Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Libtards are an undending supply of stupid.
Well, I think we all know there's no one as intelligent as an obedient Trumpster, so you've got me there.
You can't even read a transcript of a press conference correctly! Fuck you very much, you idiot!
Okay, that's fantastic!

Yes, it is fantastic for you. You can now go play with yourself instead of spreading idiocy like you normally do without any guilty feelings.
Good. Get it all out.

If you play with yourself properly, it will all get out. Just make sure you have some tissue to clean up with afterwards.
You know, I dont mind it when honest liberals ask stupid fucking questions or repeat lies unknowingly.

But when they ignore counter facts and just keep repeating the lies, they demonstrate their complete disregard for honesty, integrity and just plain old decency.

I am putting more and more of them on ignore, so I guess that is the upside after they come out as bald faced liars.

Trump never said what the OP claims, but that wont stop the Dimocrats smear machine because facts dont matter when libs are using the Big Lie..

Interesting, have you not watch this?

In case no one has posted, watch Dr Birx as her soul slowly dies.
Wonder who's soul we'll watch slowly die today.
I understand Birx called in sick - Gonna have to be Tony. :)

It's amazing that poor woman didn't fall over. She had to have stopped breathing while listening to that profound moron.
Maybe he is the Messiah after all.
And this thread is a perfect example of TDS,
Maybe you'd like to explain how. This should be good. Cuz.......................................

"Trump asked Bryan if raising our hands in the sunlight could kill the virus, and then followed up with a series of questions about the power of sunlight and disinfectants, wondering if the latter could also be injected inside people’s bodies to kill COVID-19."

Exactly why this is a great example of TDS. You just repeated it again, showing again, that you have TDS.

If anyone actually believes that Trump thinks you can inject disinfectants into the bloodstream... or inject sunlight. Don't repeat what he said, I don't care what he said - AGAIN - if you actually believe he thinks that they you have TDS.
Trump is a PR nightmare on steroids. He bloviates, exaggerates - says outrageous things for effect all the time. He indeed has a strange style.
So why he said what he said who knows... most likely a joke. I don't know. But I am not so gullible and deranged to actually believe he thinks that.

And P.S. - did you catch the interview Biden did where he paused, forgetting the word "America" ..paused again?
I don't actually believe Biden doesn't know what country he is in, but forgetting the word is a REAL indication of dementia and or Alzheimers

Have you watched the press conference?
Yes. I know what he said, what is so difficult about this?
It isn't what he said, it is what you believe.
Again - if you actually he believe he thinks you can "inject sunlight" into people's veins - then you suffer from TDS. It is that simple.
The man says oddball things with regularity. He has a unique, strange style that is a PR persons nightmare.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he said this just to watch CNN go bananas. I hate that about him, it doesn't help his cause... but I am intelligent enough to know he doesn't actually believe it.

If you watched the presser, you know that he was not joking nor saying it to get CNN upset.

He was riffing on live TV the way a moron kid whos's been doing edibles all night rifs with his stoner pals.

He thinks that he will come up with an idea for treating this virus that doctors haven't thought of because he's a narcissistic idiot.

If you were an honest person, you'd admit this and declare that you could never vote for a moron like that.

Instead, you pretend that he didn't mean it. Or that he meant it as a joke of some kind.

Fuck off.
I really hope Creepy Joe wins in November not because I like him, but to see you lefties do the exact same thing the righties do with Dumn Don. You guys will excuse every dumb thing Creepy says, but you criticized Don for every dumb thing he said. Just as the righties will do the opposite.

Partisans. Ugh!

This is a guarantee.

If Joe Biden says something that I know to be untrue or stupid, I will comment on what he said without bringing up the name of any other person.

That's how a man deals with things.
There's a difference between Obama making a mistatment about 57 states, or Gerry Ford misstating Poland wasn't behind the iron curtain. Any "moron" should know what they mean. Or at least what they must have thought: the campaign goes on too long and the US will oppose Soviet Imperialism.

And Trumpisms. Trump seeks alternative facts that will absolve him of fault. The sun will cure Corvid-19, and we have some commonly used substance that is an antidote. If you want to say "Trump's thinking outside the box" fine. but don't pretend it's leadership trying to tell Doctor's who've spent decades learning to treat epidemics what they should try.
In case no one has posted, watch Dr Birx as her soul slowly dies.
Wonder who's soul we'll watch slowly die today.
I understand Birx called in sick - Gonna have to be Tony. :)

It's amazing that poor woman didn't fall over. She had to have stopped breathing while listening to that profound moron.

My theory is that unlike Fauci, Brix is a women and has learned to overlook idiotic things men say
You know, I dont mind it when honest liberals ask stupid fucking questions or repeat lies unknowingly.

But when they ignore counter facts and just keep repeating the lies, they demonstrate their complete disregard for honesty, integrity and just plain old decency.

I am putting more and more of them on ignore, so I guess that is the upside after they come out as bald faced liars.

Trump never said what the OP claims, but that wont stop the Dimocrats smear machine because facts dont matter when libs are using the Big Lie..
Sometimes I wonder if Trump makes small comments just to see where they will take them. Its obvious that Trump always looks outside the box for answers and solutions, he is a business man.

This whole thread is a testament to how desperate the liberals are to remove Trump. Basic commonsense is missing from their thought processes.
Trump said nothing of the kind.
Yes he did.

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning," the president said during the briefing, speaking to his health officials. "As you see it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

He did not specify the kind of disinfectant.

The president has repeatedly touted unproven treatments during the briefings for COVID-19. For instance, he has touted hydroxychloroquine and as a potential "game changer" in the battle against the coronavirus, but health officials have strongly cautioned against it.
Mr. President, great idea:

1. What volume of disinfectant should be injected?
2. With what frequency?
3. Intravenous, intramuscular, intrathecal or subcutaneous?
4. Can you post a video of yourself receiving the inaugural dose?
Fox News mentions of hydroxychloroquine have significantly dropped off

"After initially downplaying the coronavirus pandemic, Fox News switched last month to touting the “Lazarus effect” of an unproven treatment for COVID-19. Media Matters has comprehensively documented Fox’s promotion of the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, and our previous study showed Fox promoting it nearly 300 times in a two-week period.

However, promotion of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine on Fox has plummeted in recent days: In a five-day period from April 11 to April 15, the treatment was mentioned on the network 87 times. Over the next five days, April 16 to April 20, it was mentioned only 20 times -- a 77% decrease in coverage.

As Fox seemed to suddenly lose interest in hydroxychloroquine, so did President Donald Trump. According to Politico, Trump’s “public statements regarding hydroxychloroquine have diminished significantly over the past week for reasons that remain unclear. His most recent mention of the drug at the White House’s daily coronavirus news conferences” came last Monday, April 13. He also mentioned it a day later when meeting with a group of Americans who had recovered from COVID-19."
Wait, Faux and Trump stopped promoting the drug around the same time? What a coincidence (wink).
In case no one has posted, watch Dr Birx as her soul slowly dies.
Wonder who's soul we'll watch slowly die today.
I understand Birx called in sick - Gonna have to be Tony. :)

It's amazing that poor woman didn't fall over. She had to have stopped breathing while listening to that profound moron.

We manage to handle your moronic statements and continue breathing. Except in this case, he asked a question instead of your lies.
Honestly, the only thing that's missing from these pressers are people in MAGA hats standing behind him. He's completely lost it.

Yes.....Yes.....Oh GOD PLEASE YES!!!

Please let some totally stupid, MAGA Hat Wearing Dead Fuck Wad Follower of der GroppenFuhrer be so absolutely dead from the neck up stupid enough to inject disinfectant into your veins.

Better to die now and reduce the surplus population.
Trump said nothing of the kind.
Yes he did.

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning," the president said during the briefing, speaking to his health officials. "As you see it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

He did not specify the kind of disinfectant.

The president has repeatedly touted unproven treatments during the briefings for COVID-19. For instance, he has touted hydroxychloroquine and as a potential "game changer" in the battle against the coronavirus, but health officials have strongly cautioned against it.
Mr. President, great idea:

1. What volume of disinfectant should be injected?
2. With what frequency?
3. Intravenous, intramuscular, intrathecal or subcutaneous?
4. Can you post a video of yourself receiving the inaugural dose?

He said nothing of the sort. He asked a question. Why do you lie?
in highschool, there was a guy in my class, a nice guy, tremendous brain, he had interesting thoughts as well.
among these:
saving venice from sinking by lifting it up with cranes
stopping lahars by putting a concrete cap on the volcano.

now, imagine he would have floated these ideas, being president of an allegedly serious country, in front of a national audience. lol
Goofy tea bagger trumpoholics compare vitamin C to disinfectant. Ya, vitamin C is just like Lysol or bleach.
Don’t be a doofus.
Oregon State University researcher: Vitamins C, D can help prevent COVID-19
Yep. We already know these things WILL help.

People, especially those at risk, SHOULD be getting supplemental vitamin C and zinc.

Is vItamin C a disinfectant?
It’s an antioxidant. Does that count?


Vitamin C is not a cure, idiot. Nor is it a disinfectant.
Fuck off jackass. Who said it was cure kunt face?

Probably Trump at some point in the future. I also said it's not a disinfectant, somehow you ignored that.
Learn to recognize sarcasm, fuck nut.

Best defense, pretend you weren't being serious in the first place. Maybe no one will notice.
Oh you got me, dick lick.

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