Good luck to all the Amazon workers across the planet on strike tomorrow

I dont shop at Amazon. I cant square it with the damage that they do to my community. They operate on a "might is right" principle that closes down record shops, book shops and so on.Then they can offer lower prices because they dont pay taxes.
It would be a better world if they went bust.
Record shops?

Those were gone long before Amazon came along.
I dont shop at Amazon. I cant square it with the damage that they do to my community. They operate on a "might is right" principle that closes down record shops, book shops and so on.Then they can offer lower prices because they dont pay taxes.
It would be a better world if they went bust.
You obviously have never done any real physical labor.

Amazon pays very well for people to put stuff in boxes and and get them on trucks

And the benefit package seems very generous

Employee Benefits
Along with an average starting pay of $18 per hour—more than double the federal minimum wage—Amazon offers a range of great benefits that support employees and eligible family members, including domestic partners and their children. These comprehensive benefits begin on day one and include health care coverage, parental leave, ways to save for the future, and other resources to improve health and well-being.

...employees have opportunities to own Amazon stock, participate in 401(k) plans with 50% company match, and enroll in paid life and accident insurance. Financial counseling and estate planning services are also available, plus paid short-term and long-term disability if needed.

We offer up to 20 weeks of leave to birth mothers and six weeks for parents who adopt. Our Leave Share program allows employees to give six weeks of paid parental leave to a spouse or partner who isn’t eligible for parental leave from their employer.
And see? This is the problem with all the government handouts. Previously, people actually needed to work for a living and were concerned that if they walked out of a job requiring no education or skill paying $17 or $18 an hour, that other people would be happy to take their place.

But the leftists, handing out money to everyone who breathes (or should I say BREEDS?), have created an environment where supporting oneself is not required - but merely an option, Thus, workers who have very little marker value get an inflated idea as to their market worth, because leftists have created an inflated environment, and start making demands.
People should have options. How many times does that baldy **** need to fly to Mars ?
People should have options. How many times does that baldy **** need to fly to Mars ?
Yeah, right….in your libtard brain, people should be able to choose between:

a) should I be a responsible adult and support myself, even if that requires I develop a job skill, OR….

b) should I sit at home and let other people cover my living expenses?

Hmmm…..decisions, decisions.

As far as baldy flying into space (he didn’t fly to Mars….get real), that has nothing to do with a person’s market value. In the marketplace, a person with a HS degree and no skills beyond putting crap in a box would be lucky to earn $18 an hour. Biden’s socialism has destroyed the free market.
And? Corporations never pay taxes, for those taxes end up being put upon the people who pay for the products of services. I get really tired of the stupidity of Joe Biden voters.

Yet oddly enough when corporate taxes are cut it never leads to lower prices, just more profit for the corporations.
Yet oddly enough when corporate taxes are cut it never leads to lower prices, just more profit for the corporations.
Not true. When Trump cut the corporate rate, hiring increased and wages went up. That’s why the economy was roaring before the Communists released their virus.
Not true. When Trump cut the corporate rate, hiring increased and wages went up. That’s why the economy was roaring before the Communists released their virus.

Have you not had your coffee yet today? How many companies cut their prices after the Trump tax cut?

Total new jobs added in 2016---2,318,000

Total new jobs added in 2018 (after the tax cut) 2,318,000
Total new jobs added in 2019, a year after the tax cuts...2,011,000

Does not seem like much of an increase.
Yeah, right….in your libtard brain, people should be able to choose between:

a) should I be a responsible adult and support myself, even if that requires I develop a job skill, OR….

b) should I sit at home and let other people cover my living expenses?

Hmmm…..decisions, decisions.

As far as baldy flying into space (he didn’t fly to Mars….get real), that has nothing to do with a person’s market value. In the marketplace, a person with a HS degree and no skills beyond putting crap in a box would be lucky to earn $18 an hour. Biden’s socialism has destroyed the free market.
You seem very down on the uneducated. They have aspirations as well. Amazon staff work their bollocks off. They deserve a bigger slice of the pie.
You seem very down on the uneducated. They have aspirations as well. Amazon staff work their bollocks off. They deserve a bigger slice of the pie.
I’m not down on the uneducated. But people with no education or job training have minimal market value, and $18 an hour is 2.5x the minimum wage so they’re doing pretty well, considering. They “deserve” what the market says they’re worth.

if they have “aspirations” for more, as you say, they can take advantage of Pell Grants and get some vocational training. I’m all for that. But I don’t believe that people should be paid more than the market says they’re worth simply because leftists “feel” they “deserve more.”
I went to the store this morning and the shelves were cream no bread no steaks and no beer that I like...its only going to get worse....

I went to the store earlier this week to get a few last minute items for Thanksgiving. They were out of some of the things I needed.

Fortunately the store manager is of one my shooting range buddies so he went to the back and got what I needed out of the hold backs they had for employees.
Bezos learned from the masters. Dangerously greedy, spoiled rotten, lying dickheads like Gates and Jobs as they insidiously destroyed the computer "market." This happens because shitty people like Lisa insist upon lining up to kiss their megalomaniacal asses.

"The shopping sales day is among Amazon's busiest all year.
An international coalition of unions, equality and environmental groups called "Make Amazon Pay" is staging a day of action.
The movement is demanding Amazon make changes to its business, including improved pay, an end to employee surveillance, and union engagement.
In an unrelated separate protest, the Extinction Rebellion environmental group has blocked the entrances to Amazon distribution centres in the UK.
The group says it has targeted 13 British buildings, including the largest one in Dunfermline."
You seem very down on the uneducated. They have aspirations as well. Amazon staff work their bollocks off. They deserve a bigger slice of the pie.
What percentage of the pie does a person who basically has zero qualifying skills deserve exactly?
Yet oddly enough when corporate taxes are cut it never leads to lower prices, just more profit for the corporations.
But what to do is expand and hire more people. Higher taxes does NOTHING but make things worse, and those tax dollars go to complete BULLSHIT that benefits NO ONE.
I’m not down on the uneducated. But people with no education or job training have minimal market value, and $18 an hour is 2.5x the minimum wage so they’re doing pretty well, considering. They “deserve” what the market says they’re worth.

if they have “aspirations” for more, as you say, they can take advantage of Pell Grants and get some vocational training. I’m all for that. But I don’t believe that people should be paid more than the market says they’re worth simply because leftists “feel” they “deserve more.”
Considering that they make more than the vast majority of the people we trust to put the right quantity of the right medicine in bottles for Grandma (and have to pass a test demonstrating they know the top 200 drugs and can do math to get certified), they are doing very well.

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