Good Lord...anyone look at CNN's main pages?

If there was any more reason NOT to watch CNN this is it.....FACEPALM!!!! No wonder you CNN watching left loons are so fucking stupid

CNN’s Baldwin: ‘There Already Are Term Limits’ for Members of Congress

On Tuesday’s”CNN Newsroom,” anchor Brooke Baldwin asserted that “there already are are term limits” on members of Congress.

Baldwin said, “[L]et me just relay this to everyone, that apparently, from the Trump camp, there is another major announcement that Trump will make today as part of his pledge to ‘drain the swamp,’ we keep hearing ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington. He says, ‘If I’m elected president, I will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress,’ correct me, there already are term limits, so what does he mean?

CNN's Baldwin: 'There Already Are Term Limits' for Members of Congress - Breitbart

But JUST in case some dummies here can't use the Internet!!!

Congressional Terms and Term Limits.
Under the Constitution, members of the United States Senate may serve an unlimited number of six-year terms and members of the House of Representatives may serve an unlimited number of two-year terms.
Congressional Terms and Term Limits
Trump wants Muslim Americans to register with the government.

Trump wants mosques investigated.

Trump's bigotry has created a toxic climate for Muslim Americans.

With Trumps "bigotry," Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, would not have been able to pleas Allah and Hillary the way they did. With the type of bigotry of Trump, Omar Mateen would not have been able to make Allah and Hillary smile as he did.

You're a fucking retard, C_Coward.
Trump wants Muslim Americans to register with the government.

Trump wants mosques investigated.

Trump's bigotry has created a toxic climate for Muslim Americans.

With Trumps "bigotry," Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, would not have been able to pleas Allah and Hillary the way they did. With the type of bigotry of Trump, Omar Mateen would not have been able to make Allah and Hillary smile as he did.

You're a fucking retard, C_Coward.

He can't debate worth a shit either
Trump wants Muslim Americans to register with the government.

Trump wants mosques investigated.

Trump's bigotry has created a toxic climate for Muslim Americans.

With Trumps "bigotry," Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, would not have been able to pleas Allah and Hillary the way they did. With the type of bigotry of Trump, Omar Mateen would not have been able to make Allah and Hillary smile as he did.

You're a fucking retard, C_Coward.

He can't debate worth a shit either

I AGREE 100%! He is A) Not a politician! B) NOT a debating politician... C) He is a DOER! Meaning he gets things done by hiring and FIRING people!
Watch 25% of Federal employees will QUIT! GOOD!
Poll: 25 percent of federal employees would quit under Trump presidency
By NICK GASS02/01/16 03:29 PM EST

About 1-in-4 federal employees would consider leaving their jobs if Donald Trump is elected president, according the results of a recent survey conducted by the Government Business Council.
Poll: 25 percent of federal employees would quit under Trump presidency

FANTASTIC!!! Think about it. Savings of over
United States 2014 Total - All Government Employment Functions 2,700,468 Paid in March 2014 $16,995,501,047
Government Employment & Payroll - Business & Industry - US Census Bureau
Savings: $51 billion a year!
Now considering
A new government report on duplication and fragmentation in federal programs can read like a book of "screw-in-a-light-bulb" jokes.

It takes 10 different offices at the Department of Health and Human Services to run programs addressing AIDS in minority communities. Autism research is spread out over 11 different agencies. Eight agencies at the Defense Department are looking for prisoners of war and missing in action. And Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado has eight different satellite control centers to control 10 satellite programs.
The report, by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, identifies 26 new areas where federal government programs are fragmented, duplicative, overlapping or just inefficient. Add that to the 162 areas identified in past reports, and Congress has a road map for saving tens of billions of dollars a year.
Government often has 10 agencies doing one job

And guess what Trump will do with THAT???
if anyone had ANY doubt that CNN is in Hillary's camp...just check out there main website pages anyday.
Yesterday when I looked there were 9 negative stories against Trump, 2 supportive articles on Hillary.
This morning...10 negative against Trump and one neutral for Hillary.

When a rabid dog goes around shitting on lawns and biting people -- it's news.

Congrats Trumpies. You support a dog.
CNN laid its cards on the table a few weeks ago, when they had multiple conversations about how it's impossible to provide objective stories about Trump, because he's just so Trumpy. A bunch of reporters sitting around agreeing with each other, justifying their coverage. What an insult to their profession.

No, the insult is that CNN and the rest provided this guy 3 billion dollars of free air time because he was good for ratings, and who wanted to watch some boring old Jeb Bush talk about Common Core when Trump could tell us how Mexicans were all rapists and he was going to build a wall to keep them out.

If the media had done their job back in the Spring and scrutinized this guy and challenged him, they wouldn't be scrambling now.

It's impossible to do an "objective" story about Trump because there isn't a universe where this clearly isn't a crazy person.
CNN laid its cards on the table a few weeks ago, when they had multiple conversations about how it's impossible to provide objective stories about Trump, because he's just so Trumpy. A bunch of reporters sitting around agreeing with each other, justifying their coverage. What an insult to their profession.

No, the insult is that CNN and the rest provided this guy 3 billion dollars of free air time because he was good for ratings, and who wanted to watch some boring old Jeb Bush talk about Common Core when Trump could tell us how Mexicans were all rapists and he was going to build a wall to keep them out.

If the media had done their job back in the Spring and scrutinized this guy and challenged him, they wouldn't be scrambling now.

It's impossible to do an "objective" story about Trump because there isn't a universe where this clearly isn't a crazy person.

Where did Trump ever say "Mexicans were all rapists"?

See you FELL for the biased MSM's output. You and so many totally ignorant people who JUMPED to conclusions filling in the blanks with WHAT YOU wanted to hear!
For example... I bet YOU really believe TRUMP hates immigrants. Right?
You and these types of people think that I'm sure!
About 36,000 Google results of "Trump anti-immigrant"... many with these headlines:
Poll Shows Limits Of Donald Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric | TIME

Cardinal O'Malley warns of dangers of Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric
Cardinal O'Malley warns of dangers of Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric

Donald Trump Anti-Immigrant Deposition VIDEO | Mediaite

HOW f...king dumb! Trump's married to a "LEGAL IMMIGRANT"! Millions of us are either "legal immigrants" or have relatives that are "legal immigrants"
so how in the hell would Trump and us be ANTI-- IMMIGRANT?

You dummies that repeat the biased MSM can't think for yourselves. Too dumb to verify the MSM reporting.
CNN laid its cards on the table a few weeks ago, when they had multiple conversations about how it's impossible to provide objective stories about Trump, because he's just so Trumpy. A bunch of reporters sitting around agreeing with each other, justifying their coverage. What an insult to their profession.

No, the insult is that CNN and the rest provided this guy 3 billion dollars of free air time because he was good for ratings, and who wanted to watch some boring old Jeb Bush talk about Common Core when Trump could tell us how Mexicans were all rapists and he was going to build a wall to keep them out.

If the media had done their job back in the Spring and scrutinized this guy and challenged him, they wouldn't be scrambling now.

It's impossible to do an "objective" story about Trump because there isn't a universe where this clearly isn't a crazy person.

Where did Trump ever say "Mexicans were all rapists"?

See you FELL for the biased MSM's output. You and so many totally ignorant people who JUMPED to conclusions filling in the blanks with WHAT YOU wanted to hear!
For example... I bet YOU really believe TRUMP hates immigrants. Right?
You and these types of people think that I'm sure!
About 36,000 Google results of "Trump anti-immigrant"... many with these headlines:
Poll Shows Limits Of Donald Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric | TIME

Cardinal O'Malley warns of dangers of Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric
Cardinal O'Malley warns of dangers of Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric

Donald Trump Anti-Immigrant Deposition VIDEO | Mediaite

HOW f...king dumb! Trump's married to a "LEGAL IMMIGRANT"! Millions of us are either "legal immigrants" or have relatives that are "legal immigrants"
so how in the hell would Trump and us be ANTI-- IMMIGRANT?

You dummies that repeat the biased MSM can't think for yourselves. Too dumb to verify the MSM reporting.
Wasting your time.
if anyone had ANY doubt that CNN is in Hillary's camp...just check out there main website pages anyday.
Yesterday when I looked there were 9 negative stories against Trump, 2 supportive articles on Hillary.
This morning...10 negative against Trump and one neutral for Hillary.

What could anyone seriously wright in a positive story / article on anything Trump has said? The fact that he is psychologically unfit is obvious; his entire effort to get the nomination and try to win the office of POTUS is build on assassinating the character of every person who opposes him.
I don't understand this piece

Being Muslim American in the year of Donald Trump -

What does being Muslim American in the year of DT means?? He's just a candidate he's not the President yet o_O
They talk about all the problems Muslim Americans have but I don't understand what all that has to do with Donald Trump :dunno:

They have been writing articles about this for weeks...almost daily. I have no idea either.

Huh? Donald Trump scapegoated a billion Muslims. Isn't that obvious?

(in the Bible) a goat sent into the wilderness after the Jewish chief priest had symbolically laid the sins of the people upon it (Lev. 16); the Nazi Party put Jews, Gypsy's and homosexuals in box cars, moved them to camps and used them for slave labor before killing them.
if anyone had ANY doubt that CNN is in Hillary's camp...just check out there main website pages anyday.
Yesterday when I looked there were 9 negative stories against Trump, 2 supportive articles on Hillary.
This morning...10 negative against Trump and one neutral for Hillary.

So, media outlets are free to choose to support one candidate or the other. Problem is no one wants to support Trump.
if anyone had ANY doubt that CNN is in Hillary's camp...just check out there main website pages anyday.
Yesterday when I looked there were 9 negative stories against Trump, 2 supportive articles on Hillary.
This morning...10 negative against Trump and one neutral for Hillary.
WHY???? Do you help CNN make money by giving them clicks?
if anyone had ANY doubt that CNN is in Hillary's camp...just check out there main website pages anyday.
Yesterday when I looked there were 9 negative stories against Trump, 2 supportive articles on Hillary.
This morning...10 negative against Trump and one neutral for Hillary.
Tell you candidate to quit generating negative news through his talking about groping, rigged elections, etc. He has always said news coverage is always good. Now he has his wish.
if anyone had ANY doubt that CNN is in Hillary's camp...just check out there main website pages anyday.
Yesterday when I looked there were 9 negative stories against Trump, 2 supportive articles on Hillary.
This morning...10 negative against Trump and one neutral for Hillary.

So, media outlets are free to choose to support one candidate or the other. Problem is no one wants to support Trump.

Consider too, that major newspapers in Texas and Arizona, for example, are recommending that its readers vote for HRC.

What does Trump offer that would convince any thinking person to vote for Donald Trump? The vote for him is emotional, not rational; Trump has no redeeming characteristics and his character flaws are obvious to all.

It's a good idea to watch the feet of all Pols, it's not what they say, it's what they have done. All Trump has done is assassinate the character of every person who opposed him, from Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio to every women who experienced and later exposed his sexual perversions to the world, to Bill and Hillary Clinton, her supporters, a billion Muslims, the Mass Median and our neighbors to the South; let's not forget he has praised Putin, a mass murderer and someone who continues to commit war crimes against civilians in Syria.
I have news. When your candidate keeps saying stupid sh*t, news agencies will keep talking about it.

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