Good work if you can get it: Federal workers making 78% more than private sector counterparts

And they wonder why we're going broke...
Between the salaries and pensions of these assholes is it any wonder?

"assholes"? Next time you need a cop call your insurance agent, if you have a fire call him or her too. Ever watch Victory at Sea? All those draftees and GI's, were government employees too. Better yet, take a walk around a government cemetery and see what some government employees have done for the rest of us.

Envy is a deadly sin, and simply because Stephanie and others like her can't pass a written civil service test, or most likely can't meet the MQ's to even take one, is sad; I understand why she is bitter and others too.

What I can't fathom is the hate bestowed on those who try to make life better and more fair for those who can't qualify for higher paying jobs. Why would someone like Stephanie object to those like her getting a fair wage, a higher minimum wage, health insurance and eventually Social Security?

Next time I need a cop? :lmao:
Yeah right..they show up after the fact and to date they've been zero help in the few times I've called them.
We can no longer afford the pensions and thats that.

oh brother, that's all they ever toss out there as if there isn't other positions in Government.
And me as a shareholder no longer wish to use tax money for pensions. Let the union bosses pay into them from the dues they collect and then have the employee pay into them. So the question I have has never been answered, do union workers pay a percentage of their salaries into their own pensions? Does the Union?

Why aren't they investing their own money into an account with their name on it? Never understood this either. who holds the money? Do they have an account that shows the value of their holdings? What the f kind of stooged set up is this?
The federal government ain't a employment agency although most liberals think so. Government hiring does not grow the economy. It's a freaking drain especially when government drones enjoy every holiday no matter how obscure and about 60% could call in sick permanently and nobody in the private sector would notice.

Wrong... government employees spend a lot of money and that helps to stimulate the economy,
If their off time is as generous as yo u say (it really isn't) then that gives them more time to spend all that money and help the economy!

They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money

They're overpaid with my money.
You don't have that much money..STFU!
So you think Government employees get TAX FREE money? Even pensions are taxed in most states. If those employees are making more money while they work they are paying more taxes than their counterparts in the private sector.

What a moron....
They get paid with our tax dollars.
How is they pay taxes when it was our money to begin with?
Keep talking... let our diverse audience decide who the moron is... heh heh heh!
I think you win. I mean you think someone whose car breaks down ought to have access into anyone's house with no repercussion. I mean that is as stoopid a statement as I ever heard. Just saying.
Where did I come close to saying anything about "access to anyone's house?" In this day and age dome people still don't have cell phones or might be in a "dead" area where there is no signal when their car breaks down or they become involved in an accident.. If, either of those things occur in the dead of night and a house is nearby would you not approach the dwelling?
If there is a fence, I wouldn't open the gate and enter the premises but I would call out for assistance hoping the occupants might be good responsible citizens. If there is no fence I would probably use caution in approaching the door to ring the bell or knock. I would also look for rebel flags or license plates in the vicinity as well as GOP stickers. Those signs raise alarms and increase the odds that a conservative asshole might be waiting behind that door with a fully automatic rifle and three glocks all loaded with hollow points. What would YOU do?

But what are they doing in my house?

The people I am talking about aren't in your house...they are outside looking for help.
The federal government ain't a employment agency although most liberals think so. Government hiring does not grow the economy. It's a freaking drain especially when government drones enjoy every holiday no matter how obscure and about 60% could call in sick permanently and nobody in the private sector would notice.

Wrong... government employees spend a lot of money and that helps to stimulate the economy,
If their off time is as generous as yo u say (it really isn't) then that gives them more time to spend all that money and help the economy!

They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money

They're overpaid with my money.
You don't have that much money..STFU!

You seem to have a disconnect on how our gov employees are paid.
What a moron....
They get paid with our tax dollars.
How is they pay taxes when it was our money to begin with?
Keep talking... let our diverse audience decide who the moron is... heh heh heh!
I think you win. I mean you think someone whose car breaks down ought to have access into anyone's house with no repercussion. I mean that is as stoopid a statement as I ever heard. Just saying.
Where did I come close to saying anything about "access to anyone's house?" In this day and age dome people still don't have cell phones or might be in a "dead" area where there is no signal when their car breaks down or they become involved in an accident.. If, either of those things occur in the dead of night and a house is nearby would you not approach the dwelling?
If there is a fence, I wouldn't open the gate and enter the premises but I would call out for assistance hoping the occupants might be good responsible citizens. If there is no fence I would probably use caution in approaching the door to ring the bell or knock. I would also look for rebel flags or license plates in the vicinity as well as GOP stickers. Those signs raise alarms and increase the odds that a conservative asshole might be waiting behind that door with a fully automatic rifle and three glocks all loaded with hollow points. What would YOU do?

But what are they doing in my house?

The people I am talking about aren't in your house...they are outside looking for help.

Well than why would I shoot em?
How to pass a civil service exam:

  1. White not hispanic (automatic disqualification)
  2. African American (add 60 points)
  3. Asian
  4. American Indian (add 10 points)
  5. Hispanic (add 30 points)
  1. Christian (automatic disqualification)
  2. Muslim (add 60 points)
  3. Atheist (add 10 points)
  4. Agnostic
  5. Buddhist
  6. Pagan (add 30 points)
  7. Hindu (add 20 points)
Primary language spoken:
  1. English (automatic disqualification)
  2. Spanish (add 100 points)
  3. Hindi (add 50 points)
  4. Farsi (add 20 points)
  5. Mandarin

I don' think they have civil service exams anymore
Hey how about a survey sent out to the public to see how these turds rank 0 to 10. zero for the value it is and 10 as the best

Go for it

How did the civil service police and firemen on 9-11 turn out in your survey?
they sucked in Ferguson and Baltimore.

These must be the same people who cry about voter ID.
They've obviously been to the DMV and experienced first hand the quality work they do.
You forgot the biggest most important classification; Disabled Veterans of any race!
I don' think they have civil service exams anymore
Hey how about a survey sent out to the public to see how these turds rank 0 to 10. zero for the value it is and 10 as the best

Go for it

How did the civil service police and firemen on 9-11 turn out in your survey?
they sucked in Ferguson and Baltimore.

These must be the same people who cry about voter ID.
They've obviously been to the DMV and experienced first hand the quality work they do.
You forgot the biggest most important classification; Disabled Veterans of any race!
sorry, you lost me on this one.
I don' think they have civil service exams anymore
Hey how about a survey sent out to the public to see how these turds rank 0 to 10. zero for the value it is and 10 as the best

Go for it

How did the civil service police and firemen on 9-11 turn out in your survey?
they sucked in Ferguson and Baltimore.

These must be the same people who cry about voter ID.
They've obviously been to the DMV and experienced first hand the quality work they do.
You forgot the biggest most important classification; Disabled Veterans of any race!

You're doing it again.....
Lumping in all civil servants into one group.
Recent example: Boston Bomber. they SHUT down city over one 18 yr old kid? They could not find him for days. Private citizen found him.

And besides,who calls the cops during a break in?
I'll lie in wait for the MF'r,take care of business and then call the cops.

Gee, are't you archetype of the modern day anarchist. It's more likely you'll shoot a neighbor or a family member as you "lie in wait", which BTW, is one element of First Degree Murder.

Not when they're in my house.

You're all hat and no cattle. I suspect your dream is to kill a person and be found to be a hero. You know, the George Zimmerman type. Many who do so end up in prison, where they belong.
dang you are a whiny little fellow aren't you. It must really suck to be you to have that much hate stored up. You should take your own and advice and not use a message forum to let your anger out.
Right to work you don't like that do you. That 78% number will go down once the right to work makes it to more states. watch a tv near you for an update.

"Right to Work" is a euphemism for union busting and allowing employers to lower wages, reduce benefits, and providing a means to fire people who complain.

BTW, I'm not angry, I'm informed. My purpose here is to share information, not propaganda. Offer common sense ideas, not foolish schemes.
And besides,who calls the cops during a break in?
I'll lie in wait for the MF'r,take care of business and then call the cops.

Gee, are't you archetype of the modern day anarchist. It's more likely you'll shoot a neighbor or a family member as you "lie in wait", which BTW, is one element of First Degree Murder.

Not when they're in my house.

You're all hat and no cattle. I suspect your dream is to kill a person and be found to be a hero. You know, the George Zimmerman type. Many who do so end up in prison, where they belong.
dang you are a whiny little fellow aren't you. It must really suck to be you to have that much hate stored up. You should take your own and advice and not use a message forum to let your anger out.
Right to work you don't like that do you. That 78% number will go down once the right to work makes it to more states. watch a tv near you for an update.

"Right to Work" is a euphemism for union busting and allowing employers to lower wages, reduce benefits, and providing a means to fire people who complain.

BTW, I'm not angry, I'm informed. My purpose here is to share information, not propaganda. Offer common sense ideas, not foolish schemes.
yes it is, I completely agree it is a union buster to some degree, but it is more the right for someone who wishes to work in a field to get a job without having to work for a union. And the base rate pay that a right to worker makes is exactly the same as the union member's . his paycheck is smaller since the company doesn't have to pay for the union dues owed by the union member. So yes the check is smaller, but it is the same for the work that is performed. you are not very educated.
And besides,who calls the cops during a break in?
I'll lie in wait for the MF'r,take care of business and then call the cops.

Gee, are't you archetype of the modern day anarchist. It's more likely you'll shoot a neighbor or a family member as you "lie in wait", which BTW, is one element of First Degree Murder.

Not when they're in my house.

You're all hat and no cattle. I suspect your dream is to kill a person and be found to be a hero. You know, the George Zimmerman type. Many who do so end up in prison, where they belong.
dang you are a whiny little fellow aren't you. It must really suck to be you to have that much hate stored up. You should take your own and advice and not use a message forum to let your anger out.
Right to work you don't like that do you. That 78% number will go down once the right to work makes it to more states. watch a tv near you for an update.

"Right to Work" is a euphemism for union busting and allowing employers to lower wages, reduce benefits, and providing a means to fire people who complain.

BTW, I'm not angry, I'm informed. My purpose here is to share information, not propaganda. Offer common sense ideas, not foolish schemes.

You know it's pretty damn weird that Houston leads the nation in Master Planned communities and it's a right to work state.
How do you explain that?
The federal government ain't a employment agency although most liberals think so. Government hiring does not grow the economy. It's a freaking drain especially when government drones enjoy every holiday no matter how obscure and about 60% could call in sick permanently and nobody in the private sector would notice.

Wrong... government employees spend a lot of money and that helps to stimulate the economy,
If their off time is as generous as yo u say (it really isn't) then that gives them more time to spend all that money and help the economy!

They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money
wrong, it is our money. PERIOD. it is drawn from the bucket from hard working folks. PERIOD. And to show little to no respect to the folks who bust their own arse to make money that then pays their salaries is unacceptable. And let's take the job from the government and make it a private business where business venture money is used to pay the salaries. Never understood why some job needed to be employed under government hands.

You pay people to provide a service to you

Once that service is provided, it is their money
The federal government ain't a employment agency although most liberals think so. Government hiring does not grow the economy. It's a freaking drain especially when government drones enjoy every holiday no matter how obscure and about 60% could call in sick permanently and nobody in the private sector would notice.

Wrong... government employees spend a lot of money and that helps to stimulate the economy,
If their off time is as generous as yo u say (it really isn't) then that gives them more time to spend all that money and help the economy!

They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money
wrong, it is our money. PERIOD. it is drawn from the bucket from hard working folks. PERIOD. And to show little to no respect to the folks who bust their own arse to make money that then pays their salaries is unacceptable. And let's take the job from the government and make it a private business where business venture money is used to pay the salaries. Never understood why some job needed to be employed under government hands.

AND I don't think many of us mind paying FEDS a decent wage for a "service" vitally needed and done efficiently. Military, Police, Roads. Where does Constitution say I have to pay for sex change for illegal immigrants? Or department of trans-gender equality or whatever non-sense they hire buddies to "work" on. It just keeps growing..........Country will collapse again if not reform.

Let the states handle what they can........Education, Roads.....
Wrong... government employees spend a lot of money and that helps to stimulate the economy,
If their off time is as generous as yo u say (it really isn't) then that gives them more time to spend all that money and help the economy!

They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money

They're overpaid with my money.
You don't have that much money..STFU!

You seem to have a disconnect on how our gov employees are paid.
I know that many of those government employees are "former" soldiers, airrmen or marines, who were underpaid while putting their lives on the line as servicemen. But ,like Rightwinger said, once they are hired, the money earned is THEIR money not yours. Your two cent contribution is like pissing in the ocean.. no one notices except the IRS. Again, as I said, those employees pay taxes too, to fund things YOU like such as tomahawk missiles and world policing!
The federal government ain't a employment agency although most liberals think so. Government hiring does not grow the economy. It's a freaking drain especially when government drones enjoy every holiday no matter how obscure and about 60% could call in sick permanently and nobody in the private sector would notice.

Wrong... government employees spend a lot of money and that helps to stimulate the economy,
If their off time is as generous as yo u say (it really isn't) then that gives them more time to spend all that money and help the economy!

They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money
wrong, it is our money. PERIOD. it is drawn from the bucket from hard working folks. PERIOD. And to show little to no respect to the folks who bust their own arse to make money that then pays their salaries is unacceptable. And let's take the job from the government and make it a private business where business venture money is used to pay the salaries. Never understood why some job needed to be employed under government hands.

You pay people to provide a service to you

Once that service is provided, it is their money
once they receive the check from the tax payer, then cash said check the money put into the account comes from the tax payer. When the said individual spends from that account he uses his money.
The thread title is inaccurate. What they do is not actually "Work". A great many Federal workers are doing political activism or nothing.

"Nice Pay" if you can get it.....
They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money

They're overpaid with my money.
You don't have that much money..STFU!

You seem to have a disconnect on how our gov employees are paid.
I know that many of those government employees are "former" soldiers, airrmen or marines, who were underpaid while putting their lives on the line as servicemen. But ,like Rightwinger said, once they are hired, the money earned is THEIR money not yours. Your two cent contribution is like pissing in the ocean.. no one notices except the IRS. Again, as I said, those employees pay taxes too, to fund things YOU like such as tomahawk missiles and world policing!

Holy shit you're a moron.
If thats the way you want it to be you need to shut the hell up about CEO pay.
There pay was NEVER your money.
They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money

They're overpaid with my money.
You don't have that much money..STFU!

You seem to have a disconnect on how our gov employees are paid.
I know that many of those government employees are "former" soldiers, airrmen or marines, who were underpaid while putting their lives on the line as servicemen. But ,like Rightwinger said, once they are hired, the money earned is THEIR money not yours. Your two cent contribution is like pissing in the ocean.. no one notices except the IRS. Again, as I said, those employees pay taxes too, to fund things YOU like such as tomahawk missiles and world policing!
they don't use enough of them thar tommiehawk missiles ya know? funny how my two cents is nothing to you and 1/1000th of someone from a past relative can make someone black. Fricken amazing math on your side. Wow, i wish I could just make shite up daily like you liberal turds do.

Right to work trumps unions.
The federal government ain't a employment agency although most liberals think so. Government hiring does not grow the economy. It's a freaking drain especially when government drones enjoy every holiday no matter how obscure and about 60% could call in sick permanently and nobody in the private sector would notice.

Wrong... government employees spend a lot of money and that helps to stimulate the economy,
If their off time is as generous as yo u say (it really isn't) then that gives them more time to spend all that money and help the economy!

They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

Cool, I suggest you spend some on a good therapist and a high school education equivalency certificate.
The federal government ain't a employment agency although most liberals think so. Government hiring does not grow the economy. It's a freaking drain especially when government drones enjoy every holiday no matter how obscure and about 60% could call in sick permanently and nobody in the private sector would notice.

Wrong... government employees spend a lot of money and that helps to stimulate the economy,
If their off time is as generous as yo u say (it really isn't) then that gives them more time to spend all that money and help the economy!

They're using my money to stimulate the economy.
I'd prefer to spend it for my benefit and stimulate the economy.

It is not your money

They perform a service for which they are compensated. At the point they perform that service, it is their money
wrong, it is our money. PERIOD. it is drawn from the bucket from hard working folks. PERIOD. And to show little to no respect to the folks who bust their own arse to make money that then pays their salaries is unacceptable. And let's take the job from the government and make it a private business where business venture money is used to pay the salaries. Never understood why some job needed to be employed under government hands.

Less corruption and more stability!

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