God's Wrath Against Mankind

if you look...the disciples....were convinced that jesus would return in their lifetimes....

jeri, i was raised sb....and hubby was groomed to be a sb minister.....they still hope he will be the 'prodigal son'....they do not look upon me kindly

About your word about the disciples. I believe you are right, Strollingbones! Jesus couldn't return until after many things happen that have yet to happen in the bible! I reckon the reality is My body will be dead and gone before then. But it surely does feel close all the time. I don't know why that is. It must be a mystery.
if you look...the disciples....were convinced that jesus would return in their lifetimes....

jeri, i was raised sb....and hubby was groomed to be a sb minister.....they still hope he will be the 'prodigal son'....they do not look upon me kindly

This is true. The disciples/Apostles I believe did misunderstand Jesus about when he would return even though he flat out told them nobody knew when that would be other than God himself. The writings of the Apostle Paul, which are the earliest complete manuscripts included in the New Testament, certainly reflect that as do the synoptic Gospels that are also among the earliest manuscripts. But by the time John was writing and some of the later manuscripts, it was becoming apparent that they were realizing they may have had that wrong and needed to instruct the people to dig in for the long haul.

As for being raised sb, I wasn't, but I married one of those. I know those who fell away from their childhood faith. He didn't, but his faith has matured and changed over time and he has a different perspective about many things as do I. We see that happen in the writings of the Bible too, even among Paul's letters from the earliest to the latest. God is said to be the same and unchanging then, now, and forever. But the understanding and perceptions of the people and how they viewed God definitely changed over the centuries, and this is clearly reflected in the manuscripts that we have.
lets read mark 13:32 ......not even the angels in heaven know....

Yes, part of a longer discourse that terrible times were ahead, and to be ready for nobody would know exactly when it would come to pass. Whether the writer was referring to the current literal generation that would see the destruction of the Temple and the driving of the Jews from Jerusalem or was referring to a later prophecy has been a subject of debate by theologians for a very long time.

I personally think both elements were included and the message contains the universal truth that both good times and bad times are in our future, and since we cannot predict what is coming, we should be prepared, morally, physically, materially, and spiritually.

I believe Strollingbones is specifically speaking of when the end comes and she is quoting Mark 13: 32 which makes clear that this is not about the destruction of the temple ( which Jesus most definitely did prophesy about! ) but rather the end of the world! Only God the Father knows when the end of the world will come, even Jesus doesn't know the day and the hour that the Father has decided upon. Only God the Father knows that, Foxfyre. Strollingbones is right on the mark here!
if you look...the disciples....were convinced that jesus would return in their lifetimes....

jeri, i was raised sb....and hubby was groomed to be a sb minister.....they still hope he will be the 'prodigal son'....they do not look upon me kindly

This is true. The disciples/Apostles I believe did misunderstand Jesus about when he would return even though he flat out told them nobody knew when that would be other than God himself. The writings of the Apostle Paul, which are the earliest complete manuscripts included in the New Testament, certainly reflect that as do the synoptic Gospels that are also among the earliest manuscripts. But by the time John was writing and some of the later manuscripts, it was becoming apparent that they were realizing they may have had that wrong and needed to instruct the people to dig in for the long haul.

As for being raised sb, I wasn't, but I married one of those. I know those who fell away from their childhood faith. He didn't, but his faith has matured and changed over time and he has a different perspective about many things as do I. We see that happen in the writings of the Bible too, even among Paul's letters from the earliest to the latest. God is said to be the same and unchanging then, now, and forever. But the understanding and perceptions of the people and how they viewed God definitely changed over the centuries, and this is clearly reflected in the manuscripts that we have.

I do not even know what a synoptic is, Brother, but listen to this!

The white haired street preacher in his 80's who prays for ya'll ( some of you specifically by name - others as a group ) and for me? He first started out Baptist and then he got baptized in the Holy Ghost and he got throwed out of some of the churches but he kept preaching on the streets and he also preaches straight out of the Book of Acts and Romans, and Corinthians and speaking forth the Word of God and I've never seen a man so full of the Holy Ghost in all my born days! God arranged for us to meet by divine appt.!

Now he was in my living room yesterday and prayed for me as the devil was attacking me when I woke up and telling me that I wasn't a christian anymore! That God was going to put me in hell because I wasn't really forgiven for backsliding some time ago! I had crossed the line and it was too late! I felt all messed up inside even though I knew it couldn't be true as how could he answer my prayers if I wasn't his kid anymore?! God sent Brother over here to pray for me and get me straightened up and he told me that both he and another brother had both woke up with attacks from the enemy that morning and that I was Gods child and not to listen to those lies anymore! So then he prayed for me and sang me a song and I felt 100% better! :eusa_angel:

Now he told me about how some of us are going to be thrown in prison and killed for preaching the Gospel and I am fine with that, I hope God would count me worthy to suffer for him, but I don't like it when I can't feel the Lord! It makes me feel like a 2 yr old in a mall who turned around and her daddy is suddenly gone! It makes me cry my eyeballs out! This morning I have sensed the nearness of God all morning and it is a blessed thing to know he is here and I am his child.

Oh! And this white haired brother who is full of the Holy Ghost has been beaten up physically for preaching the Gospel on the street corners. He has been arrested for it too and he told me of his times in jail that was for no other reason than that he was preaching the Gospel! I have prayed for people out on the sidewalks but I have never been arrested for it yet. But I reckon the day could come. Still wouldn't that be a good thing to be arrested for? I think so.

One more thing* Some of you may have the devil lying to you like he did to me yesterday morning and telling you that you've crossed the line, it is too late, you can't come back to God, well the devil is a liar and if God would take me back he would surely take anybody back so don't you worry about it. You just come on back and tell God you want to pick back up with him where you left off. He is surely ready to do it. The devil is a liar!
lets read mark 13:32 ......not even the angels in heaven know....

Yes, part of a longer discourse that terrible times were ahead, and to be ready for nobody would know exactly when it would come to pass. Whether the writer was referring to the current literal generation that would see the destruction of the Temple and the driving of the Jews from Jerusalem or was referring to a later prophecy has been a subject of debate by theologians for a very long time.

I personally think both elements were included and the message contains the universal truth that both good times and bad times are in our future, and since we cannot predict what is coming, we should be prepared, morally, physically, materially, and spiritually.

I believe Strollingbones is specifically speaking of when the end comes and she is quoting Mark 13: 32 which makes clear that this is not about the destruction of the temple ( which Jesus most definitely did prophesy about! ) but rather the end of the world! Only God the Father knows when the end of the world will come, even Jesus doesn't know the day and the hour that the Father has decided upon. Only God the Father knows that, Foxfyre. Strollingbones is right on the mark here!

I leave open the possibility that the writer wrote both about destruction and tribulation that would be experienced by the present generation and also about the end times. I think there is room for both interpretations. We know the short term prophecy was fulfilled and have every reason to believe the long term prophecy will be fullled. And at the time of the writing, nobody knew exactly when either would take place.

I don't fight over these interpretations Jeri because I believe God does not intend for us to worship the Scriptures, but rather to allow the Spirit to inform us through them. And different people interpreting them in different ways in no way diminishes the ability of the Spirit to lead us into greater truths.

I believe the 100% rigid orthodox strict interpretationist is blessed via the scriptures. And if they need that strict interpretation, I don't try to disuade them.

And I believe those allowing for different interpregations can be equally blessed. And whether or not I can agree with their interpretation, I won't fuss with them either. :)

(Doesn't mean that I don't enjoy debating and analyzing the scriptures together with others who also enjoy the exercise. :))
the bible says many things...many wrong things....man words are not gospel and the bible is the word of man...have you ever wondered why abel was selected over cain...now here is cain working his ass off growing crops...while abel is just watching the sheep screw and his heard grow...but god favors abel.....why? o wait wait...who wrote that part...jews...and what were they...nomadic sheep herders?

with the word of man comes very mixed messages...did god know you in the womb? then why are you not a person till you are a month old?

we all know that the sun does not rotate around the earth...yet there it is in the bible...

and then the old testament as law and the new as grace...

there is nothing wrong with being strong in your lord...nothing at all....
Jeri, the Synoptic Gospels are Matthew, Mark, and Luke--each presenting us with a glimpse into the life and teachings of the man, Jesus, his claim to divinity, his fulfillment of the ancient prophecies, and the message of assurance and hope that he taught. If you lay all three books side by side, with a bit of rearranging, you find many parallel passages all obviously drawn from the same source.

Mark is the earliest by far of the three and the shortest giving us neither the stories of Jesus birth and youth nor his appearances after his death. Matthew and Luke both obviously drew strongly from the manuscript of Mark that was already being copied and circulated for reading in the Christian churches that were forming, and both added additional content they deemed important.

Almost all of the content of Mark will be found in both Matthew and Luke, but Matthew contains material not found in Mark and Luke, and Luke contains material not found in Matthew or Mark. At different times Matthew and Luke will appear to disagree with Mark or each other, but there is no place that Matthew and Luke agree with each other against Mark. And all areas of disagreement can be attributed to minor discrepancies in the recollections of eye witnesses or different emphasis placed on the teachings.

John was written a considerable time later than the other three gospels and, though he includes some of the Synoptic materials, it is mostly so different that it is not included with the Synoptics but stands on its own.
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the bible says many things...many wrong things....man words are not gospel and the bible is the word of man...have you ever wondered why abel was selected over cain...now here is cain working his ass off growing crops...while abel is just watching the sheep screw and his heard grow...but god favors abel.....why? o wait wait...who wrote that part...jews...and what were they...nomadic sheep herders?

with the word of man comes very mixed messages...did god know you in the womb? then why are you not a person till you are a month old?

we all know that the sun does not rotate around the earth...yet there it is in the bible...

and then the old testament as law and the new as grace...

there is nothing wrong with being strong in your lord...nothing at all....

The writers of the Old Testament were not men of science. They were men of faith. And it is wise not to underestimate the faith of an ancient farmer or sheep herder. Most of Genesis is devoted to teaching why things are the way they are. The Bible scholar doesn't get hung up on whether the stories are allegory or true history. He or she is interested in the deeper lessons to be learned.

The concept, for instance, is not to question so much why Abel was favored over Cain--remember that even though Cain slew Abel, God put his mark upon Cain to protect him the remainder of his life so did God really favor Abel over Cain? It was Cain who would be the patriarch of God's chosen people. Not Abel.

The whole of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, again and again shows God calling the most unlikely and presumably most unsuitable people into his service. We can choose to get hung up on improbable or inconsequential details. Or we can choose to benefit from the universal truths that are there to learn.
jeri....how new to your lord are you?

I got saved Oct 18, 1989 at 8:58 p.m., Strollingbones., then I had an amazing walk with the Lord and led many people to Christ and prayed for folks and they would get healed and all that, but I also was always very poor and I didn't think I fit in with the churches because they all taught that if I was an obedient christian I should be walking in prosperity but I wasn't. I bought all my clothes and my sons clothes at the thrift store. At Christmas time I had to buy my sons presents from the thrift store too. I remember one year I got him a bag of balloons and a board game from the thrift store for his birthday and the pieces were missing to it. ( we were homeless at that time but I was beginning to get my wall paper jobs then and shortly after we got an apartment of our own ) I never got any child support but I never asked for it either because his dad was a very mean person. I was glad he was gone when my son was 2 weeks old and we never saw him again. As to my life as a christian in my early years.. I didn't even have a bank account. I would do my jobs day by day and get paid for hanging paper and then I'd pay the bills by driving to the electric store and the phone bill place and the used car lot and the apt. manager, to pay them in cash. ( The Holy Spirit taught me how to hang wallpaper very quickly after I got saved )

I would get my paychecks cashed at the check cashing place and pay a fee because I didn't have a bank account. I also gave money away to strangers if I saw their grocery basket had stuff like cans of spam in it.. just little things God would show me they needed money for some more food at the time and I would tell them Jesus told me to give you this.. then they would thank Jesus in their hearts. I never did have anything left over, Strollingbones. Still I felt very alienated from other christians during that time and I think it is because I didn't have the clothes they did and my car was a bucket, and I didn't think I was blessed like them. I was ashamed of myself in a weird kind of way. I don't think I managed the money the Lord gave me very well either because no one ever taught me how to do that. I felt like there was something seriously wrong with me. Also some of the christians I met seemed very busy and didn't seem to notice me or my son if we visited a church because we were poor. I'm not judging them, God forgive me I thank God for being poor all that time because now my eyes are open to help someone quickly. If I can get my husband to agree with me for it! :eusa_angel: ( I have to ask him as he is in charge of the money in our house )

So then I became very shut in with God and didn't have tv, just prayed and read spiritual books and my bible and stayed away from people for the most part. I never went to church during those years either. Then I married my husband and it was very hard to describe how difficult things became but apart from my own family abandoning me for my walk with God it became unbearable and then I was driven to pray even deeper like getting up at 4 a.m. and going out to the woods to pray until daybreak and walking the land reading the bible out loud and then something happened.. I remember the morning, it was 4 a.m. and I won't say what it was but it knocked the breath out of me and after that I started running away from God because I said, Lord? I cannot take this anymore! This is too much! Too much! So I sinned big!

There is alot more to it really. I went back to the internet and to the Jewish people I met on the boards who became a family to me and I started cussing and fighting with the other side and would never admit Israel did anything wrong or that any Jewish person could do ever do anything wrong..It was as if I claimed sinless perfection over them! To hear me talk they walked on the water! ( I still love them and Israel but they are not seated on the throne of my heart any longer )

I would just deny, deny, deny and justify myself all along! I refused to preach the gospel to the Jews because I didn't want to offend them and I told God let someone else do that, I don't want do it..* can you imagine? He should have squashed me like a bug right then....

then I would go back and forth with him and then finally he dealt with me head on about it right here on this very board and I said, alright. I surrender! Just give me an opportunity to apologise to the person I offended here and I'll do whatever you say! He did, the person forgave me and now? Here we are! That's it in a nutshell best I can tell it. My husband just told me that there are people coming over here so I will have to go for now. I hope to come back later, God willing. I hope you have a happy day today, Strollingbones, and everything goes well. It looks pretty out there today! I think it will be a good day.

* But even though I wouldn't do it at first I did repent and I am doing it now!
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I need to tell you guys one thing before I go. God has impressed upon me he wants me to share this. The Lord woke me up in the middle of the night last night and said, God is angry with the wicked every day. It was such a strong word that it stayed with me for awhile before I went back to sleep. Now I looked it up and in Psalms 7:11 it says: God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

Now I think back in the days when I was struggling and staying out of church I reckon I did wickedly as I did go back to cigarette smoking and drinking wine for a time, you know. But I don't do any of that today. I don't smoke or drink or do anything but pray for folks, read my bible and write here when I'm led to do it and sometimes when I'm not!

Still, I think God is giving people here Psalms 7 to read because he has a message for ya'll!

So read Psalm Chapter 7 and see what he says to you. Because not reading it is not going to keep you safe - I do believe that the Lord has already prepared the instruments of death because he has ordained his arrows against the persecutors. It may frighten some of you to read it but I do believe the Lord wants you to see things as He is seeing them right now in this hour because he loves you guys. Have a blessed day.
Jeri, the Synoptic Gospels are Matthew, Mark, and Luke--each presenting us with a glimpse into the life and teachings of the man, Jesus, his claim to divinity, his fulfillment of the ancient prophecies, and the message of assurance and hope that he taught. If you lay all three books side by side, with a bit of rearranging, you find many parallel passages all obviously drawn from the same source.

Is "Synoptic" a hermeneutical word?
There is no such thing as Q.

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Q, The Passantinos discuss the Q documentary hypothesis as used by Earl Doherty in an attempt to discredit the authenticity of the New Testament Gospels during a debate with Lee Stobel, author of <I>The Case for Chr
Jeri, the Synoptic Gospels are Matthew, Mark, and Luke--each presenting us with a glimpse into the life and teachings of the man, Jesus, his claim to divinity, his fulfillment of the ancient prophecies, and the message of assurance and hope that he taught. If you lay all three books side by side, with a bit of rearranging, you find many parallel passages all obviously drawn from the same source.

Is "Synoptic" a hermeneutical word?
There is no such thing as Q.

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Q, The Passantinos discuss the Q documentary hypothesis as used by Earl Doherty in an attempt to discredit the authenticity of the New Testament Gospels during a debate with Lee Stobel, author of <I>The Case for Chr

I suppose it could be defined like that. Using the term 'Synoptic' like using the term 'hermenuetical' is generally in the language of Bible eggheads--some might say pointy heads :)--who really enjoy digging into the origins and history undergirding the texts. It mostly just saves time in discussing this stuff.

From Dictionary.com

pertaining to or constituting a synopsis; affording or taking a general view of the principal parts of a subject.

( often initial capital letter ) taking a common view: used chiefly in reference to the first three Gospels (synoptic Gospels) Matthew, Mark, and Luke, from their similarity in content, order, and statement.

( often initial capital letter ) pertaining to the synoptic Gospels.
Jeri, the Synoptic Gospels are Matthew, Mark, and Luke--each presenting us with a glimpse into the life and teachings of the man, Jesus, his claim to divinity, his fulfillment of the ancient prophecies, and the message of assurance and hope that he taught. If you lay all three books side by side, with a bit of rearranging, you find many parallel passages all obviously drawn from the same source.

Is "Synoptic" a hermeneutical word?
There is no such thing as Q.

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Q, The Passantinos discuss the Q documentary hypothesis as used by Earl Doherty in an attempt to discredit the authenticity of the New Testament Gospels during a debate with Lee Stobel, author of <I>The Case for Chr

I suppose it could be defined like that. Using the term 'Synoptic' like using the term 'hermenuetical' is generally in the language of Bible eggheads--some might say pointy heads :)--who really enjoy digging into the origins and history undergirding the texts. It mostly just saves time in discussing this stuff.

From Dictionary.com

pertaining to or constituting a synopsis; affording or taking a general view of the principal parts of a subject.

( often initial capital letter ) taking a common view: used chiefly in reference to the first three Gospels (synoptic Gospels) Matthew, Mark, and Luke, from their similarity in content, order, and statement.

( often initial capital letter ) pertaining to the synoptic Gospels.

I don't like hearing about the synoptic gospels because it is only used in higher criticism against the Bible. No one I know uses the term in Bible study. I don't know any pastors who use it.

There is no evidence of Q.
de de dum.....how goes it?

kg seems to think i should not be upset over her declaring she would pray for me and my family...but i note...she accused me of trolling due to my posting a bible verse and now she has ran her mouth some more...so i invited her back here where it started...

i normally avoid these religions thread due to the non tolerance of most toward my beliefs...i have my own beliefs and stick to them...i do not witness nor do i try to convert....so the idea of someone of a totally different faith advocating that she and others pray for me..does not set well with me...

nowhere will you ever see me asking for anyone to pray for me....
I can understand that, Strollingbones, but you know, I did write down ya'lls names on papers front and back to pray over ya'll each day. There is a bunch of you! Then two other brothers that live near by me said we will help pray for the people too. But I do understand your concern so let me ask you if it would be alright, if I could just pray for angelic protection over you and your loved ones - over your car and home and for Gods best blessings on you. Nothing else. Would that be alright? If it isn't? I won't do it. If it is? I'll keep doing it each day. I'll leave it up to you.
jeri when i pray...i pray for all.....no exclusions...but i sure dont go around acting like people need me to pray for them....do you understand the difference?
i think pray of any kind can be powerful....but again i do not witness so i will shush about that...i just get upset when people think its alright to go off on me....yall are the majority ...now

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