Good News in the fight for 15.

All part of the democrat plan. Raise wages artificially to throw people out of work and onto welfare where they'll vote democrat forever.
Thats evil accept one thing: Wages havent been raised.

Evil yes, but that's what dems do. Like they turned blacks into welfare slaves and now they get 95% of the black vote every election.

Its so evil it hasnt been done yet you believe it has. How evil is that?
Wendy's International, Inc. Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate | PayScale Canada
Oh, really? Average crew hourly pay is between $9.79 and $11.55 per hour- not $7.50, as you stated.

Then the first question to ask the Wendy's CEO is, if you can keep the crew person wage at an average of 10 bucks an hour,

only adjusted for inflation,

will you refrain from replacing employees with self serve?

Guess what the answer will be.

Answer the question yourself. I would replace them in a heartbeat. Extortion, by the low-skilled workers, fed by unions like SEIU, will NOT stop at $15. You know it, and I know it. Next will be paid vacations, health insurance, retirement, union representation. On and on and on.

This crap is merely the beginning.
Why do liberals want to increase the minimum wage for Americans when they support illegals coming into the country and taking jobs for less money, when they demand the govt increase the number of visas that allow them to bring in illegals to replace American workers for less?

Do liberals even realize how f*ed up that is, how it makes no sense

I missed your thread about corporations hiring illegals and how you were against it.

I missed that thread because it doesnt exist and you support corporations doing it while complaining about the results

1. The "minimum" wage was NEVER designed to be a living wage. It was designed to get the youth into the workplace.

Interestingly that is exactly 180 degrees wrong. One of the reasons for the minimum wage was to get child labor out of the workforce.

Dumbass - and I mean DUMBASS - the minimum wage was designed to serve as a pathway into the workforce for WORKING AGE teenagers you idiot.
Liberals are evil for wanting to raise the min wage and thats why I support Trump who says the...same..thing?

That's fine, but certainly doesn't disprove the fact that the minimum wage is too low, also most people realize $15 an hour is ridiculous.

A minimum wage job is not meant to support a family. It is a transitional or part time job for unskilled people.

The free market of labor should determine the wage, not shithead corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

It is despicable and oppressive, in addition to usually being disastrous for the economy, when the filthy ass government dictates wages.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling employers how much they have to pay their workers. That discussion should be between the employee and employer.
Wendy's International, Inc. Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate | PayScale Canada
Oh, really? Average crew hourly pay is between $9.79 and $11.55 per hour- not $7.50, as you stated.

They're doing this with the minimum wage at 7.25, not 15.

True, which means their average pay is well within what most people think should be the minimum wage only, making your claims that raising the minimum wage would cause loss of jobs ludicrous on the face of them.
So you think that automation has no connection with labor costs?

Sure it does. Companies are always looking for a way to cut costs.

I just think it's absolutely stupid to suggest that technological advances in the fast food industry are a a reason not to bring the minimum wage back in line with inflation. No scratch that, I KNOW it's a stupid excuse made by idiots who champion ideology over common sense.

1. The "minimum" wage was NEVER designed to be a living wage. It was designed to get the youth into the workplace.

2. A $15 minimum is being sought for the illegals - many of whom work fast food and (a) barely speak the language and (b) have no intention of working anywhere BUT fast food.

3. What's next? Wil these franchise owners (most of who own 1-2 stores) be required to provide day care, retirement and vacation pay for these low skilled, low information workers?

That's why these corporations (McDonalds, Wendy's, Jack in the box, etc) are working on fully automated restaurants.

Remember this - these franchise owners (many of whom are merely small businessmen) have a profit margin of 1-2%. Of course, to the left, doesn't matter. They see a "rich man" and have decided to take him to the cleaners.

This stupidity isn't even really worthy of response, but I will anyway.

No one gave a shit about getting the youth into workforce in 1938.

Also, the minimum wage doesn't apply to illegal immigrants AT ALL because they are paid under the table and thus the government doesn't have any clue what they are being paid.

The free market of labor should determine the wage, not shithead corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.


And with that you'd like us to believe that businesses aren't a special interest group with a special interest in paying shit wages.
Wendy's International, Inc. Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate | PayScale Canada
Oh, really? Average crew hourly pay is between $9.79 and $11.55 per hour- not $7.50, as you stated.

Simple-minded liberals - "Lets force business to pay people at least $15 an hour and we'll all be rich".

Report: Wendy’s to Roll Out Self-Serve Kiosks by End of 2016

may 13 2016 Wendy’s fast food restaurant chain says it will begin offering self-serve kiosks at its 6,000-plus locations across America, making them available to costumers by the end of 2016.

The fast food giant’s decision to move toward automation comes just as “Fight for $15”–a progressive protest movement, pushing minimum wage hikes–is applying pressure on state governments to raise wages for low-skilled fast food workers.

Last August, Wendy’s CFO Todd Penegor told investors that mandated wage hikes will cause his company to pursue other innovative avenues that could lead to fewer jobs for low-skill workers.

They're doing this with the minimum wage at 7.25, not 15.

So Wendy's is voluntarily paying above minimum wage, but claiming they're automating because the minimum wage is too high?

That is why we hate corporations.
You hate them because you're not very bright and basic math escapes you. 9.75 is less than 15. They can get by at a slightly higher wage than minimum but anything more results in self serve kiosks. See how that works?
Wendy's International, Inc. Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate | PayScale Canada
Oh, really? Average crew hourly pay is between $9.79 and $11.55 per hour- not $7.50, as you stated.

Simple-minded liberals - "Lets force business to pay people at least $15 an hour and we'll all be rich".

Report: Wendy’s to Roll Out Self-Serve Kiosks by End of 2016

may 13 2016 Wendy’s fast food restaurant chain says it will begin offering self-serve kiosks at its 6,000-plus locations across America, making them available to costumers by the end of 2016.

The fast food giant’s decision to move toward automation comes just as “Fight for $15”–a progressive protest movement, pushing minimum wage hikes–is applying pressure on state governments to raise wages for low-skilled fast food workers.

Last August, Wendy’s CFO Todd Penegor told investors that mandated wage hikes will cause his company to pursue other innovative avenues that could lead to fewer jobs for low-skill workers.

They're doing this with the minimum wage at 7.25, not 15.

So Wendy's is voluntarily paying above minimum wage, but claiming they're automating because the minimum wage is too high?

That is why we hate corporations.
You hate them because you're not very bright and basic math escapes you. 9.75 is less than 15. They can get by at a slightly higher wage than minimum but anything more results in self serve kiosks. See how that works?

Lots of kiosks equals more government dependence and bigger government. Yippee
Wendy's International, Inc. Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate | PayScale Canada
Oh, really? Average crew hourly pay is between $9.79 and $11.55 per hour- not $7.50, as you stated.

Simple-minded liberals - "Lets force business to pay people at least $15 an hour and we'll all be rich".

They're doing this with the minimum wage at 7.25, not 15.

So Wendy's is voluntarily paying above minimum wage, but claiming they're automating because the minimum wage is too high?

That is why we hate corporations.
You hate them because you're not very bright and basic math escapes you. 9.75 is less than 15. They can get by at a slightly higher wage than minimum but anything more results in self serve kiosks. See how that works?

Lots of kiosks equals more government dependence and bigger government. Yippee

No it doesn't , it means those workers will have to find other jobs, just like workers have always had to do when technology takes over their industry.

Which is why the minimum wage should be moved up and tied directly to inflation, b/c there will ALWAYS be minimum wage jobs, it's just a matter of where those minimum wage jobs will be. Consider this, Let's assume the average fast food restaurant now utilizes 50 employees, let's assume technology decreases that number to 10 managers. You can bet your ass those 10 management positions will become the new minimum wage jobs as companies seek to further lower costs.

The free market of labor should determine the wage, not shithead corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.


And with that you'd like us to believe that businesses aren't a special interest group with a special interest in paying shit wages.

Business? You mean like GM and Chrysler that were paying bloated union wages and Obama used taxpayer's money to bail them out?

The government has no right dictating wages between an employer and an employee. A free market of labor automatically will set those wages.

The filthy ass government doesn't do it because of economics. The filthy ass government does it because the politicians are economic numbskulls beholding to special interest groups like the greedy unions.

If an employee ever thinks he not getting enough money then all he has to do is quit and go work elsewhere. If he can't get what he thinks he is worth then maybe he is asking for too much and somebody else is willing to work for the wages he turned down.

That is called the free market and the shithead Moon Bats hate that concept.
There were vending machines in temples as early as 215 B.C.E. They vended holy water. London had modern vending machines in 1880. Oh how the wages of that time drove business to do away with jobs and replace people with machines. And it only took a few years after that that everyone was out of a job.

No, they weren't. And the whole argument is as stupid today as it was then.

Holy water anyone?
As usual you're full of shit.
Population growth/the industrial revolution/wars/advances in methods of agriculture and on and fucking on.
There are ZERO quantitative comparisons possible.
Go tell the tens of thousands of soon to be unemployed FF workers the "whole argument is stupid". Where would you like your belongings sent?
What makes you think the FF companies are going to lay off all their workers? All that's going to do is lower production and quality... Why wouldn't that money come out of their advertising budgets, executive salaries, special events, profit share etc etc etc. ??? There are many areas that can be adjusted to come up with the funds to properly compensate their labor force.
Another example to Republicans celebrating the weirdest shit.

Wendy's is going to fire a whole bunch of people HAR HAR HAR


They love low wages!

Conservatives love free market wages.

Liberals love the oppressive government setting uneconomical artificial wages. You know, for dumbass "social justice" reasons.

Do you understand the difference?
Wendy's International, Inc. Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate | PayScale Canada
Oh, really? Average crew hourly pay is between $9.79 and $11.55 per hour- not $7.50, as you stated.

They're doing this with the minimum wage at 7.25, not 15.

So Wendy's is voluntarily paying above minimum wage, but claiming they're automating because the minimum wage is too high?

That is why we hate corporations.
You hate them because you're not very bright and basic math escapes you. 9.75 is less than 15. They can get by at a slightly higher wage than minimum but anything more results in self serve kiosks. See how that works?

Lots of kiosks equals more government dependence and bigger government. Yippee

No it doesn't , it means those workers will have to find other jobs, just like workers have always had to do when technology takes over their industry.

Which is why the minimum wage should be moved up and tied directly to inflation, b/c there will ALWAYS be minimum wage jobs, it's just a matter of where those minimum wage jobs will be. Consider this, Let's assume the average fast food restaurant now utilizes 50 employees, let's assume technology decreases that number to 10 managers. You can bet your ass those 10 management positions will become the new minimum wage jobs as companies seek to further lower costs.

Where are the 40 unemployed going to go? Why do you think government dependence grows? We have too many stuck working poor paying jobs.
Another example to Republicans celebrating the weirdest shit.

Wendy's is going to fire a whole bunch of people HAR HAR HAR


They love low wages!

Conservatives love free market wages.

Liberals love the oppressive government setting uneconomical artificial wages. You know, for dumbass "social justice" reasons.

Do you understand the difference?

I'm not sure conservatives do. Many on here support Apple and other companies colluding to hold wages down. Many support none competes. That is not free market wages. Repubs seem to support low wages.

The free market of labor should determine the wage, not shithead corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.


And with that you'd like us to believe that businesses aren't a special interest group with a special interest in paying shit wages.

Business? You mean like GM and Chrysler that were paying bloated union wages and Obama used taxpayer's money to bail them out?

The government has no right dictating wages between an employer and an employee. A free market of labor automatically will set those wages.

The filthy ass government doesn't do it because of economics. The filthy ass government does it because the politicians are economic numbskulls beholding to special interest groups like the greedy unions.

If an employee ever thinks he not getting enough money then all he has to do is quit and go work elsewhere. If he can't get what he thinks he is worth then maybe he is asking for too much and somebody else is willing to work for the wages he turned down.

That is called the free market and the shithead Moon Bats hate that concept.

While I think free market wages are the best option, we need to do something about wages. Between shipping jobs overseas, immigrants, and guest workers our wages are stagnant. That is bad for us. I don't see anyone fixing that so a min wage increase might be the only option.

I'm not sure conservatives do. Many on here support Apple and other companies colluding to hold wages down. Many support none competes. That is not free market wages. Repubs seem to support low wages.

If Apple isn't paying you enough money money go work elsewhere.

The government is the one that provides the most interference with the free market of labor with their filthy ass protection of the greedy unions and dictating Davis Bacon wages for government contracts and setting minimal wages.

Absolutely despicable!

That is not a legitimate function of government in a free society.
Many fast food establishments have just a one percent profit margin. They can't afford wage hikes. Somebody must be fired or replaced by a machine.
I don't know, I sure see a lot of expensive ads flying around all over the place, and I don't see the execs hurting too much In their pocket books. Im not buying that they can't afford to pay their workers a livable wage... That's total BS
As usual you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
80% of FF businesses are franchises.
The average net profit margin across the industry is just over 1%.
Every franchise owner must pay into a fund which is used by the parent corporation to advertise nationally. Every penny of that money spent on national ads.
What we are witnessing is a seismic shift in FF production technology.
The demand for $15 an hour opened the barn door. In the barn has been stored high tech FF production robotics just itching to displace illiterates/dopers/thieves/ dirty punks.
The remaining FF employees are all going to be smart, 'nose down tail up, dependable 'fifty something' employees.
Go into any FF outlet in your community and check out who the employees are.
I don't think people invested FF automation because they saw a wage hike on the horizon... The two are independent of each other.

Also, Business plans and budgets are adjusted all the time to account for changes in the marketplace... Why is this any different? There is plenty of money flowing through that industry.

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