Good Bye Aunt Jemima


If I understand your meaning, you are saying that I am being too sensitive. In other words, I'm a snowflake. Your comment was very humorous. Thanks for the chuckle!

That's fine. This website is for our opinions.

Many younger people do not realize how sensitive African Americans and other non-Caucasians are.

I am 83 years old, so I remember that prejudice and discrimination were just taken for granted when I was a teenager in the 1950s.

And African Americans were the brunt of most discrimination and ridicule.

Although I abhor the outrageous looting and the kneeling of Caucasian hypocrites and the virulent anti-Caucasian racism of today, I can understand why African Americans are so sensitive.

I used to almost cry when I would read Ebony magazine's annual travel edition in the 1950s. It listed each state and the names of hotels/motels that would accept Black guests. In some states, Black tourists would be lucky to find even one place open to them.

Like a lot of other people of ALL ethnicities, I am terrified that I might be mistreated by a young man of the ethnicity under discussion, but I can still understand the pain endured by African Americans ever since they have been here.

Have a nice day!

Wait until one of them plays the "knockout game" with you like the woman older than you a couple days back. Blacks had their opportunity to think white and be totally integrated during Dr. King's days...they weren't interested. Instead they turned to gangsta rap and made heroes out of gold-chained drug dealers. The democraps have encouraged this behavior to keep them on the plantation. If you are truly interested in raising up the black man, join the GOP.

Actually, I am terrified that I could be the victim of their knockout game. That's why I check who's coming toward me and who's behind me on a sidewalk. I am under no illusions about the unusually large proportion of very dangerous young gentlemen in ethnicity X. I have had quite a few unpleasant experiences with them in my 83 years.

At the same time, I can sympathize with the good members of ethnicity X who have been discriminated against a lot in the past. Even President Nixon said it was a shame that they could not patronize public accommodations. Of course, I am hoping to be able to vote AGAIN for President Trump.

Have a nice day!

I got one of these for $50 a few years back... menacing dogs run from the crackle....knock any mugger on his ass even if he has ahold of you.

Thanks a lot.

I was only able to buy a pathetic device that makes a water-like sound that supposedly scares away dogs.

Regarding muggers, they often surprise one. Besides, probably the cops -- too terrified to detain the bad guys nowadays -- will blame the victim!

If the Dems win in November (which is likely because of mail-in ballots, etc.), there will be more crime than ever, for the bad guys know that they are now untouchable.

The only good thing about the national lockdown: Fewer victims available. (Of course, the bad guys do not observe any laws, let alone a lockdown.)
A picture on a bottle of syrup that no one today knows the origin is apparently racist. I thought she was juts a kind black lady that knew how to make syrup. (That's my 50% white privilege speaking. My Hispanic side wants to smack a white person) Maybe she'll be replaced with a white woman. Well, if the company does it right she'll be replaced with a trans-black man.

Let the free markets decide.....oh wait!
When does wil this nonsense end? I worked in the grocery industry for years and my accounts included Black-owned stores, and they stocked Aunt Jemima on the shelves. Why, if it was so offensive.

Quaker Oats announced it is changing the name of its Aunt Jemima brand of syrup and pancake mix — recognizing “Aunt Jemima’s origins are based on racial stereotype.”

The brand is 130-years-old and features a rendering of a black woman named Aunt Jemima. NBC News reported the woman was originally dressed as a minstrel character. The image of the woman has changed throughout the years.

The company said the image will be removed with the name change.
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Good news for Mrs. Butterworth with Jemima's withdrawal from the competitive syrup market.
/----/ And what about these brands?
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Dat be racist!
She had a long full life and is in a better place now.

For generations she has been responsible for people thinking Pancake Syrup is Maple Syrup.

That's the true crime here.
I know, right? :lol: I’m a snob when it comes to maple syrup. We had some taps on our trees growing up and made our own, so I don’t up just anything on my pancakes.

I'm with you. Nothing beats maple syrup.
Absolutely. Why would anyone put high fructose corn syrup on pancakes or waffles?

If I understand your meaning, you are saying that I am being too sensitive. In other words, I'm a snowflake. Your comment was very humorous. Thanks for the chuckle!

That's fine. This website is for our opinions.

Many younger people do not realize how sensitive African Americans and other non-Caucasians are.

I am 83 years old, so I remember that prejudice and discrimination were just taken for granted when I was a teenager in the 1950s.

And African Americans were the brunt of most discrimination and ridicule.

Although I abhor the outrageous looting and the kneeling of Caucasian hypocrites and the virulent anti-Caucasian racism of today, I can understand why African Americans are so sensitive.

I used to almost cry when I would read Ebony magazine's annual travel edition in the 1950s. It listed each state and the names of hotels/motels that would accept Black guests. In some states, Black tourists would be lucky to find even one place open to them.

Like a lot of other people of ALL ethnicities, I am terrified that I might be mistreated by a young man of the ethnicity under discussion, but I can still understand the pain endured by African Americans ever since they have been here.

Have a nice day!

Wait until one of them plays the "knockout game" with you like the woman older than you a couple days back. Blacks had their opportunity to think white and be totally integrated during Dr. King's days...they weren't interested. Instead they turned to gangsta rap and made heroes out of gold-chained drug dealers. The democraps have encouraged this behavior to keep them on the plantation. If you are truly interested in raising up the black man, join the GOP.

Actually, I am terrified that I could be the victim of their knockout game. That's why I check who's coming toward me and who's behind me on a sidewalk. I am under no illusions about the unusually large proportion of very dangerous young gentlemen in ethnicity X. I have had quite a few unpleasant experiences with them in my 83 years.

At the same time, I can sympathize with the good members of ethnicity X who have been discriminated against a lot in the past. Even President Nixon said it was a shame that they could not patronize public accommodations. Of course, I am hoping to be able to vote AGAIN for President Trump.

Have a nice day!

I got one of these for $50 a few years back... menacing dogs run from the crackle....knock any mugger on his ass even if he has ahold of you.

Do you have it taped onto your walker?
A picture on a bottle of syrup that no one today knows the origin is apparently racist. I thought she was juts a kind black lady that knew how to make syrup. (That's my 50% white privilege speaking. My Hispanic side wants to smack a white person) Maybe she'll be replaced with a white woman. Well, if the company does it right she'll be replaced with a trans-black man.

What about Uncle Ben? The patriarch has spoken!
He’s gonna be Uncle Tom, white rice only.
A picture on a bottle of syrup that no one today knows the origin is apparently racist. I thought she was juts a kind black lady that knew how to make syrup. (That's my 50% white privilege speaking. My Hispanic side wants to smack a white person) Maybe she'll be replaced with a white woman. Well, if the company does it right she'll be replaced with a trans-black man.

They should put a blonde haired blue eyed girl on the label and call it Fraulein Eva. Could have a recipe for "Battle Ready Buttermilk Pancakes" or " Horst Wessellied Waffles." With an advisory that when making them it requires much "concentration."
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A picture on a bottle of syrup that no one today knows the origin is apparently racist. I thought she was juts a kind black lady that knew how to make syrup. (That's my 50% white privilege speaking. My Hispanic side wants to smack a white person) Maybe she'll be replaced with a white woman. Well, if the company does it right she'll be replaced with a trans-black man.

They should put a blonde haired blue eyed girl on the label and call it Fraulein Eva. Could have a recipe for "Battle Ready Buttermilk Pancakes" or " Horst Wessellied Waffles." With an advisory that when making them it requires much "concentration."
And the first and third initials match!
We’re coming for you Uncle Ben
They could do what Wheaties did when the put athletes on their boxes. They could put Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Horichio Sazuki on the boxes. They love jumbalaya in Louisiana so they could put the Duck Dynasty guys on boxes of wild rice.
Quaker foods has decided to remove both of these brands in light of the whole black animal protest thing.

A picture on a bottle of syrup that no one today knows the origin is apparently racist. I thought she was juts a kind black lady that knew how to make syrup. (That's my 50% white privilege speaking. My Hispanic side wants to smack a white person) Maybe she'll be replaced with a white woman. Well, if the company does it right she'll be replaced with a trans-black man.

I don't care.
Log Cabin syrup always has been much, much better.
Maybe she'll be replaced with a white woman.
Just as long as it's not Nancy Pelosi...she would give that syrup a bad name. Lol
If Nancy Pelosi had breakfast pancakes they would by chocolate and would be covered with a large dose of Real Lemon extract. Cooking instructions would be inside the box because you would have to buy it first before you could read them.
Quaker foods has decided to remove both of these brands in light of the whole black animal protest thing.

And they will soon discover that the only thing more costly than giving up a lifetime of brand recognition is giving up a lifetime of brand recognition for political reasons.

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