GOOD! Congress Asks Trump to Prosecute Clinton Private Server Team for Obstruction


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I wonder how many more Congressional committees will refer their findings to DOJ for prosecution or seating a grand jury? This will be just the first of many.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R., Texas), chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, has asked the DOJ to prosecute Platte River Networks CEO Treve Suazo for obstructing a congressional investigation into his company’s role in providing security for Clinton’s home brewed email server, which became the subject of widespread debate following revelations that it had multiple security vulnerabilities.

Story w/links @ GOOD! Congress Asks Trump to Prosecute Clinton Private Server Team for Obstruction

I wonder how many more Congressional committees will refer their findings to DOJ for prosecution or seating a grand jury? This will be just the first of many.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R., Texas), chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, has asked the DOJ to prosecute Platte River Networks CEO Treve Suazo for obstructing a congressional investigation into his company’s role in providing security for Clinton’s home brewed email server, which became the subject of widespread debate following revelations that it had multiple security vulnerabilities.

Story w/links @ GOOD! Congress Asks Trump to Prosecute Clinton Private Server Team for Obstruction

/---- Does that mean Hildabeast will be called to testify?? Under oath????

I wonder how many more Congressional committees will refer their findings to DOJ for prosecution or seating a grand jury? This will be just the first of many.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R., Texas), chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, has asked the DOJ to prosecute Platte River Networks CEO Treve Suazo for obstructing a congressional investigation into his company’s role in providing security for Clinton’s home brewed email server, which became the subject of widespread debate following revelations that it had multiple security vulnerabilities.

Story w/links @ GOOD! Congress Asks Trump to Prosecute Clinton Private Server Team for Obstruction

/---- Does that mean Hildabeast will be called to testify?? Under oath????

We can certainly hope so; that would be adding dozens of counts of perjury to her sentences.
I do not believe Hillary gives a shit about whether any of her testimony would be under oath or not.
She will lie her drunken head off no matter what.

I wonder how many more Congressional committees will refer their findings to DOJ for prosecution or seating a grand jury? This will be just the first of many.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R., Texas), chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, has asked the DOJ to prosecute Platte River Networks CEO Treve Suazo for obstructing a congressional investigation into his company’s role in providing security for Clinton’s home brewed email server, which became the subject of widespread debate following revelations that it had multiple security vulnerabilities.

Story w/links @ GOOD! Congress Asks Trump to Prosecute Clinton Private Server Team for Obstruction
LOL So one dingleberry Rep from Texas is asking that the company that set up and maintained Clinton's server be investigated. That is not the Congress, and, doubtless, that request will be ignored.
It is the orange clown that is now under investigation as to his connections with Russia. is susan rice and james brennan who are now under investigation for leaks and unmasking the identities of U.S. citizens after spying on the Trump campaign and using foreign intelligence services to do it.....

Bigger scandal than Watergate...
It is the orange clown that is now under investigation as to his connections with Russia.
Not a single 'leak' about Trump and Russian "collusion" from the FBI nor the two committees.
Anyone else find it odd?
In six months when fuck all has been found you watch. The LIBs and the LIB MSM will be muttering about how Trump had to have 'paid off' the FBI and everyone on the committees.
I'm waiting to watch Trey Gowdy question Lynch/Rice/Brennan/Rhodes/Farkle or whatever her name is, on live public hearings.
100% guaranteed this WILL happen.
And watch everyone one of the corrupt Obama asslickers take the Fifth!
Trey Gowdy, so concerned about leaks, leaked name of CIA source during Benghazi hearings
In Politics by Drew Salisbury / March 20, 2017

Not even 30 minutes after James Comey confirmed during a House Intelligence Committee hearing Monday that there is currently an investigation into a sitting president’s possible collusion with foreign agents, Republican representative Trey Gowdy spent his time asking the FBI director not about this explosive revelation, but the importance of federally prosecuting leaks to the press.

At one point, Representative Gowdy took another cue from the president and began alluding without evidence that former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, former national security adviser Susan Rice, former White House staffer Ben Rhodes, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, and President Obama himself may have been the source of the leaks about Flynn.

Unfortunately, Gowdy could not get Comey to confirm that the FBI was or ever would be investigating any leaks regarding Flynn or the ongoing investigation into the Trump-Russia affair.

Trey Gowdy, so concerned about leaks, leaked name of CIA source during Benghazi hearings

Hey, 2aguy, where do you get that Rice and Brennan are under investigation? Wishful thinking. Kind of like believing all the things that the orange clown was going to do in his first day in office. LOL Or even his first 100 days in office. LOL
It is the orange clown that is now under investigation as to his connections with Russia. is susan rice and james brennan who are now under investigation for leaks and unmasking the identities of U.S. citizens after spying on the Trump campaign and using foreign intelligence services to do it.....

Bigger scandal than Watergate...

The Russian bribes paid to Hillary for a giveway deal on uranium, and their cut of Podesta's lucrative Russian rackets in the que, along with giving her Muslim lesbian lover with the close ties to Islamic terror groups access to state Dept. and Intelligence Agency correspondence for years. It's a long list. After a jury made up of the women her hubby raped and molested and the relatives of the women whose rapists she got off ,Trump should just shoot her on the White House porch and save the country millions of dollars, or maybe put a Rainbow burhkha on her and toss her off Trump Tower. That would liven up the forum with absolutely hilarious rage from these degenerate gimps.

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