Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts

Keep talking... let our diverse audience decide who the moron is... heh heh heh!
I think you win. I mean you think someone whose car breaks down ought to have access into anyone's house with no repercussion. I mean that is as stoopid a statement as I ever heard. Just saying.
Where did I come close to saying anything about "access to anyone's house?" In this day and age dome people still don't have cell phones or might be in a "dead" area where there is no signal when their car breaks down or they become involved in an accident.. If, either of those things occur in the dead of night and a house is nearby would you not approach the dwelling?
If there is a fence, I wouldn't open the gate and enter the premises but I would call out for assistance hoping the occupants might be good responsible citizens. If there is no fence I would probably use caution in approaching the door to ring the bell or knock. I would also look for rebel flags or license plates in the vicinity as well as GOP stickers. Those signs raise alarms and increase the odds that a conservative asshole might be waiting behind that door with a fully automatic rifle and three glocks all loaded with hollow points. What would YOU do?

But what are they doing in my house?

The people I am talking about aren't in your house...they are outside looking for help.

Well than why would I shoot em?

Why did THESE people do it in similar circumstances:

Black woman killed while looking for help after car wreck

South Carolina Boy Shot, Killed While Trick-or-Treating; Suspect Feared Robbery | Fox News

Louisiana 'Freeze' shooting tragedy remembered 20 years on ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
"Right to Work" is a euphemism for union busting and allowing employers to lower wages, reduce benefits, and providing a means to fire people who complain.

Would you rather these companies/jobs close down and move to other state or country?

That's happened and the government ought to put a tariff on any product once made in American not produced by 'slave' labor wages in other countries.

And start ups in America ought to receive government subsidy's when protective tariffs are not enough.

Fair trade isn't, kudos to HRC for putting her No stamp on the TTP. Another Boondoggle benefiting corporate America and not the working men and women in our nation.
guess you haven't heard of the new treaty TPP Trans Pacific Partners. you buddy Obama is getten ready to sign it and then watch the jobs leave. Funny how you all don't know these things.

Wow! You're a dope: ^^^^^^^

"Fair trade isn't, kudos to HRC for putting her No stamp on the TTP. Another Boondoggle benefiting corporate America and not the working men and women in our nation"!
In Texas and Alabama and most red states

i HATE/DESPISE the way some people label "red-states" as lesser. They are USA citizens with education, families, skin in the game. Like any state there is a distribution of IQ or common sense.
But in those states the distribution is skewed to the low side.

i have been all over this country and that is not true. Agreed some of the smartest people I ever worked with were from NY. But also from Texas, CA, GA etc. There is more common sense in any one farmer from KY than you could imagine. They have to work daily, sunup - sundown to keep it going. It may be true some states have more college grad or whatever but does that make you smarter? About some topics maybe, or you had the time to do 4-6 yrs of classroom.
They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money
wrong, it is our money. PERIOD. it is drawn from the bucket from hard working folks. PERIOD. And to show little to no respect to the folks who bust their own arse to make money that then pays their salaries is unacceptable. And let's take the job from the government and make it a private business where business venture money is used to pay the salaries. Never understood why some job needed to be employed under government hands.

You pay people to provide a service to you

Once that service is provided, it is their money
once they receive the check from the tax payer, then cash said check the money put into the account comes from the tax payer. When the said individual spends from that account he uses his money.

Yes,,,that is how paychecks work
yep! you asked, i answered. thanks for playing. OP
I think you win. I mean you think someone whose car breaks down ought to have access into anyone's house with no repercussion. I mean that is as stoopid a statement as I ever heard. Just saying.
Where did I come close to saying anything about "access to anyone's house?" In this day and age dome people still don't have cell phones or might be in a "dead" area where there is no signal when their car breaks down or they become involved in an accident.. If, either of those things occur in the dead of night and a house is nearby would you not approach the dwelling?
If there is a fence, I wouldn't open the gate and enter the premises but I would call out for assistance hoping the occupants might be good responsible citizens. If there is no fence I would probably use caution in approaching the door to ring the bell or knock. I would also look for rebel flags or license plates in the vicinity as well as GOP stickers. Those signs raise alarms and increase the odds that a conservative asshole might be waiting behind that door with a fully automatic rifle and three glocks all loaded with hollow points. What would YOU do?

But what are they doing in my house?

The people I am talking about aren't in your house...they are outside looking for help.

Well than why would I shoot em?

Why did THESE people do it in similar circumstances:

Black woman killed while looking for help after car wreck

South Carolina Boy Shot, Killed While Trick-or-Treating; Suspect Feared Robbery | Fox News

Louisiana 'Freeze' shooting tragedy remembered 20 years on ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

You have to wonder...why didnt these people call 911?
I mean surely they at the very least had an obama phone?
And why didnt they tell the homeowner to call the police instead of just pounding on the door?
I know damn well if someone was pounding on my door at 2:00 am I'd come to the door armed. And they better have a good excuse post haste.
"Right to Work" is a euphemism for union busting and allowing employers to lower wages, reduce benefits, and providing a means to fire people who complain.

Would you rather these companies/jobs close down and move to other state or country?

That's happened and the government ought to put a tariff on any product once made in American not produced by 'slave' labor wages in other countries.

And start ups in America ought to receive government subsidy's when protective tariffs are not enough.

Fair trade isn't, kudos to HRC for putting her No stamp on the TTP. Another Boondoggle benefiting corporate America and not the working men and women in our nation.
guess you haven't heard of the new treaty TPP Trans Pacific Partners. you buddy Obama is getten ready to sign it and then watch the jobs leave. Funny how you all don't know these things.

Wow! You're a dope: ^^^^^^^

"Fair trade isn't, kudos to HRC for putting her No stamp on the TTP. Another Boondoggle benefiting corporate America and not the working men and women in our nation"!
thanks Jon Rappoport:

The TPP: a monster too big to fail?

"And as with all other Globalist trade treaties (NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, etc.), more jobs in industrialized nations will move to countries where slave labor is standard operating procedure."
In Texas and Alabama and most red states

i HATE/DESPISE the way some people label "red-states" as lesser. They are USA citizens with education, families, skin in the game. Like any state there is a distribution of IQ or common sense.
you haven't heard, they're full of racist white gun owners who want to get rid of the constitution. Ask these liberal turds in here.

Right to work live on.
In Texas and Alabama and most red states

i HATE/DESPISE the way some people label "red-states" as lesser. They are USA citizens with education, families, skin in the game. Like any state there is a distribution of IQ or common sense.

True. But ideological differences exist within the states and among the states in terms of the liberal conservative paradigm.
In Texas and Alabama and most red states

i HATE/DESPISE the way some people label "red-states" as lesser. They are USA citizens with education, families, skin in the game. Like any state there is a distribution of IQ or common sense.

True. But ideological differences exist within the states and among the states in terms of the liberal conservative paradigm.

CA is as Red as any outside of LA/SF/Bezerkly. People who want need depend on GOVT services congregate to population centers for handouts. Once they get hand-outs it like feeding stray cats.
I think you win. I mean you think someone whose car breaks down ought to have access into anyone's house with no repercussion. I mean that is as stoopid a statement as I ever heard. Just saying.
Where did I come close to saying anything about "access to anyone's house?" In this day and age dome people still don't have cell phones or might be in a "dead" area where there is no signal when their car breaks down or they become involved in an accident.. If, either of those things occur in the dead of night and a house is nearby would you not approach the dwelling?
If there is a fence, I wouldn't open the gate and enter the premises but I would call out for assistance hoping the occupants might be good responsible citizens. If there is no fence I would probably use caution in approaching the door to ring the bell or knock. I would also look for rebel flags or license plates in the vicinity as well as GOP stickers. Those signs raise alarms and increase the odds that a conservative asshole might be waiting behind that door with a fully automatic rifle and three glocks all loaded with hollow points. What would YOU do?

But what are they doing in my house?

The people I am talking about aren't in your house...they are outside looking for help.

Well than why would I shoot em?

Why did THESE people do it in similar circumstances:

Black woman killed while looking for help after car wreck

South Carolina Boy Shot, Killed While Trick-or-Treating; Suspect Feared Robbery | Fox News

Louisiana 'Freeze' shooting tragedy remembered 20 years on ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
dude, it seems the accidents were single car accidents. What was the accident and were they loaded or high? Do you have that information in a link?

And the neighbor on the first link spoke not like a white person. So was it a white person? You do know that blacks live in white neighborhoods now? The article doesn't state the man was white. Also insinuates the man being in jail? So again, was it a white person or not. In any of them?
In Texas and Alabama and most red states

i HATE/DESPISE the way some people label "red-states" as lesser. They are USA citizens with education, families, skin in the game. Like any state there is a distribution of IQ or common sense.

True. But ideological differences exist within the states and among the states in terms of the liberal conservative paradigm.
And you can't stand that can you? You can't stand that there is another position in the country. You hate it in fact and do whatever you can to discredit white folks all day long.
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I know a liberal idiot who mows the grass at IAH and he'll retire with a full pension.
So what makes him smarter than a wetback?
Grass needs to be cut, he supports himself and his family, gets a pension, and the rich guy who could have privatized the job for peanuts and kept the rest for himself gets fucked over. Good deal.
I know a liberal idiot who mows the grass at IAH and he'll retire with a full pension.
So what makes him smarter than a wetback?
Grass needs to be cut, he supports himself and his family, gets a pension, and the rich guy who could have privatized the job for peanuts and kept the rest for himself gets fucked over. Good deal.

Nah...actually he's a coke head and his wife makes the money.
And both his kids are republicans.
Don't government employees spend their monies in the economy?

All money the GOVT employees are paid is removed from the private sector reducing growth potential.

And returned to the economy by spending thus allowing the private sector to gain more profit and grow.

That is absolutely the dumbest thing I have ever heard someone say.

CONSIDER: I take 1 dollar from you, take my cut of 20 cents, then give the other 80 cents to someone else for nothing. They spend the 80 cents, and somehow in your logic, that is better than YOU spending the whole dollar.

Sorry, but it does NOT compute.
not my union....NALC.....

Who do they "negotiate" with, then?

The top of the Post Office is put in place by the democrats who get the bribes that the national association of letter carriers doles out. Pubic Unions are corrupt by design. There is no "management" to deal with, all participants are united in raiding the public treasury.
Who do they "negotiate" with, then?
the Post Master General and his pals....and 99% of the time it goes into binding arbitration...and both sides then win some and lose some....
The top of the Post Office is put in place by the democrats who get the bribes that the national association of letter carriers doles out
the top of the PO is not put in by a political party.....they are people who have worked their way up the ladder....there have been a few times were the Post Master General was picked from outside the service but those were picked by the Board of Governors .....
and prove that the PO raids the public treasury.....
they must laugh at the rest of the people not "lucky" enough to get on with Daddy Guberment while YOU pay their salary's. what a Gig eh

We’ve all seen the same headlines repeating for the last six years so often that it’s become part and parcel of the national milieu. Times are hard, wages are stagnant and pay isn’t keeping up with the cost of living. It’s tough out there to be sure, but there’s one segment of the American population where that doesn’t seem to be true. If you happen to work for the federal government – regardless of the job you hold, how well you perform or what happens to the market – you’re probably making way more than your counterparts in the private sector. (Government Executive Magazine)

Federal employees on average earned 78 percent more in total compensation than private sector workers in 2014, according to a new study from a conservative think tank.

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards compared data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to show that, in his view, civilian federal workers are overcompensated. Factoring both salary and benefits, Edwards pointed to BEA data showing the average federal employee earns about $119,000 annually, compared to the private sector worker who earns $67,000 per year. When comparing just salaries, feds collect 50 percent bigger paychecks, Edwards said.

Back in 1990 the gap was smaller but still in place. Federal workers back then earned, on average, 39% more than private sector employees performing the same jobs. Owing to the rules of the free market, that shifted for a while during the tech boom of the late nineties, at least in a few sectors of the job market. When there were a limited number of workers skilled in a new industry, wages shot up and passed their government colleagues who were generally held to raises which follow a set formula.

Unfortunately, as Wall Street tanked and the market completely stalled, the private sector paid the price while the federal government kept on plugging along with slower, but steady increases in most cases. This led to what the study’s author describes as a situation where the Washington bureaucracy became “an elite island of secure and high-paid employment, separated from the ocean of average Americans competing in the economy.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s nearly impossible to fire a federal employee.

ALL of it here:
Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts « Hot Air
Federal workers do make more for several reasons.
  • Federal workers are better educated on average than their private sector counterparts. 52 percent have a Bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to just 32 percent of private sector workers. On average, they are four years older as well (45 vs. 41). Older, better educated workers are bound to have incomes above the national average.
  • There will always be inequities in federal civil service compared to the public sector because civil service pay is not market driven. On the low end of the salary scale federal building custodians have very good benefits compared to their private sector counter parts and thus fair much better in comparison with the private sector. On the high end of the scale, software developers make huge salaries in the private sector compared to the public sector.
  • The private sector tends to hire younger workers who often lack both education and experience and thus can not demand higher pay. The more productive workers are kept and the remainder are fired. Federal Civil Service can not operate like this. It must hire the best qualified person for the job and once they are hired they can't be fired because the boss has found someone who will work for lower pay.

so we should take it that all this BS about "income Equality" spewed by the left/dem/libs is just that. ALL BULLSHIT
How does the income differential between the public and private sector relate to the differential between the income of the wealthy and that of the middle class?

And what does that have to do with anything? The whole point is.........the middle class are the people paying these salaries; and for the same work, they are way HIGHER with their retirement and Bennies than the jobs that are equivalent the taxpayers hold!
so we should take it that all this BS about "income Equality" spewed by the left/dem/libs is just that. ALL BULLSHIT
How does the income differential between the public and private sector relate to the differential between the income of the wealthy and that of the middle class?

I'm not the one wailing about the wealthy. they either earned it, inherited it etc. this is GOVERMENT workers who WE THE PEOPLE have to pay their salaries. SO THERE is no comparison. Now why should they MAKE MORE than us? they don't do anything that most of us couldn't do. it's not specialty work, unless you call a Janitor special. some of it is but most is NOT
The federal government does not employ any janitors....they are contracted out to the lowest bidder
not so in the PO.....they hire many people with physical disabilities to do the janitorial work....

Harry I know you worked in the PO. and I'm NOT saying all workers for the Government is there to take advantage of us taxpayers. but how is this Fair for them to make so much more? and then the left/dems wails about income equality.
ups drivers were making $5.00 more an hour than letter carriers and they are Teamsters a pretty powerful union and they had pretty decent benefits too...
so we should take it that all this BS about "income Equality" spewed by the left/dem/libs is just that. ALL BULLSHIT
How does the income differential between the public and private sector relate to the differential between the income of the wealthy and that of the middle class?

I'm not the one wailing about the wealthy. they either earned it, inherited it etc. this is GOVERMENT workers who WE THE PEOPLE have to pay their salaries. SO THERE is no comparison. Now why should they MAKE MORE than us? they don't do anything that most of us couldn't do. it's not specialty work, unless you call a Janitor special. some of it is but most is NOT
The federal government does not employ any janitors....they are contracted out to the lowest bidder
not so in the PO.....they hire many people with physical disabilities to do the janitorial work....

The United States Postal Service, also known as the Post Office, U.S. Mail, or Postal Service, often abbreviated as USPS, is an independent agency of the United States federal government responsible for providing postal service in the United States. It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution.

The USPS has not directly received taxpayer-dollars since the early 1980s with the exception of subsidies for costs associated with the disabled and overseas voters

United States Postal Service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you are speaking to the choir i know this already.....
The federal government does not employ any janitors....they are contracted out to the lowest bidder

Almost all government contracts have a minimum wage statement which is higher than the prevailing rate, so employees of government contractors make more than non-government, which helps the economy.

And you own a business, lolol. They pay MORE by taking money from US, and somehow, you think that is a good idea?

Hey, you can contribute all the extra you want, this is a free country; but seriously, leave the rest of us alone! Go open another business and pay extra if you want to do good work.

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