Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Here is the clinching expose on why the media can't be trusted, as they have a bad habit of pushing false narratives, in their never ending unwarranted attacks on the President, it is being hyper partisan.:

Red State

Don’t Believe the Blue Checks: Here’s the Context to Trump’s Comments About UV Light and “Injecting” Disinfectant

April 24, 2020 by Brandon Morse


"Twitter blue checks were high on their own supply after President Donald Trump made mention of a few solutions that have been killing the COVID-19 virus. If you play the clip by itself, it does seem like something completely wacky to say."


"However, as journalists today have a bad habit of doing, they reported on the 56 second soundbyte without giving you the whole story.

At the very same press briefing where Trump made those comments, before Trump even got up, Under Secretary for Science at Technology at the Department of Homeland Security, Bill Bryan, noted various observations about how the virus reacts to certain things including UV light and various chemicals.

Here are Bryan’s comments provided by the transcript from

Yesterday, I shared the emerging results of our work that we’re doing now with the coronavirus task force and today I would like to share a certain trends that we believe are important. If I may have the first slide please. And while that’s coming up, our most striking observation to date is the powerful effect that solar light appears to have on killing the virus, both surfaces and in the air. We’ve seen a similar effect with both temperature and humidity as well, where increasing the temperature and humidity or both is generally less favorable to the virus.
Bryan later added that various chemicals also make the virus unstable and even kill it:
For example, increasing the temperature and humidity of potentially contaminated indoor spaces appears to reduce the stability of the virus, and extra care may be warranted for dry environments that do not have exposure to solar light. We’re also testing disinfectants readily available. We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes. Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva. This is not the end of our work.
This is what prompted Trump to say what he said."


bolding mine

Stop being so easily manipulated by the leftist, hyper partisan MSM!

"This is what prompted Trump to say what he said."

Drumpf claimed that sarcasm is what prompted him.

You aren't even trying to appear intelligent, your bias is getting in the way, you and other mentally lazy leftists are being played by the hyper partisan MSM. Don't be so fucking gullible!

Daily Wire

FACT CHECK: No, Trump Did Not Tell People To ‘Inject Themselves With Disinfectant’ Or ‘Drink Bleach’


"So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”

“No, I’m here to talk about the finds that we had in the study,” Bryan responded. “We don’t do that within that lab at our labs.”

Trump then clarified his remarks: “It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big affect if it’s on a stationary object.”

Trump later raised the possibility of whether UV rays could kill the coronavirus if it was on a person’s skin, in particular if it were on their hands.

“If they’re outside, right, and their hands are exposed to the sun, will that kill it as though it were a piece of metal or something else?” Trump asked.

“I don’t want to say it will at the same rate because it’s a non-porous surface, but what we do know is that we looked at the worst case scenario and the virus lives longer on non-porous surfaces,” Bryan responded. “So porous surfaces, it doesn’t live quite as long, so in theory what you said is correct.”


bolding mine
Actually he is trying to seem intelligent, just failing to do so
Says the girl that didnt know veterinary nursing was an occupation. :laughing0301:
Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.

I dont lay cement. What does cement have to do with it?

Trump has just came out and said he was being “sarcastic” and the press did not get his joke

The press always INTENTIONALLY interprets what he says wrong.

What is the matter with the press?

Can’t they tell that Trump was only joking about 50,000 people dying?
You mean 200,000 dying after the lockdown suicides begin
I've noted before that it seems to be the survivalist types that are freaking out first. You think they'll turn their guns on themselves?
I switched to hollow points, so bring it on
^ shoots blanks
Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.
Face it the flu and common cold which is the coronavirus both dissapear in nice weather

You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus

That's ok you are learning
"You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus."

Indeed, common colds don't emerge from Chinese virus research labs.

It's not a common cold, it's a Chinese virus. President Trump has reduced the death toll to more or less a cold though.
Can you Drumpf supporters get together and develop a consensus? How the fuck do you think Corvid is the common cold or the common flu? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think either of those two statements are true? :laughing0301:

Sorry, we are not a flock of sheep like you communists. Having own opinions is allowed.
Of course youre a flock of sheep. Drumpf just has you confused right now so youre just milling about waiting to be rounded up into a cohesive flock again.

You are the flock of sheep. Stop projecting.

Right-wingers will always be the PACK, not the HERD you idiot.
Ignore the retard, I did
Norman says you were wrong. Covid 19 is not the common cold you retard.
There are all kinds of goofy reports...who knows what to a respected doctor said tobacco or nicotine seems to help....:dunno:

A nurse had me feed a puppy small amounts of cigarette tobacco (had to hold his nose and force him to swallow it) as a remedy to get rid of worms. It worked. Hard to say if it will get rid of a virus. If it does no smoker should have ever gotten influenza. Right?
Dumb nurse

Why did you have a nurse treat a dog anyway

She has lots of animals.
There are all kinds of goofy reports...who knows what to a respected doctor said tobacco or nicotine seems to help....:dunno:

A nurse had me feed a puppy small amounts of cigarette tobacco (had to hold his nose and force him to swallow it) as a remedy to get rid of worms. It worked. Hard to say if it will get rid of a virus. If it does no smoker should have ever gotten influenza. Right?
Dumb nurse

Why did you have a nurse treat a dog anyway
You never heard of a vet nurse?

In those days on a Saturday night... 30 miles from any town... No
Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.
Face it the flu and common cold which is the coronavirus both dissapear in nice weather

You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus

That's ok you are learning
"You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus."

Indeed, common colds don't emerge from Chinese virus research labs.

It's not a common cold, it's a Chinese virus. President Trump has reduced the death toll to more or less a cold though.
Can you Drumpf supporters get together and develop a consensus? How the fuck do you think Corvid is the common cold or the common flu? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think either of those two statements are true? :laughing0301:

Sorry, we are not a flock of sheep like you communists. Having own opinions is allowed.
Of course youre a flock of sheep. Drumpf just has you confused right now so youre just milling about waiting to be rounded up into a cohesive flock again.

You are the flock of sheep. Stop projecting.

Right-wingers will always be the PACK, not the HERD you idiot.
Ignore the retard, I did
Norman says you were wrong. Covid 19 is not the common cold you retard.

We can handle disagreement, because we are tolerant.

How is disagreement handled among leftists?

They don't seem to take it well.
After over 18,000 Lies, these Pussy Grabbing Ass Hats still believe every he tells them

Do us a favor and please remove the unsightly brown shit stain from around you mouths, Or in the alternative, remove your mouths from the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Shit Stain 45.
Oops. tRump was contacted by a bleach cure-all advocate before pushing yesterday's miracle cure

The liar is caught again:
The leader of the most prominent group in the US peddling potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trump at the White House this week.

In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

A few days after Grenon dispatched his letter, Trump went on national TV at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday and promoted the idea that disinfectant could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US president said that disinfectant “knocks it out in a minute. One minute!”

In his weekly televised radio show, posted online on Sunday, Grenon read out the letter he wrote to Trump. He said it began: “Dear Mr President, I am praying you read this letter and intervene.

Guenon said that 30 of his supporters have also written in the past few days to Trump at the White House urging him to take action to protect Genesis II in its bleach-peddling activities which they claim can cure coronavirus.

On Friday, hours after Trump talked about disinfectant on live TV, Grenon went further in a post on his Facebook page. He claimed that MMS had actually been sent to the White House. He wrote: “Trump has got the MMS and all the info!!! Things are happening folks! Lord help others to see the Truth!”

Paradoxically, Trump’s outburst about the possible value of an “injection” of disinfectant into the lungs of Covid-19 sufferers came just days after a leading agency within the president’s own administration took action to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure around the US.

Revealed: leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus 'cure' wrote to Trump this week
Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.
Face it the flu and common cold which is the coronavirus both dissapear in nice weather

You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus

That's ok you are learning
"You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus."

Indeed, common colds don't emerge from Chinese virus research labs.

It's not a common cold, it's a Chinese virus. President Trump has reduced the death toll to more or less a cold though.
Can you Drumpf supporters get together and develop a consensus? How the fuck do you think Corvid is the common cold or the common flu? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think either of those two statements are true? :laughing0301:

Sorry, we are not a flock of sheep like you communists. Having own opinions is allowed.
Of course youre a flock of sheep. Drumpf just has you confused right now so youre just milling about waiting to be rounded up into a cohesive flock again.

You are the flock of sheep. Stop projecting.

Right-wingers will always be the PACK, not the HERD you idiot.
Ignore the retard, I did
Norman says you were wrong. Covid 19 is not the common cold you retard.

We can handle disagreement, because we are tolerant.

How is disagreement handled among leftists?

They don't seem to take it well.

If you guys could handle disagreement you wouldnt get mad at me for calling Drumpf a prime time fuckup.
Oops. tRump was contacted by a bleach cure-all advocate before pushing yesterday's miracle cure

The liar is caught again:
The leader of the most prominent group in the US peddling potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trump at the White House this week.

In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

A few days after Grenon dispatched his letter, Trump went on national TV at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday and promoted the idea that disinfectant could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US president said that disinfectant “knocks it out in a minute. One minute!”

In his weekly televised radio show, posted online on Sunday, Grenon read out the letter he wrote to Trump. He said it began: “Dear Mr President, I am praying you read this letter and intervene.

Guenon said that 30 of his supporters have also written in the past few days to Trump at the White House urging him to take action to protect Genesis II in its bleach-peddling activities which they claim can cure coronavirus.

On Friday, hours after Trump talked about disinfectant on live TV, Grenon went further in a post on his Facebook page. He claimed that MMS had actually been sent to the White House. He wrote: “Trump has got the MMS and all the info!!! Things are happening folks! Lord help others to see the Truth!”

Paradoxically, Trump’s outburst about the possible value of an “injection” of disinfectant into the lungs of Covid-19 sufferers came just days after a leading agency within the president’s own administration took action to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure around the US.

Revealed: leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus 'cure' wrote to Trump this week
I fucking knew it. He cant even come up with his own stupidity.
Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.
Face it the flu and common cold which is the coronavirus both dissapear in nice weather

You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus

That's ok you are learning
"You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus."

Indeed, common colds don't emerge from Chinese virus research labs.

It's not a common cold, it's a Chinese virus. President Trump has reduced the death toll to more or less a cold though.
Can you Drumpf supporters get together and develop a consensus? How the fuck do you think Corvid is the common cold or the common flu? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think either of those two statements are true? :laughing0301:

Sorry, we are not a flock of sheep like you communists. Having own opinions is allowed.
Of course youre a flock of sheep. Drumpf just has you confused right now so youre just milling about waiting to be rounded up into a cohesive flock again.

You are the flock of sheep. Stop projecting.

Right-wingers will always be the PACK, not the HERD you idiot.
Ignore the retard, I did
Norman says you were wrong. Covid 19 is not the common cold you retard.

We can handle disagreement, because we are tolerant.

How is disagreement handled among leftists?

They don't seem to take it well.

If you guys could handle disagreement you wouldnt get mad at me for calling Drumpf a prime time fuckup.

Getting mad at you?

Who here will waste calories by getting mad at you? We have far more important business to accomplish. You are simply wrong and a moron. Hardly a disagreement, all parties agree.
Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.
Face it the flu and common cold which is the coronavirus both dissapear in nice weather

You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus

That's ok you are learning
"You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus."

Indeed, common colds don't emerge from Chinese virus research labs.

It's not a common cold, it's a Chinese virus. President Trump has reduced the death toll to more or less a cold though.
Can you Drumpf supporters get together and develop a consensus? How the fuck do you think Corvid is the common cold or the common flu? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think either of those two statements are true? :laughing0301:

Sorry, we are not a flock of sheep like you communists. Having own opinions is allowed.
Of course youre a flock of sheep. Drumpf just has you confused right now so youre just milling about waiting to be rounded up into a cohesive flock again.

You are the flock of sheep. Stop projecting.

Right-wingers will always be the PACK, not the HERD you idiot.
Ignore the retard, I did
Norman says you were wrong. Covid 19 is not the common cold you retard.

We can handle disagreement, because we are tolerant.

How is disagreement handled among leftists?

They don't seem to take it well.

If you guys could handle disagreement you wouldnt get mad at me for calling Drumpf a prime time fuckup.

Getting mad at you?

Who here will waste calories by getting mad at you? We have far more important business to accomplish. You are simply wrong and a moron. Hardly a disagreement, all parties agree.

Youre wasting calories right now. Didnt you know? You dont have anything else to do out in steer country so I get it.
Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.
Face it the flu and common cold which is the coronavirus both dissapear in nice weather

You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus

That's ok you are learning
"You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus."

Indeed, common colds don't emerge from Chinese virus research labs.

It's not a common cold, it's a Chinese virus. President Trump has reduced the death toll to more or less a cold though.
Can you Drumpf supporters get together and develop a consensus? How the fuck do you think Corvid is the common cold or the common flu? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think either of those two statements are true? :laughing0301:

Sorry, we are not a flock of sheep like you communists. Having own opinions is allowed.
Of course youre a flock of sheep. Drumpf just has you confused right now so youre just milling about waiting to be rounded up into a cohesive flock again.

You are the flock of sheep. Stop projecting.

Right-wingers will always be the PACK, not the HERD you idiot.
Ignore the retard, I did
Norman says you were wrong. Covid 19 is not the common cold you retard.

We can handle disagreement, because we are tolerant.

How is disagreement handled among leftists?

They don't seem to take it well.

If you guys could handle disagreement you wouldnt get mad at me for calling Drumpf a prime time fuckup.

Getting mad at you?

Who here will waste calories by getting mad at you? We have far more important business to accomplish. You are simply wrong and a moron. Hardly a disagreement, all parties agree.

Youre wasting calories right now. Didnt you know? You dont have anything else to do out in steer country so I get it.

I am not wasting calories, I am giving you the education that you already should have received from public or preferably private school. Someone has got to do it. Free of charge, also.
Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.
Face it the flu and common cold which is the coronavirus both dissapear in nice weather

You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus

That's ok you are learning
"You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus."

Indeed, common colds don't emerge from Chinese virus research labs.

It's not a common cold, it's a Chinese virus. President Trump has reduced the death toll to more or less a cold though.
Can you Drumpf supporters get together and develop a consensus? How the fuck do you think Corvid is the common cold or the common flu? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think either of those two statements are true? :laughing0301:

Sorry, we are not a flock of sheep like you communists. Having own opinions is allowed.
Of course youre a flock of sheep. Drumpf just has you confused right now so youre just milling about waiting to be rounded up into a cohesive flock again.

You are the flock of sheep. Stop projecting.

Right-wingers will always be the PACK, not the HERD you idiot.
Ignore the retard, I did
Norman says you were wrong. Covid 19 is not the common cold you retard.

We can handle disagreement, because we are tolerant.

How is disagreement handled among leftists?

They don't seem to take it well.

If you guys could handle disagreement you wouldnt get mad at me for calling Drumpf a prime time fuckup.

Getting mad at you?

Who here will waste calories by getting mad at you? We have far more important business to accomplish. You are simply wrong and a moron. Hardly a disagreement, all parties agree.

Why are you feeding the troll, ignore him and move on to real people
Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.
Face it the flu and common cold which is the coronavirus both dissapear in nice weather

You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus

That's ok you are learning
"You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus."

Indeed, common colds don't emerge from Chinese virus research labs.

It's not a common cold, it's a Chinese virus. President Trump has reduced the death toll to more or less a cold though.
Can you Drumpf supporters get together and develop a consensus? How the fuck do you think Corvid is the common cold or the common flu? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think either of those two statements are true? :laughing0301:

Sorry, we are not a flock of sheep like you communists. Having own opinions is allowed.
Of course youre a flock of sheep. Drumpf just has you confused right now so youre just milling about waiting to be rounded up into a cohesive flock again.

You are the flock of sheep. Stop projecting.

Right-wingers will always be the PACK, not the HERD you idiot.
Ignore the retard, I did
Norman says you were wrong. Covid 19 is not the common cold you retard.

We can handle disagreement, because we are tolerant.

How is disagreement handled among leftists?

They don't seem to take it well.

If you guys could handle disagreement you wouldnt get mad at me for calling Drumpf a prime time fuckup.

Getting mad at you?

Who here will waste calories by getting mad at you? We have far more important business to accomplish. You are simply wrong and a moron. Hardly a disagreement, all parties agree.

Youre wasting calories right now. Didnt you know? You dont have anything else to do out in steer country so I get it.

I am not wasting calories, I am giving you the education that you already should have received from public or preferably private school. Someone has got to do it. Free of charge, also.

No you are not educating the ignorant fool, all before you failed and you will not succeed
Oops. tRump was contacted by a bleach cure-all advocate before pushing yesterday's miracle cure

The liar is caught again:
The leader of the most prominent group in the US peddling potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trump at the White House this week.

In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

A few days after Grenon dispatched his letter, Trump went on national TV at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday and promoted the idea that disinfectant could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US president said that disinfectant “knocks it out in a minute. One minute!”

In his weekly televised radio show, posted online on Sunday, Grenon read out the letter he wrote to Trump. He said it began: “Dear Mr President, I am praying you read this letter and intervene.

Guenon said that 30 of his supporters have also written in the past few days to Trump at the White House urging him to take action to protect Genesis II in its bleach-peddling activities which they claim can cure coronavirus.

On Friday, hours after Trump talked about disinfectant on live TV, Grenon went further in a post on his Facebook page. He claimed that MMS had actually been sent to the White House. He wrote: “Trump has got the MMS and all the info!!! Things are happening folks! Lord help others to see the Truth!”

Paradoxically, Trump’s outburst about the possible value of an “injection” of disinfectant into the lungs of Covid-19 sufferers came just days after a leading agency within the president’s own administration took action to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure around the US.

Revealed: leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus 'cure' wrote to Trump this week

I got six gallons of bleach to put into the water. You're trying to tell me it won't work??? The same product that turned Michael Jackson almost white won't work? Why am I cleaning all this crap in the bathroom if it can't kill a virus?
Oops. tRump was contacted by a bleach cure-all advocate before pushing yesterday's miracle cure

The liar is caught again:
The leader of the most prominent group in the US peddling potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trump at the White House this week.

In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

A few days after Grenon dispatched his letter, Trump went on national TV at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday and promoted the idea that disinfectant could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US president said that disinfectant “knocks it out in a minute. One minute!”

In his weekly televised radio show, posted online on Sunday, Grenon read out the letter he wrote to Trump. He said it began: “Dear Mr President, I am praying you read this letter and intervene.

Guenon said that 30 of his supporters have also written in the past few days to Trump at the White House urging him to take action to protect Genesis II in its bleach-peddling activities which they claim can cure coronavirus.

On Friday, hours after Trump talked about disinfectant on live TV, Grenon went further in a post on his Facebook page. He claimed that MMS had actually been sent to the White House. He wrote: “Trump has got the MMS and all the info!!! Things are happening folks! Lord help others to see the Truth!”

Paradoxically, Trump’s outburst about the possible value of an “injection” of disinfectant into the lungs of Covid-19 sufferers came just days after a leading agency within the president’s own administration took action to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure around the US.

Revealed: leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus 'cure' wrote to Trump this week

I got six gallons of bleach to put into the water. You're trying to tell me it won't work??? The same product that turned Michael Jackson almost white won't work? Why am I cleaning all this crap in the bathroom if it can't kill a virus?
Good start

Now, in accordance with presidential guidelines, you need to take that six gallons of bleach and give yourself a nice enema

Wow, this great news. Hey leftists, isn't this great news? It's great news, right?

Oops. tRump was contacted by a bleach cure-all advocate before pushing yesterday's miracle cure

The liar is caught again:
The leader of the most prominent group in the US peddling potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trump at the White House this week.

In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

A few days after Grenon dispatched his letter, Trump went on national TV at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday and promoted the idea that disinfectant could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US president said that disinfectant “knocks it out in a minute. One minute!”

In his weekly televised radio show, posted online on Sunday, Grenon read out the letter he wrote to Trump. He said it began: “Dear Mr President, I am praying you read this letter and intervene.

Guenon said that 30 of his supporters have also written in the past few days to Trump at the White House urging him to take action to protect Genesis II in its bleach-peddling activities which they claim can cure coronavirus.

On Friday, hours after Trump talked about disinfectant on live TV, Grenon went further in a post on his Facebook page. He claimed that MMS had actually been sent to the White House. He wrote: “Trump has got the MMS and all the info!!! Things are happening folks! Lord help others to see the Truth!”

Paradoxically, Trump’s outburst about the possible value of an “injection” of disinfectant into the lungs of Covid-19 sufferers came just days after a leading agency within the president’s own administration took action to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure around the US.

Revealed: leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus 'cure' wrote to Trump this week

I got six gallons of bleach to put into the water. You're trying to tell me it won't work??? The same product that turned Michael Jackson almost white won't work? Why am I cleaning all this crap in the bathroom if it can't kill a virus?
Good start

Now, in accordance with presidential guidelines, you need to take that six gallons of bleach and give yourself a nice enema
yeah. but then he needs to inhale it as well.
Oops. tRump was contacted by a bleach cure-all advocate before pushing yesterday's miracle cure

The liar is caught again:
The leader of the most prominent group in the US peddling potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trump at the White House this week.

In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

A few days after Grenon dispatched his letter, Trump went on national TV at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday and promoted the idea that disinfectant could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US president said that disinfectant “knocks it out in a minute. One minute!”

In his weekly televised radio show, posted online on Sunday, Grenon read out the letter he wrote to Trump. He said it began: “Dear Mr President, I am praying you read this letter and intervene.

Guenon said that 30 of his supporters have also written in the past few days to Trump at the White House urging him to take action to protect Genesis II in its bleach-peddling activities which they claim can cure coronavirus.

On Friday, hours after Trump talked about disinfectant on live TV, Grenon went further in a post on his Facebook page. He claimed that MMS had actually been sent to the White House. He wrote: “Trump has got the MMS and all the info!!! Things are happening folks! Lord help others to see the Truth!”

Paradoxically, Trump’s outburst about the possible value of an “injection” of disinfectant into the lungs of Covid-19 sufferers came just days after a leading agency within the president’s own administration took action to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure around the US.

Revealed: leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus 'cure' wrote to Trump this week

I got six gallons of bleach to put into the water. You're trying to tell me it won't work??? The same product that turned Michael Jackson almost white won't work? Why am I cleaning all this crap in the bathroom if it can't kill a virus?
Good start

Now, in accordance with presidential guidelines, you need to take that six gallons of bleach and give yourself a nice enema
yeah. but then he needs to inhale it as well.

Hey if you think that that's actually the cure - go for it. Sounds like something a liberal degenerate would do even without any outside suggestions.

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