Goodbye Susan Collins

And good riddance.

I'm" very concerned" about her political survival.

That's a reference to her statements before voting against choice, the ACA, and virtually every moderate position she has abandoned
Maine is just one more State that's changing as liberals flee cities like New York to live somewhere that isn't completely screwed up. Then they bring their liberal agenda to their new homes...and start the process of screwing THAT place up! I saw it in Colorado...we're seeing it now in Texas and in Maine.

They're parasites.
DC has representation thru MD,
Care to explain that?
I think the DC House rep sits with the MD reps. DC has 2 Electoral College votes.
In the House of Representatives, the District is represented by a delegate, who is not allowed to vote on the House floor but can vote on procedural matters and in congressional committees. D.C. residents have no representation in the Senate. The Twenty-third Amendment, adopted in 1961, entitles the District to the same number of electoral votes as that of the least populous state in the election of the President and Vice President.
DC was specifically designed not to be a state.

Wrong. A Federal District was that. It does not mandate where or how big that district is other than it should be less than 100 sq miles.

Congress could simply and reasonably carve out the actual Federal Buildings (where almost no one lives) and make THAT the Federal District and the rest of the city becomes a state.
If they do that...then there is no point in making DC a state of it's own.

That population can be re-incorporated into Maryland and Virginia.

This is the same power play you accused the GOP of in your previous post.

It doesn't make sense to make a city a state. Period.

Puerto Rico you can certainly make a case for...but DC is a non-starter.
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DC was specifically designed not to be a state.

Wrong. A Federal District was that. It does not mandate where or how big that district is other than it should be less than 100 sq miles.

Congress could simply and reasonably carve out the actual Federal Buildings (where almost no one lives) and make THAT the Federal District and the rest of the city becomes a state.

The last time they shrunk the federal district, the territory (on the other side of Potomac) was ceded back to VA. If they shrink the federal district again, it is not going to be made a separate state.
You know, I like this idea...rank choice voting.

Going to have to see how It works out.

It could help keep my state from nominating another RINO like Romney or McCain.

As for Collins. I'd like to see her win...but honestly I really don't care that much...
It hasn't worked in Maine.

They flood the ballot with leftist dweebs, shoving any real or imagined opposition down the ranks of vote getters.

Then they declare the one who got the most 2nd place votes (invariably a leftist) the winner.....Voila, a defacto one-party state.

Sounds plausible in theory, works shitty in practice.
You're full of shit. Maine is 40% Independents and the 2nd District has always been conservative. We just had a Republican governor for 8 years who was like Trump's twin. I suspect you're sore the Republican lost when it was used in 2018, but there is NO reason to suspect it couldn't go the other way. I hope it will with Collins, because I have a feeling it will be that close.
Though Collins has positioned herself as a pro-abortion choice moderate Republican, her voting record in recent years has drawn the ire of Democratic and liberal-minded Mainers. Her critical votes to pass President Donald Trump’s tax bill, confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and acquit Trump during his impeachment trial have faced especially intense scrutiny from many of her moderate constituents who previously supported her.

Up until Coney-Barrett last week, Collins has voted to confirm every Supreme Court nominee put before her, including the Democratic ones.

Getting rid of Collins make little sense. She is one of the last centrists in Congress who is willing to work across the aisle. Replacing her with a far left partisan will only make it harder for the two parties to work together to get anything meaningful done.
Can't WAIT to be rid of that indecisive wishy-wash. I actually used to like her until Trump came along and scared her into compliance.
I guess she's got a shot - Probably about the same I'd have making one from half court on the first try. ;)

Emerson*10/29 - 10/31611 LV3.94842Gideon +6
Colby College*10/21 - 10/25879 LV3.34743Gideon +4
Pan Atlantic*10/2 - 10/6600 LV4.54740Gideon +7
Bangor Daily News*9/25 - 10/4466 LV--4443Gideon +1
Colby College*9/17 - 9/23847 LV3.44541Gideon +4
Boston Globe/Suffolk*9/17 - 9/20500 LV4.44641Gideon +5
NY Times/Siena*9/11 - 9/16663 LV5.14944Gideon +5
Quinnipiac9/10 - 9/141183 LV2.95442Gideon +12
Bangor Daily News7/28 - 8/9500 RV--4338Gideon +5
Quinnipiac7/30 - 8/3807 RV3.54743Gideon +4
Colby College7/18 - 6/24888 LV3.94439Gideon +5
PPP (D)7/2 - 7/31022 RV3.14642Gideon +4
PPP (D)3/2 - 3/3872 RV3.34743Gideon +4
DC has representation thru MD,
Care to explain that?
I think the DC House rep sits with the MD reps. DC has 2 Electoral College votes.
In the House of Representatives, the District is represented by a delegate, who is not allowed to vote on the House floor but can vote on procedural matters and in congressional committees. D.C. residents have no representation in the Senate. The Twenty-third Amendment, adopted in 1961, entitles the District to the same number of electoral votes as that of the least populous state in the election of the President and Vice President.
So they have a NON VOTING House rep and no Senators. Yea you really told me huh...
Getting rid of Collins make little sense. She is one of the last centrists in Congress who is willing to work across the aisle.

Yea...except she is a centrist in name only. Her votes are anything but that
Replacing her with a far left partisan will only make it harder for the two parties to work together to get anything meaningful done.
LOL. As if that's possible.

Though Collins has positioned herself as a pro-abortion choice moderate Republican, her voting record in recent years has drawn the ire of Democratic and liberal-minded Mainers. Her critical votes to pass President Donald Trump’s tax bill, confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and acquit Trump during his impeachment trial have faced especially intense scrutiny from many of her moderate constituents who previously supported her.

Up until Coney-Barrett last week, Collins has voted to confirm every Supreme Court nominee put before her, including the Democratic ones.

Getting rid of Collins make little sense. She is one of the last centrists in Congress who is willing to work across the aisle. Replacing her with a far left partisan will only make it harder for the two parties to work together to get anything meaningful done.

She lost her "centrist" status 4 years ago when Dumpster Don came along.
But Susan is a sweet old lady you'd want to have as a neighbor because she'd deliver warm cookies after you fixed the leak in her sink. :D
Getting rid of Collins make little sense. She is one of the last centrists in Congress who is willing to work across the aisle.

Yea...except she is a centrist in name only. Her votes are anything but that
Replacing her with a far left partisan will only make it harder for the two parties to work together to get anything meaningful done.
LOL. As if that's possible.


The American Conservative Union gave her a 23% conservative rating in 2019 and a lifetime rating of 44%


And good riddance.

I'm" very concerned" about her political survival.

That's a reference to her statements before voting against choice, the ACA, and virtually every moderate position she has abandoned

What a terrible, awful voting system!
I like the concept of rank-choice, but that result is HORRID!!!
Though Collins has positioned herself as a pro-abortion choice moderate Republican, her voting record in recent years has drawn the ire of Democratic and liberal-minded Mainers. Her critical votes to pass President Donald Trump’s tax bill, confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and acquit Trump during his impeachment trial have faced especially intense scrutiny from many of her moderate constituents who previously supported her.

Up until Coney-Barrett last week, Collins has voted to confirm every Supreme Court nominee put before her, including the Democratic ones.

Getting rid of Collins make little sense. She is one of the last centrists in Congress who is willing to work across the aisle. Replacing her with a far left partisan will only make it harder for the two parties to work together to get anything meaningful done.

She lost her "centrist" status 4 years ago when Dumpster Don came along.
But Susan is a sweet old lady you'd want to have as a neighbor because she'd deliver warm cookies after you fixed the leak in her sink. :D

No love for the Old Bag even after she sold out President Trump with a vote of negativity last week?

The libs made a major effort to dispose of Justice Barrett, yet they throw those who help them out under the bus?

Hell of a way to get cooperation in the future.
You know, I like this idea...rank choice voting.

Going to have to see how It works out.

It could help keep my state from nominating another RINO like Romney or McCain.

As for Collins. I'd like to see her win...but honestly I really don't care that much...
It hasn't worked in Maine.

They flood the ballot with leftist dweebs, shoving any real or imagined opposition down the ranks of vote getters.

Then they declare the one who got the most 2nd place votes (invariably a leftist) the winner.....Voila, a defacto one-party state.

Sounds plausible in theory, works shitty in practice.
You're full of shit. Maine is 40% Independents and the 2nd District has always been conservative. We just had a Republican governor for 8 years who was like Trump's twin. I suspect you're sore the Republican lost when it was used in 2018, but there is NO reason to suspect it couldn't go the other way. I hope it will with Collins, because I have a feeling it will be that close.
I saw how the last election worked out, dizzy.

The republican won the election, but because he didn't get a plurality he had that victory taken away from him.

It works exactly as I described, so piss off.
You know, I like this idea...rank choice voting.

Going to have to see how It works out.

It could help keep my state from nominating another RINO like Romney or McCain.

As for Collins. I'd like to see her win...but honestly I really don't care that much...
It hasn't worked in Maine.

They flood the ballot with leftist dweebs, shoving any real or imagined opposition down the ranks of vote getters.

Then they declare the one who got the most 2nd place votes (invariably a leftist) the winner.....Voila, a defacto one-party state.

Sounds plausible in theory, works shitty in practice.
You're full of shit. Maine is 40% Independents and the 2nd District has always been conservative. We just had a Republican governor for 8 years who was like Trump's twin. I suspect you're sore the Republican lost when it was used in 2018, but there is NO reason to suspect it couldn't go the other way. I hope it will with Collins, because I have a feeling it will be that close.
I saw how the last election worked out, dizzy.

The republican won the election, but because he didn't get a plurality he had that victory taken away from him.

It works exactly as I described, so piss off.
I think rank-choice would end up being better, but people need to learn how to use it. Voters are ignorant right now and don't understand that 2nd place votes are very powerful, so if you are voting "against" a candidate, you better put them last.

If I were voting for president under rank-choice, I would probably vote like this:

1. Jo Jorgensen
2. Trump
3. Donkey taint
4. Roadkill
5. Biden

Jo would get 4 points, Trump 3...Biden 0. etc.

That way, I don't have to "waste" my vote on Jo and work to get Biden elected by NOT voting for Trump.

I also see this as an avenue to cheat, but I am not ready to throw it in the trash just yet.
You know, I like this idea...rank choice voting.

Going to have to see how It works out.

It could help keep my state from nominating another RINO like Romney or McCain.

As for Collins. I'd like to see her win...but honestly I really don't care that much...
It hasn't worked in Maine.

They flood the ballot with leftist dweebs, shoving any real or imagined opposition down the ranks of vote getters.

Then they declare the one who got the most 2nd place votes (invariably a leftist) the winner.....Voila, a defacto one-party state.

Sounds plausible in theory, works shitty in practice.
You're full of shit. Maine is 40% Independents and the 2nd District has always been conservative. We just had a Republican governor for 8 years who was like Trump's twin. I suspect you're sore the Republican lost when it was used in 2018, but there is NO reason to suspect it couldn't go the other way. I hope it will with Collins, because I have a feeling it will be that close.
I saw how the last election worked out, dizzy.

The republican won the election, but because he didn't get a plurality he had that victory taken away from him.

It works exactly as I described, so piss off.
Following the rules isn't cheating. Thems the rules with RCV.
You know, I like this idea...rank choice voting.

Going to have to see how It works out.

It could help keep my state from nominating another RINO like Romney or McCain.

As for Collins. I'd like to see her win...but honestly I really don't care that much...
It hasn't worked in Maine.

They flood the ballot with leftist dweebs, shoving any real or imagined opposition down the ranks of vote getters.

Then they declare the one who got the most 2nd place votes (invariably a leftist) the winner.....Voila, a defacto one-party state.

Sounds plausible in theory, works shitty in practice.
You're full of shit. Maine is 40% Independents and the 2nd District has always been conservative. We just had a Republican governor for 8 years who was like Trump's twin. I suspect you're sore the Republican lost when it was used in 2018, but there is NO reason to suspect it couldn't go the other way. I hope it will with Collins, because I have a feeling it will be that close.
I saw how the last election worked out, dizzy.

The republican won the election, but because he didn't get a plurality he had that victory taken away from him.

It works exactly as I described, so piss off.
I think rank-choice would end up being better, but people need to learn how to use it. Voters are ignorant right now and don't understand that 2nd place votes are very powerful, so if you are voting "against" a candidate, you better put them last.

If I were voting for president under rank-choice, I would probably vote like this:

1. Jo Jorgensen
2. Trump
3. Donkey taint
4. Roadkill
5. Biden

Jo would get 4 points, Trump 3...Biden 0. etc.

That way, I don't have to "waste" my vote on Jo and work to get Biden elected by NOT voting for Trump.

I also see this as an avenue to cheat, but I am not ready to throw it in the trash just yet.
Except that's not how it worked in reality.

You can feel safe putting your favored moonbat crackpot on top, then the "mainstream" democrat in second....And if the person winning the election doesn't crack 50% they have the election yanked out from under them.
You know, I like this idea...rank choice voting.

Going to have to see how It works out.

It could help keep my state from nominating another RINO like Romney or McCain.

As for Collins. I'd like to see her win...but honestly I really don't care that much...
It hasn't worked in Maine.

They flood the ballot with leftist dweebs, shoving any real or imagined opposition down the ranks of vote getters.

Then they declare the one who got the most 2nd place votes (invariably a leftist) the winner.....Voila, a defacto one-party state.

Sounds plausible in theory, works shitty in practice.
You're full of shit. Maine is 40% Independents and the 2nd District has always been conservative. We just had a Republican governor for 8 years who was like Trump's twin. I suspect you're sore the Republican lost when it was used in 2018, but there is NO reason to suspect it couldn't go the other way. I hope it will with Collins, because I have a feeling it will be that close.
I saw how the last election worked out, dizzy.

The republican won the election, but because he didn't get a plurality he had that victory taken away from him.

It works exactly as I described, so piss off.
Following the rules isn't cheating. Thems the rules with RCV.
I didn't call it cheating....I said the rules favor the candidate who doesn't win the election.

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