GOOD NEWS for Trump supporters: The advanced world trusts Xi & Putin more than Trump

America First means America Alone which makes us weaker
They haven't yet figured out that these are no longer the 1950's.

and they never will...
Not as long as they exist in that bubble.

A harkening back to the 1950's represents a period of rightwing nostalgia - enemies were the "commies", white men ruled, women and minorities knew their place and Leave it to Beaver reigned supreme.

Unfortunately, Commies are largely gone beyond Che t-shirts and short lived youthful political outcries. McCarthy was shown to be awful, women are not about to go back to doing housework in heels, gays aren't heading to the closets in droves, and we've had a black president. Which probably set off a lot of this.
Well, this adoration of Trump is cultural and sociological as much as political. They see the country and world are changing, it terrifies them, and so they elected a hand grenade to stop it.

They did slow it down, give them that. But they know that's all they can do. I'll let them stew in their misery and paranoia. They've damn well earned it.

Resisting change the we think is for the worse, is valid.

That you cannot respect that, is a failure on your part, not ours.
For example, operating in an alliance, where we pay a larger than our fair share of the defense spending, provide more of the military power and end up entangled in alliances that are more likely to drag US into other people's problems than get US help with ours,

Think of the alliance as a Basketball team.

A “Me First” strategy means I take every shot I can get and let the others worry about their own shots. I may score more, but the team as a whole loses.

In a “Team” strategy, I pass to the open man and they pass to me. Each player does not expect the same number of shots and plays a role. Some are scorers, some give assists, some play defense. As a whole the team wins.

i made real points about the real situation.

In response you want to change the discussion to a poor analogy.

Asking our allies to carry their fair share of the burden, is not US being unfair. That we have to hassle them to do their fair share is them being slackers.

We can't afford to carry them any more. We are in an unsustainable financial situation.

You posted a gish gallop list, so that your pile of accusations would support each other.

I have refuted one of them. This undermines your whole list.

Would you like to actually address the points I made about Defense, or would you like to move on to another point I can crush so as to completely discredit you list ?

Your solution is a solution of failure.

Every man for himself is not a solution. For the past 80 years, the US has operated as part of a global alliance.
It has made us stronger and wealthier and safer

Wanting our allies to carry their fair share of the burden, is not "every man for himself".

That you have to lie like that, is an admission that you know your position is complete bullshit.

This is about the rest of the world being fucked up, not anything wrong with US.

And Trump decides what is fair

The US militany consumes 4.5 percent of our GDP. Most European countries do quite well at 2.5 percent.

The answer is not getting them to increase to 4.5 percent but getting us to drop below 3 percent.

They agreed with increasing their defense spending, and then did not meet their commitments.

I agree we could lower our defense spending. But we can't until we reduce our commitments.

Until we take such steps, asking our "allies" to contribute their fair share, is completely reasonable.

And if it upsets them, that is them being assholes, about it, not US.
The advanced world trusts Xi & Putin more than Trump ?

So your "advanced" world prefers brutal dictators? Who'd have guessed it?

Chinese Death Squads - She said the Communists were not fair.....
View attachment 400549

Putin kills opponents with Radiation Poisoning

Trump supported Putin in killing his rivals. He refused to believe or condemn Russian bounties on our soldiers.

Trump supported Kim Jong Un in the Otto Warmbier killing. Why wouldn’t he believe Kim’s denial?

Trump supported the Saudi Arabian Royal Family in the brutal execution of Khashoggi. Military contracts were more valuable.

That is why the US has fallen in global respect

Nice gish gallop of shit you have there.

I agree

Trump pandering to violent dictators is Gish gallop

Your pretense of being to stupid to understand my clear post is credible.

But, I'm still not buying it.

I accept your admission of defeat.

Trump shamelessly panders to ruthless dictators.
Putin, Kim and Bin Salman

Doesn’t matter if it helps Trumps personal interests

Putin is the ruler of Russia. Our policy towards Russia should be one of Peace as the Cold War is over and we have no conflicts of interests.

Any push to needless confrontation, is stupid and dangerous, and to the extent that people like you push us towards war, for partisan political gain,

you are vile beyond measure.

That is your second point crushed. Your list was a list of garbage.

(I'm jumping the gun a bit, assuming you will not be able to counter my counter point, based on the fact that you never do, and generally just talk shit).


And I was right. YOu utterfly failed to even address my points

Your list is crushed. you lose and you are an asshole.
The advanced world trusts Xi & Putin more than Trump ?

So your "advanced" world prefers brutal dictators? Who'd have guessed it?

Chinese Death Squads - She said the Communists were not fair.....
View attachment 400549

Putin kills opponents with Radiation Poisoning

Trump supported Putin in killing his rivals. He refused to believe or condemn Russian bounties on our soldiers.

Trump supported Kim Jong Un in the Otto Warmbier killing. Why wouldn’t he believe Kim’s denial?

Trump supported the Saudi Arabian Royal Family in the brutal execution of Khashoggi. Military contracts were more valuable.

That is why the US has fallen in global respect

Nice gish gallop of shit you have there.

I agree

Trump pandering to violent dictators is Gish gallop

Your pretense of being to stupid to understand my clear post is credible.

But, I'm still not buying it.

I accept your admission of defeat.

Trump shamelessly panders to ruthless dictators.
Putin, Kim and Bin Salman

Doesn’t matter if it helps Trumps personal interests

Putin is the ruler of Russia. Our policy towards Russia should be one of Peace as the Cold War is over and we have no conflicts of interests.

Any push to needless confrontation, is stupid and dangerous, and to the extent that people like you push us towards war, for partisan political gain,

you are vile beyond measure.

That is your second point crushed. Your list was a list of garbage.

(I'm jumping the gun a bit, assuming you will not be able to counter my counter point, based on the fact that you never do, and generally just talk shit).


And I was right. YOu utterfly failed to even address my points

Your list is crushed. you lose and you are an asshole.
Did you bother to read the crap you posted?

Derp, Derp, Derp

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
Yeah I call obvious bullshit.
World leaders are not going to reply to a poll..... :rolleyes:

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
Yeah I call obvious bullshit.
World leaders are not going to reply to a poll..... :rolleyes:
Where does it say "world leaders"? Why did you make that up?

We already know what world leaders think. They've been caught on tape mocking him.

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
Yeah I call obvious bullshit.
World leaders are not going to reply to a poll..... :rolleyes:
Where does it say "world leaders"? Why did you make that up?

We already know what world leaders think. They've been caught on tape mocking him.
World leaders loved Obama... he turned America into the worlds dining room table.

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
Yeah I call obvious bullshit.
World leaders are not going to reply to a poll..... :rolleyes:
Where does it say "world leaders"? Why did you make that up?

We already know what world leaders think. They've been caught on tape mocking him.
World leaders loved Obama... he turned America into the worlds dining room table.
Which has nothing to do with the thread.

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
Yeah I call obvious bullshit.
World leaders are not going to reply to a poll..... :rolleyes:
Where does it say "world leaders"? Why did you make that up?

We already know what world leaders think. They've been caught on tape mocking him.
World leaders loved Obama... he turned America into the worlds dining room table.
Which has nothing to do with the thread.
We all wanted changes to outlays for our treaties. We are suckers. We get benefits of course. These nations are rich.

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
Yeah I call obvious bullshit.
World leaders are not going to reply to a poll..... :rolleyes:
Where does it say "world leaders"? Why did you make that up?

We already know what world leaders think. They've been caught on tape mocking him.
World leaders loved Obama... he turned America into the worlds dining room table.
Which has nothing to do with the thread.
Because the thread is dumb.
I imagine very well Trump is not well liked by Europeans. Which has absolutely nothing to do with his performance. I mean... these same people think China handled the virus better??
You know how asininely stupid that is? China's mishandling it is why it is all over the world.
Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
Except for the names this sounds like something the leftists cooked up in the Reagan years.
Nobody likes Reagan. We are isolating ourselves. The world hates him.

I'm happy to say history has vindicated Reagan and the leftists that all dumped on him are long forgotten
and consigned to history's garbage bin.
History repeats itself and the dimwitted leftists never seem to learn

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

Mac, if you trust Putin and Xi more than Trump... Well buddy I have to say that is INSANE!

I wrote more not equally...

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
Sure they do, lair. Don't you shit stains have anything better to do than post bs garbage?

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
Yeah I call obvious bullshit.
World leaders are not going to reply to a poll..... :rolleyes:
Where does it say "world leaders"? Why did you make that up?

We already know what world leaders think. They've been caught on tape mocking him.

World leaders have been caught mocking other world leaders... and not on tape... but publicly.

What a bunch of leftist snarkish nonsense. NO ONE cares.

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

Yeah.... But more than half of Germany despises Merkel...
Her position is based on a coalition not on popularity.


Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

Fuck the rest of the world

Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.
Sure they do, lair. Don't you shit stains have anything better to do than post bs garbage?
These are all mass produced talking points.... They are sent out to various operatives to be disseminated like gull shit at the beach. You don't think this nitwit composed this by himself do you?

They assume that people don't read up on other nation's politics. Just so happens I do. Merkel is deeply disliked in Germany but their election system creates opportunities for people like her to stay in power by forming a coalition.....So the post itself is just meaningless bullshit.


Overall, on average across the nations surveyed, 83% of respondents had no confidence in Trump, 78% had no confidence in Xi, and 73% had no confidence in Russia's President Vladimir Putin. By contrast, a majority of 76% did have confidence in Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 62% had a favorable opinion of France's President Emmanuel Macron.

Obviously. As I've been saying, now that we have so willingly abdicated our position of Leader of the Free World, it's good to see that Germany can take the title. Good luck to you, Chancellor Merkel, Russia and China cannot gain a foothold here. You have been handed a great responsibility.

I imagine we'll see posts here in full support of our telling the rest of the world to go to hell. So it's a good day for Trump supporters.

Are people really this ignorant of reality? Germany can't even defend herself...yet you want Merkel to lead the free world. :icon_rolleyes:

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