Good News in the fight for 15.


I'm not sure conservatives do. Many on here support Apple and other companies colluding to hold wages down. Many support none competes. That is not free market wages. Repubs seem to support low wages.

If Apple isn't paying you enough money money go work elsewhere.

The government is the one that provides the most interference with the free market of labor with their filthy ass protection of the greedy unions and dictating Davis Bacon wages for government contracts and setting minimal wages.

Absolutely despicable!

That is not a legitimate function of government in a free society.

So then you have no problem with companies colluding either. That isn't free market. The employers have all the advantages now. That needs to be fixed.
Another example to Republicans celebrating the weirdest shit.

Wendy's is going to fire a whole bunch of people HAR HAR HAR


They love low wages!

Conservatives love free market wages.

Liberals love the oppressive government setting uneconomical artificial wages. You know, for dumbass "social justice" reasons.

Do you understand the difference?

I'm not sure conservatives do. Many on here support Apple and other companies colluding to hold wages down. Many support none competes. That is not free market wages. Repubs seem to support low wages.

They complain about raising the wages and then complain that Americans are under paid.

Its like dumping a bucket on your head and then crying that you're all wet

While I think free market wages are the best option, we need to do something about wages. Between shipping jobs overseas, immigrants, and guest workers our wages are stagnant. That is bad for us. I don't see anyone fixing that so a min wage increase might be the only option.

The thing that hurts this economy and dives down income for most Americans is the enormous cost of government and the burden of regulations.

About 40% of the GDP goes for the combined cost of government and that is a tremendous burden on our economy that creates poverty and stifles economic growth.

If the filthy ass government would get off the backs of Americans then we could compete with anybody in the world in many areas and wages would be higher.
If the filthy ass government would get off the backs of Americans then we could compete with anybody in the world in many areas and wages would be higher.

I love this solution because its hard to figure out what exactly "get off the backs" actually means but it sounds cool tho

While I think free market wages are the best option, we need to do something about wages. Between shipping jobs overseas, immigrants, and guest workers our wages are stagnant. That is bad for us. I don't see anyone fixing that so a min wage increase might be the only option.

The thing that hurts this economy and dives down income for most Americans is the enormous cost of government and the burden of regulations.

About 40% of the GDP goes for the combined cost of government and that is a tremendous burden on our economy that creates poverty and stifles economic growth.

If the filthy ass government would get off the backs of Americans then we could compete with anybody in the world in many areas and wages would be higher.

We have so much government because of low wages. Some of our largest companies pay so little employees are on welfare. Oh and because repubs love military spending.

Which regulations?
Heaven forbid if the owners and execs of Wendy's have to lose a point out of their profit share.

Again, you live in a fantasy where Scrooge McDuck swims in a pool of gold coins.

You have no grasp of reality.

rices wouldn't go to $12 a burger because they need to remain competitive im their market.

So they will happily lose money. Figuring that losing a couple of bucks per order will even out, they can make it up with volume, right?

Fast food companies like in and out have shown that they can run a successful business model while taking good care of their employees.

Interesting note that even In&Out was stung by the California hike. Though already starting at a relative high way, $9.60, the jump to $10.50 (and eventually to $15) punishes the Seasoned workers the most. Those who have worked hard for raises are now at minimum. Perhaps the biggest problem is that In&Out workers now make no more than those at Taco Bell or McDonalds. The incentive to work in the high productivity, high stress environment of In&Out has been destroyed.

We are the USA,

But you're working hard to turn it into the USSR.

we hold our country and businesses to higher standards which means we don't allow child labor, sweatshops or companies to pay their employees wages that keeps them under poverty level.

I'd think getting more people on a livable wage and off of welfare would be of interest to you.

The problem is that you are abjectly ignorant. You have no grasp at all of the concepts at play. You don't know what marginal contribution is, no doubt you think EBIT is a cockney wrestler....
Well thank you for calling me ignorant and defining for me what I know and don't know in the most arrogant of ways. Reread you post to me and see how much of a dipshit you are please.
I've started 6 companies in my lifetime and am very familiar with company operations at all levels. Don't lecture me with your half cocked theories and don't dictate to me what I know and don't know. I've stated before that I think $15 is too high for a nationwide mandate and think each state should be left to set the minimum that is appropriate for their SOL. $7.25 is a joke and I would support a $10-$12 an hour minimum wage as a national base and let the states that want $15 take it from there.

Your regurgitated talking points are full of flaws. You act like you are trying to protect the workers but what you are really doing is sticking up for the richies at the top.
With smart budgeting and tweaking their business plan they can easily increase the wages they pay their workers. Competition forces companies to do this all the time. This is not much different.
Wendy's International, Inc. Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate | PayScale Canada
Oh, really? Average crew hourly pay is between $9.79 and $11.55 per hour- not $7.50, as you stated.

True, which means their average pay is well within what most people think should be the minimum wage only, making your claims that raising the minimum wage would cause loss of jobs ludicrous on the face of them.
So you think that automation has no connection with labor costs?

Sure it does. Companies are always looking for a way to cut costs.

I just think it's absolutely stupid to suggest that technological advances in the fast food industry are a a reason not to bring the minimum wage back in line with inflation. No scratch that, I KNOW it's a stupid excuse made by idiots who champion ideology over common sense.

1. The "minimum" wage was NEVER designed to be a living wage. It was designed to get the youth into the workplace.

2. A $15 minimum is being sought for the illegals - many of whom work fast food and (a) barely speak the language and (b) have no intention of working anywhere BUT fast food.

3. What's next? Wil these franchise owners (most of who own 1-2 stores) be required to provide day care, retirement and vacation pay for these low skilled, low information workers?

That's why these corporations (McDonalds, Wendy's, Jack in the box, etc) are working on fully automated restaurants.

Remember this - these franchise owners (many of whom are merely small businessmen) have a profit margin of 1-2%. Of course, to the left, doesn't matter. They see a "rich man" and have decided to take him to the cleaners.

This stupidity isn't even really worthy of response, but I will anyway.

No one gave a shit about getting the youth into workforce in 1938.

Also, the minimum wage doesn't apply to illegal immigrants AT ALL because they are paid under the table and thus the government doesn't have any clue what they are being paid.

Ok genius, whatever you say. I gave up beating my head against the wall years ago. You believe whatever propaganda you are fed. Useful idiot.
I like five guys. One person takes your order one person cooks it. Serve your own drinks. They finally have milkshakes too made with real fruit.
Wendy's International, Inc. Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate | PayScale Canada
Oh, really? Average crew hourly pay is between $9.79 and $11.55 per hour- not $7.50, as you stated.

So Wendy's is voluntarily paying above minimum wage, but claiming they're automating because the minimum wage is too high?

That is why we hate corporations.
You hate them because you're not very bright and basic math escapes you. 9.75 is less than 15. They can get by at a slightly higher wage than minimum but anything more results in self serve kiosks. See how that works?

Lots of kiosks equals more government dependence and bigger government. Yippee

No it doesn't , it means those workers will have to find other jobs, just like workers have always had to do when technology takes over their industry.

Which is why the minimum wage should be moved up and tied directly to inflation, b/c there will ALWAYS be minimum wage jobs, it's just a matter of where those minimum wage jobs will be. Consider this, Let's assume the average fast food restaurant now utilizes 50 employees, let's assume technology decreases that number to 10 managers. You can bet your ass those 10 management positions will become the new minimum wage jobs as companies seek to further lower costs.

Where are the 40 unemployed going to go? Why do you think government dependence grows? We have too many stuck working poor paying jobs.

They'll go find another job. And that is a weak and pathetic excuse .

"we can't raise the minimum wage to get people off welfare because that would cause people to go on welfare" LOL
True, which means their average pay is well within what most people think should be the minimum wage only, making your claims that raising the minimum wage would cause loss of jobs ludicrous on the face of them.
So you think that automation has no connection with labor costs?

Sure it does. Companies are always looking for a way to cut costs.

I just think it's absolutely stupid to suggest that technological advances in the fast food industry are a a reason not to bring the minimum wage back in line with inflation. No scratch that, I KNOW it's a stupid excuse made by idiots who champion ideology over common sense.

1. The "minimum" wage was NEVER designed to be a living wage. It was designed to get the youth into the workplace.

2. A $15 minimum is being sought for the illegals - many of whom work fast food and (a) barely speak the language and (b) have no intention of working anywhere BUT fast food.

3. What's next? Wil these franchise owners (most of who own 1-2 stores) be required to provide day care, retirement and vacation pay for these low skilled, low information workers?

That's why these corporations (McDonalds, Wendy's, Jack in the box, etc) are working on fully automated restaurants.

Remember this - these franchise owners (many of whom are merely small businessmen) have a profit margin of 1-2%. Of course, to the left, doesn't matter. They see a "rich man" and have decided to take him to the cleaners.

This stupidity isn't even really worthy of response, but I will anyway.

No one gave a shit about getting the youth into workforce in 1938.

Also, the minimum wage doesn't apply to illegal immigrants AT ALL because they are paid under the table and thus the government doesn't have any clue what they are being paid.

Ok genius, whatever you say. I gave up beating my head against the wall years ago. You believe whatever propaganda you are fed. Useful idiot.

Actually, YOU believe whatever propaganda YOU are fed. I'm a conservative person who understand that there is a place for government and setting a minimum wage is one of those places, but a min9mumm wage that is too low is no better than no minimum wage at all.

We have so much government because of low wages. Some of our largest companies pay so little employees are on welfare. Oh and because repubs love military spending.

Which regulations?

We have welfare because shitheads elected to public office by special interest groups are so confused that they think it proper to take the money away from the people that earned it and give it to the greedy dickheads that didn't earn it.

If a company doesn't pay you enough money then you should go and work elsewhere. Of course if you have a bloated ego and think you are worth more than you can get in the labor market then piss on you.

I negotiated a good salary from my employers during my career. If you can't do that then you are not doing it right.

There are millions of oppressive regulations in this country that drive up the cost of doing business. Everything from wacko environmental laws to how many parking places you must have in your parking lot. No wonder jobs are going overseas.
So Wendy's is voluntarily paying above minimum wage, but claiming they're automating because the minimum wage is too high?

That is why we hate corporations.
You hate them because you're not very bright and basic math escapes you. 9.75 is less than 15. They can get by at a slightly higher wage than minimum but anything more results in self serve kiosks. See how that works?

Lots of kiosks equals more government dependence and bigger government. Yippee

No it doesn't , it means those workers will have to find other jobs, just like workers have always had to do when technology takes over their industry.

Which is why the minimum wage should be moved up and tied directly to inflation, b/c there will ALWAYS be minimum wage jobs, it's just a matter of where those minimum wage jobs will be. Consider this, Let's assume the average fast food restaurant now utilizes 50 employees, let's assume technology decreases that number to 10 managers. You can bet your ass those 10 management positions will become the new minimum wage jobs as companies seek to further lower costs.

Where are the 40 unemployed going to go? Why do you think government dependence grows? We have too many stuck working poor paying jobs.

They'll go find another job. And that is a weak and pathetic excuse .

"we can't raise the minimum wage to get people off welfare because that would cause people to go on welfare" LOL

Hey I'm all for increasing wages even if it is min wage.
Heaven forbid if the owners and execs of Wendy's have to lose a point out of their profit share.

Again, you live in a fantasy where Scrooge McDuck swims in a pool of gold coins.

You have no grasp of reality.

rices wouldn't go to $12 a burger because they need to remain competitive im their market.

So they will happily lose money. Figuring that losing a couple of bucks per order will even out, they can make it up with volume, right?

Fast food companies like in and out have shown that they can run a successful business model while taking good care of their employees.

Interesting note that even In&Out was stung by the California hike. Though already starting at a relative high way, $9.60, the jump to $10.50 (and eventually to $15) punishes the Seasoned workers the most. Those who have worked hard for raises are now at minimum. Perhaps the biggest problem is that In&Out workers now make no more than those at Taco Bell or McDonalds. The incentive to work in the high productivity, high stress environment of In&Out has been destroyed.

We are the USA,

But you're working hard to turn it into the USSR.

we hold our country and businesses to higher standards which means we don't allow child labor, sweatshops or companies to pay their employees wages that keeps them under poverty level.

I'd think getting more people on a livable wage and off of welfare would be of interest to you.

The problem is that you are abjectly ignorant. You have no grasp at all of the concepts at play. You don't know what marginal contribution is, no doubt you think EBIT is a cockney wrestler....
Well thank you for calling me ignorant and defining for me what I know and don't know in the most arrogant of ways. Reread you post to me and see how much of a dipshit you are please.
I've started 6 companies in my lifetime and am very familiar with company operations at all levels. Don't lecture me with your half cocked theories and don't dictate to me what I know and don't know. I've stated before that I think $15 is too high for a nationwide mandate and think each state should be left to set the minimum that is appropriate for their SOL. $7.25 is a joke and I would support a $10-$12 an hour minimum wage as a national base and let the states that want $15 take it from there.

Your regurgitated talking points are full of flaws. You act like you are trying to protect the workers but what you are really doing is sticking up for the richies at the top.
With smart budgeting and tweaking their business plan they can easily increase the wages they pay their workers. Competition forces companies to do this all the time. This is not much different.

So mr. Know it all I have started six businesses, tell us how a small business with maybe a few employees and a small profit margin is going to meet the expectations of a fifteen dollar an hour wage? Should the owner work for nothing?
conservative dumb shit theory on wages

"if the minimum wage law didn't exist, employers and employees would be free to agree to whatever wage they wanted and people would be making more money" nevermind the fact that employers and employees can ALREADY agree to wages higher than the minimum
There were vending machines in temples as early as 215 B.C.E. They vended holy water. London had modern vending machines in 1880. Oh how the wages of that time drove business to do away with jobs and replace people with machines. And it only took a few years after that that everyone was out of a job.

No, they weren't. And the whole argument is as stupid today as it was then.

Holy water anyone?
As usual you're full of shit.
Population growth/the industrial revolution/wars/advances in methods of agriculture and on and fucking on.
There are ZERO quantitative comparisons possible.
Go tell the tens of thousands of soon to be unemployed FF workers the "whole argument is stupid". Where would you like your belongings sent?
What makes you think the FF companies are going to lay off all their workers? All that's going to do is lower production and quality... Why wouldn't that money come out of their advertising budgets, executive salaries, special events, profit share etc etc etc. ??? There are many areas that can be adjusted to come up with the funds to properly compensate their labor force.
That's a GREAT idea! Reduce the national advertising budget to pay more to semi literate employees! WOW! Why didn't Wendy's think of that?
Whoever suggested the FF outlets would "lay off ALL their employees" asshole?
Now FF outlets are happily getting rid of the fucking LIB dummy loser brats and only keeping the 50+ hard working clean sober honest workers who are delighted to have a job to supplement their pensions.
I owned five FF franchises.
The first thing I always asked any 'mature' applicant was if they had any other source of income. Those that did I put a #1 on their application.
If you need the filthy ass government setting your wages for you then you are probably a pretty sorry worker.

You really need to get off your fat ass and develop some useful skills so your labor will be in demand and you can get higher wages.
If you need the filthy ass government setting your wages for you then you are probably a pretty sorry worker.

You really need to get off your fat ass and develop some useful skills so your labor will be in demand and you can get higher wages.

Wages are stagnant. Seems like it is a problem for most workers.
If you need the filthy ass government setting your wages for you then you are probably a pretty sorry worker.

You really need to get off your fat ass and develop some useful skills so your labor will be in demand and you can get higher wages.

Once again for the stupid.

If EVERY person in the US had a PhD and was hard working , we'd have hard working people with PhDs working in fast food.
Many fast food establishments have just a one percent profit margin. They can't afford wage hikes. Somebody must be fired or replaced by a machine.
I don't know, I sure see a lot of expensive ads flying around all over the place, and I don't see the execs hurting too much In their pocket books. Im not buying that they can't afford to pay their workers a livable wage... That's total BS
As usual you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
80% of FF businesses are franchises.
The average net profit margin across the industry is just over 1%.
Every franchise owner must pay into a fund which is used by the parent corporation to advertise nationally. Every penny of that money spent on national ads.
What we are witnessing is a seismic shift in FF production technology.
The demand for $15 an hour opened the barn door. In the barn has been stored high tech FF production robotics just itching to displace illiterates/dopers/thieves/ dirty punks.
The remaining FF employees are all going to be smart, 'nose down tail up, dependable 'fifty something' employees.
Go into any FF outlet in your community and check out who the employees are.
I don't think people invested FF automation because they saw a wage hike on the horizon... The two are independent of each other.

Also, Business plans and budgets are adjusted all the time to account for changes in the marketplace... Why is this any different? There is plenty of money flowing through that industry.
The FF industry developed robotics a decade ago.
The industry has been waiting to put the robotics in place.
If you don't think McDonald's and Wendy's etc don't have an army of social scientists/economists/market researchers/ media specialists/social actuaries working 24/7 identifying and shaping socio-economic trends you are a fucking clown!

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