Goodbye Bernie Sanders

Right, not much to do with someone getting all giggly because Sanders is critical of Clinton yet ignores everything the 'jew' has said about Trump who Sanders is further from politically than he is Clinton.

But, thanks for not understanding the context of my post.
I was explaining that it's easy to ignore them because, for one, not all of us are that defensive of him. He sucks, we know he sucks, he just sucks less. It also doesn't lessen how funny it is to see one Democrat bash another.

Why? Sanders vs. Clinton is nothing compared to Trump vs. Bush or Cruz or Rubio. Plus, it was a wingut on your side who quotes Sanders as though he is the exact opposite of Clinton yet ignores the fact that the last thing Sanders wants to see is a Trump presidency.

You're just looking for agreement and desperate hope among wingnuts that Trump has a chance to win.
It's time to drop out you socialist piece of shit. :bye1:

Note to his supporters:

If you want a socialist president, go live in a socialist country....because it isn't ever going to happen here.:wink:

His supporters are watching the vote come in, in California and screaming bull shit. That gives you some kind of idea of what their mentality is.

The old fart hasn't come out to give a speech yet, Obama called him. It's not hard to figure out what was said in that. Like get out of this race right now.
Bernie Sanders supporters must see......outsider is what is needed.

Clinton/Sanders 2016 - an unbeatable ticket.
Anyone that votes for Hillary the crook should be very ashamed...
It's time to drop out you socialist piece of shit. :bye1:

Note to his supporters:

If you want a socialist president, go live in a socialist country....because it isn't ever going to happen here.:wink:

There's a lot of socialism here. Social Security, Medicare, public schools. Countries that don't have these socialist programs are all third world backwaters.

Your ignorance of Socialism is not surprising. NONE of the programs you list are examples of Socialism.

See Greece, Venezuela, and several other countries.

Except that Socialism is:

socialism: definition of socialism in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)

"A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Now, either Socialism is that ALL should be in the hands of the government, in which case Sanders isn't Socialist, as far as I can tell, or if it is just one thing that then makes Socialism, then schools are social in the main, though there is choice, roads are social, the military is social, etc
AMERICA FIRST! What is so bad about that? Make America great again!

Vote Trump!
I watched it live.
Watch it again....

You watch it again, it's hard enough watching a grown man with orange face paint (and he really lathered it on this time) embarrass his family as he awkwardly reads form a teleprompter so that he stays on some milquetoast message that the RNC had previously approved of the first time,

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