God's Wrath Against Mankind

I too believe that God heals and I have experienced that healing. I know we are to pray for healing and with faith that it shall be done. And there is no greater feeling of exhilaration when we see that happen.

But for the one who is yet to believe or for the new believer, it is important to know that for whatever reason--it is one of the mysteries we are not privy to know--not all will be healed as we want to be healed--at least not always immediately or right away or in the way that we wanted it to happen.

My pastor is currently preaching through the book of Habakkuk on the theme of "When Bad Things Happen to Good People." He teaches what the mature Christian eventually comes to know that sometimes it seems that the most corrupt and evil people reap undeserved rewards while good and righteous people suffer in many ways. Most of us have experienced or are experiencing those times when our prayers seem to go unanswered and sometimes good works are not always rewarded but sometimes punished. And we ask why. And it is easy for our faith to be shaken.

But as those commissioned to go share and teach the gospel said again and again in the New Testament, the righteous shall live by faith--(and by implication, not via rewards and material blessings.) Romans 1:16,17 - Galatians 3:19,11 - Hebrews 10:35-38 - all referring to Habakkuk 2:4. The righteous know God is doing something even during the bad times we must endure for now.
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I too believe that God heals and I have experienced that healing. I know we are to pray for healing and with faith that it shall be done. And there is no greater feeling of exhilaration when we see that happen.

But for the one who is yet to believe or for the new believer, it is important to know that for whatever reason--it is one of the mysteries we are not privy to know--not all will be healed as we want to be healed--at least not always immediately or right away or in the way that we wanted it to happen.

My pastor is currently preaching through the book of Habakkuk on the theme of "When Bad Things Happen to Good People." He teaches what the mature Christian eventually comes to know that sometimes it seems that the most corrupt and evil people reap undeserved rewards while good and righteous people suffer in many ways. Most of us have experienced or are experiencing those times when our prayers seem to go unanswered and sometimes good works are not always rewarded but sometimes punished. And we ask why. And it is easy for our faith to be shaken.

But as those commissioned to go share and teach the gospel said again and again in the New Testament, the righteous shall live by faith--(and by implication, not via rewards and material blessings.) Romans 1:16,17 - Galatians 3:19,11 - Hebrews 10:35-38 - all referring to Habakkuk 2:4. The righteous know God is doing something even during the bad times we must endure for now.

I just returned home a little while ago - what a time of church with the brethren! It felt like heaven came down at their home and the Holy Spirit moved mightily among us - at 1:30 a.m. we were still wide awake and refreshed by God for all He gave us! One brothers wife said she had learned more from the Lord in the last couple of meetings we have had than in all her years in a church they attended! God is doing a quick work! Hallelujah! These are exciting times, brother! The brother who is a street preacher said the Holy Spirit told him the angels had been listening in on our meeting! That is scriptural, folks! The Lord spoke to my heart something and it confirmed he had indeed arranged that meeting last night into this morning! I'm telling you it was like the book of Acts and the body of Christ is headed into some glorious times! Get excited, church! God is on the move! Big time!

I did ask two brothers there to be joining me in praying for a few of you specifically who are needing healing for sudden loss of family members - the elder brother is in his 80's and a powerful prayer warrior - he is praying for Drifter - healing and comfort for loss of his sister - and Lovebears - healing and comfort for loss of her brother - and her husband - healing - and also Chuck for recent loss of family members & baptism of fire ( Holy Ghost ) elder brother prophesied about Apollos being an assistant to Paul after receiving the Baptism of Holy Spirit at least twice when Chucks name came up - I see an Apollos in Chuck, I believe God showed that to that brother.. and last but not least Koshergirl for the Lord to increase the anointing on her life and use her mightily in harvest which is already here now... I believe God has great plans for that sister! ...also both of the brothers are praying blessings on her life..

So I need to get some rest but before I do this is what the Lord gave me for you, Foxfyre.. God always stays right on point - Phillip had just asked Jesus to show them the Father and that would be enough for them. ( I believe the Lord gave me this to encourage you )

Jesus answered, Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been with you so long? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father, How can you say, Show me the Father? Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing His work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I go to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it.

-John 14: 9 - 14
One thing fo' sho'...

The title of this thread belies the attitude of the last couple of pages.

Even when I was up to my ass in modern Christianity, this part of it was quite the conundrum.

Hi, Joe! Don't get hung up on titles, they are highly over rated! lol.....

This thread is about how to avoid the wrath of God not incur it... :eusa_angel: The last few pages have been nothing short of divine fellowship of the brethren, healing, edification, correction, exhortation, admonition, encouragement - it is quite beautiful and what is "lacking in the modern christianity", Joe...what you are looking at here is "early church" style christianity and exactly what the body of Christ needs these days! Lets get back to lifting up Jesus Christ! When Jesus is lifted up he will draw ALL MEN unto himself! Praise God!! So what is happening to you.... yes, the Holy Spirit is dealing with you and that is where the conflict is at. It is alright, Joe, God has something far better than "religion" in mind for his children - what he is going for here is a one on one relationship with him - and with the brethren - that transforms the way you see everything right now - I am excited for what God is going to do for you in the days ahead, Joe. I am praying for you and my prayers are already being answered.. you've encouraged me greatly this morning and for that I pray the Lord bless you mightily! :eusa_angel: Sleep well, Joe!
i believe there is a God, and if you ask what it my proof. I feel his presence. it's part of the miracle of our lives in total. i think too often we get wrapped up in the noise to listen and feel what is really out there.
i believe there is a God, and if you ask what it my proof. I feel his presence. it's part of the miracle of our lives in total. i think too often we get wrapped up in the noise to listen and feel what is really out there.

Yes, for all those who insist again, and again, and again, and again, that there is no proof that God exists, billions of Christians, Jews, and others have the proof in their personal experience. The person who has never seen stars, who has never looked at bacteria through a microscope, who has never seen or tasted strawberries, who has never experienced snow may believe such things exist, but they base their belief on faith alone.

Those who have encountered/felt the living God do not base their belief in faith alone but rather on their own experience.
i believe there is a God, and if you ask what it my proof. I feel his presence. it's part of the miracle of our lives in total. i think too often we get wrapped up in the noise to listen and feel what is really out there.

Yes, for all those who insist again, and again, and again, and again, that there is no proof that God exists, billions of Christians, Jews, and others have the proof in their personal experience. The person who has never seen stars, who has never looked at bacteria through a microscope, who has never seen or tasted strawberries, who has never experienced snow may believe such things exist, but they base their belief on faith alone.

Those who have encountered/felt the living God do not base their belief in faith alone but rather on their own experience.

i know, it's hard to explain. i believe life exists on other planets, though i have never seen evidence of it. but I believe it does exist because it makes sense. that's a belief with out experiencing. but with faith in God, it's a little different. while there is no proof in the sense he has physically stood there before me, it goes beyond just a belief. there are tangible feelings or communications that occur. if you allow yourself to listen, they are there
This song from Jeff Fenholt ushers in the presence of God for me, Spoonman. I listen to this brother, and he blesses me. Jeff is the former lead singer of Black Sabbath. He was full of demons when God radically saved him by sending some carpenters into his home to do work in his foyer... his testimony is quite a story. I'll have to put it up. Many ministries requested Fenholt to come and share his story. This is a very old video from when he was first saved and you can see the sweetness of his experiencing that true personal relationship with Jesus.. he's just so brand new in the vid.. it's very precious..

wrong video - hold on...
Jeff Fenholts testimony. Former lead singer for Black Sabbath.

[ame=http://youtu.be/hSbL62V4Qy0]Ex BLACK SABBATH singer JEFF FENHOLT testimony. - YouTube[/ame]
This is Jeff Fenholt after he gave his life to Jesus Christ. The presence of God is all over him as he sings this song.

[ame=http://youtu.be/SY0fHAi8XHs]Jeff Fenholt I Exalt Thee - YouTube[/ame]
Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus. I love this guys testimony! He is just so real! What an awesome story! Listen to this you guys!

[ame=http://youtu.be/Fs7i_ckEHVA]Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus - YouTube[/ame]
One thing fo' sho'...

The title of this thread belies the attitude of the last couple of pages.

Even when I was up to my ass in modern Christianity, this part of it was quite the conundrum.

Yes it's quite easy to take something out of context and assign meanings that are completely off base to it.

Meanwhile, it would be nice if everybody put up some prayers for Bones and her family, unspoken for guidance and healing for her and all those she loves. I hesitate to initiate prayers for *strength* because the best way to increase strength is to increase adversity, as we all know.
hello ...i dont remember asking anyone for any prayers...now did i? and why the hell would you pray for me.....you are really showing your ass with that
lets read mark 13:32 ......not even the angels in heaven know....

Yes, part of a longer discourse that terrible times were ahead, and to be ready for nobody would know exactly when it would come to pass. Whether the writer was referring to the current literal generation that would see the destruction of the Temple and the driving of the Jews from Jerusalem or was referring to a later prophecy has been a subject of debate by theologians for a very long time.

I personally think both elements were included and the message contains the universal truth that both good times and bad times are in our future, and since we cannot predict what is coming, we should be prepared, morally, physically, materially, and spiritually.
lets read mark 13:32 ......not even the angels in heaven know....

I looked up the scripture you are quoting, Strollingbones, and you are right. The bible says no one knows the day or the hour of Christ's return. No one, not even Jesus knows, only the Father.

There is a scripture in Amos 3:7 that says: Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. This does not refer to the end - but rather to specific judgments that fall upon a nation and that kind of thing.

We can confirm this by reading Habakkuk who knew of the plans the Lord had to use foreigners to bring a judgment on his own people. A people he perceived to have done far more wickedly than his own people nevertheless he decided in his own heart that whatever the Lord chose to do he would praise Him no matter what. Did Habakkuk know the day and the hour of the destruction? No. But he did know it was coming.

Then there is the matter of Jeremiah who warned the people of his time that judgment was coming but they refused to listen preferring the smooth sayings of the false prophets. Still the destruction did come and the people were taken away into captivity. Did Jeremiah know the day and the hour of the destruction? No. But he did know it was coming.

Then in more recent times there was a man of God named Dumitru Duduman who came from Romania. This happened in the early 1980's I believe. Dumitru is in heaven now. Dumitru was a very humble servant of God and suffered great things at the hands of communists in jail - who tortured him trying to force him to give up the names of those christians who had assisted him in smuggling bibles into communist nations. This he refused to do. Still he survived and the man who had ordered his death by electrocution died in his place that very night of internal bleeding.

Then those in charge in Romania greatly feared Dumitru's God and deported him out of their country along with his family to America. An angel of the Lord had told Dumitru this would happen before it did. ( more evidence of Amos 3:7 ) Then the Lord sent his Angel to tell Dumitru of a warning God had for him to deliver to America. I had never used a computer or owned one until after a year or two after 9/11 happened so I heard the full Story of Dumitrus captivity and message God gave him - "America will Burn" alot later than many in the church.

Still I should put up the video for you so that you can see it for yourself and see that everything the Angel of the Lord told Dumitru has come to pass thus far.

In his book ( which someone sent me as a gift ) Man through the Fire - Dumitru tells us that one of the things the Russians didn't have was knowledge of where our nuclear warehouses were located. Today they do. Dumitru said that the angel of the Lord warned him that the Russians would strike these nuclear warehouses in Florida, New York, California and Las Vegas, Nevada - that in one hour these places would burn because the Lord said they were like Sodom and Gomorrah.

The message God gave him was "America will burn".. and he asked the Lord, when will these things happen? He was told that it would happen when there was an internal revolution in America. An uprising of some sort against our government. Now could it be today will lead to such an uprising? I do not know - I am no longer watching television - we had the cable tv cut off in our home - as it is silliness to waste valuable time that way. But I do hear that there will be a govt shut down of some sort over funds. I don't know the details of this nor do I wish to know.

Nevertheless, Dumitru was given another warning in which he saw a short chubby man who was the president of China, the president of Russia discussing their plans to attack America. Then they said yes, the Cubans and the North Koreans and the Nicaraguans will help us. I believe those were the nations they said would assist them but I will start a thread today ( God willing ) called Dreams and Visions from God and you can read it for yourself what Dumitru was told by the Angel of the Lord and see if this does not look like something that could happen even this very month! October is a month I have dreaded for years now. I don't want to say why I dread that month but if the Lord tells me to share it with you I will. All I know is if we can make it through this October we'll make it to the next one and so on every year as I have been counting them off for at least 7 years now.. the Lord showed me something 7 or more years ago concerning America and the month of October and although I do not know which October I know it happens in the month of October. So this month I have determined to fast and pray. I hope other people here will do the same. Because this is really important.

No one knows the day and the hour of the end - but God most certainly does let his servants know when some judgment is coming on the land. He has always done that and I do believe he always will do that.

Which leads me to one last question for everyone here.

Why do we think we are so special?

We say, we are America! America will neverrrrrrrr fall! We are those who are blessed of the Lord! We are the people of God!

Didn't Israel say the same thing? Then look what happened!

If Romanian Christians suffered, if Chinese Christians have suffered, if Russian Christians have suffered, if Cuban Christians have suffered, if North Korean Christians have suffered, then why is it that Christians in America do not believe American Christians will never suffer persecution?

Why do people think we are so special? I do not understand that kind of thinking! Because it is not true. The bible is true and we need to read it every day and draw near to the Lord right now!
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if you look...the disciples....were convinced that jesus would return in their lifetimes....

jeri, i was raised sb....and hubby was groomed to be a sb minister.....they still hope he will be the 'prodigal son'....they do not look upon me kindly
i dont think we are so special...a lot of countries ...their citizens are better off....we are not number 1 in the things that count but i believe better days are a head...
Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus. I love this guys testimony! He is just so real! What an awesome story! Listen to this you guys!

Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus - YouTube

Isn't he precious, KG? I love this brother! He is so sweet! Oh! I could listen to him all the day long. I love how the Lord deals with us each so differently. My experience with God was more like Brian's than Jeff Fenholt's. Although I gave my life to the Lord alone in my bathroom and unlike Brian I had not visited a church service prior.

What happened to me was weeks before a street preacher walked up to me in a parking lot by where I lived. He said to me, if you died tonight would you go to heaven or hell? I said, I'd probably go to hell.

He said, well, did you know that if you ask Jesus Christ into your heart and invite him to be Lord in your life you can be certain you'll go to heaven if you died in your sleep?

I don't remember my response as it was back in 1989 but I didn't want to talk to him ( because I couldn't stand God or christians back then ) and so he gave me his little bible he was carrying and said here I want to give you this. So I took the little bible and went home. Like Brian there was some time before I was really believing that God was speaking to me! Then October 18th, I was watching this devastating earthquake in California that had flattened a highway like a pancake and cars were crumbled underneath and there was destruction everywhere and it looked like the end of the world on that television! It frightened me to see it and I thought is this the end of the world?

I was at this friends apartment and I said to him, Do you believe in God? And he said, yes, but He isn't for me. And I said in my heart, I'm going home to find out if he is real! I remember climbing the steps to my front door and it was as if time stopped and I knew I was about to give my life to Jesus Christ and would never be the same again! Then I went to my bathroom, shut the door fell to my knees and cried out to Jesus, if you are real, I need you in my life! I want to give you my life, Jesus! I cried so many tears I soaked that floor with my tears! And when I got up? I was saved. To the bone. The next morning? I went outside and the sky was bluer, the grass was greener, everything was beautiful and I knew I'd been forgiven all of my sins.

I saw this little blue truck across the street and it had an I love Jesus bumper sticker on it. I knocked on her door and she opened it and I said to the woman, I just gave my life to Jesus Christ, do you go to church? I need to go to a church! She said, yes! I go to Benny Hinns church and I will take you there this Sunday. So she did and on Sunday Benny called me up to the altar and prayed deliverance over me and then baptized me in the Holy Ghost and I went home praying in the Holy Ghost. And that was how I became a Christian. Then I joined his church and he taught me about Jesus and how to pray. I went to his prayer meetings on Saturday morning and God opened my eyes right away to seeing in the spirit realm. I saw the demons and the angels of the Lord. Both of them! :eusa_angel:

Then I was no longer a drug dealer so I became homeless and I gave my beautiful furniture and clothes away I had bought with drug money and started over with the Lord. It was the happiest times of my life! Homeless but in the Hands of God! Does it get any better than that? No!
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if you look...the disciples....were convinced that jesus would return in their lifetimes....

jeri, i was raised sb....and hubby was groomed to be a sb minister.....they still hope he will be the 'prodigal son'....they do not look upon me kindly

Well, then that is their loss, Strollingbones! Because I see something very beautiful in you! Sometimes folks can be as blind as bats and I count myself to be one of the blindest bats until He opens my eyeballs. Folks can do the darndest stuff in the name of the Lord. I'm sorry to hear of it! It surely was a grief to your husbands heart too. It don't feel good to have the one you love being picked on by kin folks. It makes me want to hide under a pillow because I have experienced that inlaw thing before. ( for years actually ) I reckon all you can do is plead mercy for them and try to love them when the opportunity comes around. But I know what it is to be the black sheep and they are just growling at you under their breath and saying ,, there she is!! ooh.. It makes me cringe to even think of it and I mostly try not to think about it. p.s. I truly do feel mercy for them now ( I didn't always you know! ) because I know they do not know what they are doing to me and I can tell you now those kin folks of your husbands don't know what they are doing to you either!
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