Good luck to all the Amazon workers across the planet on strike tomorrow

Under normal circumstances, they ask for a raise and see if they get it. But again, liberals’ have so expanded the welfare state that their market worth is artificially inflated.

Let’s go back to where people have to work to put food on the table, and then we will see what actual market value is. As long as we have leftists saying “here’s money for doing nothing,” we can’t get a gauge on it.
Amazon workers have to work very hard. Amazon will pay more.
Wow !! Just wow !
What’s wow? Amazon is a business creating a large workforce, and from whose profits they pay salaries and wages, and from that taxes are paid to the federal government.

I, for example, had a small business employing five people, including myself. Although I don’t know the specifics of their tax returns, I can quickly add up the total salaries created by my business - approximately $350,000. That represents about $35,000 - $40,000 in taxes paid by my employees, and that is more than I myself alone would have paid had I remained someone else’s employee. Thus, I created jobs, which in turn created more tax revenues for the government.

Something tells me that libs don’t have a grasp on how the economy works, or how businesses generate tax revenues for the government, including those paid indirectly as a result of job creation.
Amazon workers have to work very hard. Amazon will pay more.
Because UPS has always paid their warehouse workers more. Minimum wages are only a floor price. These idiots don't get that one has to pay more for whatever's currently in demand and then some if they expect quality.
Now, supply chain blockages and the nationwide shortage of workers willing to fill lower-wage, hourly positions in sectors like retail and warehousing shortages are Amazon’s primary pressure points, Olsavsky said: Wage hikes and lost productivity cost Amazon an additional $2 billion between July and September.

The company chose to absorb those costs, and will continue to spend big on recruiting and shipping, Olsavsky said, in order to continue to
monopolize even more sectors because the Bezoses simply must keep up with the Musks, putting actual "small businesses" out of business, left AND RIGHT.
Amazon anticipates spending an additional $4 billion in the last three months of this year on inducements to attract new warehouse employees and workarounds to the global shipping snarl, Olsavsky added.

“It’ll be expensive for us in the short term, but
rest assured, shareholders. We'll get back to paying them dirt as soon as we are able."
What’s wow? Amazon is a business creating a large workforce, and from whose profits they pay salaries and wages, and from that taxes are paid to the federal government.

I, for example, had a small business employing five people, including myself. Although I don’t know the specifics of their tax returns, I can quickly add up the total salaries created by my business - approximately $350,000. That represents about $35,000 - $40,000 in taxes paid by my employees, and that is more than I myself alone would have paid had I remained someone else’s employee. Thus, I created jobs, which in turn created more tax revenues for the government.

Something tells me that libs don’t have a grasp on how the economy works, or how businesses generate tax revenues for the government, including those paid indirectly as a result of job creation.
Well as an employer I can see why you would hold these positions. My apologies. I thought that you were just stupid. Now I see it is just self interest.
Something tells me that libs don’t have a grasp on how the economy works, or how businesses generate tax revenues for the government, including those paid indirectly as a result of job creation.

And right away, Tainted Tommy responds in a way that solidly proves your point. Truly no grasp at all on even the most essential points of economics.

Of course, his is surely the point of view of someone who has never held an honest job, and knows no life other than that of an unproductive parasite, living at the expense of others, and believing that those like you, who contribute the most, owe him his living for contributing nothing at all.

Well as an employer I can see why you would hold these positions. My apologies. I thought that you were just stupid. Now I see it is just self interest.
Something tells me that libs don’t have a grasp on how the economy works, or how businesses generate tax revenues for the government, including those paid indirectly as a result of job creation.
What in tarnation? Hep me. Hep me, Lord. I just don't understand!

And The Lord said:
As a general rule, you can claim a tax deduction for the salary, wages, commissions, bonuses, and other compensation that you pay to your employees, provided the payments meet the following requirements. The compensation must be:

  • ordinary and necessary,
  • reasonable in amount,
  • paid for services actually provided, and
  • actually paid or incurred in the year for which you claim the deduction.
So, as a general rule, an employer, say Lisa LLC, for example, hires five employees to crank out widgets. She pays them each $X to compensate them for their time and effort, then deducts that
5 x $X as ordinary business expenses. But wait, there's more? Yeppers. Apparently!

See, never mind whether Lisa LLC actually ends up paying any taxes, she gets to claim the credit for those five individuals paying their taxes. Why? Because Lisa deducts most of those taxes straight from their paychecks for their respective governments. Why? Because those governments trust Lisa more than they trust her employees to pay their taxes directly themselves, regardless of whether Lisa ever pays any taxes herself. Why? Well that's above your pay grade, but, in a nutshell, just ask yourself, "Self, what would work out best FOR ME if I were a giant corporation?"

And there you go.
What in tarnation? Hep me. Hep me, Lord. I just don't understand!

And The Lord said:

So, as a general rule, an employer, say Lisa LLC, for example, hires five employees to crank out widgets. She pays them each $X to compensate them for their time and effort, then deducts that
5 x $X as ordinary business expenses. But wait, there's more? Yeppers. Apparently!

See, never mind whether Lisa LLC actually ends up paying any taxes, she gets to claim the credit for those five individuals paying their taxes. Why? Because Lisa deducts most of those taxes straight from their paychecks for their respective governments. Why? Because those governments trust Lisa more than they trust her employees to pay their taxes directly themselves, regardless of whether Lisa ever pays any taxes herself. Why? Well that's above your pay grade, but, in a nutshell, just ask yourself, "Self, what would work out best FOR ME if I were a giant corporation?"

And there you go.
Meanwhile LisaCo gets the benefits of all those good things that her employees taxes have paid for . For Free !!!!!!
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