Good News in the fight for 15.

Simple-minded liberals - "Lets force business to pay people at least $15 an hour and we'll all be rich".

Report: Wendy’s to Roll Out Self-Serve Kiosks by End of 2016

may 13 2016 Wendy’s fast food restaurant chain says it will begin offering self-serve kiosks at its 6,000-plus locations across America, making them available to costumers by the end of 2016.

The fast food giant’s decision to move toward automation comes just as “Fight for $15”–a progressive protest movement, pushing minimum wage hikes–is applying pressure on state governments to raise wages for low-skilled fast food workers.

Last August, Wendy’s CFO Todd Penegor told investors that mandated wage hikes will cause his company to pursue other innovative avenues that could lead to fewer jobs for low-skill workers.

They're doing this with the minimum wage at 7.25, not 15.
You did not address the issue. Comment dismissed.
China is losing jobs to places like Vietnam where the wages are even lower.

So where's the bottom for you RW'ers?

It's not the right-wingers in play here. If anything, it's more left.

Wal-Mart is number one (and has been for some time) because they offer the lowest prices and best selection. They can do this with foreign made products that Democrats rush to the store to buy.

It's not minimum wage, it's not tariffs, it's not politicians or government. It's the consumer that keeps this trend growing.

Elect anybody you want, but until you can change the minds of the American consumers to buy American made products and support good jobs, then nobody will ever be able to change a thing about our dependency of foreign made products.

You want a permanent class of working poor. Good for you. Enjoy your couple bucks a week.

Those are the illegals that you far left drones want in the country..
speed ... name ONE wendys that pays 15 an hour ... just ONE !
It's called a business decision. Wendy's is getting out in front of the situation to avoid any potential financial losses.
Question....If you were a business owner, would you wait until the last moment to do your due diligence as a means to protect your firm from a potential financial setback?
Simple-minded liberals - "Lets force business to pay people at least $15 an hour and we'll all be rich".

Report: Wendy’s to Roll Out Self-Serve Kiosks by End of 2016

may 13 2016 Wendy’s fast food restaurant chain says it will begin offering self-serve kiosks at its 6,000-plus locations across America, making them available to costumers by the end of 2016.

The fast food giant’s decision to move toward automation comes just as “Fight for $15”–a progressive protest movement, pushing minimum wage hikes–is applying pressure on state governments to raise wages for low-skilled fast food workers.

Last August, Wendy’s CFO Todd Penegor told investors that mandated wage hikes will cause his company to pursue other innovative avenues that could lead to fewer jobs for low-skill workers.

Slaves put out of business due to cotton picking machines... bloody liberals.


Rickshaws replaced by airplanes and cars, bloody liberals.

Caves replaced by houses, bloody liberals.
Wendy's International, Inc. Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate | PayScale Canada
Oh, really? Average crew hourly pay is between $9.79 and $11.55 per hour- not $7.50, as you stated.

Simple-minded liberals - "Lets force business to pay people at least $15 an hour and we'll all be rich".

Report: Wendy’s to Roll Out Self-Serve Kiosks by End of 2016

may 13 2016 Wendy’s fast food restaurant chain says it will begin offering self-serve kiosks at its 6,000-plus locations across America, making them available to costumers by the end of 2016.

The fast food giant’s decision to move toward automation comes just as “Fight for $15”–a progressive protest movement, pushing minimum wage hikes–is applying pressure on state governments to raise wages for low-skilled fast food workers.

Last August, Wendy’s CFO Todd Penegor told investors that mandated wage hikes will cause his company to pursue other innovative avenues that could lead to fewer jobs for low-skill workers.

They're doing this with the minimum wage at 7.25, not 15.

So Wendy's is voluntarily paying above minimum wage, but claiming they're automating because the minimum wage is too high?

That is why we hate corporations.
Most corporations do pay above min wage.

You live in a cave or what?
These knuckleheads have no clue what is involved in the operation/ownership of a business.
China is losing jobs to places like Vietnam where the wages are even lower.

So where's the bottom for you RW'ers?

It's not the right-wingers in play here. If anything, it's more left.

Wal-Mart is number one (and has been for some time) because they offer the lowest prices and best selection. They can do this with foreign made products that Democrats rush to the store to buy.

It's not minimum wage, it's not tariffs, it's not politicians or government. It's the consumer that keeps this trend growing.

Elect anybody you want, but until you can change the minds of the American consumers to buy American made products and support good jobs, then nobody will ever be able to change a thing about our dependency of foreign made products.

You want a permanent class of working poor. Good for you. Enjoy your couple bucks a week.

And you want employers to be responsible to do the things the individuals should have done for themselves. Working minimum wage jobs is a choice--not a curse. We don't have an auditorium of people every Wednesday night where government picks out who will make good money and who will make bad. People make that choice themselves.

I know liberals don't like choice; choice means freedom. But somehow, you liberals fell into this belief that since not all me are created equal, it's up to Democrat politicians to correct that error of God.
If you need the filthy ass government setting your wages for you then you are probably a pretty sorry worker.

You really need to get off your fat ass and develop some useful skills so your labor will be in demand and you can get higher wages.

All these liberals want the govt setting wages because that's the only way they can make good money. That useless degree in "media ecology" won't get them a job. Should have studied STEM but no - they chose an easy major so they could party for 4 years.

These Libtards are usually irresponsible and make bad choices in life. Then they want the government to cover for them. Greedy little bastards.
Simple-minded liberals - "Lets force business to pay people at least $15 an hour and we'll all be rich".

Report: Wendy’s to Roll Out Self-Serve Kiosks by End of 2016

may 13 2016 Wendy’s fast food restaurant chain says it will begin offering self-serve kiosks at its 6,000-plus locations across America, making them available to costumers by the end of 2016.

The fast food giant’s decision to move toward automation comes just as “Fight for $15”–a progressive protest movement, pushing minimum wage hikes–is applying pressure on state governments to raise wages for low-skilled fast food workers.

Last August, Wendy’s CFO Todd Penegor told investors that mandated wage hikes will cause his company to pursue other innovative avenues that could lead to fewer jobs for low-skill workers.

They're doing this with the minimum wage at 7.25, not 15.
They are DOING IT ANTICIPATING idiots are going to raise their labor costs by 100%!
THINK you business knowledge SHRIFT idiots!
A Wendy's Franchisee normal pays a fast food worker : $15,212 to 18,870 Wendy's International, Inc. Employer Salary, Average Salaries | PayScale
An average fast food place normally has 15 fast food workers
Employees per establishment in the U.S. fast food industry 2018 | Statistic
Labor Cost Percentages
Varying industry standards put labor costs between 30 to 35 percent of the restaurant's total sales. The standard for manager salaries should be around 10 percent of total labor costs,
leaving 20 to 25 percent of labor costs for hourly employees.
Labor costs tend to fluctuate depending on your restaurant's busy and slow seasons, so it's a good idea to average your weekly labor costs to obtain your monthly labor costs. You can then use your monthly labor cost averages to obtain your annual average labor costs.
Food Service Industry: Labor Cost Standards

So for you idiots that have never seen any financial statements quick lesson:
If your cost of doing business from labor for hourly employees is 25% of a Wendy's total sales...
AND that average costs is projected to jump from $7.31 per hour to $15.00 hour that means Wendy's labor costs jumps from 25% to 50%
(15.00/hour less $7.31 per hour equals $7.68/hour more or an increase of 51%)
At that rate Wendy's makes NO profits... operates at a loss and goes out of business.
But a self ordering KIOSK as they are putting in will replace .....

Melnik likes to say that each Kinetics self-check-in machine, at an initial cost of between $6,000 and $10,000, takes the place of two-and-a-half ticket agents, because the machine is available (at least) from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a week—or about the number of hours that many agents would work. But that both understates and overstates the machines' impact.
The Toll of a New Machine
So the initial costs to replace 2 fast food workers is about $10,000!
Seems to be a no brainer!
Idiots who want to increase the percent of the young from 16 to 24 that constitute half of the 3.5 million that work at minimum wage THIS is what you will get!
Screen Shot 2016-05-14 at 6.55.22 AM.png
Slaves put out of business due to cotton picking machines... bloody liberals.

Rickshaws replaced by airplanes and cars, bloody liberals.

Caves replaced by houses, bloody liberals.
Slavery did become obsolete with the advent of farming machinery. Technology has been the biggest driving force for social change but liberals love to take credit for it. Now that fast food employees are pricing themselves out of the market we're supposed to believe it was inevitable all along. If so why the big push? It doesn't add up.

No, this was pushed by the socialist wealth redistributionists and as usual with no understanding how the real world functions. The fast food corporations don't own most of the stores, they sell franchises to people willing to pony up the money and pay to play. That's how they got rich, minimum wage isn't even on their radar.
Simple-minded liberals - "Lets force business to pay people at least $15 an hour and we'll all be rich".

Report: Wendy’s to Roll Out Self-Serve Kiosks by End of 2016

may 13 2016 Wendy’s fast food restaurant chain says it will begin offering self-serve kiosks at its 6,000-plus locations across America, making them available to costumers by the end of 2016.

The fast food giant’s decision to move toward automation comes just as “Fight for $15”–a progressive protest movement, pushing minimum wage hikes–is applying pressure on state governments to raise wages for low-skilled fast food workers.

Last August, Wendy’s CFO Todd Penegor told investors that mandated wage hikes will cause his company to pursue other innovative avenues that could lead to fewer jobs for low-skill workers.

Slaves put out of business due to cotton picking machines... bloody liberals.


Rickshaws replaced by airplanes and cars, bloody liberals.

Caves replaced by houses, bloody liberals.
Slaves got too damned greedy
This may backfire on Wendys. Many Americans aren't gonna appreciate it eliminating American jobs. Many will stop eating there. And also, never estimate how fat, greedy, and lazy most Americans are. They feel entitled, they want the service.

Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.
Simple-minded liberals - "Lets force business to pay people at least $15 an hour and we'll all be rich".

Report: Wendy’s to Roll Out Self-Serve Kiosks by End of 2016

may 13 2016 Wendy’s fast food restaurant chain says it will begin offering self-serve kiosks at its 6,000-plus locations across America, making them available to costumers by the end of 2016.

The fast food giant’s decision to move toward automation comes just as “Fight for $15”–a progressive protest movement, pushing minimum wage hikes–is applying pressure on state governments to raise wages for low-skilled fast food workers.

Last August, Wendy’s CFO Todd Penegor told investors that mandated wage hikes will cause his company to pursue other innovative avenues that could lead to fewer jobs for low-skill workers.
Proving again the real minimum wage is $0.
Elect anybody you want, but until you can change the minds of the American consumers to buy American made products and support good jobs, then nobody will ever be able to change a thing about our dependency of foreign made products.

There's no way to know where a product was made. THINK
Now they'll be doing the work themselves. Moving towards self-serve service is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow for most fat lazy Americans. So calm down greedy white Republican dude, don't go celebrating this too much just yet.

Americans accept the self serve check out lanes at walmart and safeway.
Elect anybody you want, but until you can change the minds of the American consumers to buy American made products and support good jobs, then nobody will ever be able to change a thing about our dependency of foreign made products.

There's no way to know where a product was made. THINK

No, it's usually on the packaging or box. And in fact, I think it would be a good idea if it were a law that products tell consumers where it was made so they can make a decision before they buy it.
this is deceptive. Those put out of work flipping burgers and coal miners simply need to change jobs. Go from flipping burgers and shoveling coal to programming kiosks. Simple.

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