Good news. Texas wants to secede from the union.

And we never will because the voting laws won’t count people who vote against succession.
If you think about it, that ^ argument makes no sense of any kind on any level.

Dragonlady. 🙄 There’s a name to remember. When you absolutely want empty claims incapable of logical support, ask for “Dragonlady” by name.
Seems to me that if the people of a state vote to secede. then it doesn't matter if SCOTUS has ruled against it since by seceding that state has ruled the constitution void anyway.
That whole raising troops from each of the states to put down the secession movement in the Gulf states not withstanding.
That whole raising troops from each of the states to put down the secession movement in the Gulf states not withstanding.
That was ONLY done after the con-federacy fired on a federal installation. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

They should before it becomes a purple state.
works for me
That vote would occur under Joe Biden. If Joe continues to fumble and bumble, Texas will likely secede. For one thing, Texas is not at all happy with Joe Biden’s open border policy.

I hope Texas stays with the Union because its loss will mean other states will join Texas in a few years. That would open up the door for the Chinese to take over the world in a decade or two.

If the blacks and Hispanics feel oppressed today just wait until the Chinese take control.

It is the American way; if you don't like a President secede from the Union.
Good riddance to Texas for a lot more reasons than they do not like Biden.
I wonder if we would had all been better off letting the confederate states go in 1860. They have been complaining and out of sync with the rest of the states ever since they LOST the Civil War.
This pops up every 15-20 years or so. If they get it on the ballot in '23, it will be defeated by a huge margin.

If at first you don't secede, try, try again.
works for me

It is the American way; if you don't like a President secede from the Union.
Good riddance to Texas for a lot more reasons than they do not like Biden.
I wonder if we would had all been better off letting the confederate states go in 1860. They have been complaining and out of sync with the rest of the states ever since they LOST the Civil War.
Whether there is secession or not the real issue is that it is not Democrat and Republican. It si Progressive Socialist moving to Communist and Left leaning to Moderate Republicans. And they are to the left of what Repubs were 60 years ago.
Seceding is not a rebellion. The Civil War didn't start when the Southern states started to secede. It started because the stupid Southern States (well South Carolina) decided to fire on a federal installation.
This is true, but that "federal installation" was on South Carolina soil and the assholes inside refused to surrender it to SC, so that, in and of itself IS and act of war.

But, nice spin job.
Texas can try to secede, but it will not be recognized, and even if Texas voters voted for it, the Feds will still recognize Texas as being a 'state'.
Read 'Texas vs White'.
Texas can try to secede, but it will not be recognized, and even if Texas voters voted for it, the Feds will still recognize Texas as being a 'state'.
Read 'Texas vs White'.
So what, and for how long? If Texas votes to secede and no longer considers it's self part of the US, then what will the US do....invade and start killing people? It's not the 1800s. This would not bode well politically for those in charge in the US. It is key that the act of seceding be fought by Texas with lawyers, not soldiers.

But then, it's not going to really happen anyway.
So what, and for how long? If Texas votes to secede and no longer considers it's self part of the US, then what will the US do....invade and start killing people? It's not the 1800s. This would not bode well politically for those in charge in the US. It is key that the act of seceding be fought by Texas with lawyers, not soldiers.

But then, it's not going to really happen anyway.

It's not going to happen, that is true, unfortunately.

As for what would the U.S. do? I'm not sure, I'm guessing they would likely attempt to arrest those that place themselves in a leadership role in the new "country". Outside of that, as long as the population doesn't try some armed violent rebel activity, the feds would probably go on recognizing Texas as a state, and then wait for any move the new country makes that is deemed illegal by U.S. law. It would be a hoot to watch.
It's a plank on our GOP platform now. I would figure on Florida wanting to secede. If nothing else, just to get away from Alabama.
works for me

It is the American way; if you don't like a President secede from the Union.
Good riddance to Texas for a lot more reasons than they do not like Biden.
I wonder if we would had all been better off letting the confederate states go in 1860. They have been complaining and out of sync with the rest of the states ever since they LOST the Civil War.
I have also wondered if the Union would have let the South secede how things would have worked out. I think eventually the slaves would have been freed.

It might make for an interesting alternative history novel.
So what, and for how long? If Texas votes to secede and no longer considers it's self part of the US, then what will the US do....invade and start killing people?
Under Biden, yes. It's crucial we get Trump elected in 2024 so Texas can secede if they want.
Texas won't secede, instead it will lead the battle to take America back from the Dem traitors this Nov. I'm stocking up on party supplies to celebrate the end of the Dem party on election night. :eusa_dance:

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