Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Here is the Orange Messiah instructing his family on how to protect themselves from COVID.


I fear we may be reading stories about Trumptards burning out their retinas in search of the sun's "healing power."
Is it safe to drink, or inject, to kill the virus ?

Personally I want to follow best practice in this and get it right.

For example I would drink it with a mixture of alcohol and tonic water to mitigate the taste. Small doses, never more than a pint a day.

Injections I am not so sure about. Can you get a big enough injection to make a difference ?

The shelves have been stripped of disinfectant over here so that is another problem.

My city water smells so strongly of clorox in the summer I suspect that you will need to the lavender-scented concentrated gel kind to stop this one.
Is it safe to drink, or inject, to kill the virus ?

Personally I want to follow best practice in this and get it right.

For example I would drink it with a mixture of alcohol and tonic water to mitigate the taste. Small doses, never more than a pint a day.

Injections I am not so sure about. Can you get a big enough injection to make a difference ?

The shelves have been stripped of disinfectant over here so that is another problem.
You don’t understand science like our president does

If disinfectants kill a virus on the kitchen counter, it will do the same inside your body
The true pandemic is not coronavirus it's TDS and it's been running rampant for almost four years now.

True. Nobody made a single thread about Obama being a terrorist, not being born in the US, or plotting the destruction of America in his first four years.
Well, he did create isis, that he calls isil (in order to not acknowledge Israel and send a message of support to isis), he supported bill ayers, a known and convicted American hating terrorist. He was born in Kenya, it was in his book, his brother confirms it, and his brother who is an actual African, despises his brother. He grew up privileged. Not in some rundown city in Chicago that he tries to imply, but a wealthy community in warm sweet Hawaii where he was educated with the other haoles at some ultra private 30K/yr school.

The left caught lying again. Trump never said anything about injecting disinfectant into people. You are all liars.

Thats all.
but when you do a million speaches your choice of words can by percentages occassionally be off. But then normal people know this.

Occassionally???? nimrods slay really do :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: ..
How many posts do you have and how many times do you chose the wrong words or could have used better words? Now compare your precentage with the President by listing all his numbers of speaches and your proof of misspeach.
Then compare that to actual Biden Gaffs beyond missused words and into the twighlight zone.
Then compare Bidens percentages with MSM changed wording in reporting down the line not actual transcripts.
Who would win and lose that comparison
Would Biden or MSM have the highest number of mistakes?
Remember, you being to lazy to do the science and study the data means you are not going by facts, you are decision making through emotions, ones that are created by your puppet master MSM which you would be admitting make up the words/narrative as well as your hostility.
So what's it like being subverted by parrots?

And when all of your arguments and defenses fail, deflect or divert. Biden, Democrats, MSM, TDS. It never ends. :)
All of that won't change the fact that we have a complete moron sitting in the White House so a comparison is not necessary.
Honestly, we've seen enough of this man over the last 5 years of his political life to know that unless he's standing in front of a ginned up crowd riffing his greatest hits, he's not going to say anything remotely useful.

But, a part of me stands in wonder at the blind loyalty. His supporters make The People's Temple followers look sane. I don't understand it because he's done nothing to earn it, but it is a source of constant amusement to me.
Did you send your paycheck to India?
The essence of Trump’s platform...
Hire American citizens.
It’s obvious that causes you distress.

Not really sure what point you're trying to make here but if it's his war against the dark people from shithole countries, that's probably the main reason his supporters love him so much.
And if that's truly the case, it's not distressing. It's just sickening. Oh yeah, and Americans were being hired in the longest economic expansion in 100 years. But that started in the last guy's administration.

But hey, you could always take Trump's advice and shine a little light...or bring it into your body "some other way".

His "war on dark people"?

What "war"? Sending a slightly higher amount of them home?

oh, the horror...
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Here is the Orange Messiah instructing his family on how to protect themselves from COVID.

View attachment 327261

I fear we may be reading stories about Trumptards burning out their retinas in search of the sun's "healing power."
What a disgrace of a Jew you are. What an enemy to Israel. You are the worst type of loser.

The 9th circle of hell is for people just like you.

Let’s look at how Trump ended this, with a question from a reporter. And just as he suspected, people try to take out of context what he said, as though he said it was a cure.
Here it is, and note, he states he is not a doctor, and states to talk to doctors-

Speaker 17: (53:26)
Mr. President, after the presentation we just saw about the heat and the humidity, is it dangerous for you to make people think they would be safe by going outside in the heat, considering that so many people are dying in Florida, considering that this virus has had an outbreak in Singapore, places that are hot and humid?

Donald Trump: (53:43)
Here we go. Here we go. The new headline is “Trump asks people to go outside. That’s dangerous.” Here we go. Same old group. You ready? I hope people enjoy the sun, and if it has an impact, that’s great. I’m just hearing this, not really for the first time. I mean, there’s been a rumor, a very nice rumor that you go outside in the sun-

Donald Trump: (54:03)
…rumor that you know, a very nice rumor that you go outside in the sun or you have heat and it does have an effect on other viruses. But now we get it from one of the great laboratories of the world, I have to say. Covers a lot more territory than just this. This is probably an easy thing, relatively speaking, for you. I would like you to speak to the medical doctors to see if there’s any way that you can apply light and heat to cure. You know? If you could? And maybe you can, maybe you can’t. Again, I say maybe you can, maybe you can’t. I’m not a doctor. But I’m a person that has a good… You know what. Deborah, have you ever heard of that? The heat and the light relative to certain viruses, yes, but relative to this virus?
The reporter stated it differently than presented here, but same concept, accuse Trump of anything.
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The president discussed injecting (poor choice of words) one of the 2 dissinfectants not sun light, the sunlight was duscussed seperately as a blue light or whatever at entrance and injecting dissinfectant was stated "into the building" not people, like mist entrances you see at labs like tech clean rooms and exiting toxic areas.
LINK please to those exact words or admit you are a liar.
OP is required to provide the link to the exact words, therefore you admitted thw OP is lying amd did not post the actual words thus changed the narrative and meaning. Pence clarified what Trump said to prevent this kind of confusion and abuse by the press.
OP provided a link, so I admit YOU are a LIAR.
Here is the :asshole: making a fool of himself in his own "best" words.

1) that footage is not what I heard and saw and in no way did he say "inject sunlight" therefore the OP lied and violated the forum rules.
Someone either tampered with it or this is another discussion then the briefing part I saw, he never said inject in the body "the dissinfectant" in the briefing I saw. Once again, the injected was into the bldg, Pence verified entrances to the bldg as did Trump, but in no way does that doctored video mention entrances or context about businesses being opened by these measured, so either that video is doctored or another footage, then the discussion about opening up businesses and the methods of making them safe -context context context. The live broadcast had him facing the researcher person to the side not forward to the press cameras, that's proof the video is not legit or a different one.
The one I saw never went into details of types of light brought into the business building and once again the video posted does not mention injecting sun light into the body as the OP claims or the live briefing I saw.
Once again the OP title is a lie and thes ereplies are lies.
Nice try, nice game, but you guys were already checkmated when you refused to post the data of percentage of misspeaks. Remember its the MSM and Dems and Cuomo who claim scientific data is all that matters-beaten by your own standard=checkmate!
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“Supposing we hit the body with ultraviolet or very powerful light. Or inject, suppose you brought the light inside the body or some other way, and I think you’re going to test that too, and disinfectant by injection inside,”

~Donald J Trump

Link to quote please. tia

Click the link in the OP.

It's right there.

A person has to be a total moron to not see it and totally lazy to not click on it.

Stop being so lazy. Get over your moron intelligence problems and click the link in the OP.

Stuff it where the sun doesn't shine

Don't say that around Trump, he'll assume that's the cure and before you know all the Trump tards will have their bare butts pointed to the sun.
but when you do a million speaches your choice of words can by percentages occassionally be off. But then normal people know this.

Occassionally???? nimrods slay really do :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: ..
How many posts do you have and how many times do you chose the wrong words or could have used better words? Now compare your precentage with the President by listing all his numbers of speaches and your proof of misspeach.
Then compare that to actual Biden Gaffs beyond missused words and into the twighlight zone.
Then compare Bidens percentages with MSM changed wording in reporting down the line not actual transcripts.
Who would win and lose that comparison
Would Biden or MSM have the highest number of mistakes?
Remember, you being to lazy to do the science and study the data means you are not going by facts, you are decision making through emotions, ones that are created by your puppet master MSM which you would be admitting make up the words/narrative as well as your hostility.
So what's it like being subverted by parrots?

And when all of your arguments and defenses fail, deflect or divert. Biden, Democrats, MSM, TDS. It never ends. :)
All of that won't change the fact that we have a complete moron sitting in the White House so a comparison is not necessary.
Honestly, we've seen enough of this man over the last 5 years of his political life to know that unless he's standing in front of a ginned up crowd riffing his greatest hits, he's not going to say anything remotely useful.

But, a part of me stands in wonder at the blind loyalty. His supporters make The People's Temple followers look sane. I don't understand it because he's done nothing to earn it, but it is a source of constant amusement to me.
Did you send your paycheck to India?
The essence of Trump’s platform...
Hire American citizens.
It’s obvious that causes you distress.

Not really sure what point you're trying to make here but if it's his war against the dark people from shithole countries, that's probably the main reason his supporters love him so much.
And if that's truly the case, it's not distressing. It's just sickening. Oh yeah, and Americans were being hired in the longest economic expansion in 100 years. But that started in the last guy's administration.

But hey, you could always take Trump's advice and shine a little light...or bring it into your body "some other way".
I have disdain for businesses that use the global slave market to meet their employment needs.

That's been happening since the 80's.
He didnt say he wanted to. He said people should look into it.
Dude says dumb shit and you retarded m fers still lie.
Good gawd man
The look on your face when the moment strikes that you work for an abject imbecile and your job is over...

Wow..................I knew Trump was ignorant, but this is the most stupidity displayed in a single afternoon.
Doctors always inject dangerous substances into humans to save them.
Sometimes MDs actually remove parts of the human anatomy to save the human.

Just out of curiosity, how in the hell are you going to make something to inject into the body out of PHOTONS? Sunlight is made up of photons and UV rays, which are not solid material, and there is no way to gather them up and inject them into someone. Jeeze, are you as stupid as Trump too? Yeah, I get it, doctors use dangerous substances to cure people, but they can't inject sunlight. It's physically impossible.

But, if you understood science, you would have already known that.
I would love to see the Trumpanzees actually be able to inject cancer causing UV into their systems. If they start now, a bunch of them would bite the dust before November. TRUMP'S THE MAN!! Bigly!!!

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