Good luck to all the Amazon workers across the planet on strike tomorrow

Which country's?...sorry if I expect better for America....if Trump were still president this wouldn't be happening today...PERIOD....

Sure it would. I there wouldn't be thing one he could do about it.

Need to get over your delusions about Trump son. He lost. Bigly. He was a failure of epic proportions. That's why. And he's not coming back, and he's slowly being bled dry from legal costs on the civil and criminal indictments, he's desperately avoiding.

Try shopping at your local mom and pop store asswipe.
Those workers are in the UK. Not Merka.

Historically, strikes in the UK have never been very effective.

Mostly because it's impossible to tell when workers are striking and when they are working.

Why are you just focusing on one country...................this is going on in multiple countries. (Oh, I see.........want to blame President Biden and it's hard to do that rationally if it's happening all over)
The tentacles of globalism are more and more intertwined even with separate governments. Biden is going to put a couple more nails on the coffin.
Sure it would. I there wouldn't be thing one he could do about it.

Need to get over your delusions about Trump son. He lost. Bigly. He was a failure of epic proportions. That's why. And he's not coming back, and he's slowly being bled dry from legal costs on the civil and criminal indictments, he's desperately avoiding.

Try shopping at your local mom and pop store asswipe.
Local mom and pop stores also have shortages, so stop pretending it is not happening…

Also Trump could most likely win the Electoral College in 2024, so be prepared if it does because I will be reminding you daily how you were so ignorant as usual!
You guys rail against globalists and yet defend Amazon ! Are you on crack or something ?
No, it is you Tommy and writing “ Comrades “ while knowing it would get the type of responses you are looking for…

The thing is the strike timing is awful but hell I can not mustard a care if some slob doesn’t get what they order from Amazon…

So what will be late to you Tommy?

About time you screwed that little baldie bastard. Solidarity Comrades.

That is what Amazon wants the employees to go on strike so that they will be forced into going robotics. That they are setting up the stage for everything to go robotics.

And they are forcing Mom and Pop's stores to go robotic or go bankrupt. That is the main reason for raising the minimum wage. And they are going to agree to pay the strikers around $75 per hour so that it will make their competitors compete with them. And then Amazon will break with a fully automated warehouse and delivery system. Which means that they can lower prices on products, while their competitors are struggling to pay higher wages to their employees, that they can't lower their prices.

Nope. I checked before I posted it. And if I’m wrong, just say I’m mistaken. Stop accusing everyone of being a liar.

Happy Thanksgiving! I didn't even call you a liar, let alone "everyone", Sweet Cheeks. And you still couldn't be bothered posting a link or a quote to substantiate your claim.

Not STARTING, average! <--LINK

You lied. Deal with it.

ETA: I notice you've posted a link to CBS reporting a limited area and time increase. That didn't even apply nationwide, let alone to the 19 other countries reportedly considering strikes tomorrow.
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No, it is you Tommy and writing “ Comrades “ while knowing it would get the type of responses you are looking for…

The thing is the strike timing is awful but hell I can not mustard a care if some slob doesn’t get what they order from Amazon…

So what will be late to you Tommy?
I dont shop at Amazon. I cant square it with the damage that they do to my community. They operate on a "might is right" principle that closes down record shops, book shops and so on.Then they can offer lower prices because they dont pay taxes.
It would be a better world if they went bust.
Why do you want to see workers crushed by a bastard like Bezos ? I really struggle to understand this.

Are they though? I'm actually looking to get a job with amazon. Pay is much better there than anywhere else.

Besides, I've been to an Amazon facility before, a call center actually. It's all plushy, with "quiet rooms" and a library. I think these workers need to take time and appreciate the fact that they have a good job.
Lie. Still $15 starting, $18 average ,<$20 max
Looks like 15.50 for day shift with a 3k signing bonus which basically makes it 17/hour over a year period. 18.25 for some shifts. If your only qualification is I can lift 49 lbs and put shit in a box that’s not bad pay.
Are they though? I'm actually looking to get a job with amazon. Pay is much better there than anywhere else.

The anti-capitalist would-be Bolshevik warriors of today are still living under the delusion that all bosses run sweat-shops and all workers are indentured slaves working "down mill" for tuppence a fortnight.

They really believe that sticking it to "the man" will bring about the glorious worker's paradise.

Pity them.

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