Gofundme is cracking down on anti vaccination campaigns

I choose to avoid mercury for me and my family… But that’s just me

I just avoid vaccines for me and my family so I don’t have to deal with baby butchery and animal tissue… But then again that’s just me

Yes, nothing you eat or drink has any mercury in it.....DURR.
True it is unavoidable, but I try to avoid it every time I can. Because it has no benefit obviously

Because it has no benefit obviously

They put something which has no benefit into multi-dose units of flu vaccine?

You're lying.
No one needs mercury and the like... It has no health benefits

You're lying.
Everyone can be perfectly healthy without mercury and the like....
How many millions of Americans have not had any smallpox and polio shots?

It's been eradicated because of vaccines.

Do you even math?

Math gives him polio.
Forced vaccination... It just ain’t right

Neither is dying of a preventable disease.
There are other ways of preventing disease than vaccines...

I agree. One good way is keeping you and your germy kids isolated.
It's been eradicated because of vaccines.

Do you even math?

Math gives him polio.
Forced vaccination... It just ain’t right

Neither is dying of a preventable disease.
There are other ways of preventing disease than vaccines...

I agree. One good way is keeping you and your germy kids isolated.
You obviously don’t understand disease, everybody is exposed to every type of disease that is why we have an immune system. What are you in grade school? Just because there’s vaccinations doesn’t mean that the germs are gone…

I like many others when I occasionally maybe once every year or two or three I get a cold/flu it lasts for a day or two... tops three then it’s gone.
Some years back I decided to get a flu shot I think maybe in 1996... I had cold/flu like symptoms for over a month I thought I was going to die...

And sure it’s antidotal, But I do find it funny every other time I’ve gotten the cold/flu it lasts tops three days and most times a day or two.... LOL
Math gives him polio.
Forced vaccination... It just ain’t right

Neither is dying of a preventable disease.
There are other ways of preventing disease than vaccines...

I agree. One good way is keeping you and your germy kids isolated.
You obviously don’t understand disease, everybody is exposed to every type of disease that is why we have an immune system. What are you in grade school? Just because there’s vaccinations doesn’t mean that the germs are gone…

I like many others when I occasionally maybe once every year or two or three I get a cold/flu it lasts for a day or two... tops three then it’s gone.
Some years back I decided to get a flu shot I think maybe in 1996... I had cold/flu like symptoms for over a month I thought I was going to die...

And sure it’s antidotal, But I do find it funny every other time I’ve gotten the cold/flu it lasts tops three days and most times a day or two.... LOL

everybody is exposed to every type of disease that is why we have an immune system.

When is the last time you were exposed to smallpox? To ebola?

And sure it’s antidotal,

There is no antidote to your ignorance.

every other time I’ve gotten the cold/flu it lasts tops three days and most times a day or two....

How many Americans die of the flu every year?
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.
Its a private company. They have the right to determine who they'll conduct business with.
Forced vaccination... It just ain’t right

Neither is dying of a preventable disease.
There are other ways of preventing disease than vaccines...

I agree. One good way is keeping you and your germy kids isolated.
You obviously don’t understand disease, everybody is exposed to every type of disease that is why we have an immune system. What are you in grade school? Just because there’s vaccinations doesn’t mean that the germs are gone…

I like many others when I occasionally maybe once every year or two or three I get a cold/flu it lasts for a day or two... tops three then it’s gone.
Some years back I decided to get a flu shot I think maybe in 1996... I had cold/flu like symptoms for over a month I thought I was going to die...

And sure it’s antidotal, But I do find it funny every other time I’ve gotten the cold/flu it lasts tops three days and most times a day or two.... LOL

everybody is exposed to every type of disease that is why we have an immune system.

When is the last time you were exposed to smallpox? To ebola?

And sure it’s antidotal,

There is no antidote to your ignorance.

every other time I’ve gotten the cold/flu it lasts tops three days and most times a day or two....

How many Americans die of the flu every year?
Millions of upon millions of people of been exposed to those diseases… They lived through it

Vaccines are not the answer, for everybody. Take all the vaccines you want leave the rest of us out of it.

Millions upon millions of Americans are exposed to the flu every day… And don’t die

Anti vaxxers should be arrested.
Neither is dying of a preventable disease.
There are other ways of preventing disease than vaccines...

I agree. One good way is keeping you and your germy kids isolated.
You obviously don’t understand disease, everybody is exposed to every type of disease that is why we have an immune system. What are you in grade school? Just because there’s vaccinations doesn’t mean that the germs are gone…

I like many others when I occasionally maybe once every year or two or three I get a cold/flu it lasts for a day or two... tops three then it’s gone.
Some years back I decided to get a flu shot I think maybe in 1996... I had cold/flu like symptoms for over a month I thought I was going to die...

And sure it’s antidotal, But I do find it funny every other time I’ve gotten the cold/flu it lasts tops three days and most times a day or two.... LOL

everybody is exposed to every type of disease that is why we have an immune system.

When is the last time you were exposed to smallpox? To ebola?

And sure it’s antidotal,

There is no antidote to your ignorance.

every other time I’ve gotten the cold/flu it lasts tops three days and most times a day or two....

How many Americans die of the flu every year?
Millions of upon millions of people of been exposed to those diseases… They lived through it

Vaccines are not the answer, for everybody. Take all the vaccines you want leave the rest of us out of it.

Millions upon millions of Americans are exposed to the flu every day… And don’t die

Millions of upon millions of people of been exposed to those diseases… They lived through it

How many American Indians didn't live through it.

Millions upon millions of Americans are exposed to the flu every day… And don’t die

That wasn't my fucking question, was it?
There are other ways of preventing disease than vaccines...

I agree. One good way is keeping you and your germy kids isolated.
You obviously don’t understand disease, everybody is exposed to every type of disease that is why we have an immune system. What are you in grade school? Just because there’s vaccinations doesn’t mean that the germs are gone…

I like many others when I occasionally maybe once every year or two or three I get a cold/flu it lasts for a day or two... tops three then it’s gone.
Some years back I decided to get a flu shot I think maybe in 1996... I had cold/flu like symptoms for over a month I thought I was going to die...

And sure it’s antidotal, But I do find it funny every other time I’ve gotten the cold/flu it lasts tops three days and most times a day or two.... LOL

everybody is exposed to every type of disease that is why we have an immune system.

When is the last time you were exposed to smallpox? To ebola?

And sure it’s antidotal,

There is no antidote to your ignorance.

every other time I’ve gotten the cold/flu it lasts tops three days and most times a day or two....

How many Americans die of the flu every year?
Millions of upon millions of people of been exposed to those diseases… They lived through it

Vaccines are not the answer, for everybody. Take all the vaccines you want leave the rest of us out of it.

Millions upon millions of Americans are exposed to the flu every day… And don’t die

Millions of upon millions of people of been exposed to those diseases… They lived through it

How many American Indians didn't live through it.

Millions upon millions of Americans are exposed to the flu every day… And don’t die

That wasn't my fucking question, was it?
Of course these diseases take their toll, but forced vaccination is not the answer.


Millions of Americans do not have any vaccinations and live through exposure of the flu… How was that?
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.
What will you do when the next polio epidemic hits?

what will you do when you learn what gave you the illness you have : How many times do you want to ask me this same question. You musT have polio or someone you know and you want to deny the very fact that CDC ADMITS but yet you deny the POLIO VACCINES GAVE PPL POLIO WTF PART DO U NOT COMPREHEND!



Experimental Vaccines
May 13, 2012

RELATED: Paralysis Cases Spike in Wake of Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccination Effort in India
RELATED: Bill Gates and 47,500 Cases of Paralysis

With the Polio vaccine being the New World Orders’ go-to weapon of choice since it has done so well over the years. Staring back in the early 1950’s when the United States launched its first assault on the unsuspecting public. Infecting over 100 million American with the SV40 cancer virus, the Polio Vaccine is one of the eugenicists’ favorite weapons in its quest to kill, control or incarcerate the entire globe.

Today with Bill and Melinda Gates leading the charge of the “vaccinate the planet” campaign we have seen everything from genetically modified mosquitoes that carry yellow fever to genetically modified goats that lactate vaccine compounds in their milk. Now they are back at it with a more powerful version of the polio vaccine that is orally transmitted it is called; live oral polio virus vaccine (OP
Bill Gates Oral Polio Vaccine Cripples 47,500 Children


Polio Vaccines Now The #1 Cause of Polio Paralysis

Want some more........

Polio SV40 Vaccine- Diseases and Vaccines - NVIC

I began speaking and writing about monkey virus contamination of polio vaccines ten years ago when questions were raised in the medical literature about whether the use of monkeys infected with monkey viruses to produce oral polio vaccines was responsible for HIV and the AIDS epidemic. (Attachment 2: Kyle, W.S. 1992. Simian retroviruses, polio vaccine, and origin of AIDS. The Lancet 339: 600-601.) Between 1994 and 1997 I submitted several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to the government regarding testing of certain lots of oral polio vaccine for monkey virus contamination (Attachment 3 – Correspondence between BL Fisher and FDA) During the course of my research I discovered that it was well known that the first polio vaccine produced in the 1950’s – the inactivated polio vaccine created by Jonas Salk – was made using rhesus monkeys that were infected with a monkey virus called simian virus 40 or SV40.

Anti vaxxers should be arrested.
I still have pneumonia symptoms from the pneumonia vaccine the doctor's nurse gave me last August or September. I hacked and coughed all night long last night and for the past 240 nights. Where do sick old ladies report to be fingerprinted for their arrest? Will I be furnished inhaler equipment and an orthopedic bed that raises my feet 15 inches 3 times a day? You sure you wanna throw us in with convicts who will insist on humidifiers and vapor rub replacements 3 times a night just because we anti-vaxxers have problems with "fix everything bad" shots that went bad before put in us? Don't you think it'd be cheaper if you just left us alone to die in peace of our own homes? We don't hurt anybody out here in God's country where spiders and scorpions hustle into the corners when we enter the room? Really, it's too expensive to house people whose bodys have suffered great lengths of time by dealing with the shock episodes alone from shots the doctor insists we take, and half the time we get flu anyway with flu shots that break us out and send us to the er once a year. :(
Fine...if you don't want to get vaccinated, if you don't vaccinate your kids, it is your business....when you and your offspring go out into the public, then it is the public's business.
Till vaccines are 100% effective, 100% safe and affordable maybe… Na, They should still be an 100% choice and no one else’s business whether anyone chooses to partake.
I know my daughters could never survive vaccination....

Statement: "I know my daughters could never survive vaccination...."

Response: This is an odd statement, even for you.

I had a flu shot some years back, I was sick from it for over a month. Only vaccination I’ve ever had and it about killed me.

I was inoculated with a series of vaccines when the ship I was on was going to the Philippines and beyond. That night half the crew in berthing was freezing and half burning up, then we tossed of the blanket and began to sweat. No fun, but getting one of those diseases was much worse and lasted more than a day.
I have no problem with people choosing to partake in vaccines, the problem I have is forced vaccinations. The federal government gave my ancestors smallpox blankets... much the same thing.

No one knows the short term and long term affects of vaccinations from individual to individual… That is why it should be a 100% choice. The collective never has the best interest of the individual in mind...
Me and my family just like millions of other Americans choose not to partake in such things, I certainly do not want a bunch of career politician/bureaucrats/deep state telling us what to do.

I suppose you believe you know more than all the medical professionals.
Till vaccines are 100% effective, 100% safe and affordable maybe… Na, They should still be an 100% choice and no one else’s business whether anyone chooses to partake.
I know my daughters could never survive vaccination....

Statement: "I know my daughters could never survive vaccination...."

Response: This is an odd statement, even for you.

I had a flu shot some years back, I was sick from it for over a month. Only vaccination I’ve ever had and it about killed me.

I was inoculated with a series of vaccines when the ship I was on was going to the Philippines and beyond. That night half the crew in berthing was freezing and half burning up, then we tossed of the blanket and began to sweat. No fun, but getting one of those diseases was much worse and lasted more than a day.
I have no problem with people choosing to partake in vaccines, the problem I have is forced vaccinations. The federal government gave my ancestors smallpox blankets... much the same thing.

No one knows the short term and long term affects of vaccinations from individual to individual… That is why it should be a 100% choice. The collective never has the best interest of the individual in mind...
Me and my family just like millions of other Americans choose not to partake in such things, I certainly do not want a bunch of career politician/bureaucrats/deep state telling us what to do.

I suppose you believe you know more than all the medical professionals.
Na, not necessarily.
I just know what’s right for me and my family… Vaccines are an no go.

Forced vaccinations are never necessary... What is wrong with pro-choice?

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