Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Dear Dipshits -

gasoline works too -

buy a gallon, drink a quart, if your virus isnt gone SET YOUR STUPID ASS ON FIRE with the rest of the gallon.

Youre welcome
Pass that jug of clorox. Have to give it a try. Will check back with you and let you know how well it works.

EXCELLENT - I was hoping Randy Rainbow would weigh in! :D

He has a number of good ones
Dear Dipshits -

gasoline works too -

buy a gallon, drink a quart, if your virus isnt gone SET YOUR STUPID ASS ON FIRE with the rest of the gallon.

Youre welcome
Pass that jug of clorox. Have to give it a try. Will check back with you and let you know how well it works.

EXCELLENT - I was hoping Randy Rainbow would weigh in! :D

There are lots good ones on Youtube

Randy is creative and hilarious. I've seen a lot of his work. Did see Lyin King but missed Spoonful of Clorox. :D

Lyin' King had me grinning for an hour. That was hysterical.
Ok are SAVED from my postings again.

Going back to WORK.............tomorrow..............

See ya.

theres a thread about the big numbers of people that tested positive but never got sick - those people can transmit the virus to any human on the planet, and THEY CAN GET SICK - MAYBE DIE.

dumb shits are going to need BEST OF LUCK

well do you feel lucky PUNK - DO YA ?

Unfortunately they have made it everyone’s forced, freedom robbing obsession.
There is no “good health” when our freedom is removed.
Now that our health care system is no longer under threat of being flooded with COVID19 cases, if it ever really was outside of New York City, the economies should come back online, based on the states governor's understanding of how controled the COVID19 situation is. That is the Federal model and Trump is respecting that, unlike every Dimocrat who wants a communist dictatorship.
Ok are SAVED from my postings again.

Going back to WORK.............tomorrow..............

See ya.

theres a thread about the big numbers of people that tested positive but never got sick - those people can transmit the virus to any human on the planet, and THEY CAN GET SICK - MAYBE DIE.

dumb shits are going to need BEST OF LUCK

well do you feel lucky PUNK - DO YA ?

View attachment 328878
I don't know where Eagle lives, but unless it's Georgia, precautions are being taken in states that have had a lot of cases.

Yeah, I think the "collapse of the food chain" is being exaggerated to get people panicking that they have to reopen tomorrow, but if the number of cases is really slowing and the businesses can take reasonable precautions, I wish them all the best. I'm sure you're not advocating continuing the current shutdown until all cases are gone are you? So why are you being so pessimistic about Eagle's state, when we don't even know where it is?
Now that our health care system is no longer under threat of being flooded with COVID19 cases, if it ever really was outside of New York City, the economies should come back online, based on the states governor's understanding of how controled the COVID19 situation is. That is the Federal model and Trump is respecting that, unlike every Dimocrat who wants a communist dictatorship.
Fixed it for ya.
Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628

GO watch the dang video that BWK just posted.. If Trump did not START his brain fart qualifying his comments to BE about UV light and END them the same way -- I'll go get my head examined..

DEAL ?????
I watched the presser.


How about watching it ONE MORE TIME courtesy of the lame brain BWK who just blew up your excuses -- instead of freaking out about UV light?? Take the bet.. If Trump did not START and END that brain fart by QUALIFYING it to be about UV LIGHT as a disenfectant -- I'll go get my head examined..

If he DID -- you don't have to thank me for starting to cure your TDS... :happy-1:

UV lights are not effective because they are not safe. What is it about stupid you folks don't get? Can you kill coronavirus with UV light?

Nothing is safe until testing and tinkering takes place. You don't know what can or can't be done until the testing of each scientific idea is done. Of course your hatred for Trump pushes you to make anti-anything conservative into lame excuses to justify your hatred of the conservative party, and especially the Christian side of the party along with Trump.

Introduction of disinfectants into the body is a scientific idea?

We all know that 45 does not trust science, so the short answer is one word, NO!!!
The only "disinfectant" Bryan said kills the virus in a minute or less was -- isopropyl alcohol.
So let's use it. Let's find pour it inside the body to kill the virus.
Great, you should contact the administration and tell them you'd like to volunteer for such experiments.
There is a mayor in Las Vegas who is willing to volunteer residents for experiments

She volunteered others, but NOT herself. These Cons are more than willing to let others die, but when comes to their shit on the line they run in the opposite direction!
Do you know what UV light is? Did you read the 25 or 30 posts about Ayla, the publicly traded company that also makes Covid Test Kits -- designing and testing a system that "delivers disinfecting UV LIGHT INTO THE BODY -- to destroy COVID 19??? If not -- how did you MISS THAT when you're posting 12 or 15 posts an hour here???
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT INJECTING DISINFECTANT!!! NOT FUCKING UV LIGHT. You have been trying to change to subject to UV light now for two days and it's still not the point.
You are either being willfully blind to defend your secret hero, or there is something drastically wrong with your ability to follow the flow of a normal conversation. Bryan had just spent ten minutes meticulously talking about what kills the virus. He talked about disinfectants, specifically rubbing alcohol and bleach. Trump immediately raised the topic of first, UV light, and THEN asked if there was a way to inject disinfectant? If they'd looked into it? He suggested they should. He even asked Dr. Birx if any research had been done on it.

Now quit with the UV light thing. No one at home has any way to inject sunshine that I know of, so I think that was a safe topic to discuss. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE DISINFECTANT.

For the FIFTH TIME NOW.. UV LIGHT IS A DISINFECTANT.. It was shown in the researcher's chart along side OTHER DISINFECTANTS... And that VID that BWK just posted with Trump's comment BEGINNING AND ENDING with references to UV LIGHT makes it CLEAR which disinfectant he was riffing on....
The only "disinfectant" Bryan said kills the virus in a minute or less was -- isopropyl alcohol.

Hey moron.. U got 5 minutes to learn some science and what William Bryan ACTUALLY presented?
Start at about 5minutes. END at about 10 minutes..

Notice LYSOL was a media fabrication.. Notice also that DHS tested direct sunlight and found that that half life of Covid was REDUCED to 1.5 minutes under the effects of UV sunlight..

SOOOOO...,., Trump lept ahead of that presentation, probably because HIS info from DHS testing was more complete than the presentation to the idiots in the press room and asked Bryan to CONFIRM that UV light COULD be tested for "injections into the human body"... Trump STARTED that questioning and ENDED it --- SPECIFICALLY REFERRING to the "UV light" portion of Bryan's presentation.. If you DOUBT THAT -- refer to vid that your fellow TDS'er BWK provided and that I re-posted last night for Trump's FULL comments.

And NOW we find out that when Bryan said to the president "YES, there will be testing with UV light INSIDE the human body -- that there is company DEVELOPING and planning to TEST this concept in conjunction with Cedars Sinai research hospital...

That MIGHT be able to done completely safely because SCIENCE KNOWS what portion of the UV spectrum can safely be used to DISINFECT bacteria and viruses.. For SHORT exposures "in vivo", there is VERY LITTLE risk... (go look up in vivo or just call it "injecting")

Go to the Aytu company website for details on this proposed product for combatting Covid 19...

While UVC light has broad germicidal properties, it is also harmful to mammalian (human) cells. Alternatively, UVA and UVB devices have been FDA-approved with indications to treat human diseases including skin lymphoma, eczema, and psoriasis. Of the three spectrums, UVA light appears to cause the least damage to mammalian cells. Recent advances in light emitting diodes (LEDs) have made it much more feasible to manufacture and apply narrow band (NB) UVA light to internal organs.

Proof of Concept

An abstract led by the team at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center was published in the United European Gastroenterology Journal, October 2019, titled “Internally Applied Ultraviolet Light as a Novel Approach for Effective and Safe Anti-Microbial Treatment.” Here, the authors show that UVA light exhibits significant in vitro bactericidal effects in an array of clinically important bacteria. Additionally, this is the first study using intracolonic UVA application, which reports that UVA exposure is not associated with endoscopic or histologic injury. These findings suggest that UVA therapy can potentially provide a safe and effective novel approach to antimicrobial treatment via phototherapy on internal organs.

If ya dont read this and STILL are just pushing falsehoods about this whole tempest in a teacup, you're TOO FAR GONE to have an intelligent discussion, and I wish you well in ignorant bliss.

THAT'S the news and science.. Everything else is juvenile made up horse shit..
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Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628

GO watch the dang video that BWK just posted.. If Trump did not START his brain fart qualifying his comments to BE about UV light and END them the same way -- I'll go get my head examined..

DEAL ?????
I watched the presser.


How about watching it ONE MORE TIME courtesy of the lame brain BWK who just blew up your excuses -- instead of freaking out about UV light?? Take the bet.. If Trump did not START and END that brain fart by QUALIFYING it to be about UV LIGHT as a disenfectant -- I'll go get my head examined..

If he DID -- you don't have to thank me for starting to cure your TDS... :happy-1:

UV lights are not effective because they are not safe. What is it about stupid you folks don't get? Can you kill coronavirus with UV light?

Nothing is safe until testing and tinkering takes place. You don't know what can or can't be done until the testing of each scientific idea is done. Of course your hatred for Trump pushes you to make anti-anything conservative into lame excuses to justify your hatred of the conservative party, and especially the Christian side of the party along with Trump.

Introduction of disinfectants into the body is a scientific idea?

We all know that 45 does not trust science, so the short answer is one word, NO!!!

The only thing 45 believes in is conspiracy theories
The only "disinfectant" Bryan said kills the virus in a minute or less was -- isopropyl alcohol.
So let's use it. Let's find pour it inside the body to kill the virus.
Great, you should contact the administration and tell them you'd like to volunteer for such experiments.
There is a mayor in Las Vegas who is willing to volunteer residents for experiments

She volunteered others, but NOT herself. These Cons are more than willing to let others die, but when comes to their shit on the line they run in the opposite direction!

Money is more valuable than human life
View attachment 328674

The modern method of embalming involves the injection of various chemical solutions into the arterial network of the body to primarily disinfect and slow the decomposition process.

Embalming - Wikipedia

You're so Anti-science you have NO IDEA of the ACTUAL science that the DHS research was suggesting. You party animals are MANGLING your "keepers of science" credentials with EVERY POST you poop out..
New York (CNN Business) The company that makes Lysol and Dettol is urging customers not to consume its cleaning products after President Donald Trump suggested the possibility of injecting disinfectants to protect people from coronavirus.

Lysol maker: Please don't drink our cleaning products

Unbelievable that people don’t already know and unbelievable that he directed them to do so because of course he did not.

Well, what to expect from leftist snowflakes, after number of times they have been proven wrong and their lies about Trump being exposed?

Whatever Trump says for them sounds batshit crazy, just to shut them down after being proven that only batshit crazy comes from them.

Trump talked about disinfectants, which in relation to the subject being discussed, would be of medical grade. Bleach, that he never mentioned is not of medical grade, and just leftist mention of it is batshit crazy talk. As I said earlier, nobody think that "bleach" cures corona virus, but after 10th or 20th time in a row leftist losing a battle to Trump, who knows, maybe they started treating him as some kind of misfortunate oracle, forever cursed to accidentally tell the truth in a most false-sounding way.

No mention of bleach as disinfectant, yet left lose it... He said BLEEEEAAAACH!

What if he was talking about colloidal silver which as dietary supplement helps cleaning body from bacteria and viruses, and is used for treating cancer, HIV/AIDS, shingles, herpes, etc.? I guess they would scream that Trump recommended that people start eating their silver jewelry.

Then Trump should be very careful of what he is saying. Did he mentioned medical grade? No..... So are we supposed to think medical grade bleach or add that to what he is bullshiting???? Yes I use medical grade bleach to disinfect medical instruments and hospitals use that regularly for disinfections on tubings of medical instruments. You don’t buy that at regular grocery store.
1. Bleach are used to kill virus on top of surfaces.
2. Bleach will not treat or cure CV.
3. Disinfectant means BLEEEAAAACH, CLOROX, AMMONIA. Take a pick. Do you know what it mean?

Trump created this DISINFECTANT crisis stupidity. We didn’t. So you do NOT go around blaming people because of your Dude ineptness.
Republican Gov. Hogan received lots of calls asking about ingesting disinfectant. Look at what your inept Dude has created?

Where he says to inject bleach? No, it doesn't mean any of those you mentioned above (BLEEEAAAACH, CLOROX, AMMONIA). That is your presumption because you don't know any other.

So which disinfectant is he talking about?

Based on his question, that would be disinfectant researchers are trying to develop as we speak.
This discuss shows just how little people know about the human body.
Disinfectants in the lungs:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What, UV light can't be used if proven that works?
What do you think UV light can do, cure COVID-19 in a sick person? YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read my question, moron.
Answer my question. Proven to work how. Proven to work by hastening of the dying of the virus on surfaces. That has been proven.
Do you think there is a chance that UV light can be used to cure someone with COVID-19? How do you envision the tests be conducted? How should the UV light be directed to the virus.

You kinda edited for content didn't you.

The exact words were, "If Proven To Be Effective"....

The results thus far have yet to be proven to be effective.

god you people love to lie.
New York (CNN Business) The company that makes Lysol and Dettol is urging customers not to consume its cleaning products after President Donald Trump suggested the possibility of injecting disinfectants to protect people from coronavirus.

Lysol maker: Please don't drink our cleaning products

Unbelievable that people don’t already know and unbelievable that he directed them to do so because of course he did not.

Well, what to expect from leftist snowflakes, after number of times they have been proven wrong and their lies about Trump being exposed?

Whatever Trump says for them sounds batshit crazy, just to shut them down after being proven that only batshit crazy comes from them.

Trump talked about disinfectants, which in relation to the subject being discussed, would be of medical grade. Bleach, that he never mentioned is not of medical grade, and just leftist mention of it is batshit crazy talk. As I said earlier, nobody think that "bleach" cures corona virus, but after 10th or 20th time in a row leftist losing a battle to Trump, who knows, maybe they started treating him as some kind of misfortunate oracle, forever cursed to accidentally tell the truth in a most false-sounding way.

No mention of bleach as disinfectant, yet left lose it... He said BLEEEEAAAACH!

What if he was talking about colloidal silver which as dietary supplement helps cleaning body from bacteria and viruses, and is used for treating cancer, HIV/AIDS, shingles, herpes, etc.? I guess they would scream that Trump recommended that people start eating their silver jewelry.

Then Trump should be very careful of what he is saying. Did he mentioned medical grade? No..... So are we supposed to think medical grade bleach or add that to what he is bullshiting???? Yes I use medical grade bleach to disinfect medical instruments and hospitals use that regularly for disinfections on tubings of medical instruments. You don’t buy that at regular grocery store.
1. Bleach are used to kill virus on top of surfaces.
2. Bleach will not treat or cure CV.
3. Disinfectant means BLEEEAAAACH, CLOROX, AMMONIA. Take a pick. Do you know what it mean?

Trump created this DISINFECTANT crisis stupidity. We didn’t. So you do NOT go around blaming people because of your Dude ineptness.
Republican Gov. Hogan received lots of calls asking about ingesting disinfectant. Look at what your inept Dude has created?

Where he says to inject bleach? No, it doesn't mean any of those you mentioned above (BLEEEAAAACH, CLOROX, AMMONIA). That is your presumption because you don't know any other.

So which disinfectant is he talking about?

Based on his question, that would be disinfectant researchers are trying to develop as we speak.
This discuss shows just how little people know about the human body.
Disinfectants in the lungs:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What, UV light can't be used if proven that works?
What do you think UV light can do, cure COVID-19 in a sick person? YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read my question, moron.
Answer my question. Proven to work how. Proven to work by hastening of the dying of the virus on surfaces. That has been proven.
Do you think there is a chance that UV light can be used to cure someone with COVID-19? How do you envision the tests be conducted? How should the UV light be directed to the virus.

There is no physical mean of introducing UV light into the human body, absent surgery. UV Light is itself a hazard to the human body and use of such light as a treatment on the interior of the human body is highly dangerous.

45 is taking advice from quack doctors and RW Christian Ministers while NOT listening to the medical experts. He is killing people because of his willful ignorance.
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The only "disinfectant" Bryan said kills the virus in a minute or less was -- isopropyl alcohol.
So let's use it. Let's find pour it inside the body to kill the virus.
Great, you should contact the administration and tell them you'd like to volunteer for such experiments.
There is a mayor in Las Vegas who is willing to volunteer residents for experiments

She volunteered others, but NOT herself. These Cons are more than willing to let others die, but when comes to their shit on the line they run in the opposite direction!

Money is more valuable than human life

And that is a sad ass, sorry ass motherfucking fact of life.
  • Thanks
Reactions: BWK

every other country around the globe with corona infections are ignoring trumps bullshit because their medical procedures didnt fall out of his fat ass -

like I said, gasoline might work - inject some 100 octane - what have you got to lose.
The only "disinfectant" Bryan said kills the virus in a minute or less was -- isopropyl alcohol.
So let's use it. Let's find pour it inside the body to kill the virus.
Great, you should contact the administration and tell them you'd like to volunteer for such experiments.
There is a mayor in Las Vegas who is willing to volunteer residents for experiments

She volunteered others, but NOT herself. These Cons are more than willing to let others die, but when comes to their shit on the line they run in the opposite direction!

Money is more valuable than human life
Trump has done so much damage to this country, we don't have the capacity to wrap our arms around it. It's just too much.
They had an expert explain what was going on with this research but Trump tried to add to the discussion. They are only at the disinfection stage which is what UV is used for. Now there are people who are using this on people but there is no data to support that the level needed to kill the virus can be achieved by using it on people without side effects.

DHS SUPPORTED that concept EXPERIMENTALLY that BROAD spectrum UV (AKA sunlight) KILLS Covid 19 in about 2 minutes... PLENTY of science to make that SAFE ENOUGH to "inject" into the human body for LIMITED treatment of Covid 19... See my post above..., In addition, the whole concept of using "safer UV" to disinfect LARGE spaces will be a BOON to stopping the number of deaths from OTHER flus every season including Covid 19...

Ignore it if HAVE TO for political reasons, but the science WILL be in a grocery store or subway train near you SOON... Don't push back on science.. It eats rabid partisans alive....
The only "disinfectant" Bryan said kills the virus in a minute or less was -- isopropyl alcohol.
So let's use it. Let's find pour it inside the body to kill the virus.
Great, you should contact the administration and tell them you'd like to volunteer for such experiments.
There is a mayor in Las Vegas who is willing to volunteer residents for experiments

She volunteered others, but NOT herself. These Cons are more than willing to let others die, but when comes to their shit on the line they run in the opposite direction!

Money is more valuable than human life
Trump has done so much damage to this country, we don't have the capacity to wrap our arms around it. It's just too much.
I honestly don’t see how foreign countries can ever trust us again.
What is to keep Republicans from electing the next Trump??

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