Good Lord...anyone look at CNN's main pages?

If there was any more reason NOT to watch CNN this is it.....FACEPALM!!!! No wonder you CNN watching left loons are so fucking stupid

CNN’s Baldwin: ‘There Already Are Term Limits’ for Members of Congress

On Tuesday’s”CNN Newsroom,” anchor Brooke Baldwin asserted that “there already are are term limits” on members of Congress.

Baldwin said, “[L]et me just relay this to everyone, that apparently, from the Trump camp, there is another major announcement that Trump will make today as part of his pledge to ‘drain the swamp,’ we keep hearing ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington. He says, ‘If I’m elected president, I will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress,’ correct me, there already are term limits, so what does he mean?

CNN's Baldwin: 'There Already Are Term Limits' for Members of Congress - Breitbart

But JUST in case some dummies here can't use the Internet!!!

Congressional Terms and Term Limits.
Under the Constitution, members of the United States Senate may serve an unlimited number of six-year terms and members of the House of Representatives may serve an unlimited number of two-year terms.
Congressional Terms and Term Limits
You'd still need to explain that to lefties. They will see the words term limit and think that's it.
If there was any more reason NOT to watch CNN this is it.....FACEPALM!!!! No wonder you CNN watching left loons are so fucking stupid

CNN’s Baldwin: ‘There Already Are Term Limits’ for Members of Congress

On Tuesday’s”CNN Newsroom,” anchor Brooke Baldwin asserted that “there already are are term limits” on members of Congress.

Baldwin said, “[L]et me just relay this to everyone, that apparently, from the Trump camp, there is another major announcement that Trump will make today as part of his pledge to ‘drain the swamp,’ we keep hearing ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington. He says, ‘If I’m elected president, I will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress,’ correct me, there already are term limits, so what does he mean?

CNN's Baldwin: 'There Already Are Term Limits' for Members of Congress - Breitbart

But JUST in case some dummies here can't use the Internet!!!

Congressional Terms and Term Limits.
Under the Constitution, members of the United States Senate may serve an unlimited number of six-year terms and members of the House of Representatives may serve an unlimited number of two-year terms.
Congressional Terms and Term Limits
You'd still need to explain that to lefties. They will see the words term limit and think that's it.
So.................The number of terms is limited to being limitless? What's not to get? Will one of you dipstick whiners explain how biung limitless is having a limit?
If there was any more reason NOT to watch CNN this is it.....FACEPALM!!!! No wonder you CNN watching left loons are so fucking stupid

CNN’s Baldwin: ‘There Already Are Term Limits’ for Members of Congress

On Tuesday’s”CNN Newsroom,” anchor Brooke Baldwin asserted that “there already are are term limits” on members of Congress.

Baldwin said, “[L]et me just relay this to everyone, that apparently, from the Trump camp, there is another major announcement that Trump will make today as part of his pledge to ‘drain the swamp,’ we keep hearing ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington. He says, ‘If I’m elected president, I will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress,’ correct me, there already are term limits, so what does he mean?

CNN's Baldwin: 'There Already Are Term Limits' for Members of Congress - Breitbart

But JUST in case some dummies here can't use the Internet!!!

Congressional Terms and Term Limits.
Under the Constitution, members of the United States Senate may serve an unlimited number of six-year terms and members of the House of Representatives may serve an unlimited number of two-year terms.
Congressional Terms and Term Limits
You'd still need to explain that to lefties. They will see the words term limit and think that's it.
So.................The number of terms is limited to being limitless? What's not to get? Will one of you dipstick whiners explain how biung limitless is having a limit?

Nice try....but I'm not buying that crap, dimwit. Now run along, time and time again you're proving yourself to be yet another dimwitted left loon. Hence...a waste of my time
if anyone had ANY doubt that CNN is in Hillary's camp...just check out there main website pages anyday.
Yesterday when I looked there were 9 negative stories against Trump, 2 supportive articles on Hillary.
This morning...10 negative against Trump and one neutral for Hillary.

What could anyone seriously wright in a positive story / article on anything Trump has said? The fact that he is psychologically unfit is obvious; his entire effort to get the nomination and try to win the office of POTUS is build on assassinating the character of every person who opposes him.

You know you can edit what you comment on? For example.. click the little edit on your comment to the lower left and you'll see your comment.
Then you can edit "wright" and make it "right" by correctly spelling "write"! But maybe YOU do think that's the correct spelling! Also check out "build on"??? "Build" is present tense,
I think you may want to use "built"...past tense. See I used the "edit" function to correct this correction! Very easy you know to correct yourself!
If there was any more reason NOT to watch CNN this is it.....FACEPALM!!!! No wonder you CNN watching left loons are so fucking stupid

CNN’s Baldwin: ‘There Already Are Term Limits’ for Members of Congress

On Tuesday’s”CNN Newsroom,” anchor Brooke Baldwin asserted that “there already are are term limits” on members of Congress.

Baldwin said, “[L]et me just relay this to everyone, that apparently, from the Trump camp, there is another major announcement that Trump will make today as part of his pledge to ‘drain the swamp,’ we keep hearing ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington. He says, ‘If I’m elected president, I will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress,’ correct me, there already are term limits, so what does he mean?

CNN's Baldwin: 'There Already Are Term Limits' for Members of Congress - Breitbart

But JUST in case some dummies here can't use the Internet!!!

Congressional Terms and Term Limits.
Under the Constitution, members of the United States Senate may serve an unlimited number of six-year terms and members of the House of Representatives may serve an unlimited number of two-year terms.
Congressional Terms and Term Limits
You'd still need to explain that to lefties. They will see the words term limit and think that's it.
So.................The number of terms is limited to being limitless? What's not to get? Will one of you dipstick whiners explain how biung limitless is having a limit?

OK here let's think of it like this.
You can drive over the "speed limit" and be penalized right. But there are NO practical limit to how many times you can drive over the speed limit.
In other words a senator length of a term is "limited" to 6 years. BUT a senator such as Senator Byrd (who served 8.5 terms , each term being 6 years over 51 years).
So for simpletons it is this. Trump and many of us want a Senator to serve no more the 3 terms each term 6 years and Representative no more
then 3 terms at 2 years to a term.
Make sense?? Probably not for people who have no sense!
If there was any more reason NOT to watch CNN this is it.....FACEPALM!!!! No wonder you CNN watching left loons are so fucking stupid

CNN’s Baldwin: ‘There Already Are Term Limits’ for Members of Congress

On Tuesday’s”CNN Newsroom,” anchor Brooke Baldwin asserted that “there already are are term limits” on members of Congress.

Baldwin said, “[L]et me just relay this to everyone, that apparently, from the Trump camp, there is another major announcement that Trump will make today as part of his pledge to ‘drain the swamp,’ we keep hearing ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington. He says, ‘If I’m elected president, I will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress,’ correct me, there already are term limits, so what does he mean?

CNN's Baldwin: 'There Already Are Term Limits' for Members of Congress - Breitbart

But JUST in case some dummies here can't use the Internet!!!

Congressional Terms and Term Limits.
Under the Constitution, members of the United States Senate may serve an unlimited number of six-year terms and members of the House of Representatives may serve an unlimited number of two-year terms.
Congressional Terms and Term Limits
You'd still need to explain that to lefties. They will see the words term limit and think that's it.
So.................The number of terms is limited to being limitless? What's not to get? Will one of you dipstick whiners explain how biung limitless is having a limit?
When did I say there was a limit? You can't read.
When a rabid dog goes around shitting on lawns and biting people -- it's news.

Congrats Trumpies. You support a dog.

Unless the dog belongs to the news people. Hillary shits on peoples pillows in their beds, but the news refuses to report it.

If you don't watch Fox, you wouldn't even know that WikiLeaks had released over 30,000 emails from the Hillary campaign. Cnn works hard to ensure that voters are NEVER informed.
No, the insult is that CNN and the rest provided this guy 3 billion dollars of free air time because he was good for ratings, and who wanted to watch some boring old Jeb Bush talk about Common Core when Trump could tell us how Mexicans were all rapists and he was going to build a wall to keep them out.

If the media had done their job back in the Spring and scrutinized this guy and challenged him, they wouldn't be scrambling now.

It's impossible to do an "objective" story about Trump because there isn't a universe where this clearly isn't a crazy person.

CNN spent 23 minutes of the prime time 7:00 news hour last night on negative stories about trump. Then spent 0 time on the never ending stream of damaging emails from WikiLeaks.

CNN isn't news, it's campaign ads for Hillary.
Yes, it is a waste of time to try to convince me trump didn't say 'they are rapists' or "grab her pussy" when we got him on tape saying exactly that.

No, you don't Comrade Stalin.

Provide ANY reputable source that has a quote of Trump saying "Mexicans are all rapists."

You can't, because you're just lying, as always.
No, you don't Comrade Stalin.

Provide ANY reputable source that has a quote of Trump saying "Mexicans are all rapists."

You can't, because you're just lying, as always.

Is it less offensive that he didn't use the world "all"? (I'm glad you aren't trying to pretend he didn't say "Grab her pussy"...)

No it was offensive that Trump in an off mike moment being one of the guys (I'm sure you NEVER obviously were "one of the guys" being a pussy) no question.

BUT IT IS grossly more offensive to put words into Trump's mouth "Mexicans are all rapists".
That's like saying because you are offended by Obama saying" You won't stop me eating no ribs, either. Gotta have them ribs. And pussy too. " you are a "pussy" of which I'm not sure!
More importantly though people like you think that millions like me and Trump are "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"! WRONG again pussy cat!
We are against "ILLEGAL Immigrants"... big distinction as Trump's married to a "LEGAL Immigrant" as is my son! And we don't hate them!
No it was offensive that Trump in an off mike moment being one of the guys (I'm sure you NEVER obviously were "one of the guys" being a pussy) no question.

Uh, guy, here's the thing. I was actually brought up to respect women. I know this is a concept you guys don't get.

BUT IT IS grossly more offensive to put words into Trump's mouth "Mexicans are all rapists".
That's like saying because you are offended by Obama saying" You won't stop me eating no ribs, either. Gotta have them ribs. And pussy too. " you are a "pussy" of which I'm not sure!

First, Obama was reading what another character was saying in a book. Second, I think you are a bit deluded if you think that the problem is that Trump said the word "Pussy". It isn't. The problem is that Trump says that he feels he has the right to sexually assault women with no consequences because "he's a star". and then we found out, he's actually done this. A lot.

And, yeah, Trump really did say, "They're rapists".

"ANTI-IMMIGRANT"! WRONG again pussy cat!
We are against "ILLEGAL Immigrants"... big distinction as Trump's married to a "LEGAL Immigrant" as is my son! And we don't hate them!

Well, actually, it's not entirely clear that Malaria (or whatever her name is) is a "legal" immigrant, as she worked her on a business visa, which is illegal. But she's white, and that's okay. But Trump has attacked legal immigrants like the Khan family and even non-whites who are born here like Judge Cuzial.
I don't listen to CNN. I don't read CNN. I don't visit their website. I will use articles to quote a story but other than that, it's a waste of brain cells and time.
No, you don't Comrade Stalin.

Provide ANY reputable source that has a quote of Trump saying "Mexicans are all rapists."

You can't, because you're just lying, as always.

Is it less offensive that he didn't use the world "all"? (I'm glad you aren't trying to pretend he didn't say "Grab her pussy"...)

No it was offensive that Trump in an off mike moment being one of the guys (I'm sure you NEVER obviously were "one of the guys" being a pussy) no question.

BUT IT IS grossly more offensive to put words into Trump's mouth "Mexicans are all rapists".
That's like saying because you are offended by Obama saying" You won't stop me eating no ribs, either. Gotta have them ribs. And pussy too. " you are a "pussy" of which I'm not sure!
More importantly though people like you think that millions like me and Trump are "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"! WRONG again pussy cat!
We are against "ILLEGAL Immigrants"... big distinction as Trump's married to a "LEGAL Immigrant" as is my son! And we don't hate them!
Mexicans. They are rapists.

WTF does that mean? You assumed he meant "some" Mexicans.

Why is your assumption right & not the other side of the coin.

And furthermore, if you have "guy talk" lie Trump did then you are just as much of a disgusting POS as Trump was when he said it.
No, you don't Comrade Stalin.

Provide ANY reputable source that has a quote of Trump saying "Mexicans are all rapists."

You can't, because you're just lying, as always.

Is it less offensive that he didn't use the world "all"? (I'm glad you aren't trying to pretend he didn't say "Grab her pussy"...)

No it was offensive that Trump in an off mike moment being one of the guys (I'm sure you NEVER obviously were "one of the guys" being a pussy) no question.

BUT IT IS grossly more offensive to put words into Trump's mouth "Mexicans are all rapists".
That's like saying because you are offended by Obama saying" You won't stop me eating no ribs, either. Gotta have them ribs. And pussy too. " you are a "pussy" of which I'm not sure!
More importantly though people like you think that millions like me and Trump are "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"! WRONG again pussy cat!
We are against "ILLEGAL Immigrants"... big distinction as Trump's married to a "LEGAL Immigrant" as is my son! And we don't hate them!
Mexicans. They are rapists.

WTF does that mean? You assumed he meant "some" Mexicans.

Why is your assumption right & not the other side of the coin.

And furthermore, if you have "guy talk" lie Trump did then you are just as much of a disgusting POS as Trump was when he said it.

BUT HE NEVER said that! That came from the comment above where there was a quote of Trump saying "Mexicans are all rapists"!
Trump nor I nor any intelligent person would assume as you and your ilk have that "All Mexicans are rapists" which you assume Trump said!
Prove to me by an exact quote where Trump said "Mexicans are racists"!
No, you don't Comrade Stalin.

Provide ANY reputable source that has a quote of Trump saying "Mexicans are all rapists."

You can't, because you're just lying, as always.

Is it less offensive that he didn't use the world "all"? (I'm glad you aren't trying to pretend he didn't say "Grab her pussy"...)

No it was offensive that Trump in an off mike moment being one of the guys (I'm sure you NEVER obviously were "one of the guys" being a pussy) no question.

BUT IT IS grossly more offensive to put words into Trump's mouth "Mexicans are all rapists".
That's like saying because you are offended by Obama saying" You won't stop me eating no ribs, either. Gotta have them ribs. And pussy too. " you are a "pussy" of which I'm not sure!
More importantly though people like you think that millions like me and Trump are "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"! WRONG again pussy cat!
We are against "ILLEGAL Immigrants"... big distinction as Trump's married to a "LEGAL Immigrant" as is my son! And we don't hate them!
Were there also "off mike" moments when all of these women came forward and accused Trump of improper sexual contact

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