GOOD NEWS for Trump supporters: The advanced world trusts Xi & Putin more than Trump

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

It shows why we really, really shouldn't care what the "advanced" world thinks...after all.......the "advanced" world allowed Hitler to murder 12 million innocent men, women and children, the "advanced" world bows to putin and china......

We don't have much to learn from the "advanced" world when they cower behind the protection of the U.S. military and get most of their advanced technology from us...while they bitch and bitch the whole time....

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

We haven't abdicated anything, that was obama...who bowed to every dictator on the planet and gave iran 150 billion dollars in cash to continue their nuclear program and to use the money to kill American military members.......

Trump is calling out the simpletons in Europe for not doing their fair share, and he is creating peace in the middle east....when the assholes in Europe stood by and got nothing done...
I asked my brother why he was voting democrat, for crime and taxes, and he told me because he didn't think we should be adversarial towards China. He told me we couldn't win a confrontation and that he believes democrats could gather friends and allies to deal with China. I pointed out to him that the democrat candidates are on record saying China isn't a problem, but he assured me that smart people would come together to deal with them. So his reasoning was he was going to vote for increased crime and taxes during a recovery because he thinks the people who love China will gather 'friends' to deal with China. Ouch.

Sorry about your brother ..... maybe if you work with him you can pound some wisdom into his head....

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
76% had confidence in Merkel. Isn't that the same Merkel that sold out Germany to the Muslims where a woman isn't safe in the streets night or day? Sounds like they ask a lot of people with IQs about the same as democrats, a couple digits below their hat size.

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

Mac, if you trust Putin and Xi more than Trump... Well buddy I have to say that is INSANE!

I wrote more not equally...
I suspect much of the sentiment is based on an opinion that -- while being terribly dangerous and negative players in the world -- at least Xi and Putin are intelligent, measured, in control and stable. Whereas it's clear that Trump is essentially the opposite. It's difficult to trust a very powerful individual when they don't appear to be in control of themselves. A petulant child with this much power is a terribly unsettling environment.

So this is probably far more about temperament than it is about ideology.
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Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
Sure they do, lair. Don't you shit stains have anything better to do than post bs garbage?
How am I a "lair"? The numbers are right there.

Just go back to your little reality. You're boring.

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

It shows why we really, really shouldn't care what the "advanced" world thinks...after all.......the "advanced" world allowed Hitler to murder 12 million innocent men, women and children, the "advanced" world bows to putin and china......

We don't have much to learn from the "advanced" world when they cower behind the protection of the U.S. military and get most of their advanced technology from us...while they bitch and bitch the whole time....
That's fine. They're now looking at other options. They just signed a massive trade deal with China, China's own Marshall Plan. China is now spreading even further into the world economy via trade deals, construction agreements and manufacturing capacities.

Well done. MAGA.
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Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
76% had confidence in Merkel. Isn't that the same Merkel that sold out Germany to the Muslims where a woman isn't safe in the streets night or day? Sounds like they ask a lot of people with IQs about the same as democrats, a couple digits below their hat size.
Great. America alone. The rest of the world is stupid.


Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

Funny that 62% of the "advanced world" in your poll have a favorable opinion of France's Macron - the French however poll at 62% but say they disapprove of Macron. It's so bad that if the elections were held tomorrow Le Pen would win the presidency in the first round of voting:

Hey, the world doesn't matter. We don't need them.

For once you are correct.

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

Mac, if you trust Putin and Xi more than Trump... Well buddy I have to say that is INSANE!

I wrote more not equally...
I suspect much of the sentiment is based on an opinion that -- while being terribly dangerous and negative players in the world -- at least Xi and Putin are intelligent, measured, in control and stable. Whereas it's clear that Trump is essentially the opposite. It's difficult to trust a very powerful individual when they don't appear to be in control of themselves. A petulant child with this much power is a terribly unsettling environment.

So this is probably far more about temperament than it is about ideology.

The thing is Trump unlike Xi and Putin has yet to erode away any personal liberties nor attempted to consolidate his power and make himself dictator.

Now notice what I wrote and I wrote has yet which mean as of now he has not done it but could in the future.

Also those voting seem to lack the understanding on how the U.S. Government work and believe Trump has the same power or influence as Xi and Putin which those that know how it work know Trump is one man with some power but could be taken down by Congress if he actually posed a true threat to our REPUBLIC...

I had to write Republic in capital letters to remind we are a Republic of States and not built like China or Russia and the power of our President is wide and sweeping it also can and should be checked and balance by the two other branches of Government.

I dislike Trump but he is not anymore untrustworthy than Xi or Putin and Trump is easily manipulated by his ego...

So I disagree with your poll as usual...

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

Mac, if you trust Putin and Xi more than Trump... Well buddy I have to say that is INSANE!

I wrote more not equally...
I suspect much of the sentiment is based on an opinion that -- while being terribly dangerous and negative players in the world -- at least Xi and Putin are intelligent, measured, in control and stable. Whereas it's clear that Trump is essentially the opposite. It's difficult to trust a very powerful individual when they don't appear to be in control of themselves. A petulant child with this much power is a terribly unsettling environment.

So this is probably far more about temperament than it is about ideology.

The thing is Trump unlike Xi and Putin has yet to erode away any personal liberties nor attempted to consolidate his power and make himself dictator.

Now notice what I wrote and I wrote has yet which mean as of now he has not done it but could in the future.

Also those voting seem to lack the understanding on how the U.S. Government work and believe Trump has the same power or influence as Xi and Putin which those that know how it work know Trump is one man with some power but could be taken down by Congress if he actually posed a true threat to our REPUBLIC...

I had to write Republic in capital letters to remind we are a Republic of States and not built like China or Russia and the power of our President is wide and sweeping it also can and should be checked and balance by the two other branches of Government.

I dislike Trump but he is not anymore untrustworthy than Xi or Putin and Trump is easily manipulated by his ego...

So I disagree with your poll as usual...
Yes, the men each operate under different systems.

That has nothing to do with temperament, and that's my point. Trump is, inside or outside of his system, unstable and immature. Could the others cause more damage? Yeah, that seems likely. But that's not the point.

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
76% had confidence in Merkel. Isn't that the same Merkel that sold out Germany to the Muslims where a woman isn't safe in the streets night or day? Sounds like they ask a lot of people with IQs about the same as democrats, a couple digits below their hat size.
Great. America alone. The rest of the world is stupid.


Most of the World can be consider stupid and China along with Russia has for decades been eroding our influence in the World which mean Trump is not the lone reason.

China was pushing itself around while Obama was President and if you deny this then you are lying and being daft!

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
76% had confidence in Merkel. Isn't that the same Merkel that sold out Germany to the Muslims where a woman isn't safe in the streets night or day? Sounds like they ask a lot of people with IQs about the same as democrats, a couple digits below their hat size.
Great. America alone. The rest of the world is stupid.


Most of the World can be consider stupid and China along with Russia has for decades been eroding our influence in the World which mean Trump is not the lone reason.

China was pushing itself around while Obama was President and if you deny this then you are lying and being daft!
Okay. The rest of the world disagrees. But we don't need them. So good luck to us.

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

Mac, if you trust Putin and Xi more than Trump... Well buddy I have to say that is INSANE!

I wrote more not equally...
I suspect much of the sentiment is based on an opinion that -- while being terribly dangerous and negative players in the world -- at least Xi and Putin are intelligent, measured, in control and stable. Whereas it's clear that Trump is essentially the opposite. It's difficult to trust a very powerful individual when they don't appear to be in control of themselves. A petulant child with this much power is a terribly unsettling environment.

So this is probably far more about temperament than it is about ideology.

The thing is Trump unlike Xi and Putin has yet to erode away any personal liberties nor attempted to consolidate his power and make himself dictator.

Now notice what I wrote and I wrote has yet which mean as of now he has not done it but could in the future.

Also those voting seem to lack the understanding on how the U.S. Government work and believe Trump has the same power or influence as Xi and Putin which those that know how it work know Trump is one man with some power but could be taken down by Congress if he actually posed a true threat to our REPUBLIC...

I had to write Republic in capital letters to remind we are a Republic of States and not built like China or Russia and the power of our President is wide and sweeping it also can and should be checked and balance by the two other branches of Government.

I dislike Trump but he is not anymore untrustworthy than Xi or Putin and Trump is easily manipulated by his ego...

So I disagree with your poll as usual...
Yes, the men each operate under different systems.

That has nothing to do with temperament, and that's my point. Trump is, inside or outside of his system, unstable and immature. Could the others cause more damage? Yeah, that seems likely. But that's not the point.

That is the point Mac and your poll attempts to pain Trump more untrustworthy by those that have no idea of how the U.S. system works.

So you poll was given to people that are ignorant of our system of government and you run with it showing how the World see Trump more dangerous than Xi or Putin.

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
76% had confidence in Merkel. Isn't that the same Merkel that sold out Germany to the Muslims where a woman isn't safe in the streets night or day? Sounds like they ask a lot of people with IQs about the same as democrats, a couple digits below their hat size.
Great. America alone. The rest of the world is stupid.


Most of the World can be consider stupid and China along with Russia has for decades been eroding our influence in the World which mean Trump is not the lone reason.

China was pushing itself around while Obama was President and if you deny this then you are lying and being daft!
Okay. The rest of the world disagrees. But we don't need them. So good luck to us.

Oh poor Mac and his hatred being told he is wrong about his beloved China and Xi and being pointed out that China has been a threat to the U.S. long before Trump...

How well did Obama diplomacy work to slow China expansion on the World Stage?

So let be clear the World can be consider stupid if they believe Xi is more trustworthy than Trump...

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

Mac, if you trust Putin and Xi more than Trump... Well buddy I have to say that is INSANE!

I wrote more not equally...
I suspect much of the sentiment is based on an opinion that -- while being terribly dangerous and negative players in the world -- at least Xi and Putin are intelligent, measured, in control and stable. Whereas it's clear that Trump is essentially the opposite. It's difficult to trust a very powerful individual when they don't appear to be in control of themselves. A petulant child with this much power is a terribly unsettling environment.

So this is probably far more about temperament than it is about ideology.

The thing is Trump unlike Xi and Putin has yet to erode away any personal liberties nor attempted to consolidate his power and make himself dictator.

Now notice what I wrote and I wrote has yet which mean as of now he has not done it but could in the future.

Also those voting seem to lack the understanding on how the U.S. Government work and believe Trump has the same power or influence as Xi and Putin which those that know how it work know Trump is one man with some power but could be taken down by Congress if he actually posed a true threat to our REPUBLIC...

I had to write Republic in capital letters to remind we are a Republic of States and not built like China or Russia and the power of our President is wide and sweeping it also can and should be checked and balance by the two other branches of Government.

I dislike Trump but he is not anymore untrustworthy than Xi or Putin and Trump is easily manipulated by his ego...

So I disagree with your poll as usual...
Yes, the men each operate under different systems.

That has nothing to do with temperament, and that's my point. Trump is, inside or outside of his system, unstable and immature. Could the others cause more damage? Yeah, that seems likely. But that's not the point.

That is the point Mac and your poll attempts to pain Trump more untrustworthy by those that have no idea of how the U.S. system works.

So you poll was given to people that are ignorant of our system of government and you run with it showing how the World see Trump more dangerous than Xi or Putin.
Again, that's what the world thinks. We don't need them. Right?

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

Mac, if you trust Putin and Xi more than Trump... Well buddy I have to say that is INSANE!

I wrote more not equally...
I suspect much of the sentiment is based on an opinion that -- while being terribly dangerous and negative players in the world -- at least Xi and Putin are intelligent, measured, in control and stable. Whereas it's clear that Trump is essentially the opposite. It's difficult to trust a very powerful individual when they don't appear to be in control of themselves. A petulant child with this much power is a terribly unsettling environment.

So this is probably far more about temperament than it is about ideology.

The thing is Trump unlike Xi and Putin has yet to erode away any personal liberties nor attempted to consolidate his power and make himself dictator.

Now notice what I wrote and I wrote has yet which mean as of now he has not done it but could in the future.

Also those voting seem to lack the understanding on how the U.S. Government work and believe Trump has the same power or influence as Xi and Putin which those that know how it work know Trump is one man with some power but could be taken down by Congress if he actually posed a true threat to our REPUBLIC...

I had to write Republic in capital letters to remind we are a Republic of States and not built like China or Russia and the power of our President is wide and sweeping it also can and should be checked and balance by the two other branches of Government.

I dislike Trump but he is not anymore untrustworthy than Xi or Putin and Trump is easily manipulated by his ego...

So I disagree with your poll as usual...
Yes, the men each operate under different systems.

That has nothing to do with temperament, and that's my point. Trump is, inside or outside of his system, unstable and immature. Could the others cause more damage? Yeah, that seems likely. But that's not the point.

That is the point Mac and your poll attempts to pain Trump more untrustworthy by those that have no idea of how the U.S. system works.

So you poll was given to people that are ignorant of our system of government and you run with it showing how the World see Trump more dangerous than Xi or Putin.
Again, that's what the world thinks. We don't need them. Right?

We don’t need China nor Russia for sure or those like you that believe Trump that is less trustworthy than Xi or Putin...

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