Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

CLAIM: President Donald Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectant to cure coronavirus.

VERDICT: False. Trump was speaking about new information about sunlight, heat, and disinfectant killing the virus.
Great post....

Now I'm just wondering how many Democrats will during a bottle of Clorox to prove Trump wrong!!!

The left caught lying again. Trump never said anything about injecting disinfectant into people.
“Supposing we hit the body with ultraviolet or very powerful light. Or inject, suppose you brought the light inside the body or some other way, and I think you’re going to test that too, and disinfectant by injection inside,” he (Trump) said.

How many times must your defense of Dear Leader lead you to be humiliated before you realize his is an oaf? Then again, it's possible you too are as dumb as a rock.
Did you watch it live or through a faked youtube video? Please post the network news link footage undoctored not a youtube fake.
1)he never said what you posted
2) he never detailed where injected dissinfectant until he mentioned at the entrance (to the building) and Pence later verified it meant entrance to avoid confusion since he spoke in context of buildings/business safety and did not go into detail.
If you did not see it live then you were fooled by propaganda spin.
but when you do a million speaches your choice of words can by percentages occassionally be off. But then normal people know this.

Occassionally???? nimrods slay really do :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: ..
How many posts do you have and how many times do you chose the wrong words or could have used better words? Now compare your precentage with the President by listing all his numbers of speaches and your proof of misspeach.
Then compare that to actual Biden Gaffs beyond missused words and into the twighlight zone.
Then compare Bidens percentages with MSM changed wording in reporting down the line not actual transcripts.
Who would win and lose that comparison
Would Biden or MSM have the highest number of mistakes?
Remember, you being to lazy to do the science and study the data means you are not going by facts, you are decision making through emotions, ones that are created by your puppet master MSM which you would be admitting make up the words/narrative as well as your hostility.
So what's it like being subverted by parrots?

And when all of your arguments and defenses fail, deflect or divert. Biden, Democrats, MSM, TDS. It never ends. :)
All of that won't change the fact that we have a complete moron sitting in the White House so a comparison is not necessary.
Honestly, we've seen enough of this man over the last 5 years of his political life to know that unless he's standing in front of a ginned up crowd riffing his greatest hits, he's not going to say anything remotely useful.

But, a part of me stands in wonder at the blind loyalty. His supporters make The People's Temple followers look sane. I don't understand it because he's done nothing to earn it, but it is a source of constant amusement to me.
That was not an answer, that was a smokescreen you just did=ad hominem argument.
Why is it ok to have to lie about what Trump said when you could have spinned what he did say just as affective? Why can you point out 1 candidates misspeach but not the other candidate? Is that an admission there is no fair and balance or there is an attempt to shape the narrative?
Why are you affraid to figurw and post the data and answer the question if the MSM, Cuomo and the rest of the Dems swear scientific data is all that matters-oops, you busted that argument.

We're not discussing what Biden or Cuomo said at a press conference yesterday. I don't think Biden gave one. And Cuomo owns Trump each time El Prez opens his mouth. Once again, you are deflecting. Nothing he said yesterday was effective. Just another desperate grab for a miracle cure. And sounding like a blabbering fool when he tries in vain to make a connection. He treats these press conferences like MAGA rallies. Just no fawning mouth breathers around him. No one is lying about what Trump said yesterday. It's all right there written for history to see.

What "fair and balanced" attempt at shaping the "narrative" are you looking for here? Donald John Trump is President of the United States. He said these things.
but when you do a million speaches your choice of words can by percentages occassionally be off. But then normal people know this.

Occassionally???? nimrods slay really do :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: ..
How many posts do you have and how many times do you chose the wrong words or could have used better words? Now compare your precentage with the President by listing all his numbers of speaches and your proof of misspeach.
Then compare that to actual Biden Gaffs beyond missused words and into the twighlight zone.
Then compare Bidens percentages with MSM changed wording in reporting down the line not actual transcripts.
Who would win and lose that comparison
Would Biden or MSM have the highest number of mistakes?
Remember, you being to lazy to do the science and study the data means you are not going by facts, you are decision making through emotions, ones that are created by your puppet master MSM which you would be admitting make up the words/narrative as well as your hostility.
So what's it like being subverted by parrots?

And when all of your arguments and defenses fail, deflect or divert. Biden, Democrats, MSM, TDS. It never ends. :)
All of that won't change the fact that we have a complete moron sitting in the White House so a comparison is not necessary.
Honestly, we've seen enough of this man over the last 5 years of his political life to know that unless he's standing in front of a ginned up crowd riffing his greatest hits, he's not going to say anything remotely useful.

But, a part of me stands in wonder at the blind loyalty. His supporters make The People's Temple followers look sane. I don't understand it because he's done nothing to earn it, but it is a source of constant amusement to me.
That was not an answer, that was a smokescreen you just did=ad hominem argument.
Why is it ok to have to lie about what Trump said when you could have spinned what he did say just as affective? Why can you point out 1 candidates misspeach but not the other candidate? Is that an admission there is no fair and balance or there is an attempt to shape the narrative?
Why are you affraid to figurw and post the data and answer the question if the MSM, Cuomo and the rest of the Dems swear scientific data is all that matters-oops, you busted that argument.

We're not discussing what Biden or Cuomo said at a press conference yesterday. I don't think Biden gave one. And Cuomo owns Trump each time El Prez opens his mouth. Once again, you are deflecting. Nothing he said yesterday was effective. Just another desperate grab for a miracle cure. And sounding like a blabbering fool when he tries in vain to make a connection. He treats these press conferences like MAGA rallies. Just no fawning mouth breathers around him. No one is lying about what Trump said yesterday. It's all right there written for history to see.

What "fair and balanced" attempt at shaping the "narrative" are you looking for here? Donald John Trump is President of the United States. He said these things.
That was another avoidance technique
ad hominem reply. Just admit you have no comparative data because it would expose your nonsense is simply selective recognition that is not fair and balanced. =checkmate again.
Don't rage!
Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!
And yet he accomplishes so much more than the Kenyan!
but when you do a million speaches your choice of words can by percentages occassionally be off. But then normal people know this.

Occassionally???? nimrods slay really do :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: ..
How many posts do you have and how many times do you chose the wrong words or could have used better words? Now compare your precentage with the President by listing all his numbers of speaches and your proof of misspeach.
Then compare that to actual Biden Gaffs beyond missused words and into the twighlight zone.
Then compare Bidens percentages with MSM changed wording in reporting down the line not actual transcripts.
Who would win and lose that comparison
Would Biden or MSM have the highest number of mistakes?
Remember, you being to lazy to do the science and study the data means you are not going by facts, you are decision making through emotions, ones that are created by your puppet master MSM which you would be admitting make up the words/narrative as well as your hostility.
So what's it like being subverted by parrots?

And when all of your arguments and defenses fail, deflect or divert. Biden, Democrats, MSM, TDS. It never ends. :)
All of that won't change the fact that we have a complete moron sitting in the White House so a comparison is not necessary.
Honestly, we've seen enough of this man over the last 5 years of his political life to know that unless he's standing in front of a ginned up crowd riffing his greatest hits, he's not going to say anything remotely useful.

But, a part of me stands in wonder at the blind loyalty. His supporters make The People's Temple followers look sane. I don't understand it because he's done nothing to earn it, but it is a source of constant amusement to me.
That was not an answer, that was a smokescreen you just did=ad hominem argument.
Why is it ok to have to lie about what Trump said when you could have spinned what he did say just as affective? Why can you point out 1 candidates misspeach but not the other candidate? Is that an admission there is no fair and balance or there is an attempt to shape the narrative?
Why are you affraid to figurw and post the data and answer the question if the MSM, Cuomo and the rest of the Dems swear scientific data is all that matters-oops, you busted that argument.

We're not discussing what Biden or Cuomo said at a press conference yesterday. I don't think Biden gave one. And Cuomo owns Trump each time El Prez opens his mouth. Once again, you are deflecting. Nothing he said yesterday was effective. Just another desperate grab for a miracle cure. And sounding like a blabbering fool when he tries in vain to make a connection. He treats these press conferences like MAGA rallies. Just no fawning mouth breathers around him. No one is lying about what Trump said yesterday. It's all right there written for history to see.

What "fair and balanced" attempt at shaping the "narrative" are you looking for here? Donald John Trump is President of the United States. He said these things.
That was another avoidance techniquerad hominem reply. Just admit you have no compararive data because it would expose your nonsense is simply selective recognition that is not fair and balanced. =checkmate again.
Don't rage! View attachment 327287

I don't need comparative data. This thread is about Trump and what he said yesterday. I get, you'll just keep trying to deflect to Biden, Cuomo or whatever suits your narrative.
I get it. He's your guy. He can do no wrong.
Wow..................I knew Trump was ignorant, but this is the most stupidity displayed in a single afternoon.
Doctors always inject dangerous substances into humans to save them.
Sometimes MDs actually remove parts of the human anatomy to save the human.

Just out of curiosity, how in the hell are you going to make something to inject into the body out of PHOTONS? Sunlight is made up of photons and UV rays, which are not solid material, and there is no way to gather them up and inject them into someone. Jeeze, are you as stupid as Trump too? Yeah, I get it, doctors use dangerous substances to cure people, but they can't inject sunlight. It's physically impossible.

But, if you understood science, you would have already known that.
I would love to see the Trumpanzees actually be able to inject cancer causing UV into their systems. If they start now, a bunch of them would bite the dust before November. TRUMP'S THE MAN!! Bigly!!!
Is it any wonder nature has targeted the DEMOCRAT voter with this virus?
Check out the left ignoring all of the promising facts about the ultraviolet disinfectant treatment that has been studied and actually used, for years now.

I wonder why they ignoring it.

Any theories as to why they are ignoring it?

Why are they ignoring them? Go ahead, and feel free to add your theories.

Mine has and will always be that the left delight that the world is in a pandemic if it means they can destroy the Trumps presidency and more to the point, destroy the American free market along with obliterating Israel.

Yeah, disgraceful false fake hypocritical "Jews" like Berg are that pathetic. Trust me, they would cheer and applaud if Israel was driven into the sea and every last Israeli were beheaded.

Go ahead and add to why they are ignoring all of those promising treatments by the use of ultraviolet light disinfectant.
Trump suggests disinfectant to kill virus inside the body Now Trump wants to inject disinfectant into the body. This is so tragic on so many levels. We are so screwed with this guy. This is beyond madness.

You are a dumb shit......are you lying or are you just the reporters who lied about this....?

It was a reporter.....not Trump, you moron....

“We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids, and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes,” Bryan said. “Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster.”

Bryan added, “We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.”

Immediately following these remarks,
Trump said:

So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”

“No, I’m here to talk about the finds that we had in the study,” Bryan responded. “We don’t do that within that lab at our labs.”

Trump then clarified his remarks: “It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big affect if it’s on a stationary object.”

Trump later raised the possibility of whether UV rays could kill the coronavirus if it was on a person’s skin, in particular if it were on their hands.

“If they’re outside, right, and their hands are exposed to the sun, will that kill it as though it were a piece of metal or something else?” Trump asked.

“I don’t want to say it will at the same rate because it’s a non-porous surface, but what we do know is that we looked at the worst case scenario and the virus lives longer on non-porous surfaces,” Bryan responded. “So porous surfaces, it doesn’t live quite as long, so in theory what you said is correct.”

Left-wing activist Chris D. Jackson wrote that Trump had “urged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant.”

And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

Again....since you are a moron...

“We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids, and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes,” Bryan said. “Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster.”

Bryan added, “We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.”

Immediately following these remarks, Trump said:

So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”
Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!

What is it specifically about sunlight that hurts / kills COVID-19, if it does? Vitamin D? Got it - already do-able.
Goofy tea bagger trumpoholics compare vitamin C to disinfectant. Ya, vitamin C is just like Lysol or bleach.
Don’t be a doofus.
Oregon State University researcher: Vitamins C, D can help prevent COVID-19
I am not turning off my adblocker or paying for your link. Does your link compare vitamin C to disinfectants like Lysol or bleach or just explain what everyone knows, vitamin C strengthens the immune system?

Sorry for calling you a tea bagger trumpoholic. I know you are not one of those.
Check out the left ignoring all of the promising facts about the ultraviolet disinfectant treatment that has been studied and actually used, for years now.

I wonder why they ignoring it.

Any theories as to why they are ignoring it?

Why are they ignoring them? Go ahead, and feel free to add your theories.

Mine has and will always be that the left delight that the world is in a pandemic if it means they can destroy the Trumps presidency and more to the point, destroy the American free market along with obliterating Israel.

Yeah, disgraceful false fake hypocritical "Jews" like Berg are that pathetic. Trust me, they would cheer and applaud if Israel was driven into the sea and every last Israeli were beheaded.

Go ahead and add to why they are ignoring all of those promising treatments by the use of ultraviolet light disinfectant.

Where is the injecting of sunshine come in to this?
Wow..................I knew Trump was ignorant, but this is the most stupidity displayed in a single afternoon.
Doctors always inject dangerous substances into humans to save them.
Sometimes MDs actually remove parts of the human anatomy to save the human.
And optic cables couldnt possibly be used....nope, not if it might verify Trump.

Dimocrats are farking idiots.

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