Good news. Texas wants to secede from the union.

Pretty sure it is. If you don't like that one what do you think about attempting to seize federal property? Every state has numerous federal facilities, military bases and interstate highways. None of that is going to be given up without a fight.
Seizing federal property is a different thing. It's what started the Civil War.............not the seceding.
Stupid troll douche says stupid trollish douche stuff. It’s also wrong. Putting the issue up for a referendum necessarily means that we don’t yet know what Texas wants to do.
Why would they ever put up a referendum unless people wanted to secede. You are a real dumbass. John Belushi would be horribly embarrassed you use his picture. He would call you a dumbass and more.
Why would they ever put up a referendum unless people wanted to secede. You are a real dumbass. John Belushi would be horribly embarrassed you use his picture. He would call you a dumbass and more.
The probability of it passing is next to zero, but it does make for a topic for a message board conversation.
The probability of it passing is next to zero, but it does make for a topic for a message board conversation.
It shows how many people are thinking about seceding in Texas. It may not pass, but what will those angry people, who want to secede, do when it fails.
They have the mindset of the Jan. 6 rioters.
Why would they ever put up a referendum unless people wanted to secede. You are a real dumbass. John Belushi would be horribly embarrassed you use his picture. He would call you a dumbass and more.
One ^ of the more legendary retarded questions ever posed by a brain dead libtard. So spectacularly stupid in fact, I’m saving it for posterity. 🤣😂

I’d love to dumb things down sufficiently for an imbecile libtard to have a chance of grasping it. But I’m certain ElmoDud still would have no hope. Still, as a general rule, things are put up for a popular referendum to find out IF the citizenry is inclined to say either yes or no.
Why, so Dems can RIG elections? Yeah thought so.
I want the people of Texas to be happy. If they want to secede, great, don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
Because we hate Democrats guts, they are corrupt and depraved to their core.
Good reason. Now get on with it and get out of the Union before you ruin it. If I can help expedite te secession, let me know.
Good news. Texas wants to secede from the union.

That vote would occur under Joe Biden. If Joe continues to fumble and bumble, Texas will likely secede. For one thing, Texas is not at all happy with Joe Biden’s open border policy.

I hope Texas stays with the Union because its loss will mean other states will join Texas in a few years. That would open up the door for the Chinese to take over the world in a decade or two.

If the blacks and Hispanics feel oppressed today just wait until the Chinese take control.

I want the people of Texas to be happy. If they want to secede, great, don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

Good reason. Now get on with it and get out of the Union before you ruin it. If I can help expedite te secession, let me know.
How about we just whoop the Dems ass, obliterate them at the polls then investigate their corrupt leaders and toss them all in prison. That's more like how Texans roll.

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