Good Lord...anyone look at CNN's main pages?

No it was offensive that Trump in an off mike moment being one of the guys (I'm sure you NEVER obviously were "one of the guys" being a pussy) no question.

Uh, guy, here's the thing. I was actually brought up to respect women. I know this is a concept you guys don't get.

BUT IT IS grossly more offensive to put words into Trump's mouth "Mexicans are all rapists".
That's like saying because you are offended by Obama saying" You won't stop me eating no ribs, either. Gotta have them ribs. And pussy too. " you are a "pussy" of which I'm not sure!

First, Obama was reading what another character was saying in a book. Second, I think you are a bit deluded if you think that the problem is that Trump said the word "Pussy". It isn't. The problem is that Trump says that he feels he has the right to sexually assault women with no consequences because "he's a star". and then we found out, he's actually done this. A lot.

And, yeah, Trump really did say, "They're rapists".

"ANTI-IMMIGRANT"! WRONG again pussy cat!
We are against "ILLEGAL Immigrants"... big distinction as Trump's married to a "LEGAL Immigrant" as is my son! And we don't hate them!

Well, actually, it's not entirely clear that Malaria (or whatever her name is) is a "legal" immigrant, as she worked her on a business visa, which is illegal. But she's white, and that's okay. But Trump has attacked legal immigrants like the Khan family and even non-whites who are born here like Judge Cuzial.

OH so it's OK for Obama to stand in an airplane displaying hard on,or to repeat in front of children "pussy" or for that matter sully the White House with garbage
rap artist who sing these lyrics? That's OK?
Cuz youza Muthafuckas im so tiired of yall niggaz always talkin
bout hos this, hos that, you tha muthafuckin ho nigga

And you pompous butt... just you making the comment "Trump really did say "They're rapists" IS NOT good enough even though you think so! Prove IT!
Final he NEVER attacked the Khan family again MSM myths,fabrication. He NEVER attacked Judge Cuzial... prove it with links you dummy! Prove IT!
No, you don't Comrade Stalin.

Provide ANY reputable source that has a quote of Trump saying "Mexicans are all rapists."

You can't, because you're just lying, as always.

Is it less offensive that he didn't use the world "all"? (I'm glad you aren't trying to pretend he didn't say "Grab her pussy"...)

No it was offensive that Trump in an off mike moment being one of the guys (I'm sure you NEVER obviously were "one of the guys" being a pussy) no question.

BUT IT IS grossly more offensive to put words into Trump's mouth "Mexicans are all rapists".
That's like saying because you are offended by Obama saying" You won't stop me eating no ribs, either. Gotta have them ribs. And pussy too. " you are a "pussy" of which I'm not sure!
More importantly though people like you think that millions like me and Trump are "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"! WRONG again pussy cat!
We are against "ILLEGAL Immigrants"... big distinction as Trump's married to a "LEGAL Immigrant" as is my son! And we don't hate them!
Were there also "off mike" moments when all of these women came forward and accused Trump of improper sexual contact
And all these women made this up!
The woman on the jet... you mean to tell me she sat there will it was OK for Trump to fondle her boobs but reaching for her pussy???
Come on that is such a lie and witnesses have said it was!
As far as the rest of them they just came out a few weeks before the election!
Tell me what you think of Bill Clinton's son who is filing a paternity suit! Or all the women that Hillary has abused after Bill assaulted them and with proof!
Stained dress. Penis identification by Paula Jones who the Clintons paid $850,000 to settle!
This election more and more shines a light on just how biased the MSM is.
There are about 90% more conservative talk radio stations than there are liberal stations, is that part of your MSM bias?
Of course there are! And that's the free market at play! Vast majority of us are working and listening... not sitting and watching or reading dummy!
But the combined viewership of ABC,CBS,NBC, cable, NYT,Washington Post, and NOT counting the biased local,regional papers along with local TV..
FAR FAR more biased outlets then talk radio.
No, you don't Comrade Stalin.

Provide ANY reputable source that has a quote of Trump saying "Mexicans are all rapists."

You can't, because you're just lying, as always.

Is it less offensive that he didn't use the world "all"? (I'm glad you aren't trying to pretend he didn't say "Grab her pussy"...)

No it was offensive that Trump in an off mike moment being one of the guys (I'm sure you NEVER obviously were "one of the guys" being a pussy) no question.

BUT IT IS grossly more offensive to put words into Trump's mouth "Mexicans are all rapists".
That's like saying because you are offended by Obama saying" You won't stop me eating no ribs, either. Gotta have them ribs. And pussy too. " you are a "pussy" of which I'm not sure!
More importantly though people like you think that millions like me and Trump are "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"! WRONG again pussy cat!
We are against "ILLEGAL Immigrants"... big distinction as Trump's married to a "LEGAL Immigrant" as is my son! And we don't hate them!
Were there also "off mike" moments when all of these women came forward and accused Trump of improper sexual contact
And all these women made this up!
The woman on the jet... you mean to tell me she sat there will it was OK for Trump to fondle her boobs but reaching for her pussy???
Come on that is such a lie and witnesses have said it was!
As far as the rest of them they just came out a few weeks before the election!
Tell me what you think of Bill Clinton's son who is filing a paternity suit! Or all the women that Hillary has abused after Bill assaulted them and with proof!
Stained dress. Penis identification by Paula Jones who the Clintons paid $850,000 to settle!
Lets try to stay on topic. We are discussing Trump not the Clintons. I am sure you must also have an excuse as to why an underage child has filed a rape charge against Trump. Of course ALL of the women who have alleged improprieties against Trump are wrong, cause you have spent the election making one excuse after another for his behavior. I am sure by now you find it just wonderful that he will not accept the election outcome
This election more and more shines a light on just how biased the MSM is.
There are about 90% more conservative talk radio stations than there are liberal stations, is that part of your MSM bias?
Of course there are! And that's the free market at play! Vast majority of us are working and listening... not sitting and watching or reading dummy!
But the combined viewership of ABC,CBS,NBC, cable, NYT,Washington Post, and NOT counting the biased local,regional papers along with local TV..
FAR FAR more biased outlets then talk radio.
There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of conservative talk radio stations, and unlike newspaper that you read and toss out, they broadcast all day and in many cases, all night non stop. Is there bias here?
if anyone had ANY doubt that CNN is in Hillary's camp...just check out there main website pages anyday.
Yesterday when I looked there were 9 negative stories against Trump, 2 supportive articles on Hillary.
This morning...10 negative against Trump and one neutral for Hillary.

Donald trump is all about negative. Doom & gloom.
OH so it's OK for Obama to stand in an airplane displaying hard on,or to repeat in front of children "pussy" or for that matter sully the White House with garbage
rap artist who sing these lyrics? That's OK?
Cuz youza Muthafuckas im so tiired of yall niggaz always talkin
bout hos this, hos that, you tha muthafuckin ho nigga

Guy, the word "Pussy' was not the problem. It was his discussing how he feels entitled to assault women.

As far as the rest of them they just came out a few weeks before the election!

Yes. They did. So what? Actually, these stories have been swirling around Trump for years. What you just found out he was a misogynist yesterday?

Tell me what you think of Bill Clinton's son who is filing a paternity suit! Or all the women that Hillary has abused after Bill assaulted them and with proof!

I think someone should tell that kid that they tested his DNA 20 years ago and Clinton isn't his dad. As far as Hillary "abusing" women (yes, most women are totally cool if you sleep with their husbands), you really don't have a lot of evidence for that other than she didn't really believe a lot of them who actually were lying.

Stained dress. Penis identification by Paula Jones who the Clintons paid $850,000 to settle!

Except that his relationship with Monica was consensual. And Clinton's doctors have said that his penis doesn't look like what Trailer Trash Paula says it looks like.

As far as settling, it was cheaper to pay her $850,000 than to litigate this for another three years of appeals that might have weakened laws protecting legitimate victims of sexual harassment.

You see, the ugly truth about Jones v. Clinton is that it showed how much these cases can spin out of control if neither side backs down. In the real world, you have a claim of sexual harassment, the accused is usually fired without incident, or in the case of a powerful guy like Trump,the accuser is fired and usually has no recourse because recourse costs money.

Now, if it didn't involve Clinton, Jones's case would have been dismissed and would have stayed dismissed.
This election more and more shines a light on just how biased the MSM is.
There are about 90% more conservative talk radio stations than there are liberal stations, is that part of your MSM bias?
Radio isn't msm and hasn't been since tvs were invented. And yes, most political talk shows are conservative because libs would rather enjoy emotional entertainment.
This election more and more shines a light on just how biased the MSM is.
There are about 90% more conservative talk radio stations than there are liberal stations, is that part of your MSM bias?
Radio isn't msm and hasn't been since tvs were invented. And yes, most political talk shows are conservative because libs would rather enjoy emotional entertainment.
Do you recall several months ago that Trump bragged that he didn't have to spend money on his campaign because of all the free publicity he was receiving from the media? Its been estimated that there were 10's of millions of free trump publicity, all from the MSM you detest.
This election more and more shines a light on just how biased the MSM is.
There are about 90% more conservative talk radio stations than there are liberal stations, is that part of your MSM bias?
Radio isn't msm and hasn't been since tvs were invented. And yes, most political talk shows are conservative because libs would rather enjoy emotional entertainment.
Do you recall several months ago that Trump bragged that he didn't have to spend money on his campaign because of all the free publicity he was receiving from the media? Its been estimated that there were 10's of millions of free trump publicity, all from the MSM you detest.
Mexicans. They are rapists.

WTF does that mean? You assumed he meant "some" Mexicans.

Why is your assumption right & not the other side of the coin.

And furthermore, if you have "guy talk" lie Trump did then you are just as much of a disgusting POS as Trump was when he said it.

democrat lie. If a democrat says something, there are better than even odds it's a lie. If a democrat says something about Trump, there is virtually 100% certainty it's a lie.

Trump said correctly that among the 20 million illegal aliens in this nation are rapists and murders and that sanctuary cities like San Francisco deliberately and maliciously harbor these violent criminals. Now all of this is true, so what did the democrats do? They recaste Trump's words to an absurd claim that he said "all Mexicans are rapists."

Hey, that's what the little Goebbels of the DNC do, slander, libel, lie.
Last edited:

BUT HE NEVER said that! That came from the comment above where there was a quote of Trump saying "Mexicans are all rapists"!
Trump nor I nor any intelligent person would assume as you and your ilk have that "All Mexicans are rapists" which you assume Trump said!
Prove to me by an exact quote where Trump said "Mexicans are racists"!

The tools of the demagogue are not truth. The use of slander is what demagogues thrive on. All they need to do is repeat outrageous lies and many people will believe them.

I've spent a great deal of time in Mexico, and Mexicans are the most racist people I know. There is in fact a caste system in Mexico that is driven by skin color.

Lets try to stay on topic. We are discussing Trump not the Clintons. I am sure you must also have an excuse as to why an underage child has filed a rape charge against Trump. Of course ALL of the women who have alleged improprieties against Trump are wrong, cause you have spent the election making one excuse after another for his behavior. I am sure by now you find it just wonderful that he will not accept the election outcome

Poor little demagogue - sociopath, you get so flustered when people wander away from the KOS talking points.

Most of these women have been proven to be frauds.

The FACT that the Clinton Crime Family is hiring people to slander and libel the opposition candidate is beyond reprehensible.

Hillary Clinton is a mob boss, I generally call her "Hillary Soprano." She runs her campaign in pure Mafia style, these sorts of slanderous accusations are the hallmark of the Clinton Syndicate.


Gilberthorpe, 54, said he was sitting across the first class aisle from the couple and saw nothing inappropriate. Leeds was wearing a white pantsuit, he said, while Trump was wearing a suit and cuff-links, which he gave to his British flight companion.

Indeed, Gilberthorpe claimed, Leeds was “trying too hard” in her attempt to win Trump over.

“She wanted to marry him,” Gilberthorpe said of Leeds, who apparently made the confession when Trump excused himself and went to the bathroom.

British man says Trump accuser is lying about their encounter in first class - Hot Air

democrats are lying scumbags.

And water is wet.
Mexicans. They are rapists.

WTF does that mean? You assumed he meant "some" Mexicans.

Why is your assumption right & not the other side of the coin.

And furthermore, if you have "guy talk" lie Trump did then you are just as much of a disgusting POS as Trump was when he said it.

democrat lie. If a democrat says something, there are better than even odds it's a lie. If a democrat says something about Trump, there is virtually 100% certainty it's a lie.

Trump said correctly that among the 20 million illegal aliens in this nation are rapists and murders and that sanctuary cities like San Francisco deliberately and maliciously harbor these violent criminals. Now all of this is true, so what did the democrats do? They recaste Trump's words to an absurd claim that he said "all Mexicans are rapists."

Hey, that's what the little Goebbels of the DNC do, slander, libel, lie.
Democrats never said that Trump uttered the words that all Mexicans are rapists. Now if you want to speak of lying, why do you choose to ignore the everyday lies of Trump

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