Good News in the fight for 15.

This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.

Who's celebrating it?

The point here to the chagrin of the minimum wage pushers is that there is a price to pay when you attack industry. Everybody on the left thinks that when you increase costs to a manufacturer or service outlet, they simply dig deeper in their pockets.

There is no truth to that because automation has been happening in manufacturing for decades, it's just that few knew about it.

As for fat lazy Americans, those fat lazy Americans will do anything for a cheaper price. I remember when this started with self-serve gasoline pumps. The idea was for the garages to keep their mechanics working on cars instead of pumping gas for customers. They all started off with perhaps one pump. As that pump became increasingly popular, they added another self-serve pump, then another one.

It didn't take long before all gas stations were self-serve. Now they are doing the same in grocery stores and places like Sam's Club.

Those folks you rely on for that fast and friendly service are working very hard. They're not sitting home doing nothing. Forcing them out of a job is actually gonna hurt you very much in the end. And in more ways than one. But it may be too late. I have a relative who works in Management at Walmart. And he said the cut-backs are in effect. They're hiring less and putting less staff on duty.

He said he's already seeing numerous outraged customers who aren't being helped or catered to as much anymore. Many are actually shocked they have to do the work themselves. But that is the future, so Fat Lazy America better get used to it. Many of you wanted the workers out of the picture, and soon it'll be the case. So quit bitchin about 'Bad Service', and get ready to work. You'll be your own service in stores and restaurants in the near future.
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This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.
The faster you get the humans out taking my order and making my burger, the better.

Cool, that's likely gonna be happening soon. But don't think that's gonna benefit America in any way. More Americans out of work isn't anything to celebrate. In fact, we'll all pay much more for that in the end.
When we switched from horse and buggy to automobiles, did that benefit America?

Hard on horse and buggy people doesn't mean bad for America. The nation wasn't founded as a safe space for fast food workers.

And capitalism make so damn much money because it is dedicated to making a better mouse trap. A kiosk is a better cashier. It might just get my order right.

BTW, if my mouse trap is better, I put your workers out of business. That is how it works.
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.

Who's celebrating it?

The point here to the chagrin of the minimum wage pushers is that there is a price to pay when you attack industry. Everybody on the left thinks that when you increase costs to a manufacturer or service outlet, they simply dig deeper in their pockets.

There is no truth to that because automation has been happening in manufacturing for decades, it's just that few knew about it.

As for fat lazy Americans, those fat lazy Americans will do anything for a cheaper price. I remember when this started with self-serve gasoline pumps. The idea was for the garages to keep their mechanics working on cars instead of pumping gas for customers. They all started off with perhaps one pump. As that pump became increasingly popular, they added another self-serve pump, then another one.

It didn't take long before all gas stations were self-serve. Now they are doing the same in grocery stores and places like Sam's Club.
For some odd reason, the cost of minimum wage employees is the only wage that drives up the cost of product. Executive and management salaries have managed to escalate over the last ten years while minimum wage has been stagnant........yet, it is the minimum wage worker who is greedy

Ha, Spot On. Yeah, somehow it's always the poor struggling Worker's fault. Obscene bloated Management Salaries and disastrous Mismanagement are never issues for greedy white Republican dude. It's always the poor struggling Worker's fault. They worship the Corporate Machine. It's their God.
There were vending machines in temples as early as 215 B.C.E. They vended holy water. London had modern vending machines in 1880. Oh how the wages of that time drove business to do away with jobs and replace people with machines. And it only took a few years after that that everyone was out of a job.

No, they weren't. And the whole argument is as stupid today as it was then.

Holy water anyone?
As usual you're full of shit.
Population growth/the industrial revolution/wars/advances in methods of agriculture and on and fucking on.
There are ZERO quantitative comparisons possible.
Go tell the tens of thousands of soon to be unemployed FF workers the "whole argument is stupid". Where would you like your belongings sent?
What makes you think the FF companies are going to lay off all their workers? All that's going to do is lower production and quality... Why wouldn't that money come out of their advertising budgets, executive salaries, special events, profit share etc etc etc. ??? There are many areas that can be adjusted to come up with the funds to properly compensate their labor force.
That's a GREAT idea! Reduce the national advertising budget to pay more to semi literate employees! WOW! Why didn't Wendy's think of that?
Whoever suggested the FF outlets would "lay off ALL their employees" asshole?
Now FF outlets are happily getting rid of the fucking LIB dummy loser brats and only keeping the 50+ hard working clean sober honest workers who are delighted to have a job to supplement their pensions.
I owned five FF franchises.
The first thing I always asked any 'mature' applicant was if they had any other source of income. Those that did I put a #1 on their application.
You're still lying, huh? Last time, you said you owned "seven" FF franchises. Now it's "five." :eusa_doh: Wassamatter, don't you know how many FF franchises you owned? :lmao:

I sold my seven FF franchises when I was 57 and retired a multimillionaire.
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.
The faster you get the humans out taking my order and making my burger, the better.

Cool, that's likely gonna be happening soon. But don't think that's gonna benefit America in any way. More Americans out of work isn't anything to celebrate. In fact, we'll all pay much more for that in the end.
When we switched from horse and buggy to automobiles, did that benefit America?

Hard on horse and buggy people doesn't mean bad for America. The nation wasn't founded as a safe space for fast food workers.
the government didnt force us to switch to automobiles, it happened on its own gradually. If they had made a decree that we all give up our horses and buggys and drive cars, it would have been a clusterfuck. Like we are going to have now, that the government is pretending to know economics
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.

Who's celebrating it?

The point here to the chagrin of the minimum wage pushers is that there is a price to pay when you attack industry. Everybody on the left thinks that when you increase costs to a manufacturer or service outlet, they simply dig deeper in their pockets.

There is no truth to that because automation has been happening in manufacturing for decades, it's just that few knew about it.

As for fat lazy Americans, those fat lazy Americans will do anything for a cheaper price. I remember when this started with self-serve gasoline pumps. The idea was for the garages to keep their mechanics working on cars instead of pumping gas for customers. They all started off with perhaps one pump. As that pump became increasingly popular, they added another self-serve pump, then another one.

It didn't take long before all gas stations were self-serve. Now they are doing the same in grocery stores and places like Sam's Club.

Those folks you rely on for that fast and friendly service are working very hard. They're not sitting home doing nothing. Forcing them out of a job is actually gonna hurt you very much in the end. And in more ways than one. But it may be too late. I have a relative who works in Management at Walmart. And he said the cut-backs are in effect. They're hiring less and putting less staff on duty.

He said he's already seeing numerous outraged customers who aren't being helped or catered to as much anymore. Many are actually shocked they have to do the work themselves. But that is the future, so Fat Lazy America better get used to it. Many of you wanted the workers out of the picture, and soon it'll be the case. So quit bitchin about 'Bad Service', and get ready to work. You'll be your own service in stores and restaurants in the near future.
All Walmart needs to do is stock the shelves, and monitor the self checkout lines.

If you need help at the Walmart, pay more or go to a real store or online. Those people are at the bottom of the food chain as it is.
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.
The faster you get the humans out taking my order and making my burger, the better.

Cool, that's likely gonna be happening soon. But don't think that's gonna benefit America in any way. More Americans out of work isn't anything to celebrate. In fact, we'll all pay much more for that in the end.
When we switched from horse and buggy to automobiles, did that benefit America?

Hard on horse and buggy people doesn't mean bad for America. The nation wasn't founded as a safe space for fast food workers.
the government didnt force us to switch to automobiles, it happened on its own gradually. If they had made a decree that we all give up our horses and buggys and drive cars, it would have been a clusterfuck. Like we are going to have now, that the government is pretending to know economics
The government forced Wendy's to spend years developing their self-ordering and payment system? B period, S period.

That was always going to happen. It should have happened long ago. We want fast food, not time dealing with some moron who can't figure out how to make change.
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.

Who's celebrating it?

The point here to the chagrin of the minimum wage pushers is that there is a price to pay when you attack industry. Everybody on the left thinks that when you increase costs to a manufacturer or service outlet, they simply dig deeper in their pockets.

There is no truth to that because automation has been happening in manufacturing for decades, it's just that few knew about it.

As for fat lazy Americans, those fat lazy Americans will do anything for a cheaper price. I remember when this started with self-serve gasoline pumps. The idea was for the garages to keep their mechanics working on cars instead of pumping gas for customers. They all started off with perhaps one pump. As that pump became increasingly popular, they added another self-serve pump, then another one.

It didn't take long before all gas stations were self-serve. Now they are doing the same in grocery stores and places like Sam's Club.
For some odd reason, the cost of minimum wage employees is the only wage that drives up the cost of product. Executive and management salaries have managed to escalate over the last ten years while minimum wage has been stagnant........yet, it is the minimum wage worker who is greedy

Ha, Spot On. Yeah, somehow it's always the poor struggling Worker's fault. Obscene bloated Management Salaries and disastrous Mismanagement are never issues for greedy white Republican dude. It's always the poor struggling Worker's fault. They worship the Corporate Machine. It's their God.

my first job was at 3.35 an hour working in a restaurant, I worked very hard and was happy because I knew eventually I would make more. I didnt question or feel undervalued, I just worked. If they started me out making what th ehead cook should have been making, then what would have been my incentive to try harder? I might have anyway but not everyone is like that. I know that because i have worked alongside many lazy ass fucks in the workforce but also many self motivated people. This whole thing is about government making an end run in order to redistribute wealth, but its going to backfire when fewer people have jobs
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.
The faster you get the humans out taking my order and making my burger, the better.

Cool, that's likely gonna be happening soon. But don't think that's gonna benefit America in any way. More Americans out of work isn't anything to celebrate. In fact, we'll all pay much more for that in the end.
When we switched from horse and buggy to automobiles, did that benefit America?

Hard on horse and buggy people doesn't mean bad for America. The nation wasn't founded as a safe space for fast food workers.

And capitalism make so damn much money because it is dedicated to making a better mouse trap. A kiosk is a better cashier. It might just get my order right.

BTW, if my mouse trap is better, I put your workers out of business. That is how it works.

We'll see. I think going more self-serve is gonna be pretty hard for Fat America to accept. I mean, Americans are spoiled rotten for the most part. Stores and restaurants are cutting way back on staffing. Customers will be doing much of the work the workers used to do. And that isn't gonna sit well with Fat Entitled America. They're used to being catered to.
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.

Who's celebrating it?

The point here to the chagrin of the minimum wage pushers is that there is a price to pay when you attack industry. Everybody on the left thinks that when you increase costs to a manufacturer or service outlet, they simply dig deeper in their pockets.

There is no truth to that because automation has been happening in manufacturing for decades, it's just that few knew about it.

As for fat lazy Americans, those fat lazy Americans will do anything for a cheaper price. I remember when this started with self-serve gasoline pumps. The idea was for the garages to keep their mechanics working on cars instead of pumping gas for customers. They all started off with perhaps one pump. As that pump became increasingly popular, they added another self-serve pump, then another one.

It didn't take long before all gas stations were self-serve. Now they are doing the same in grocery stores and places like Sam's Club.

Those folks you rely on for that fast and friendly service are working very hard. They're not sitting home doing nothing. Forcing them out of a job is actually gonna hurt you very much in the end. And in more ways than one. But it may be too late. I have a relative who works in Management at Walmart. And he said the cut-backs are in effect. They're hiring less and putting less staff on duty.

He said he's already seeing numerous outraged customers who aren't being helped or catered to as much anymore. Many are actually shocked they have to do the work themselves. But that is the future, so Fat Lazy America better get used to it. Many of you wanted the workers out of the picture, and soon it'll be the case. So quit bitchin about 'Bad Service', and get ready to work. You'll be your own service in stores and restaurants in the near future.
All Walmart needs to do is stock the shelves, and monitor the self checkout lines.

If you need help at the Walmart, pay more or go to a real store or online. Those people are at the bottom of the food chain as it is.

I hear ya, but Fat Entitled America doesn't see it that way. Even Walmart Customers expect to be helped and catered to. They're actually offended and outraged that Walmart is under-staffing its stores. Like i said, my relative in Management there experiences the outrage everyday. Fat Entitled America doesn't wanna do the work itself. It is what it is.
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.

Who's celebrating it?

The point here to the chagrin of the minimum wage pushers is that there is a price to pay when you attack industry. Everybody on the left thinks that when you increase costs to a manufacturer or service outlet, they simply dig deeper in their pockets.

There is no truth to that because automation has been happening in manufacturing for decades, it's just that few knew about it.

As for fat lazy Americans, those fat lazy Americans will do anything for a cheaper price. I remember when this started with self-serve gasoline pumps. The idea was for the garages to keep their mechanics working on cars instead of pumping gas for customers. They all started off with perhaps one pump. As that pump became increasingly popular, they added another self-serve pump, then another one.

It didn't take long before all gas stations were self-serve. Now they are doing the same in grocery stores and places like Sam's Club.

Those folks you rely on for that fast and friendly service are working very hard. They're not sitting home doing nothing. Forcing them out of a job is actually gonna hurt you very much in the end. And in more ways than one. But it may be too late. I have a relative who works in Management at Walmart. And he said the cut-backs are in effect. They're hiring less and putting less staff on duty.

He said he's already seeing numerous outraged customers who aren't being helped or catered to as much anymore. Many are actually shocked they have to do the work themselves. But that is the future, so Fat Lazy America better get used to it. Many of you wanted the workers out of the picture, and soon it'll be the case. So quit bitchin about 'Bad Service', and get ready to work. You'll be your own service in stores and restaurants in the near future.
All Walmart needs to do is stock the shelves, and monitor the self checkout lines.

If you need help at the Walmart, pay more or go to a real store or online. Those people are at the bottom of the food chain as it is.

I hear ya, but Fat Entitled America doesn't see it that way. Even Walmart Customers expect to be helped and catered to. They're actually offended and outraged that Walmart is under-staffing its stores. Like i said, my relative in Management there experiences the outrage everyday. Fat Entitled America doesn't wanna do the work itself. It is what it is.
There is no free lunch, and they need to get off their fat asses and pay up.
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.

Who's celebrating it?

The point here to the chagrin of the minimum wage pushers is that there is a price to pay when you attack industry. Everybody on the left thinks that when you increase costs to a manufacturer or service outlet, they simply dig deeper in their pockets.

There is no truth to that because automation has been happening in manufacturing for decades, it's just that few knew about it.

As for fat lazy Americans, those fat lazy Americans will do anything for a cheaper price. I remember when this started with self-serve gasoline pumps. The idea was for the garages to keep their mechanics working on cars instead of pumping gas for customers. They all started off with perhaps one pump. As that pump became increasingly popular, they added another self-serve pump, then another one.

It didn't take long before all gas stations were self-serve. Now they are doing the same in grocery stores and places like Sam's Club.

Those folks you rely on for that fast and friendly service are working very hard. They're not sitting home doing nothing. Forcing them out of a job is actually gonna hurt you very much in the end. And in more ways than one. But it may be too late. I have a relative who works in Management at Walmart. And he said the cut-backs are in effect. They're hiring less and putting less staff on duty.

He said he's already seeing numerous outraged customers who aren't being helped or catered to as much anymore. Many are actually shocked they have to do the work themselves. But that is the future, so Fat Lazy America better get used to it. Many of you wanted the workers out of the picture, and soon it'll be the case. So quit bitchin about 'Bad Service', and get ready to work. You'll be your own service in stores and restaurants in the near future.
All Walmart needs to do is stock the shelves, and monitor the self checkout lines.

If you need help at the Walmart, pay more or go to a real store or online. Those people are at the bottom of the food chain as it is.

I hear ya, but Fat Entitled America doesn't see it that way. Even Walmart Customers expect to be helped and catered to. They're actually offended and outraged that Walmart is under-staffing its stores. Like i said, my relative in Management there experiences the outrage everyday. Fat Entitled America doesn't wanna do the work itself. It is what it is.
There is no free lunch, and they need to get off their fat asses and pay up.

Like i said, Fat Enttled America doesn't see it that way. They demand they be catered to. But those days are fading fast. Most stores and restaurants are moving towards more self-serve service.
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.
The faster you get the humans out taking my order and making my burger, the better.

Cool, that's likely gonna be happening soon. But don't think that's gonna benefit America in any way. More Americans out of work isn't anything to celebrate. In fact, we'll all pay much more for that in the end.
When we switched from horse and buggy to automobiles, did that benefit America?

Hard on horse and buggy people doesn't mean bad for America. The nation wasn't founded as a safe space for fast food workers.
the government didnt force us to switch to automobiles, it happened on its own gradually. If they had made a decree that we all give up our horses and buggys and drive cars, it would have been a clusterfuck. Like we are going to have now, that the government is pretending to know economics
The government forced Wendy's to spend years developing their self-ordering and payment system? B period, S period.

That was always going to happen. It should have happened long ago. We want fast food, not time dealing with some moron who can't figure out how to make change.

No, but they want to force 15 $ minimumm wage. See now, they are pretending to care about the workers at the bottom, but what this is really about is union wages and perks for the Union bosses, the worst of which would be those union jobs paid for by tax payer dollars. as the minimum wage goes up , so goes Union wages.

Hillary doesnt seem concerned that a lot of the lower wage workers will be layed off their jobs while even more unskilled immigrants are coming to the country. If they were concerned they should try Growing the economy First.
What they will be attempting in California will be a Pull Back in economic growth when more businesses leave the state or scale back operations.

Its just too much too soon, IMHO
There will still be restaurants that have human servers. These will be among the most expensive with a highly trained professional wait staff.
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.
The faster you get the humans out taking my order and making my burger, the better.

Cool, that's likely gonna be happening soon. But don't think that's gonna benefit America in any way. More Americans out of work isn't anything to celebrate. In fact, we'll all pay much more for that in the end.
When we switched from horse and buggy to automobiles, did that benefit America?

Hard on horse and buggy people doesn't mean bad for America. The nation wasn't founded as a safe space for fast food workers.

And capitalism make so damn much money because it is dedicated to making a better mouse trap. A kiosk is a better cashier. It might just get my order right.

BTW, if my mouse trap is better, I put your workers out of business. That is how it works.

We'll see. I think going more self-serve is gonna be pretty hard for Fat America to accept. I mean, Americans are spoiled rotten for the most part. Stores and restaurants are cutting way back on staffing. Customers will be doing much of the work the workers used to do. And that isn't gonna sit well with Fat Entitled America. They're used to being catered to.

They're fat and entitled because they got all those participation ribbons in grade school. When I was growing up the teachers kicked our ass onto the field and we were all skinny
The faster you get the humans out taking my order and making my burger, the better.

Cool, that's likely gonna be happening soon. But don't think that's gonna benefit America in any way. More Americans out of work isn't anything to celebrate. In fact, we'll all pay much more for that in the end.
When we switched from horse and buggy to automobiles, did that benefit America?

Hard on horse and buggy people doesn't mean bad for America. The nation wasn't founded as a safe space for fast food workers.
the government didnt force us to switch to automobiles, it happened on its own gradually. If they had made a decree that we all give up our horses and buggys and drive cars, it would have been a clusterfuck. Like we are going to have now, that the government is pretending to know economics
The government forced Wendy's to spend years developing their self-ordering and payment system? B period, S period.

That was always going to happen. It should have happened long ago. We want fast food, not time dealing with some moron who can't figure out how to make change.

No, but they want to force 15 $ minimumm wage. See now, they are pretending to care about the workers at the bottom, but what this is really about is union wages and perks for the Union bosses, the worst of which would be those union jobs paid for by tax payer dollars. as the minimum wage goes up , so goes Union wages.

Hillary doesnt seem concerned that a lot of the lower wage workers will be layed off their jobs while even more unskilled immigrants are coming to the country. If they were concerned they should try Growing the economy First.
What they will be attempting in California will be a Pull Back in economic growth when more businesses leave the state or scale back operations.

Its just too much too soon, IMHO
The number of jobs that do not pay a living wage, should be too few to count.

At two bucks higher than the federal wage they made it all the way back to its value, in 1974.
There will still be restaurants that have human servers. These will be among the most expensive with a highly trained professional wait staff.

This is the world Hillary and liberals want , cold and un- personable
Cool, that's likely gonna be happening soon. But don't think that's gonna benefit America in any way. More Americans out of work isn't anything to celebrate. In fact, we'll all pay much more for that in the end.
When we switched from horse and buggy to automobiles, did that benefit America?

Hard on horse and buggy people doesn't mean bad for America. The nation wasn't founded as a safe space for fast food workers.
the government didnt force us to switch to automobiles, it happened on its own gradually. If they had made a decree that we all give up our horses and buggys and drive cars, it would have been a clusterfuck. Like we are going to have now, that the government is pretending to know economics
The government forced Wendy's to spend years developing their self-ordering and payment system? B period, S period.

That was always going to happen. It should have happened long ago. We want fast food, not time dealing with some moron who can't figure out how to make change.

No, but they want to force 15 $ minimumm wage. See now, they are pretending to care about the workers at the bottom, but what this is really about is union wages and perks for the Union bosses, the worst of which would be those union jobs paid for by tax payer dollars. as the minimum wage goes up , so goes Union wages.

Hillary doesnt seem concerned that a lot of the lower wage workers will be layed off their jobs while even more unskilled immigrants are coming to the country. If they were concerned they should try Growing the economy First.
What they will be attempting in California will be a Pull Back in economic growth when more businesses leave the state or scale back operations.

Its just too much too soon, IMHO
The number of jobs that do not pay a living wage, should be too few to count.

theres a lot of businesses that need to bring people in at theh bottom and train them slowly, doing menial things at first. Maybe a body shop for example. If you start everyone at 15, the owner is going to cut the kid a lot less slack and he'll probably only be able to hire one person instead of two. whats actually going to happen is , in the name of making life better for everyone, life is going to be made harder for everyone. there are also older seniors who cant move around very well, but once in a while you see them go out and get some little side job to supplement their income, put a little extra food on the table? You can just kick all that out the door now. No one is going to hire them for 15 bucks an hour. not everyone can work that hard. Again, they will make life worse for people by screwing with the economy artificially. A slight increase might be absorbed better but this will be drastic. its not just the extra 7 or so dollars an hour that cost an employer , there are other related costs that also go up for each employee as the wage goes up
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.

Who's celebrating it?

The point here to the chagrin of the minimum wage pushers is that there is a price to pay when you attack industry. Everybody on the left thinks that when you increase costs to a manufacturer or service outlet, they simply dig deeper in their pockets.

There is no truth to that because automation has been happening in manufacturing for decades, it's just that few knew about it.

As for fat lazy Americans, those fat lazy Americans will do anything for a cheaper price. I remember when this started with self-serve gasoline pumps. The idea was for the garages to keep their mechanics working on cars instead of pumping gas for customers. They all started off with perhaps one pump. As that pump became increasingly popular, they added another self-serve pump, then another one.

It didn't take long before all gas stations were self-serve. Now they are doing the same in grocery stores and places like Sam's Club.

Ah, i admit i'm pretty lazy. I don't mind placing my order with a person and letting them do the computer work. Hell, i'll even pay more for my food if i have to. Let em make a decent livng. I don't go to stores and restaurants to work. I'll gladly pay workers more to do the work for me.

But those days are quickly passing. Most stores and restaurants are now hiring less and putting less staff on duty. So fat lazy America should just quit bitchin about 'Bad Service.' Because soon, there won't be many workers around to blame for it. Fat America will be doing the work itself. They'll only have themselves to blame for 'Bad Service.' No more whipping boy workers to beat up on.

So you agree. By raising the minimum wage all that is happening is more people will be out of work!
Brilliant planning on the part of economic idiots!
See there was more being done then just paying the vast majority of the 2.5 million minimum wage earners money.
These people were mostly entry level positions that required two attributes:
1) Be at work every day. 2) be on time every day!
Once employees have that basic fundamental business requirement... then they are good to go for the next step in skill acquisitions.
There were vending machines in temples as early as 215 B.C.E. They vended holy water. London had modern vending machines in 1880. Oh how the wages of that time drove business to do away with jobs and replace people with machines. And it only took a few years after that that everyone was out of a job.

No, they weren't. And the whole argument is as stupid today as it was then.

Holy water anyone?
As usual you're full of shit.
Population growth/the industrial revolution/wars/advances in methods of agriculture and on and fucking on.
There are ZERO quantitative comparisons possible.
Go tell the tens of thousands of soon to be unemployed FF workers the "whole argument is stupid". Where would you like your belongings sent?
What makes you think the FF companies are going to lay off all their workers? All that's going to do is lower production and quality... Why wouldn't that money come out of their advertising budgets, executive salaries, special events, profit share etc etc etc. ??? There are many areas that can be adjusted to come up with the funds to properly compensate their labor force.
That's a GREAT idea! Reduce the national advertising budget to pay more to semi literate employees! WOW! Why didn't Wendy's think of that?
Whoever suggested the FF outlets would "lay off ALL their employees" asshole?
Now FF outlets are happily getting rid of the fucking LIB dummy loser brats and only keeping the 50+ hard working clean sober honest workers who are delighted to have a job to supplement their pensions.
I owned five FF franchises.
The first thing I always asked any 'mature' applicant was if they had any other source of income. Those that did I put a #1 on their application.
You're still lying, huh? Last time, you said you owned "seven" FF franchises. Now it's "five." :eusa_doh: Wassamatter, don't you know how many FF franchises you owned? :lmao:

I sold my seven FF franchises when I was 57 and retired a multimillionaire.
Haha, what a joke... Mr multimillionaire hangs up his spatula to bitch on a political forum all day... Probably sitting on his yacht.

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