Good News in the fight for 15.


1. The "minimum" wage was NEVER designed to be a living wage. It was designed to get the youth into the workplace.

Interestingly that is exactly 180 degrees wrong. One of the reasons for the minimum wage was to get child labor out of the workforce.
The key word being 'child', & getting child labor out of the workforce is a far cry from any intent to pay a family-sustaining wage.
If you need the filthy ass government setting your wages for you then you are probably a pretty sorry worker.

You really need to get off your fat ass and develop some useful skills so your labor will be in demand and you can get higher wages.

Wages are stagnant. Seems like it is a problem for most workers.
Except for politician wages - despite an 18% job approval rate accros the board politicians have ensured they constantly get a pay increase.
I got gas this morning, pumped it myself and paid at the pump

Screw you greedy minimum wage workers
Hard to find threads about the greed of CEOs who take 20 million dollar bonuses out of a company's bottom line, even when the company is failing Carly Fiorina, but beating up minimum wage workers is how to make a company profitable.

This is how nearly every single violent revolution is initiated. Human beings take crap for only so long and then they go about setting things right on their own. It is one of the standard equations of human history.
If you haven't seen those of us on the right complain about crony capitalism or the 1%ers raking in the dough then you haven't been paying attention. It's gotten worse since the most liberal president ever has resided in office, exactly who should be doing the rebellion again?
Heaven forbid if the owners and execs of Wendy's have to lose a point out of their profit share.

Again, you live in a fantasy where Scrooge McDuck swims in a pool of gold coins.

You have no grasp of reality.

rices wouldn't go to $12 a burger because they need to remain competitive im their market.

So they will happily lose money. Figuring that losing a couple of bucks per order will even out, they can make it up with volume, right?

Fast food companies like in and out have shown that they can run a successful business model while taking good care of their employees.

Interesting note that even In&Out was stung by the California hike. Though already starting at a relative high way, $9.60, the jump to $10.50 (and eventually to $15) punishes the Seasoned workers the most. Those who have worked hard for raises are now at minimum. Perhaps the biggest problem is that In&Out workers now make no more than those at Taco Bell or McDonalds. The incentive to work in the high productivity, high stress environment of In&Out has been destroyed.

We are the USA,

But you're working hard to turn it into the USSR.

we hold our country and businesses to higher standards which means we don't allow child labor, sweatshops or companies to pay their employees wages that keeps them under poverty level.

I'd think getting more people on a livable wage and off of welfare would be of interest to you.

The problem is that you are abjectly ignorant. You have no grasp at all of the concepts at play. You don't know what marginal contribution is, no doubt you think EBIT is a cockney wrestler....
Well thank you for calling me ignorant and defining for me what I know and don't know in the most arrogant of ways. Reread you post to me and see how much of a dipshit you are please.
I've started 6 companies in my lifetime and am very familiar with company operations at all levels. Don't lecture me with your half cocked theories and don't dictate to me what I know and don't know. I've stated before that I think $15 is too high for a nationwide mandate and think each state should be left to set the minimum that is appropriate for their SOL. $7.25 is a joke and I would support a $10-$12 an hour minimum wage as a national base and let the states that want $15 take it from there.

Your regurgitated talking points are full of flaws. You act like you are trying to protect the workers but what you are really doing is sticking up for the richies at the top.
With smart budgeting and tweaking their business plan they can easily increase the wages they pay their workers. Competition forces companies to do this all the time. This is not much different.

So mr. Know it all I have started six businesses, tell us how a small business with maybe a few employees and a small profit margin is going to meet the expectations of a fifteen dollar an hour wage? Should the owner work for nothing?
Small business is a tough situation. I'd say if wages are below minimum standards, which they mostly are in the start up phase, then workers would receive a profit share, equity, or bonus plan. I never claimed to know it all, but I get tired of dumbshits in this forum calling me ignorant while they spout off mindless talking points. I listen to everybody's ideas objectively.

And yes, as a biz owner I've worked many years for no pay
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Hard to find threads about the greed of CEOs who take 20 million dollar bonuses out of a company's bottom line, even when the company is failing Carly Fiorina, but beating up minimum wage workers is how to make a company profitable.

This is how nearly every single violent revolution is initiated. Human beings take crap for only so long and then they go about setting things right on their own. It is one of the standard equations of human history.
If you haven't seen those of us on the right complain about crony capitalism or the 1%ers raking in the dough then you haven't been paying attention. It's gotten worse since the most liberal president ever has resided in office, exactly who should be doing the rebellion again?

You know that the one percent mostly get rich in the stock market and not off the backs of employees as the communists would have you believe right?

The free market of labor should determine the wage, not shithead corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.


And with that you'd like us to believe that businesses aren't a special interest group with a special interest in paying shit wages.

Business? You mean like GM and Chrysler that were paying bloated union wages and Obama used taxpayer's money to bail them out?

The government has no right dictating wages between an employer and an employee. A free market of labor automatically will set those wages.

The filthy ass government doesn't do it because of economics. The filthy ass government does it because the politicians are economic numbskulls beholding to special interest groups like the greedy unions.

If an employee ever thinks he not getting enough money then all he has to do is quit and go work elsewhere. If he can't get what he thinks he is worth then maybe he is asking for too much and somebody else is willing to work for the wages he turned down.

That is called the free market and the shithead Moon Bats hate that concept.

You think it's greedy for a minimum wage worker to want to make what minimum wage workers made in 1968?

1. The "minimum" wage was NEVER designed to be a living wage. It was designed to get the youth into the workplace.

Interestingly that is exactly 180 degrees wrong. One of the reasons for the minimum wage was to get child labor out of the workforce.
The key word being 'child', & getting child labor out of the workforce is a far cry from any intent to pay a family-sustaining wage.

The minimum wage now is lower than it was in 1968, in fact, that's when it peaked. You've gotten a lower and lower minimum wage for almost 50 years, and still you're not satisfied.
conservative dumb shit theory on wages

"if the minimum wage law didn't exist, employers and employees would be free to agree to whatever wage they wanted and people would be making more money" nevermind the fact that employers and employees can ALREADY agree to wages higher than the minimum

Why must you deny someone who wants to work lower then minimum?

Say someone who is a millionaire that wants to work and don't need the money? (My friend went back to work a few years ago as a Secretary , she won the illinois lottery 10 year's ago)

Say a teenager?

Say someone who wants a second job?

Yet the salary if the politicians responsible for jobs leaving the US, tesponsible for job loss and job conversion from full-time to part-time, responsible for loss of health insurance, and the slowest recovery since the Great Depression is higher than ever while sporting an 18% job approval rating.
Many fast food establishments have just a one percent profit margin. They can't afford wage hikes. Somebody must be fired or replaced by a machine.
I don't know, I sure see a lot of expensive ads flying around all over the place, and I don't see the execs hurting too much In their pocket books. Im not buying that they can't afford to pay their workers a livable wage... That's total BS
As usual you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
80% of FF businesses are franchises.
The average net profit margin across the industry is just over 1%.
Every franchise owner must pay into a fund which is used by the parent corporation to advertise nationally. Every penny of that money spent on national ads.
What we are witnessing is a seismic shift in FF production technology.
The demand for $15 an hour opened the barn door. In the barn has been stored high tech FF production robotics just itching to displace illiterates/dopers/thieves/ dirty punks.
The remaining FF employees are all going to be smart, 'nose down tail up, dependable 'fifty something' employees.
Go into any FF outlet in your community and check out who the employees are.
I don't think people invented FF automation because they saw a wage hike on the horizon... The two are independent of each other.

Also, Business plans and budgets are adjusted all the time to account for changes in the marketplace... Why is this any different? There is plenty of money flowing through that industry.
The FF industry developed robotics a decade ago.
The industry has been waiting to put the robotics in place.
If you don't think McDonald's and Wendy's etc don't have an army of social scientists/economists/market researchers/ media specialists/social actuaries working 24/7 identifying and shaping socio-economic trends you are a fucking clown!
Somebody is on a rant mission today... Yes, I agree, FF didn't see a proposal for higher wages then scramble to invent automation, that was my point. It's been in development for years independently of the min wage argument
If you need the filthy ass government setting your wages for you then you are probably a pretty sorry worker.

You really need to get off your fat ass and develop some useful skills so your labor will be in demand and you can get higher wages.

Wages are stagnant. Seems like it is a problem for most workers.

Wages are stagnant because of Obama's weak economy.

The answer to that is to stimulate capitalism by lower taxation and less government regulations and get the government off the backs of the job producers not do something stupid like artificially set wages for social justice reasons.
conservative dumb shit theory on wages

"if the minimum wage law didn't exist, employers and employees would be free to agree to whatever wage they wanted and people would be making more money" nevermind the fact that employers and employees can ALREADY agree to wages higher than the minimum

Why must you deny someone who wants to work lower then minimum?

Say someone who is a millionaire that wants to work and don't need the money? (My friend went back to work a few years ago as a Secretary , she won the illinois lottery 10 year's ago)

Say a teenager?

Say someone who wants a second job?

Why do liberals side with unions to deny people's right to work without belonging to unions? Why do liberals break the law and allow others to break the law by allowing illegals to hold jobs in the US?
One of my favorite 'posters' is of a group of dirty, camoflauged SpecOps guys in the field carrying full packs, weapons, and gear. The words below say, "So you want $15 an hour to flip burgers? Isn't that cute..."

If you need the filthy ass government setting your wages for you then you are probably a pretty sorry worker.

You really need to get off your fat ass and develop some useful skills so your labor will be in demand and you can get higher wages.

Wages are stagnant. Seems like it is a problem for most workers.

Wages are stagnant because of Obama's weak economy.

The answer to that is to stimulate capitalism by lower taxation and less government regulations and get the government off the backs of the job producers not do something stupid like artificially set wages for social justice reasons.

That's funny wages have been stagnant since long before Obama.

For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades

Lower taxes like bush did? Sorry that didn't help, only increased debt. What regulations specifically?

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