Going to suggest a solution


Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2014
We seem to have hit an impasse politically.... Moderates are are threatened with primaries and compromise is considered evil.

Here is a possible solution.


Congressional elections would consist of 3-5 seat districts with preference voting. This is very common around the world. This would mean in effect that the two main parties would be running multiple candidates in all districts. Smaller parties and independents could also flourish as they would have better chance at the polls. Each big party has to run a big tent and put up with undesirables, this would mean rather than surrendering the middle ground, extremists in each party would be allow to splinter.
Your vote would would be given to the candidate in your highest preference. If he/she gets eliminated your vote goes to your next choice.
The voter would get more choice and doesn't have to waste there vote on a non viable candidate in the fear that there enemy winning. You vote who you want and your vote goes to that person. Here is an example of an election count

This is a 5 seater. Quota is set at Total valid votes/(number of seats +1)... This means if get to the quota you are elected and your surplus is then divided out (can explain that more if needed).
First count just counts all votes as normal, from there they discount the bottom ones and share out the next preference still in the race until a quota is reached. When some one gets elected there surplus over the quota is shared.
Big advantage is negative campaigning is far less effective, being positive reaps more as gain. You get elected usually by a lot of peoples second and third preferences. Incumbents don't usually get primaried as you see the bigger parties Fianna Fail and Fine Gail have 3 candidates each. So when elected they try and work for every one.
This also means there is no death districts... In liberal area GOP would looking for the last seat and visa versa...

Senate (possibly)
Run in the same manner but two seats could go up at the same time... So in California Republicans would trying to get the second seat and the Democrats could be looking for a shut out and visa vera in West Virgina...

It is just a thought...


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Politics is supposed to be at a perpetual impasse.

If everyone is moving in one direction, that is the path to totalitarianism.
Or agreement.

A mob of people moving in one direction can only lead to excess... it doesn't matter if that direction is "Save the Whales" or "Kill the Jews".. unanimity of thought and purpose is a dangerous force.
I suggest the real Republicans leave their party and become Democrats and defeat the Trumpet Party.
I suggest Democrats change their loyalty from their party to the United States.

That's not going to happen, however.

You're right. It will never happen The republicans changed their loyalty to the United States to loyalty to their party, and look how fucked up they became.
I suggest the real Republicans leave their party and become Democrats and defeat the Trumpet Party.

As a life long democrat, progressive, leftist, etc., that would sound good if not for the fact that since Clinton, the Democratic party no longer was the good guys, but sold out to Wall St. and bankers.
So there no longer is any significant difference between the 2 main parties, and we need to look at a 3rd party instead, like Green Party, Democratic Socialist, Citizen's Party, etc.
I suggest the real Republicans leave their party and become Democrats and defeat the Trumpet Party.
I suggest Democrats change their loyalty from their party to the United States.

That's not going to happen, however.

You're right. It will never happen The republicans changed their loyalty to the United States to loyalty to their party, and look how fucked up they became.

Except that the Democrats no longer are any better.
Trump succeeded because he came off as a populist.
Doesn't matter that he really wasn't.
The point is the Democratic party no longer is trying to satisfy that segment.
I suggest the real Republicans leave their party and become Democrats and defeat the Trumpet Party.
I suggest Democrats change their loyalty from their party to the United States.

That's not going to happen, however.

You're right. It will never happen The republicans changed their loyalty to the United States to loyalty to their party, and look how fucked up they became.
Hey it is you democrats that are working against America and for the CCP, so please just fuck off and die
I suggest the real Republicans leave their party and become Democrats and defeat the Trumpet Party.
I suggest Democrats change their loyalty from their party to the United States.

That's not going to happen, however.

You're right. It will never happen The republicans changed their loyalty to the United States to loyalty to their party, and look how fucked up they became.

Except that the Democrats no longer are any better.
Trump succeeded because he came off as a populist.
Doesn't matter that he really wasn't.
The point is the Democratic party no longer is trying to satisfy that segment.

You're right. The Democratic party is not tying to satisfy batshit crazy trump supporters. You really think we should?
I suggest the real Republicans leave their party and become Democrats and defeat the Trumpet Party.
I suggest Democrats change their loyalty from their party to the United States.

That's not going to happen, however.

You're right. It will never happen The republicans changed their loyalty to the United States to loyalty to their party, and look how fucked up they became.

The republicans changed their loyalty to the United States to loyalty to their party,

No more than the Democrats did.

Fer Gawds sake, they backed a career politician, whos sole achievement is longevity.
Who the fuck are
We seem to have hit an impasse politically.... Moderates are are threatened with primaries and compromise is considered evil.

Here is a possible solution.

Congressional elections would consist of 3-5 seat districts with preference voting. This is very common around the world. This would mean in effect that the two main parties would be running multiple candidates in all districts. Smaller parties and independents could also flourish as they would have better chance at the polls. Each big party has to run a big tent and put up with undesirables, this would mean rather than surrendering the middle ground, extremists in each party would be allow to splinter.
Your vote would would be given to the candidate in your highest preference. If he/she gets eliminated your vote goes to your next choice.
The voter would get more choice and doesn't have to waste there vote on a non viable candidate in the fear that there enemy winning. You vote who you want and your vote goes to that person. Here is an example of an election count
View attachment 453616
This is a 5 seater. Quota is set at Total valid votes/(number of seats +1)... This means if get to the quota you are elected and your surplus is then divided out (can explain that more if needed).
First count just counts all votes as normal, from there they discount the bottom ones and share out the next preference still in the race until a quota is reached. When some one gets elected there surplus over the quota is shared.
Big advantage is negative campaigning is far less effective, being positive reaps more as gain. You get elected usually by a lot of peoples second and third preferences. Incumbents don't usually get primaried as you see the bigger parties Fianna Fail and Fine Gail have 3 candidates each. So when elected they try and work for every one.
This also means there is no death districts... In liberal area GOP would looking for the last seat and visa versa...

Senate (possibly)
Run in the same manner but two seats could go up at the same time... So in California Republicans would trying to get the second seat and the Democrats could be looking for a shut out and visa vera in West Virgina...

It is just a thought...

who the fuck are u as a foreigner to suggest a solutioNs? How about I go to Irish message board and tell everyone there how to live their lives? Wouldn’t go over well would it? So I ask again who the fuck are you to “offer solutions?”
I suggest the real Republicans leave their party and become Democrats and defeat the Trumpet Party.
I suggest Democrats change their loyalty from their party to the United States.

That's not going to happen, however.

You're right. It will never happen The republicans changed their loyalty to the United States to loyalty to their party, and look how fucked up they became.
Hey it is you democrats that are working against America and for the CCP, so please just fuck off and die

With Dobbs and Trump both wished into the cornfield you have fewer people to feed that crazy shit to you.
Who the fuck are
We seem to have hit an impasse politically.... Moderates are are threatened with primaries and compromise is considered evil.

Here is a possible solution.

Congressional elections would consist of 3-5 seat districts with preference voting. This is very common around the world. This would mean in effect that the two main parties would be running multiple candidates in all districts. Smaller parties and independents could also flourish as they would have better chance at the polls. Each big party has to run a big tent and put up with undesirables, this would mean rather than surrendering the middle ground, extremists in each party would be allow to splinter.
Your vote would would be given to the candidate in your highest preference. If he/she gets eliminated your vote goes to your next choice.
The voter would get more choice and doesn't have to waste there vote on a non viable candidate in the fear that there enemy winning. You vote who you want and your vote goes to that person. Here is an example of an election count
View attachment 453616
This is a 5 seater. Quota is set at Total valid votes/(number of seats +1)... This means if get to the quota you are elected and your surplus is then divided out (can explain that more if needed).
First count just counts all votes as normal, from there they discount the bottom ones and share out the next preference still in the race until a quota is reached. When some one gets elected there surplus over the quota is shared.
Big advantage is negative campaigning is far less effective, being positive reaps more as gain. You get elected usually by a lot of peoples second and third preferences. Incumbents don't usually get primaried as you see the bigger parties Fianna Fail and Fine Gail have 3 candidates each. So when elected they try and work for every one.
This also means there is no death districts... In liberal area GOP would looking for the last seat and visa versa...

Senate (possibly)
Run in the same manner but two seats could go up at the same time... So in California Republicans would trying to get the second seat and the Democrats could be looking for a shut out and visa vera in West Virgina...

It is just a thought...

who the fuck are u as a foreigner to suggest a solutioNs? How about I go to Irish message board and tell everyone there how to live their lives? Wouldn’t go over well would it? So I ask again who the fuck are you to “offer solutions?”

This is a discussion board... how about you just consider it as Americans... A large part of this forum has entrenched into camps...

I believe solution I proposed allows voters better choice, the chance for alternative parties to run and to expand the discourse of politics in America.

Rather people trying to see how this effects there party, how would effect their country...
Would this make congress more representative of the people?
Could it create and foster people to get things done rather than dig there heals in and give no ground to the other side?

Note: FU foreigner just exposes you as a weak person that is unable to to discuss issues but only hurl insults... If you think that is better for America, I suggest run in the next election and see how popular your stance is....
By the way this also allows Trump Supporters to have there own party if they are not happy in the GOP or Moderate GOP (that you call RINOs) to find there own party or path.
I suggest the real Republicans leave their party and become Democrats and defeat the Trumpet Party.
I suggest Democrats change their loyalty from their party to the United States.

That's not going to happen, however.

You're right. It will never happen The republicans changed their loyalty to the United States to loyalty to their party, and look how fucked up they became.

Except that the Democrats no longer are any better.
Trump succeeded because he came off as a populist.
Doesn't matter that he really wasn't.
The point is the Democratic party no longer is trying to satisfy that segment.

You're right. The Democratic party is not tying to satisfy batshit crazy trump supporters. You really think we should?

That's amazing, one day you ass-wipes are all about "I" never said that, and now all of a sudden it's "we". Ya fricken idiot.
I suggest the real Republicans leave their party and become Democrats and defeat the Trumpet Party.
I suggest Democrats change their loyalty from their party to the United States.

That's not going to happen, however.

You're right. It will never happen The republicans changed their loyalty to the United States to loyalty to their party, and look how fucked up they became.

The republicans changed their loyalty to the United States to loyalty to their party,

No more than the Democrats did.

Fer Gawds sake, they backed a career politician, whos sole achievement is longevity.

I guess fox forgot to mention all the great things about Joe, didn't they? Oh well. He won without fox viewers anyway.
How about I go to Irish message board and tell everyone there how to live their lives?

Drunk and stupid? Too late!

View attachment 453644

Shane McGowen maybe a alcoholic and drug user but he is not stupid and is one the world greatest song writers....

He has written songs which have made a lot of people happy... It shows how everyone can contribute to this world.

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