Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

There were hundreds of calls on Friday of people asking about disinfectants.

more because liberals spun it that way. Yesterday Amy Klobuchar said on nationwide TV Trump told them to chug bleach. Democrats are killing people with TDS.
Liberals never had the time to spin it. The calls came in the next day, and Trumps cultist base believed it. Hell, just look at the retarded idiots on this board who still believe it, even after Trump said it was sarcasm. Lol!
Trump has got to feed his ego,
are you a little gossip girl?? This is uber trivial compared to treasonous Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution? Do you understand?

I'll try again, but I'm starting to think it's useless to ask, but do you have any links to any of the bullshit you claimed is going to happen? And no, saying that they will all be caused by the Green New Deal isn't an answer, because if that is your answer, provide a link proving that the Green New Deal will lead to the Second Great Depression and a Communist revolution.
There were hundreds of calls on Friday of people asking about disinfectants.

more because liberals spun it that way. Yesterday Amy Klobuchar said on nationwide TV Trump told them to chug bleach. Democrats are killing people.

How is it Democrats are killing people when it was Trump that made the suggestion?
He did not make such a suggestion to the public but the MSM and fact absent libbies created the lie and their minions drank it.
I'll try again, but I'm starting to think it's useless to ask, but do you have any links to any of the bullshit you claimed is going to happen?

Democrats want a Green New Deal without knowing that the first New Deal was the Great Depression. Do you want another Great Depression?
Anyone else watch Trump's COVID presser this afternoon? He didn't say much, and he looked more like a restaurant host directing people to the podium than he did a president. Wonder if someone was FINALLY able to convince him that less is more when it comes to his speeches?
I'm watching it now. So far he's showing us we've got all the tests we need in the pipeline. Had half a dozen spokesmen for the biggest labs and test manufactuers speak. Reassuring us that reopening will be safe. Testing Czar Giroir repeated that we got LOTS of tests. Pence assures us we've got ALL the tests we need.

Yet in the press conference today our Governor told us the tests are going to the hotspots and we are still short here.

Pence is saying there are plenty for ALL the states ready to enter Phase One. That's not true. That includes us.
I'll try again, but I'm starting to think it's useless to ask, but do you have any links to any of the bullshit you claimed is going to happen?

Democrats want a Green New Deal without knowing that the first New Deal was the Great Depression. Do you want another Great Depression?

So, no links, but a whole bunch of bullshit you pulled outta your ass. Got it.
How is it Democrats are killing people when it was Trump that made the suggestion?
no, thanks to TDS, Democrats made the suggestion, Trump did not say chug bleach, Democrats said it

Do you need to see a shrink about your TDS??
Trump suggested injecting disinfectants into the body as a possibility. So no, Trump came up with disinfectants going into the body first. By the way, do you know how many different disinfectants there are?
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.


Snopes is lying.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

100% true Trump disbanded the Pandemic Tram no matter how you slice it.

Let me give you an example or interpret what you are trying to imply. This is like you have 10 firefighters in California since you are not doing anything to save $ .... 2 work in the post office in Arizona, 2 in the hospitals in Nevada, 6 go to Seattle.

We have fires all over California. Where are our 10 firefighters? Oh we have it they are working somewhere else. Some already got fired or left. Where are the Pandemic team???? That is exactly what happened.

Trump defended himself why he did it. So no matter how you interpret it. He disbanded the Pandemic team.
You say that, and you believe it, but he didn't.

But maybe if you threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue, you'll be more convincing.
Pence assures us we've got ALL the tests we need.

Ideally we need to test a person every day if he is going to be around others. This means millions and millions of tests but the capacity to produce that many does not exist and wont for some time.
studies reveal -



Who da hell is drinking it duh..............Darwin Award goes to them
The TDSers on this Forum think their fellow Americans are retards....Especially if they voted for Trump. The probably secretly wish we'd kill ourselves. Unfortunately, for them, Trump will be President in 2020. :eusa_dance:
Oh, I've been told by leftists here right out to kill myself.

They know they can't convince rational people to agree with them, so they turn to the old leftist standby: Death and violence.
No, we want a link as to how it connects to Biden you pos liar.


Joe Biden embraces Green New Deal as he releases climate ... › 2019/06/04 › joe-biden-emb...

Jun 4, 2019 - Joe Biden is embracing the framework of the Green New Deal in his bid for ... including his vote for the Iraq War as a senator and his support for a ... “They've needed to start throwing down some solid policies that will appease the left.” ... U.S.'s international obligations as the world's largest historic emitter.”.
There were hundreds of calls on Friday of people asking about disinfectants.

more because liberals spun it that way. Yesterday Amy Klobuchar said on nationwide TV Trump told them to chug bleach. Democrats are killing people.

How is it Democrats are killing people when it was Trump that made the suggestion?
He did not make such a suggestion to the public but the MSM and fact absent libbies created the lie and their minions drank it.
studies reveal -



Who da hell is drinking it duh..............Darwin Award goes to them
The TDSers on this Forum think their fellow Americans are retards....Especially if they voted for Trump. The probably secretly wish we'd kill ourselves. Unfortunately, for them, Trump will be President in 2020. :eusa_dance:
Oh, I've been told by leftists here right out to kill myself.

They know they can't convince rational people to agree with them, so they turn to the old leftist standby: Death and violence.
You aren't debating the OP. You're a real loser.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?
That is Trump finger pointing blaming his ineptness. So if he knew the shelves are empty. Why didn’t he replenish it in last 3 years???

That Nimrod knew we have pandemic then he only started ordering life saving medical supplies mid March 2020 in a panic buying from China.

The Ebola outbreak didn’t create this much chaos and crisis. Under Obama calm the country, no national crisis, no panic buying, no discombobulations, stocks remained intact. That is a true high almighty leadership of a powerful country. Well respected around the world.

Trump handling of the CV crisis is totally totally disaster. Americans are so scared, panic buying, stocks collapsing, chaos all over, isolations, 2$trillions + more are coming to save the country’s economy, over 800,000 infected and over 55,000 Americans died. Trump made US a laughing stock, stupid and ignorants around the world.
On top of that we have to put up what he is inflicting and saying to Americans. Totally incompetent.
This country deserves better than this lousy POTUS.


Does China deserve any culpability?
Yes I have to agree with you. That ORANGE MAN IS BAD. Very bad bad bad for this country.

He will beat Biden.

See how many of you defending that undesirable incompetent moron?

Yes...... We all understand you gullibles are very scared and panicking. I can’t wait for the November election.
Have you been handed your opinion yet to explain Trump's win?
studies reveal -



Who da hell is drinking it duh..............Darwin Award goes to them
The TDSers on this Forum think their fellow Americans are retards....Especially if they voted for Trump. The probably secretly wish we'd kill ourselves. Unfortunately, for them, Trump will be President in 2020. :eusa_dance:
Oh, I've been told by leftists here right out to kill myself.

They know they can't convince rational people to agree with them, so they turn to the old leftist standby: Death and violence.
You aren't debating the OP. You're a real loser.
You're welcome to your useless, worthless opinion.
. So no, Trump came up with disinfectants going into the body first.
he said "something like that" referring to injection of medicinal like antibiotics or anti virals to kill or disinfect the virus.

Democrats with TDS said Trump recommended chugging bleach. Democrats are killing people

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