Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight



In fairness, ultraviolet light has been used as a therapy for cancer treatment.

But for a virus?

He sounded like a rambling out of touch old man.

Just like half the posters here!
That was a public pronouncement

Can you imagine what Trump comes up with in meetings with his staff?
Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!

What is it specifically about sunlight that hurts / kills COVID-19, if it does? Vitamin D? Got it - already do-able.

In a word, no. In two words. Hell no.

'No', Vitamin D does not effect COVID-19?
He was caught thinking out loud and he sounded like an idiot. So what? Not that big a deal. That’s why Fauci and Birx are handling this pandemic and Trump’s job is to listen. My problem is he keeps undermining his experts by couraging these brain-dead protests.


Jesus, The fucking podium of the White House press room is not a place for thinking out loud, you stupid fucking idiot.

YOu fucker WILL NOT get away with lying for him.


Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

You proved what is fake?
It should be absolute proof by now that democrats and the Chinese are working in perfect synch together.
They have been for the last couple of decades at least, as they profiteered off the off shoring major industries were doing, exporting American jobs.
Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!

What is it specifically about sunlight that hurts / kills COVID-19, if it does? Vitamin D? Got it - already do-able.

In a word, no. In two words. Hell no.

'No', Vitamin D does not effect COVID-19?
no, it does not. maybe it affects it.
From Reuters:

Trump said at his daily media briefing on Thursday that scientists should explore whether inserting light or disinfectant into the bodies of people infected with the new coronavirus might help them clear the disease.

“Is there a way we can do something like that by injection, inside, or almost a cleaning?,” he said. “It would be interesting to check that.”""""

Trump's disinfectant idea shocking and dangerous, doctors say
He was caught thinking out loud and he sounded like an idiot. So what? Not that big a deal. That’s why Fauci and Birx are handling this pandemic and Trump’s job is to listen. My problem is he keeps undermining his experts by couraging these brain-dead protests.
It is a big deal

It shows the thought process of the Stable Genius who is making life and death decisions

Our President is a known conspiracy theory advocate. This just shows the wild ideas he is capable of endorsing
Obviously he's heard of UVBI before or you have to admit he's a genius
UVLrx Therapy Lights Up Charlatans Dealing In Medical Devices
Pharma & Healthcare
UV treatment of blood has been around for some time, but no proof of efficacy has ever emerged. The claims made for the therapy that it deactivates pathogens, stimulates the immune system or increases oxygen saturation are pure fantasy.

Thats not UVBI.
You seem to have missed this part!
UV treatment of blood has been around for some time, but no proof of efficacy has ever emerged. The claims made for the therapy that it deactivates pathogens, stimulates the immune system or increases oxygen saturation are pure fantasy.

That maybe, but “no proof of efficacy” it’s not the same as outright crazy shit Trump was actually talking about.
He was talking about UVBI treatment. Technically it's called an insertion of the UV catheter, not an injection of the device.

A layperson misspoke and got the technical terminology of a single syllable of a single word wrong while asking a doctor a question and all the retarded TDS addled morons at USMB get triggered and throw a retarded hissy fit like the Rain Man would if the TV blew up and the smoke alarm went off in the middle of Judge Wapner's show.

They're a bunch of retarded moonbats
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