Gone Woke, Gone….. ‘Doctor Who’ Actor Tells Viewers To ‘Turn Off The TV’ If They Don’t Like Him – Viewership Drops By 50%


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Well, Dr Who….

I guess Disney had have a flaming homosexual to help groom the kids.

Everything the Left touches….

Well, Dr Who….
View attachment 948612

I guess Disney had have a flaming homosexual to help groom the kids.

Everything the Left touches….

The statist left marxinazis use entertaining shows with a 'hidden agenda' like the link illustrated in your post to draw in the folks that harbor a groupthink(my team) mentality. The show illustrated uses the alternative lifestyle agenda as the bait(cheese) to draw in the groupthink crowd into the cult(trap). It's just a strength in numbers ploy that actually is very common in cults/sects in other arenas also, like various denominations of religion, financial organizations, terrorist cells, Amway type organizations as well as a host of other arenas. Folks that have the capability to actually think for themselves are of course immune to this type of 'mind mining'.
Dr Who was a staple of mine and my family up to Peter Capaldi. (I recall Peter Cushing as the first time I saw Dr Who as a kid. I think that was a movie; not the series.) It was frankly very entertaining up until then and even though homosexuality was "on set" with the Ecclestone years it was just a part.....not a FOCUS. Frankly being "gay" was sorted out in the 70s. It's gone from being "accepted" to a power thing. NO THANK YOU!!!

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Dr Who was a staple of mine and my family up to Peter Capaldi. (I recall Peter Cushing as the first time I saw Dr Who as a kid. I think that was a movie; not the series.) It was frankly very entertaining up until then and even though homosexuality was "on set" with the Ecclestone years it was just a part.....not a FOCUS. Frankly being "gay" was sorted out in the 70s. It's gone from being "accepted" to a power thing. NO THANK YOU!!!


Yeah, the political power players come in all genres, shapes & sizes. I can remember viewing Jim Baker & his wife Tammy Faye Baker & their mega church shows. It only took me a couple three viewings & it became obvious to me that the 'theme' was salvation through our Maker but the FOCAL POINT was CENTERED upon both Jim & Tammy, their mega church structure & $$$$$. The power players ALWAYS lead with the bait to get folks into the trap(mind control) then use their victims for power projection for their own power & control purposes.
Never watched Dr Who but one of my brothers loves it and was watching the premier with his daughter and bunch of our friends. They seemed to have loved it from what I hear, except I think my brother said one episode was too scary for my niece so she skipped that one. Apparently, no one gives a shit about the traditional ratings since this the first time it's also been released simultaneously on iPlayer for the Brits and Disney plus but it's still always nice to hear how the gays trigger you Bingos. :laugh:
Never watched Dr Who but one of my brothers loves it and was watching the premier with his daughter and bunch of our friends. They seemed to have loved it from what I hear, except I think my brother said one episode was too scary for my niece so she skipped that one. Apparently, no one gives a shit about the traditional ratings since this the first time it's also been released simultaneously on iPlayer for the Brits and Disney plus but it's still always nice to hear how the gays trigger you Bingos. :laugh:
you have no idea of the history of this character and you are commenting on why we think the show wont last?....the rating are pretty much down....

you have no idea of the history of this character and you are commenting on why we think the show wont last?....the rating are pretty much down....

I don't really need to know the history of the character to know that making it available for streaming at the same time of the live broadcast is going to affect those live viewing numbers and my brother has watched every single episode of Doctor Who and won't shut up about how great the new Doc is and how I should be watching it. :dunno:.
I don't really need to know the history of the character to know that making it available for streaming at the same time of the live broadcast is going to affect those live viewing numbers and my brother has watched every single episode of Doctor Who and won't shut up about how great the new Doc is and how I should be watching it. :dunno:.
and yet the ratings are down even more than it was with the last doctor....did your brother tell you that?....if he is a real fan he would know...and he would also tell you that the quality of the writing has been pretty bad the last 10 years...this year is no different...
and yet the ratings are down even more than it was with the last doctor....did your brother tell you that?....if he is a real fan he would know...and he would also tell you that the quality of the writing has been pretty bad the last 10 years...this year is no different...
The elites never use their own resources for their agendas. It is the peasants who pay for it.
and yet the ratings are down even more than it was with the last doctor....did your brother tell you that?....if he is a real fan he would know...and he would also tell you that the quality of the writing has been pretty bad the last 10 years...this year is no different...
You do understand people have different opinions right? And again, you don't think making the premier available for streaming for the first time is going to affect the live viewing numbers? Why don't you wait for iplayer numbers to come out before you freak out?
You do understand people have different opinions right? And again, you don't think making the premier available for streaming for the first time is going to affect the live viewing numbers? Why don't you wait for iplayer numbers to come out before you freak out?
dont need to wait.....the show is suffering like has been for the last 10 years....regular viewers know this....
Well, Dr Who….
View attachment 948612

I guess Disney had have a flaming homosexual to help groom the kids.

Everything the Left touches….

In general, only self-loathing, right wing closet gays know or care that he is gay.

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