Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628
They always blame the media. What a cop out excuse. That's just noise to cover for Trumps lies and bs.
Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628
HE what.............they can do many things in the body these days..........

And he sure as hell wasn't asking .........drink bleach.......... a disinfectant PERIOD.

He was asking about both......then later in the same presser he cleared it up saying a wipe.......after the reporter pushed INJECT BLEACH....................NOT TRUMP

This little JOKE for the left..........well.......this isn't the time for it. If people drink bleach from it.........then it is the HYPE that did it......along with whomever drinks it being a IDIOT.
Do you know what UV light is? Did you read the 25 or 30 posts about Ayla, the publicly traded company that also makes Covid Test Kits -- designing and testing a system that "delivers disinfecting UV LIGHT INTO THE BODY -- to destroy COVID 19??? If not -- how did you MISS THAT when you're posting 12 or 15 posts an hour here???
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT INJECTING DISINFECTANT!!! NOT FUCKING UV LIGHT. You have been trying to change to subject to UV light now for two days and it's still not the point.
You are either being willfully blind to defend your secret hero, or there is something drastically wrong with your ability to follow the flow of a normal conversation. Bryan had just spent ten minutes meticulously talking about what kills the virus. He talked about disinfectants, specifically rubbing alcohol and bleach. Trump immediately raised the topic of first, UV light, and THEN asked if there was a way to inject disinfectant? If they'd looked into it? He suggested they should. He even asked Dr. Birx if any research had been done on it.

Now quit with the UV light thing. No one at home has any way to inject sunshine that I know of, so I think that was a safe topic to discuss. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE DISINFECTANT.

For the FIFTH TIME NOW.. UV LIGHT IS A DISINFECTANT.. It was shown in the researcher's chart along side OTHER DISINFECTANTS... And that VID that BWK just posted with Trump's comment BEGINNING AND ENDING with references to UV LIGHT makes it CLEAR which disinfectant he was riffing on....
Trump is not making anything up.
The problems seems to be that the left wingers are blinded by their hate.
UV blood treatment
View attachment 328361
UV treatments were common in 30's 40's and 50's as a method of killing bacteria and viruses in the human body. The development of antibiotics and antivirals made the treatment superfluous plus there was no scientific studies that found it effective. However, there are other reasons mainstream medical science does not use this treatment and has not subjected to rigorous testing. First of all, not only are artificial ultraviolet techniques ineffective and likely deadly for treating an infected person, scientists say, some of them can be extremely dangerous used at home for disinfecting. According to Dr. Bob Lahita, chairman of medicine at St. Joseph University Hospital, the only proven effective us of UV as a treatment has been with psoriasis. UV light is dangerous to humans and is known to cause skin cancer. By the time the virus has taken hold inside your body, no amount of UV light on your skin is going to make a difference. Introducing ultraviolet radiation in the lungs is just too absurd to discuss.

REALLY? Then explain this...

There are hazards to chronic exposure to UV.. Depends on the WAVELENGTHS used... When the dentist is filling cavities or gluing crowns, they hand you a pair of UV glasses. Assemblers on some of product lines use precautions when using UV to cure epoxies and other "UV engineered" materials.

The opportunities to EXPAND this use that I'm NOW looking into since that press conference verified that COVID CAN be killed with UV would be products that clean large open spaces when people are not present.. And the ideas for cleaning "nooks and crannies"without a lot of human exposure would be CONTAINED within some means of public transport that HAVEN'T used this technology ...

We have to be careful tho... Because just like OVER using antibiotics or not taking them as prescribed -- we can create super bugs that BECOME UV resistant.. So you cannot do a HALF ASS job of employing it to save THOUSANDS of lives during even a "normal" flu season...
That says bacteria. Corana is a virus.

You're so focused on making shit up about the presentation at that press conference that you MISSED the big news that UV IS an effective "disinfectant" for Covid on surfaces??? Or did all you morons NEVER WATCH that presentation.. And YES MANY of the flu viruses are destroyed by UV..
You do realize that those surfaces were not inside the body like Drumpf was suggesting right?

I'm not focused on Trump farts like you're drawn to them.. The stuff I absorb from those press conferences are ALL the news I need to get on COVID..

However -- if you missed it in this thread -- there is a public stock company RIGHT NOW investigating using UV INSIDE THE BODY to knock out Covid 19... And Twitter and Google are TRYING to supress any mention of it. THAT gets my attention also when those primadonnas believe they are the POLITICAL gatekeepers of science/tech knowledge.. Are you CONCERNED about THAT?

So "stupid questions" are a valid way of brain storming even in the higher altitudes of science and learning... Pardon me if a Trump fart like that barely moves me to hate him more...
Hah! Mystery solved. Breitbart got to the bottom of it:

Twitter later reversed its censorship, saying the company’s account was “mistakenly” caught in a spam filter.

AYTU is publicly traded on the NASDAQ index. In its research on UV light treatment for the coronavirus, it is working with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, a major hospital in Los Angeles. The hospital was founded in 1902 and employs over 2,000 physicians.

More information about the “Healight” UV Light treatment being researched by AYTU and Cedars-Sinai can be found on the latter’s website.

Imagine YOU having to quote Breitbart... Much respect for the hurt you suffered doing that...

:abgg2q.jpg: killed the video..........twitter killed the video.................imagine that......

And this research started in you have to go to sites that saved the video and articles to get the information..............

Tells you who owns youtube, google, and twitter.
No, it got caught in a spam filter and Twitter reposted it. I put the article up a few pages back.
That was a different site.................the main video was killed on youtube and twitter.........THEY KILLED IT.

I posted them the other day...........and POOF they were gone...

Not before other sites copied them.........LOL ..........OOPS.

Another TDSer not reading thru the thread.. YOU MORON.. You just destroyed your whole phony meme here -- because CLEARLY the context was NOT bleach, or lysol or isopropyl alcohol -- it was UV LIGHT...

And for about 8 pages here we've discussing a company that just announced their intentions to test a UV light disinfectant system to be administered thru a scope into the trachea... But as clueless as you are -- you SKIPPED all that and PROVED -- his comments were about using UV light -- not those other things you imbeciles have been memeing about..

Do you even KNOW the difference??? I doubt it...


Bryan: We’re also testing disinfectants readily available. We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids. And I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes; isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing — just spraying it on and letting it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.
Impeached Trump: ' Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

One is talking about Covid protections by wearing mask and gloves, handsanitizing, washing hands, and disinfecting surfaces, and the other side of it is working within the body. Trump just said in a sense that "man if we had something that could cleanse the body, otherwise disinfect it like we are so successful at on the outside of the body, and yet do that on the inside, then that would be wonderful. You lose.
Do you know what UV light is? Did you read the 25 or 30 posts about Ayla, the publicly traded company that also makes Covid Test Kits -- designing and testing a system that "delivers disinfecting UV LIGHT INTO THE BODY -- to destroy COVID 19??? If not -- how did you MISS THAT when you're posting 12 or 15 posts an hour here???
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT INJECTING DISINFECTANT!!! NOT FUCKING UV LIGHT. You have been trying to change to subject to UV light now for two days and it's still not the point.
You are either being willfully blind to defend your secret hero, or there is something drastically wrong with your ability to follow the flow of a normal conversation. Bryan had just spent ten minutes meticulously talking about what kills the virus. He talked about disinfectants, specifically rubbing alcohol and bleach. Trump immediately raised the topic of first, UV light, and THEN asked if there was a way to inject disinfectant? If they'd looked into it? He suggested they should. He even asked Dr. Birx if any research had been done on it.

Now quit with the UV light thing. No one at home has any way to inject sunshine that I know of, so I think that was a safe topic to discuss. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE DISINFECTANT.
What kills me here with these toads, is the fact that they are hell bent on supporting Trumps sarcasm as a real thing. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Trump already back pedaled like the coward he is by telling us it was sarcasm, and his cultist Sheep still haven't figured out Trump is not supporting his own crazy talk from Thursday. Yet, his Sheep are still supporting Trumps non-existent ideas. Can you believe that shit?
I'm not buying that Trump was being sarcastic. No one is buying it, actually. Not even his supporters. So it's not really a relevant point. Trump was lying, trying to squirm out of a really unfortunate exchange on television. I'm glad he's grounded. We'll see how long he can stand not being the center of attention.
He wasn't..............they are playing politic on that side...........

The Media is doing a disservice to this nation right now...............this isn't the time for this BS
The Media reporting Trump's words is not "their fault." It's their job.
Them hyping it to drinking bleach.........BALONEY.........

It was a question..............and their HYPE has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SAFETY OF AMERICA.


Doesn't matter...........this little gotcha moment will only last so long.......and in the mean time......this country is trying to stop from imploding......

Anybody want to drink bleach......GO AHEAD.......USE A STRAW......if you are that dumb.....oh well.
Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628

GO watch the dang video that BWK just posted.. If Trump did not START his brain fart qualifying his comments to BE about UV light and END them the same way -- I'll go get my head examined..

DEAL ?????
These folks have zero self respect, dignity, decency, honesty.
If it weren't for that part, I would agree. There's a bit too much vilifying the other side, BWK. They believe what they're saying as passionately as we believe they're full of shit. It's going too far to view them like that, though. IMO.
Now excuse me while I go call FCT names.
Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628

GO watch the dang video that BWK just posted.. If Trump did not START his brain fart qualifying his comments to BE about UV light and END them the same way -- I'll go get my head examined..

DEAL ?????
I watched the presser.

And I don't mind a Prez that isn't afraid to ask stupid questions.,. I've been in enough science/tech meetings with stupid questions -- including a few of my own.. And it's PART of having honest, open inquiry.. And SOMETIMES leads to breakthroughs...

And here y'all are going all NIGHT on the political angle.. Like politicians never say stupid things. It's the TRANSPARENT ones ASKING questions that have "leadership" ability...

Now he claims he was just being sarcastic.

Could have been.. I do not GET the reaction to this.. WHAT was suggesting people "inject"?? The discussion was about COvid sensitivity to UV... It's a TRUE game changer for cleaning LARGE open areas effectively without exposing dozens of maintenance workers... Any RATIONAL person believe that Trump was motivating people to go buy a 3 ft UV fiber optic illuminator and EAT IT??

This is just an insane way to BLOW OFF the most important part of this story...
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that hasn't been checked but you're gonna test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're gonna test that too, sounds interesting."

Yes ultraviolet light can kill the virus if the exposure is long enough and the light is intense enough but so will chlorine bleach. It certainly could have a use as disinfectant but certainly not as a treatment. You can not disinfect the lungs. UV light damages cells. If somehow you could expose the lungs to high levels of UV, it would most probably kill the patient long before Covid 19 did.

The real damage is not that someone with covid 19 would somehow expose their lungs to UV. The damage comes from pulling researchers off promising treatments to explore a Trump brain fort.

So he publicly was thinking on his feet and asked a dumb question.. Happens in science/tech meetings all the fucking time -- with people who should KNOW the answers.. Sometimes even "sarcastically",... And ya know what???? Some times those dumb questions turn on lightbulbs in peoples heads... Everyone here has their hair on fire because Trump DARED to be nakedly transparent in a public space... The fact that he's ENGAGED is a lot more attractive then the do-nothing ankle biters making shit up... AND the American people are seeing that contrast in leadership laid bare...

I'd worry more about the blazing ruins of party leadership on the OTHER side right now given how little they need to contribute to the Covid solutions...
Nothing wrong with brainstorming new ideas, just not in a news conference. When a president speaks it should be clear and not subject to interpretation. The public needs to hear real information, not hunches, feelings, and guesses.

Trumps biggest problem with the media is their interpretation of what he says is not what he meant. When Trump said, "And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that." The most simple interpretation is he's asking if a disinfection can be injected into the lungs. What he means, I have no idea.
What he means is that he is no different than any other American that is desperate for the medical field to explore all avenues of possibilities in order to find a cure or treatment. Trump is no scientist or doctor, and he isn't ashamed to ask questions just like any other American out there, and that is just great. Go Trump.

Anyone with any sense knows that Trump was basically saying "now take these disinfectants for example, and how they kill these germs on contact outside the body, and man if we had something that could work like that inside the body that would be outstanding". Now how that gets interpreted into Trump said go out and drink Clorox etc is mind boggling. The ones who have blood on their hands if anyone does such a thing, are the leftist who lied and tried to suggest that Trump was saying go out and drink Clorox etc.
Trump was asking his people to investigate these particular treatments. He ask them to check into it and the answer was they would. He was not asking his people to explore all avenues of treatment. The fact that you and millions of others are attaching your own meaning to what he said is evidence that the man is incapable providing the leadership this country needs. In regard to medical research, the president should use his top medical science advisors to recommend the most promising avenues of research for treatments and prevention with estimates of cost, time and resource requirements. With their help he makes a decision. Donald Trump does not have the education nor the experience to decide what possible treatments are good candidates for research.
IOW he should shut his fucking mouth and let the experts do the talking. Floating ideas in a briefing in front of the world has got to be the most pathetic example of leadership I have ever seen a POTUS do. Instead of trying to prove he was smart he should have asked his question after the briefing. Instead he made himself look like the jackass we all know he is. My friends from all over the world were like WTF?
Looking like a jackass in front of the world is appealing to his loyal fans. The last thing in the world they want in the White House is an intelligent leader who understands real diplomacy, respects science and know how to communicate.
Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628
They always blame the media. What a cop out excuse. That's just noise to cover for Trumps lies and bs.

Yeah -- 199 mentions on CNN, MSNBC about injecting or drinking disinfectants has NO EFFECT on the general population.. But TRUMP doing it ONCE in a press conference hardly watched does...,

That's TDS logic at its finest hour.. Did you watch your VID that you posted?? where are the attempts at answering my questions???
Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628
All I can say is that if asking a question that somehow triggers idiots to drink "rubbing alcohol and bleach" perhaps we are better off without them and hopefully they haven't propagated yet. It's a Darwin thing.
Do you know what UV light is? Did you read the 25 or 30 posts about Ayla, the publicly traded company that also makes Covid Test Kits -- designing and testing a system that "delivers disinfecting UV LIGHT INTO THE BODY -- to destroy COVID 19??? If not -- how did you MISS THAT when you're posting 12 or 15 posts an hour here???
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT INJECTING DISINFECTANT!!! NOT FUCKING UV LIGHT. You have been trying to change to subject to UV light now for two days and it's still not the point.
You are either being willfully blind to defend your secret hero, or there is something drastically wrong with your ability to follow the flow of a normal conversation. Bryan had just spent ten minutes meticulously talking about what kills the virus. He talked about disinfectants, specifically rubbing alcohol and bleach. Trump immediately raised the topic of first, UV light, and THEN asked if there was a way to inject disinfectant? If they'd looked into it? He suggested they should. He even asked Dr. Birx if any research had been done on it.

Now quit with the UV light thing. No one at home has any way to inject sunshine that I know of, so I think that was a safe topic to discuss. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE DISINFECTANT.
What kills me here with these toads, is the fact that they are hell bent on supporting Trumps sarcasm as a real thing. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Trump already back pedaled like the coward he is by telling us it was sarcasm, and his cultist Sheep still haven't figured out Trump is not supporting his own crazy talk from Thursday. Yet, his Sheep are still supporting Trumps non-existent ideas. Can you believe that shit?
I'm not buying that Trump was being sarcastic. No one is buying it, actually. Not even his supporters. So it's not really a relevant point. Trump was lying, trying to squirm out of a really unfortunate exchange on television. I'm glad he's grounded. We'll see how long he can stand not being the center of attention.
He wasn't..............they are playing politic on that side...........

The Media is doing a disservice to this nation right now...............this isn't the time for this BS
The Media reporting Trump's words is not "their fault." It's their job.
True, but their added deception isn't their job, but they do it anyways because they hate Trump for no reason, other than he wanted what was best for all American's instead of what the agenda of the left was attempting to pull off. That's been the entire rub as is proven daily by them.
And I don't mind a Prez that isn't afraid to ask stupid questions.,. I've been in enough science/tech meetings with stupid questions -- including a few of my own.. And it's PART of having honest, open inquiry.. And SOMETIMES leads to breakthroughs...

And here y'all are going all NIGHT on the political angle.. Like politicians never say stupid things. It's the TRANSPARENT ones ASKING questions that have "leadership" ability...

Now he claims he was just being sarcastic.

Could have been.. I do not GET the reaction to this.. WHAT was suggesting people "inject"?? The discussion was about COvid sensitivity to UV... It's a TRUE game changer for cleaning LARGE open areas effectively without exposing dozens of maintenance workers... Any RATIONAL person believe that Trump was motivating people to go buy a 3 ft UV fiber optic illuminator and EAT IT??

This is just an insane way to BLOW OFF the most important part of this story...
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that hasn't been checked but you're gonna test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're gonna test that too, sounds interesting."

Yes ultraviolet light can kill the virus if the exposure is long enough and the light is intense enough but so will chlorine bleach. It certainly could have a use as disinfectant but certainly not as a treatment. You can not disinfect the lungs. UV light damages cells. If somehow you could expose the lungs to high levels of UV, it would most probably kill the patient long before Covid 19 did.

The real damage is not that someone with covid 19 would somehow expose their lungs to UV. The damage comes from pulling researchers off promising treatments to explore a Trump brain fort.

So he publicly was thinking on his feet and asked a dumb question.. Happens in science/tech meetings all the fucking time -- with people who should KNOW the answers.. Sometimes even "sarcastically",... And ya know what???? Some times those dumb questions turn on lightbulbs in peoples heads... Everyone here has their hair on fire because Trump DARED to be nakedly transparent in a public space... The fact that he's ENGAGED is a lot more attractive then the do-nothing ankle biters making shit up... AND the American people are seeing that contrast in leadership laid bare...

I'd worry more about the blazing ruins of party leadership on the OTHER side right now given how little they need to contribute to the Covid solutions...
Nothing wrong with brainstorming new ideas, just not in a news conference. When a president speaks it should be clear and not subject to interpretation. The public needs to hear real information, not hunches, feelings, and guesses.

Trumps biggest problem with the media is their interpretation of what he says is not what he meant. When Trump said, "And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that." The most simple interpretation is he's asking if a disinfection can be injected into the lungs. What he means, I have no idea.
What he means is that he is no different than any other American that is desperate for the medical field to explore all avenues of possibilities in order to find a cure or treatment. Trump is no scientist or doctor, and he isn't ashamed to ask questions just like any other American out there, and that is just great. Go Trump.

Anyone with any sense knows that Trump was basically saying "now take these disinfectants for example, and how they kill these germs on contact outside the body, and man if we had something that could work like that inside the body that would be outstanding". Now how that gets interpreted into Trump said go out and drink Clorox etc is mind boggling. The ones who have blood on their hands if anyone does such a thing, are the leftist who lied and tried to suggest that Trump was saying go out and drink Clorox etc.
Trump was asking his people to investigate these particular treatments. He ask them to check into it and the answer was they would. He was not asking his people to explore all avenues of treatment. The fact that you and millions of others are attaching your own meaning to what he said is evidence that the man is incapable providing the leadership this country needs. In regard to medical research, the president should use his top medical science advisors to recommend the most promising avenues of research for treatments and prevention with estimates of cost, time and resource requirements. With their help he makes a decision. Donald Trump does not have the education nor the experience to decide what possible treatments are good candidates for research.
IOW he should shut his fucking mouth and let the experts do the talking. Floating ideas in a briefing in front of the world has got to be the most pathetic example of leadership I have ever seen a POTUS do. Instead of trying to prove he was smart he should have asked his question after the briefing. Instead he made himself look like the jackass we all know he is. My friends from all over the world were like WTF?
Looking like a jackass in front of the world is appealing to his loyal fans. The last thing in the world they want in the White House is an intelligent leader who understands real diplomacy, respects science and know how to communicate.
He didn't look like a jackass to me but then, you probably think Trump voters are all jackasses....right? What a snob you are.
Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628

GO watch the dang video that BWK just posted.. If Trump did not START his brain fart qualifying his comments to BE about UV light and END them the same way -- I'll go get my head examined..

DEAL ?????
I watched the presser.


How about watching it ONE MORE TIME courtesy of the lame brain BWK who just blew up your excuses -- instead of freaking out about UV light?? Take the bet.. If Trump did not START and END that brain fart by QUALIFYING it to be about UV LIGHT as a disenfectant -- I'll go get my head examined..

If he DID -- you don't have to thank me for starting to cure your TDS... :happy-1:

Do you know what UV light is? Did you read the 25 or 30 posts about Ayla, the publicly traded company that also makes Covid Test Kits -- designing and testing a system that "delivers disinfecting UV LIGHT INTO THE BODY -- to destroy COVID 19??? If not -- how did you MISS THAT when you're posting 12 or 15 posts an hour here???
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT INJECTING DISINFECTANT!!! NOT FUCKING UV LIGHT. You have been trying to change to subject to UV light now for two days and it's still not the point.
You are either being willfully blind to defend your secret hero, or there is something drastically wrong with your ability to follow the flow of a normal conversation. Bryan had just spent ten minutes meticulously talking about what kills the virus. He talked about disinfectants, specifically rubbing alcohol and bleach. Trump immediately raised the topic of first, UV light, and THEN asked if there was a way to inject disinfectant? If they'd looked into it? He suggested they should. He even asked Dr. Birx if any research had been done on it.

Now quit with the UV light thing. No one at home has any way to inject sunshine that I know of, so I think that was a safe topic to discuss. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE DISINFECTANT.

For the FIFTH TIME NOW.. UV LIGHT IS A DISINFECTANT.. It was shown in the researcher's chart along side OTHER DISINFECTANTS... And that VID that BWK just posted with Trump's comment BEGINNING AND ENDING with references to UV LIGHT makes it CLEAR which disinfectant he was riffing on....
There is no known practical safe method to use with UV light, to effectively fight Coronavirus; Can you kill coronavirus with UV light?

You are frying the human being for Gods sake.
Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628

GO watch the dang video that BWK just posted.. If Trump did not START his brain fart qualifying his comments to BE about UV light and END them the same way -- I'll go get my head examined..

DEAL ?????
I watched the presser.


How about watching it ONE MORE TIME courtesy of the lame brain BWK who just blew up your excuses -- instead of freaking out about UV light?? Take the bet.. If Trump did not START and END that brain fart by QUALIFYING it to be about UV LIGHT as a disenfectant -- I'll go get my head examined..

If he DID -- you don't have to thank me for starting to cure your TDS... :happy-1:

UV lights are not effective because they are not safe. What is it about stupid you folks don't get? Can you kill coronavirus with UV light?
Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628

GO watch the dang video that BWK just posted.. If Trump did not START his brain fart qualifying his comments to BE about UV light and END them the same way -- I'll go get my head examined..

DEAL ?????
I watched the presser.

Flacltenn just does not get it; You would literally be frying people,” says Dan Arnold, laughing in disbelief. Can you kill coronavirus with UV light?
Do you know what UV light is? Did you read the 25 or 30 posts about Ayla, the publicly traded company that also makes Covid Test Kits -- designing and testing a system that "delivers disinfecting UV LIGHT INTO THE BODY -- to destroy COVID 19??? If not -- how did you MISS THAT when you're posting 12 or 15 posts an hour here???
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT INJECTING DISINFECTANT!!! NOT FUCKING UV LIGHT. You have been trying to change to subject to UV light now for two days and it's still not the point.
You are either being willfully blind to defend your secret hero, or there is something drastically wrong with your ability to follow the flow of a normal conversation. Bryan had just spent ten minutes meticulously talking about what kills the virus. He talked about disinfectants, specifically rubbing alcohol and bleach. Trump immediately raised the topic of first, UV light, and THEN asked if there was a way to inject disinfectant? If they'd looked into it? He suggested they should. He even asked Dr. Birx if any research had been done on it.

Now quit with the UV light thing. No one at home has any way to inject sunshine that I know of, so I think that was a safe topic to discuss. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE DISINFECTANT.

For the FIFTH TIME NOW.. UV LIGHT IS A DISINFECTANT.. It was shown in the researcher's chart along side OTHER DISINFECTANTS... And that VID that BWK just posted with Trump's comment BEGINNING AND ENDING with references to UV LIGHT makes it CLEAR which disinfectant he was riffing on....
UV light is no good. Get a clue.
they hate Trump for no reason, other than he wanted what was best for all American's instead of what the agenda of the left was attempting to pull off.
Probably the fact that he started calling them "Fake News" and going into twenty minute rants about them and getting his huge rally crowds booing and hissing at them didn't help. The media sees him as an enemy because he made himself one.

And the left also wants what they believe is best for America. The total lack of respect or tolerance for each other is what is tearing this nation apart. It's not a good thing, beagle. We can argue all we want, but Trump goes too far and so do a whole lot of other people, at least on this board. I read my paper and I don't hear them being dishonest. They're democrats, and they make their opinions known in the Op Eds but they present the facts. I haven't seen a single article from a responsible paper saying Trump told people to drink bleach. Not one. Maybe you're getting your news from unreliable sources.
  • Thanks
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Dear Dipshits -

gasoline works too -

buy a gallon, drink a quart, if your virus isnt gone SET YOUR STUPID ASS ON FIRE with the rest of the gallon.

Youre welcome
Pass that jug of clorox. Have to give it a try. Will check back with you and let you know how well it works.

EXCELLENT - I was hoping Randy Rainbow would weigh in! :D

He has a number of good ones
Dear Dipshits -

gasoline works too -

buy a gallon, drink a quart, if your virus isnt gone SET YOUR STUPID ASS ON FIRE with the rest of the gallon.

Youre welcome
Pass that jug of clorox. Have to give it a try. Will check back with you and let you know how well it works.

EXCELLENT - I was hoping Randy Rainbow would weigh in! :D

There are lots good ones on Youtube

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