Goodbye Susan Collins

You know, I like this idea...rank choice voting.

Going to have to see how It works out.

It could help keep my state from nominating another RINO like Romney or McCain.

As for Collins. I'd like to see her win...but honestly I really don't care that much...
It hasn't worked in Maine.

They flood the ballot with leftist dweebs, shoving any real or imagined opposition down the ranks of vote getters.

Then they declare the one who got the most 2nd place votes (invariably a leftist) the winner.....Voila, a defacto one-party state.

Sounds plausible in theory, works shitty in practice.
You're full of shit. Maine is 40% Independents and the 2nd District has always been conservative. We just had a Republican governor for 8 years who was like Trump's twin. I suspect you're sore the Republican lost when it was used in 2018, but there is NO reason to suspect it couldn't go the other way. I hope it will with Collins, because I have a feeling it will be that close.
I saw how the last election worked out, dizzy.

The republican won the election, but because he didn't get a plurality he had that victory taken away from him.

It works exactly as I described, so piss off.
Following the rules isn't cheating. Thems the rules with RCV.
I didn't call it cheating....I said the rules favor the candidate who doesn't win the election.
? Okay. That must have been someone else.

It doesn't "favor" anyone, since it isn't even used if someone wins--gets 51% of the votes. There is no winner when RCV kicks in.
DC was specifically designed not to be a state.

Wrong. A Federal District was that. It does not mandate where or how big that district is other than it should be less than 100 sq miles.

Congress could simply and reasonably carve out the actual Federal Buildings (where almost no one lives) and make THAT the Federal District and the rest of the city becomes a state.
Or simply redraw the District boundaries to include only the WH, Supreme Court building, and Capitol Hill.

Federal buildings needn’t be in the District.
DC has representation thru MD,
Care to explain that?
I think the DC House rep sits with the MD reps. DC has 2 Electoral College votes.
In the House of Representatives, the District is represented by a delegate, who is not allowed to vote on the House floor but can vote on procedural matters and in congressional committees. D.C. residents have no representation in the Senate. The Twenty-third Amendment, adopted in 1961, entitles the District to the same number of electoral votes as that of the least populous state in the election of the President and Vice President.
So they have a NON VOTING House rep and no Senators. Yea you really told me huh...
OK, my first choice is to bulldoze the slums and make Federal Parks. The DC voters can move to MD.
We get rid of her and are still projected to gain seats in The Senate. Win Win
Democrats are so stupid they don't understand that Collins is on their side. They will miss her when she's gone
No. We will not. Whenever push came to shove... she voted like a hard core Republican... and was very “concerned”
She is a total tool who voted all over the map, but when it matters, she is a loyal Democrat behind Republican lines. I hope she loses. I rather have a Democrat in her seat than a RINO.

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