Good luck to all the Amazon workers across the planet on strike tomorrow

But what to do is expand and hire more people. Higher taxes does NOTHING but make things worse, and those tax dollars go to complete BULLSHIT that benefits NO ONE.

I am not fighting for higher taxes, just the party line that higher tax always lead to higher prices even though lower taxes never lead to lower prices.
I don't do Amazon and truth be told I can usually do better on eBay when someone posts-up a Amazon deal.

That and I did not appreciate the sweetheart deal they got with the USPS. It was all well and good at first when my local USPS carriers could volunteer for the Sunday Amazon delivery OT but now it's required and they burned-out quickly and they call-in during the week when real mail is to be delivered just to get some rest.
If it works, it’s only because the leftists have distorted the market by handing out so much money.

yeah, that is it. Employees organizing for better pay and conditions has never worked in the past.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
You seem very down on the uneducated. They have aspirations as well. Amazon staff work their bollocks off. They deserve a bigger slice of the pie.
Why do you ignore the fact that Amazon starts people at a high hourly rate and offers an extremely generous benefits package?
yeah, that is it. Employees organizing for better pay and conditions has never worked in the past.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
You’re forgetting that our Marxists running the demented president is handing out so much money that they are inflating everything. The only reason these entitled workers - c’mon, they’re paying $18 an hour for a high school grad to put shit in a a box! - think they are worth more is because people are being bribed to refuse to work.

Amazing how you liberals have voted in someone who has caused so much damage to the country, on so many levels, in less than a year.
Why do you ignore the fact that Amazon starts people at a high hourly rate and offers an extremely generous benefits package?

That is what all the Amazon ads on TV say. And they are not allowed to lie so it has to be true.
So prove it's a lie.

And FYI I didn't get that info I linked to from the TV

I do not care if it is a lie or not, I do not work for them.

But I fully support workers trying to get better wages and working conditions. If it does not work, well then nothing was lost if it does then good on them.

We should all try and get as much pay as possible.
As much as they can. If this works and they get a raise, then more power to them.
And Im fine with people getting as much for their labor as they can but acting like Amazon/Bezo's is fucking these people because they are only paying them 18 dollars an hour to put shit in a box is silly.
I’m not down on the uneducated. But people with no education or job training have minimal market value, and $18 an hour is 2.5x the minimum wage so they’re doing pretty well, considering. They “deserve” what the market says they’re worth.

if they have “aspirations” for more, as you say, they can take advantage of Pell Grants and get some vocational training. I’m all for that. But I don’t believe that people should be paid more than the market says they’re worth simply because leftists “feel” they “deserve more.”
How will they know what the market says they are worth unless they test that ?
Obviously there is an upper limit which is what the business can bear. But capital has always paid labour as little as it can get away with so people have to fight for what they can get.

Again I dont understand how you can be pro amazon and anti globalist. You seem confused.
How will they know what the market says they are worth unless they test that ?
Obviously there is an upper limit which is what the business can bear. But capital has always paid labour as little as it can get away with so people have to fight for what they can get.

Again I dont understand how you can be pro amazon and anti globalist. You seem confused.
Why does the process have to be adversarial? Why do you have to be either pro employee of Amazon and anti Amazon or Pro Amazon and anti Amazon employee? In what way is Amazon screwing over the employee? If it's just they arent paying as much as the employees feel is fair then the employees can do what they are doing to day. Advocate for higher wages. If they get higher wages are they then screwing Amazon? Are they screwing Amazon customers?
How will they know what the market says they are worth unless they test that ?
Obviously there is an upper limit which is what the business can bear. But capital has always paid labour as little as it can get away with so people have to fight for what they can get.

Again I dont understand how you can be pro amazon and anti globalist. You seem confused.
I’m not pro-Amazon. I am just opposed to people getting an inflated idea of their market worth due to liberals’ expansion of the welfare state.

And I’m honestly not sure what you mean by globalists. You mean the One World Order the radical left is pushing? Yes, I’m opposed.
All that was needed was to increase minimum wage in increments based on real inflation instead of stultifying it until this stuff comes to a head and then have to raise it by a big chunk all at once. Even at that it won't raise costs but a little, other factors are causing the big jumps in inflation, nor wages, so just ignore the tards who keep sniveling about their usuaal self-inflicted 'problems' and how the class warfare isn't going their way waaaaahhhhh waaaahhhh ad nauseam. All the Right has succeeded in doing is making unions popular again and making the elections of lunatics like AOC and Maxine Waters actually possible, even having a major Party in a big state making some clown like Beto think he has a shot at being Governor.
I’m not pro-Amazon. I am just opposed to people getting an inflated idea of their market worth due to liberals’ expansion of the welfare state.

And I’m honestly not sure what you mean by globalists. You mean the One World Order the radical left is pushing? Yes, I’m opposed.
Again , how can they know what their market value is ?
Why does the process have to be adversarial? Why do you have to be either pro employee of Amazon and anti Amazon or Pro Amazon and anti Amazon employee? In what way is Amazon screwing over the employee? If it's just they arent paying as much as the employees feel is fair then the employees can do what they are doing to day. Advocate for higher wages. If they get higher wages are they then screwing Amazon? Are they screwing Amazon customers?
It shouldnt be adversarial but it is. Working people have had to fight capital for every single advance in their condition since the dawn of time. Now is a good time to strike because there are more jobs than workers and amazon cant export jobs to china or india.
Again , how can they know what their market value is ?
Under normal circumstances, they ask for a raise and see if they get it. But again, liberals’ have so expanded the welfare state that their market worth is artificially inflated.

Let’s go back to where people have to work to put food on the table, and then we will see what actual market value is. As long as we have leftists saying “here’s money for doing nothing,” we can’t get a gauge on it.
does this count?>>>>

“In 2019, Amazon paid just 1.2% tax in the US, the country it is headquartered in, up from 0% the two previous years.

Amazon employs about 1.3 million people. I think we get enough tax revenue from them.
It shouldnt be adversarial but it is. Working people have had to fight capital for every single advance in their condition since the dawn of time. Now is a good time to strike because there are more jobs than workers and amazon cant export jobs to china or india.
The Hitler stash and Marxist commentary make an interesting pairing.
It shouldnt be adversarial but it is. Working people have had to fight capital for every single advance in their condition since the dawn of time. Now is a good time to strike because there are more jobs than workers and amazon cant export jobs to china or india.
You are framing it as adversarial. You're making it a for us or against us thing which it doesnt have to be. I can support the employees of Amazon wanting and fighting for better pay without casting Amazon as the villain. By all accounts Amazon seems to be paying it's workers quite well. That doenst mean they cant ask for and potentially get more, but it's not like they arent getting a decent amount of money for what they are being asked to do.

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