Going After Crumbs: Dems Push to Repeal Tax Cuts and Increase Taxes


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes
Its solely as a talking point for the Fall Elections.

The Summary below the Title of the Bill is:

"An Act to let the poorly educated know that we Democrats will perform Fellatio for Votes, and for related issues......"
Its solely as a talking point for the Fall Elections.

The Summary below the Title of the Bill is:

"An Act to let the poorly educated know that we Democrats will perform Fellatio for Votes, and for related issues......"
I fully support the Democratic platforms of repealing the tax cuts, increasing taxes, open borders, and taking away guns owned by lawful Americans.
Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes
I like the way they say "your money".
Like billionaires money belongs to, to, who? Republicans?
Or the huge windfall corporations who are making money hand over fist are using it to pay higher wages. How much are they using? 2%? 3%?
The rest is going to buybacks.
Republicans are getting fuked. They just haven't figured it out yet. But they will. I suspect sometime before November.
Its solely as a talking point for the Fall Elections.

The Summary below the Title of the Bill is:

"An Act to let the poorly educated know that we Democrats will perform Fellatio for Votes, and for related issues......"
I fully support the Democratic platforms of repealing the tax cuts, increasing taxes, open borders, and taking away guns owned by lawful Americans.
It's all a matter of perspective.

While you say we want "open borders" we say we want lawful immigration.

What you call Tax Cuts for everyone we call Trump Tax Cuts for billionaires and corporations.

What you call Lawful Americans who need guns to shoot up schools, we call the Insane who should never have guns.

It's just a different perspective. And you can't convince me your's isn't dangerous.
I go with the dems as long as it applies to everyone across the board, no exceptions, no exemptions, no excuses. Matter of a fact if taxes are so important to pay let’s do a flat tax, no exceptions, no excuses, no exemptions say at 25% no matter the source of income. All income to be taxed at 25%. Now won’t you libtards feel all squishy and patriotic.
Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes

The Democrats are partially right. The problem is that in addition to the top tax rate being cut from 39.6 to 37%, The rate should be left alone However loopholes should be cut out. The carried interest deduction should be ended. The pass through rate should be ended. The rich have already figured out how to exploit it.

The business tax rate should be raised to 25%. That is the rate that Ryan said he could get it down to without getting rid of more deductions. That money should be used to reinstitute full deductibility of state and local taxes.

The difference is that the proceeds should be used to pay down the deficit which will likely hit $1 trillion.
Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes

that is one thing they should run on in the 2018 elections

that there is a sure winner

Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes

We are ones that will have extra money once the tax cuts kick in. Anyone who calls $1,000 or more crumbs is clearly way out of touch with the average American. Just because Hillary spent ten times that much on a dowdy designer frock during the campaign doesn't mean that others can't make that money count. People can spend it on Christmas, a vacation, home or car repairs and a host of other things. Many will be happy to have that extra money for groceries or other needs. Only those living paycheck to paycheck can understand what it means to have that extra money. If you want crumbs, head over to the liberal plantation, where they lure people in and then try to keep them there with promises of more crumbs.

When leftists give people real crumbs, they pat themselves on the back. When people keep more of their own money that they earned, the left loses their shit. They see those "crumbs" as theirs and they hate the thought of average people having that extra money. The left wants that money to appease their base.

As for all you lefties, regardless of income. If you do not want the tax break or feel you should pay more than you do now- WRITE A FUCKING CHECK AND SEND TO THE GOVERNMENT. You can offer as much as you want to help pay down the debt. If any wealthy people in Hollywood or politics hasn't already put up THEIR OWN MONEY to help toward whatever cause they say is crucial, then they are fucking liars and hypocrites. Pelosi, Obamas, Clintons and their wealthy buddies could have forked over millions instead of thinking up ways to steal it from hard working families who have trouble making ends meet.

Here's a great video that points out the stupidity of leftists on tax cuts and some other stupid things liberals think.

Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes

We now live in opposite world. The Dems want to actually pay for something and not add it to the debt and the Repub are fighting to not pay for them and just increase the debt even more.
Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes

We now live in opposite world. The Dems want to actually pay for something and not add it to the debt and the Repub are fighting to not pay for them and just increase the debt even more.
The Dems want to actually pay for something and not add it to the deb

So tell us what spending you are going to slash and save $500B with.
Its solely as a talking point for the Fall Elections.

The Summary below the Title of the Bill is:

"An Act to let the poorly educated know that we Democrats will perform Fellatio for Votes, and for related issues......"
I fully support the Democratic platforms of repealing the tax cuts, increasing taxes, open borders, and taking away guns owned by lawful Americans.
It's all a matter of perspective.

While you say we want "open borders" we say we want lawful immigration.

What you call Tax Cuts for everyone we call Trump Tax Cuts for billionaires and corporations.

What you call Lawful Americans who need guns to shoot up schools, we call the Insane who should never have guns.

It's just a different perspective. And you can't convince me your's isn't dangerous.
We already know you lefties live outside of the realm of reality, no need to remind us.
Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes
/----/ Sounds like a winning strategy to me. Dems should go for it.
tax refund.jpg
Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes
I like the way they say "your money".
Like billionaires money belongs to, to, who? Republicans?
Or the huge windfall corporations who are making money hand over fist are using it to pay higher wages. How much are they using? 2%? 3%?
The rest is going to buybacks.
Republicans are getting fuked. They just haven't figured it out yet. But they will. I suspect sometime before November.
Explain fair share
Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes
I like the way they say "your money".
Like billionaires money belongs to, to, who? Republicans?
Or the huge windfall corporations who are making money hand over fist are using it to pay higher wages. How much are they using? 2%? 3%?
The rest is going to buybacks.
Republicans are getting fuked. They just haven't figured it out yet. But they will. I suspect sometime before November.
Explain fair share
/----/ Explain fair share: More for the Gubmint, less for you and me.
Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes

We now live in opposite world. The Dems want to actually pay for something and not add it to the debt and the Repub are fighting to not pay for them and just increase the debt even more.

No you don't

Nobody in this country was ever given a job by a poor person.

You raise the corporate rates on the companies...they lay off their employees.

It's the rule of life. You scratch their back, they'll scratch yours.
You fuck them, they will fuck you.

They'll just lower their across the board Labor Budget by 4%.
They won't be out a nickel, but millions of Americans will be
fucked over again by a bunch of worthless Jaboni and Beaner
loving scum.
Shocking news, I know.

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats launched an attack on the tax overhaul bill that President Trump signed into law in December, proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, after the tax bill had lowered it from 35% to 21%; lowering the estate tax exemption from $11.2 back toward $5.6 million, where it had rested before the tax bill’s passage; and restoring the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, where it had been before the tax bill lowered it to 37%.

The GOP law passed in December in a totally partisan vote; no Democrat voted for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Democrats claimed their tax-raising proposals would generate more investment for infrastructure; Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, stated, “They are out scrounging around looking under the sofas trying to find some spare change in order to pay for our infrastructure. We are closing specific and major loopholes.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated that the Democrats plan to use the tax plan as a cudgel against the GOP in the 2018 elections, gloating, “The contrast between tax cuts for the wealthiest people as opposed to middle-class jobs is one that we will forcefully advocate in the fall.”

THEY'RE AFTER YOUR MONEY AGAIN: Democrats Want To Repeal Parts Of Tax Bill, Raise Taxes

The Democrats are partially right. The problem is that in addition to the top tax rate being cut from 39.6 to 37%, The rate should be left alone However loopholes should be cut out. The carried interest deduction should be ended. The pass through rate should be ended. The rich have already figured out how to exploit it.

The business tax rate should be raised to 25%. That is the rate that Ryan said he could get it down to without getting rid of more deductions. That money should be used to reinstitute full deductibility of state and local taxes.

The difference is that the proceeds should be used to pay down the deficit which will likely hit $1 trillion.
You do realize that when the corporate tax rate is raised the business do not pay it ? They just add it to the price of their goods and services which means the consumer pays that tax. Its a thinly veiled Federal sales tax.

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