the shit up with him

You are one confused little conspiracy theory loving Trump supporter, aren't you dumb ass.
View attachment 318988
Conspiracy theories leftist have brought to us
Trump Russia collusion
Trump Obstruction
The Steele Dossier
The Quid Pro Quo phone call
things they make obvious
Democrat collusion with the media

Ask hannity for something new to post dumb ass.
No idiot those are just a few Conspriscies you leftists have dreamed up just to fall on your face.
Stormy Daniels
and her lawyer how many years in prison is that snake in for?
Or the leftist conspiracy about the date raping Kavanaugh?
Avenatti is not in prison for trumps case. But trumps lawyer is and trump is facing court after he leaves office. There was no leftist conspiracy about Kavanaugh. You republicans think that because investigations weren't done by republicans on purpose that somehow this proves innocence. Again, this lawlessness is why we sit here and can't go outside.

quite a few witness' for ms blasey ford said that they were never contacted by the FBI to give statements.
ad the ones she had as collaborating witnesses didn't collaborate what she said
America was started by people who decided to covet a land that was not theirs
This land was GIVEN to "us" (white people of the Israelite Tribe of Joseph) by God because "the sins of the Amorites reached their fullness."
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Jehovah's Witnesses are of all races/nations/peoples (Matthew 24:14). We have no racial prejudice - we all love one another (John 13:34).
I mention what I observe in the REAL WORLD and you respond with JW doctrine which carries ZERO authority with 99% of us.

Africans, with rare exception, are a plague on this planet.
I think your math is off. The ratio of Jehovah's Witnesses to the population is approximately 1 per 1,000 - 99.9 % are not of my religion.

And Africa was not the epicenter of the Corona Virus, nor were Africans the first to spread this virus. China is part of the real world btw.

Oops - did you mean black bats?
You're arguing with ME, but you're not arguing the only point I have made. It was THIS

Africans seem to contribute NOTHING to the advancement of Mankind EXCEPT for their value as ENTERTAINMENT.
The malignancy in the White House can't be gone too soon.
Snowflake hang on you have 5 more years to go

Did God tell you that?
IM2 seems to think God talks to him. So why don't you ask him
I am not the spokesperson for God. I am posting what god revealed to me. We all have that capability if we seek ye first the kingdom.

Because it was your statement, dumb ass.
No dumbass I quoted IM2 post take the shit up with him

You are one confused little conspiracy theory loving Trump supporter, aren't you dumb ass.
View attachment 318988
Conspiracy theories leftist have brought to us
Trump Russia collusion
Trump Obstruction
The Steele Dossier
The Quid Pro Quo phone call
things they make obvious
Democrat collusion with the media

Ask hannity for something new to post dumb ass.
No idiot those are just a few Conspriscies you leftists have dreamed up just to fall on your face.
Stormy Daniels
and her lawyer how many years in prison is that snake in for?
Or the leftist conspiracy about the date raping Kavanaugh?
Avenatti is not in prison for trumps case. But trumps lawyer is and trump is facing court after he leaves office. There was no leftist conspiracy about Kavanaugh. You republicans think that because investigations weren't done by republicans on purpose that somehow this proves innocence. Again, this lawlessness is why we sit here and can't go outside.
Did I say Avenatti was in prison because of Trump's case and what he did during it? No, I didn't he's in prison because of his corruption and you leftists wanted to take a corrupt lawyer word just because Trump beat Hillary.
Are you up to speed now?
The courts took Daniels word and that's why trumps lawyer sits in prison. But you see, there is the matter of trump university where trump defrauded American citizens out of huge sums of money. But all these diversions do not change the reality that you are looking at gods punishment on trump and on people like you for supporting him.


can i add the time when he was performing a 'godly' act by trying to throw an old woman outa her home thru eminent domain - so he can bulldoze her home & pave over her property so he can build a parking lot for his fellow heathen casino patrons? anybody who doesn't believe it - google her name:

vera coking.
Maybe he did try and do that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God maybe he repented of that sin and made it up to the woman the media would never allow you to know it

haaaaaaa......... you mean like this?

and that means what it doesn't refute what I said
I have had things taken from me by strange circumstances as punishment for my ungodly actions as a younger man. I know what it is like to be punished by God. Bigotry has nothing to do with this.

Here is what we know:

We need an all-hands-on-deck approach to contain, as much as humanely possible, the spread of that virus. We need to protect the healthcare system from being overwhelmed and collapsing. We need an all-hands-on-deck approach to contain, as much as humanely possible, the economic damage inflicted upon the population, and the most vulnerable of them in particular.

If the calumny is "god's plan", opposing and counter-acting it is blasphemy, thwarting god's will. The conclusion inexorably to be drawn from your stance is to sit back and let it happen, at best, or even to attack those trying to limit the dying and the damage. I, for one, don't have any time whatsoever for such medieval, bigoted bullshit - to put it mildly - which is but a distraction from the task at hand.

Whoever purports to "know" god's plan is a bigot, and she is likely laughing at him.

Do please try to get your senses back, will you?

Oh, thank you - a voice of reason! And I like your typo on humanly possible: humanely possible.

However, those who actually know God love their neighbor and seek to protect others from this virus:

1 John 4:8
Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love.

[Note: the verse does not say that those who do not know God do not love others.]

I find it ironic that some religious leaders are among the worst of those who defy the direction of governmental leaders and scientists to shelter in place - insisting on their 'right' to have public gatherings.
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Jehovah's Witnesses are of all races/nations/peoples (Matthew 24:14). We have no racial prejudice - we all love one another (John 13:34).
I mention what I observe in the REAL WORLD and you respond with JW doctrine which carries ZERO authority with 99% of us.

Africans, with rare exception, are a plague on this planet.
I think your math is off. The ratio of Jehovah's Witnesses to the population is approximately 1 per 1,000 - 99.9 % are not of my religion.

And Africa was not the epicenter of the Corona Virus, nor were Africans the first to spread this virus. China is part of the real world btw.

Oops - did you mean black bats?
You're arguing with ME, but you're not arguing the only point I have made. It was THIS

Africans seem to contribute NOTHING to the advancement of Mankind EXCEPT for their value as ENTERTAINMENT.

Do you think World War I and World War II started in Africa? Do you deny that World War I was partly responsible for the 1918 Flu pandemic that killed 20 million earthlings?

Why are you harping on your theory and ignoring the most important thing right now:

Shelter in place. And be thankful for the nurses and doctors who are trying to help us - whether they are black or white (or brown, etc.) They are risking their lives to help us. Some are actually dying for us!

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