Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts

The federal government ain't a employment agency although most liberals think so. Government hiring does not grow the economy. It's a freaking drain especially when government drones enjoy every holiday no matter how obscure and about 60% could call in sick permanently and nobody in the private sector would notice.

Wrong... government employees spend a lot of money and that helps to stimulate the economy,
If their off time is as generous as yo u say (it really isn't) then that gives them more time to spend all that money and help the economy!

They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

Cool, I suggest you spend some on a good therapist and a high school education equivalency certificate.

Sorry,I have no need to further my education as I retired at 46 four years ago.
You need some financial advice?
"Right to Work" is a euphemism for union busting and allowing employers to lower wages, reduce benefits, and providing a means to fire people who complain.

Would you rather these companies/jobs close down and move to other state or country?
The federal government ain't a employment agency although most liberals think so. Government hiring does not grow the economy. It's a freaking drain especially when government drones enjoy every holiday no matter how obscure and about 60% could call in sick permanently and nobody in the private sector would notice.

Wrong... government employees spend a lot of money and that helps to stimulate the economy,
If their off time is as generous as yo u say (it really isn't) then that gives them more time to spend all that money and help the economy!

They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money
wrong, it is our money. PERIOD. it is drawn from the bucket from hard working folks. PERIOD. And to show little to no respect to the folks who bust their own arse to make money that then pays their salaries is unacceptable. And let's take the job from the government and make it a private business where business venture money is used to pay the salaries. Never understood why some job needed to be employed under government hands.

Less corruption and more stability!
corrupt? funny stuff coming from a liberal.
And they wonder why we're going broke...
Between the salaries and pensions of these assholes is it any wonder?

"assholes"? Next time you need a cop call your insurance agent, if you have a fire call him or her too. Ever watch Victory at Sea? All those draftees and GI's, were government employees too. Better yet, take a walk around a government cemetery and see what some government employees have done for the rest of us.

Envy is a deadly sin, and simply because Stephanie and others like her can't pass a written civil service test, or most likely can't meet the MQ's to even take one, is sad; I understand why she is bitter and others too.

What I can't fathom is the hate bestowed on those who try to make life better and more fair for those who can't qualify for higher paying jobs. Why would someone like Stephanie object to those like her getting a fair wage, a higher minimum wage, health insurance and eventually Social Security?

How to pass a civil service exam:

  1. White not hispanic (automatic disqualification)
  2. African American (add 60 points)
  3. Asian
  4. American Indian (add 10 points)
  5. Hispanic (add 30 points)
  1. Christian (automatic disqualification)
  2. Muslim (add 60 points)
  3. Atheist (add 10 points)
  4. Agnostic
  5. Buddhist
  6. Pagan (add 30 points)
  7. Hindu (add 20 points)
Primary language spoken:
  1. English (automatic disqualification)
  2. Spanish (add 100 points)
  3. Hindi (add 50 points)
  4. Farsi (add 20 points)
  5. Mandarin

I don' think they have civil service exams anymore

Yes they do, written and usually two oral examinations (at least in CA). In Texas and Alabama and most red states they only need to count past ten and know the alphabet.
So you think Government employees get TAX FREE money? Even pensions are taxed in most states. If those employees are making more money while they work they are paying more taxes than their counterparts in the private sector.

What a moron....
They get paid with our tax dollars.
How is they pay taxes when it was our money to begin with?
Keep talking... let our diverse audience decide who the moron is... heh heh heh!
I think you win. I mean you think someone whose car breaks down ought to have access into anyone's house with no repercussion. I mean that is as stoopid a statement as I ever heard. Just saying.
Where did I come close to saying anything about "access to anyone's house?" In this day and age dome people still don't have cell phones or might be in a "dead" area where there is no signal when their car breaks down or they become involved in an accident.. If, either of those things occur in the dead of night and a house is nearby would you not approach the dwelling?
If there is a fence, I wouldn't open the gate and enter the premises but I would call out for assistance hoping the occupants might be good responsible citizens. If there is no fence I would probably use caution in approaching the door to ring the bell or knock. I would also look for rebel flags or license plates in the vicinity as well as GOP stickers. Those signs raise alarms and increase the odds that a conservative asshole might be waiting behind that door with a fully automatic rifle and three glocks all loaded with hollow points. What would YOU do?
you insinuated it dude. That's how. If someone came to my house at 2 in the morning and rang my doorbell, I'd expect to speak to the person through a closed door and call the police for him/ her. Why did they get rid of public phones? seems like you have a scenario for them. Put up a booth and watch how many actually use it. The dude may as well walk to an open store or service station. Don't think it's necessarily smart to be ringing door bells at 2 am. Just saying, an open door isn't going to happen.

Just listen to the guy from behind your locked door and call the police for him... tell him/her to return to his vehicle, they are on the way or if the person is dying...I guess you just let them die on your the rain or snow.
Wrong... government employees spend a lot of money and that helps to stimulate the economy,
If their off time is as generous as yo u say (it really isn't) then that gives them more time to spend all that money and help the economy!

They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money
wrong, it is our money. PERIOD. it is drawn from the bucket from hard working folks. PERIOD. And to show little to no respect to the folks who bust their own arse to make money that then pays their salaries is unacceptable. And let's take the job from the government and make it a private business where business venture money is used to pay the salaries. Never understood why some job needed to be employed under government hands.

Less corruption and more stability!
corrupt? funny stuff coming from a liberal.
If it were coming from a liberal it would be funny!
And they wonder why we're going broke...
Between the salaries and pensions of these assholes is it any wonder?

"assholes"? Next time you need a cop call your insurance agent, if you have a fire call him or her too. Ever watch Victory at Sea? All those draftees and GI's, were government employees too. Better yet, take a walk around a government cemetery and see what some government employees have done for the rest of us.

Envy is a deadly sin, and simply because Stephanie and others like her can't pass a written civil service test, or most likely can't meet the MQ's to even take one, is sad; I understand why she is bitter and others too.

What I can't fathom is the hate bestowed on those who try to make life better and more fair for those who can't qualify for higher paying jobs. Why would someone like Stephanie object to those like her getting a fair wage, a higher minimum wage, health insurance and eventually Social Security?

How to pass a civil service exam:

  1. White not hispanic (automatic disqualification)
  2. African American (add 60 points)
  3. Asian
  4. American Indian (add 10 points)
  5. Hispanic (add 30 points)
  1. Christian (automatic disqualification)
  2. Muslim (add 60 points)
  3. Atheist (add 10 points)
  4. Agnostic
  5. Buddhist
  6. Pagan (add 30 points)
  7. Hindu (add 20 points)
Primary language spoken:
  1. English (automatic disqualification)
  2. Spanish (add 100 points)
  3. Hindi (add 50 points)
  4. Farsi (add 20 points)
  5. Mandarin

I don' think they have civil service exams anymore

Yes they do, written and usually two oral examinations (at least in CA). In Texas and Alabama and most red states they only need to count past ten and know the alphabet.
and the one from California is can you learn to job the people of California. here's a broom.
What a moron....
They get paid with our tax dollars.
How is they pay taxes when it was our money to begin with?
Keep talking... let our diverse audience decide who the moron is... heh heh heh!
I think you win. I mean you think someone whose car breaks down ought to have access into anyone's house with no repercussion. I mean that is as stoopid a statement as I ever heard. Just saying.
Where did I come close to saying anything about "access to anyone's house?" In this day and age dome people still don't have cell phones or might be in a "dead" area where there is no signal when their car breaks down or they become involved in an accident.. If, either of those things occur in the dead of night and a house is nearby would you not approach the dwelling?
If there is a fence, I wouldn't open the gate and enter the premises but I would call out for assistance hoping the occupants might be good responsible citizens. If there is no fence I would probably use caution in approaching the door to ring the bell or knock. I would also look for rebel flags or license plates in the vicinity as well as GOP stickers. Those signs raise alarms and increase the odds that a conservative asshole might be waiting behind that door with a fully automatic rifle and three glocks all loaded with hollow points. What would YOU do?
you insinuated it dude. That's how. If someone came to my house at 2 in the morning and rang my doorbell, I'd expect to speak to the person through a closed door and call the police for him/ her. Why did they get rid of public phones? seems like you have a scenario for them. Put up a booth and watch how many actually use it. The dude may as well walk to an open store or service station. Don't think it's necessarily smart to be ringing door bells at 2 am. Just saying, an open door isn't going to happen.

Just listen to the guy from behind your locked door and cal the police for him... tell him/her to return to his vehicle, they are on the way or if the person is dying...I guess you just let them die on your the rain or snow.
I said that. So not clear why you needed to repeat it. Still don't know why anyone would be firing at the person. you haven't explained that one yet. That is what is puzzling.

BTW, they really don't need to come to my door if they wake me up, most likely I call the cops anyway. It's happened to me once in the last year. Dude actually ran his car into the fire hydrant in the parkway in front of my house and proceeded to kick in my neighbors driver side door. Then tried to break in. I watched it all haven been woken up by the kicking on the car right outside my window. Cops took the young man away. he was all hopped up on something 17 years old and thought he was at his own house. Too funny. nobody shot at him and he was taken away in handcuffs.
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"Right to Work" is a euphemism for union busting and allowing employers to lower wages, reduce benefits, and providing a means to fire people who complain.

Would you rather these companies/jobs close down and move to other state or country?

That's happened and the government ought to put a tariff on any product once made in American not produced by 'slave' labor wages in other countries.

And start ups in America ought to receive government subsidy's when protective tariffs are not enough.

Fair trade isn't, kudos to HRC for putting her No stamp on the TTP. Another Boondoggle benefiting corporate America and not the working men and women in our nation.
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air
They compare the average of a private sector worker, without controlling for education or nature of employment. Complete and utter bullshit. Compare that actual jobs folks do. Who do you think makes more money? A federal prosecutor at the highest levels or a partner in a large private law firm? A doctor at the VA or a doctor in private practice?
They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money
wrong, it is our money. PERIOD. it is drawn from the bucket from hard working folks. PERIOD. And to show little to no respect to the folks who bust their own arse to make money that then pays their salaries is unacceptable. And let's take the job from the government and make it a private business where business venture money is used to pay the salaries. Never understood why some job needed to be employed under government hands.

Less corruption and more stability!
corrupt? funny stuff coming from a liberal.
If it were coming from a liberal it would be funny!
I know right?
"Right to Work" is a euphemism for union busting and allowing employers to lower wages, reduce benefits, and providing a means to fire people who complain.

Would you rather these companies/jobs close down and move to other state or country?

That's happened and the government ought to put a tariff on any product once made in American not produced by 'slave' labor wages in other countries.

And start ups in America ought to receive government subsidy's when protective tariffs are not enough.

Fair trade isn't, kudos to HRC for putting her No stamp on the TTP. Another Boondoggle benefiting corporate America and not the working men and women in our nation.
guess you haven't heard of the new treaty TPP Trans Pacific Partners. your buddy Obama is getten ready to sign it and then watch the jobs leave. Funny how you all don't know these things.

BTW further evidence that the liberals want a socialistic dependent based country.
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Gee, are't you archetype of the modern day anarchist. It's more likely you'll shoot a neighbor or a family member as you "lie in wait", which BTW, is one element of First Degree Murder.

Not when they're in my house.

You're all hat and no cattle. I suspect your dream is to kill a person and be found to be a hero. You know, the George Zimmerman type. Many who do so end up in prison, where they belong.
dang you are a whiny little fellow aren't you. It must really suck to be you to have that much hate stored up. You should take your own and advice and not use a message forum to let your anger out.
Right to work you don't like that do you. That 78% number will go down once the right to work makes it to more states. watch a tv near you for an update.

"Right to Work" is a euphemism for union busting and allowing employers to lower wages, reduce benefits, and providing a means to fire people who complain.

BTW, I'm not angry, I'm informed. My purpose here is to share information, not propaganda. Offer common sense ideas, not foolish schemes.
yes it is, I completely agree it is a union buster to some degree, but it is more the right for someone who wishes to work in a field to get a job without having to work for a union. And the base rate pay that a right to worker makes is exactly the same as the union member's . his paycheck is smaller since the company doesn't have to pay for the union dues owed by the union member. So yes the check is smaller, but it is the same for the work that is performed. you are not very educated.[/QUOTE}

Don't government employees spend their monies in the economy?

All money the GOVT employees are paid is removed from the private sector reducing growth potential.
So, government employees don't buy cars, appliances or any other product manufactured by the private sector?
sure they do, with money from the tax payer bucket. Instead of from a private companies venture capital funds. Why is it we need to use tax payer money when a private industry company can do the job without tax payer money? Seems wrong.
Government unions are the worst thing that ever happened to this country.

When a union bargains with a private business, the negotiations are between equals.

When a union bargains with the government, the unions have all the power since they are paying contributions to the people who are representing the government.

And now we see what has happened. Government workers have higher pay, better health benefits, and generous retirement packages, the private sector jobs.

Employees of small business have none of the benefits, and will have only social security at retirement.

Employees of small business have none of the benefits, and will have only social security at retirement.

Because small business people funneled all of the big monies into their own pockets. It's called greed.
You're a fucking retard. The typical small businessman barely pays his bills, and maybe has a little left so he can support his family.

An employee is always paid first, before the businessman gets his share.

I have actually run a business, and I'm running a business now.

You're suck a clueless, mindless, dumbfuck I shouldn't even be talking to you.
If you run a business where you "barely pay your bills" and have "little left so [you] can support your family", you must be a piss poor businessman.
And they wonder why we're going broke...
Between the salaries and pensions of these assholes is it any wonder?

"assholes"? Next time you need a cop call your insurance agent, if you have a fire call him or her too. Ever watch Victory at Sea? All those draftees and GI's, were government employees too. Better yet, take a walk around a government cemetery and see what some government employees have done for the rest of us.

Envy is a deadly sin, and simply because Stephanie and others like her can't pass a written civil service test, or most likely can't meet the MQ's to even take one, is sad; I understand why she is bitter and others too.

What I can't fathom is the hate bestowed on those who try to make life better and more fair for those who can't qualify for higher paying jobs. Why would someone like Stephanie object to those like her getting a fair wage, a higher minimum wage, health insurance and eventually Social Security?

How to pass a civil service exam:

  1. White not hispanic (automatic disqualification)
  2. African American (add 60 points)
  3. Asian
  4. American Indian (add 10 points)
  5. Hispanic (add 30 points)
  1. Christian (automatic disqualification)
  2. Muslim (add 60 points)
  3. Atheist (add 10 points)
  4. Agnostic
  5. Buddhist
  6. Pagan (add 30 points)
  7. Hindu (add 20 points)
Primary language spoken:
  1. English (automatic disqualification)
  2. Spanish (add 100 points)
  3. Hindi (add 50 points)
  4. Farsi (add 20 points)
  5. Mandarin

I don' think they have civil service exams anymore

Yes they do, written and usually two oral examinations (at least in CA). In Texas and Alabama and most red states they only need to count past ten and know the alphabet.
and the one from California is can you learn to job the people of California. here's a broom.

In Texas and Alabama and most red states

i HATE/DESPISE the way some people label "red-states" as lesser. They are USA citizens with education, families, skin in the game. Like any state there is a distribution of IQ or common sense.
Wrong... government employees spend a lot of money and that helps to stimulate the economy,
If their off time is as generous as yo u say (it really isn't) then that gives them more time to spend all that money and help the economy!

They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money
wrong, it is our money. PERIOD. it is drawn from the bucket from hard working folks. PERIOD. And to show little to no respect to the folks who bust their own arse to make money that then pays their salaries is unacceptable. And let's take the job from the government and make it a private business where business venture money is used to pay the salaries. Never understood why some job needed to be employed under government hands.

You pay people to provide a service to you

Once that service is provided, it is their money
once they receive the check from the tax payer, then cash said check the money put into the account comes from the tax payer. When the said individual spends from that account he uses his money.

Yes,,,that is how paychecks work

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